Gaming Naysayers Have Little Context for Criticism 115
Buzzcut.com has a nice piece on the lack of context video game critics have in making their arguments. It should be noted he is not referring to today's report card, but a list of Top Ten most violent games put out by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. From the article: "I followed up with a simple question, "Who on this panel has played which of the games?" Burke answered first, "I haven't played any of them." She backed up her willful ignorance of the games by suggesting that she didn't need to play Soldier of Fortune to know that she was opposed to its glorification of killing. "I think it's an irrelevant question," she concluded."
Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe someone should condemn reading the Bible, and put out a list of their own Top Ten most violent books of the Bible.
I'd then like to respond to the question "Why do you condemn these books of the Bible?" with "I haven't read any of them."
I'd continue, "I don't have to read the chapters about God slaughtering a bunch of people to know that I'm opposed to the Bible's glorification of killing. I think that's an irrelevant question."
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:4, Interesting)
I do not get the hang up some religious people have with sex, I really do not.
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:3, Interesting)
That's personally why I think the most psychologically damaging thing you can do to a person is to raise them catholic or any one of the other rigid "moralistic" faiths out there. Nothing like being taught from day one that every completely natural urge you have is ev
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:3, Interesting)
However, catholics make up about half of all christians in name, and holy roller bastards make up a significant proportion of the rest. It may all be in direct opposition to your, or my, interpetation of what the bible says, but that is neither here nor there, since it isn't THEIR interpetation of the bible, and all that delineates what these denominations are is how THEY inter
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Things like hatred, violence, and intolerance, for example.
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:1)
That Jesus came to die for your sins, and by believes in him (as the Christ) would not perish but have eternal life.
People who do not wish to believe in Jesus as the Christ, prefer to reduce him to the role of being a great "Teacher".
The Bible claims that Jesus is the son of God, not just a teacher.
This leave you with 3 choices.
1. You believe Jesus was smoking crack, but had some good things to say.
2. You belive Jesus is the son of God, and that it is thro
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:3, Insightful)
That Jesus came to die for your sins, and by believes in him (as the Christ) would not perish but have eternal life.
People who do not wish to believe in Jesus as the Christ, prefer to reduce him to the role of being a great "Teacher".
The Bible claims that Jesus is the son of God, not just a teacher.
This leave you with 3 choices.
1. You believe Jesus was smoking crack, but had some good things to say.
2. You belive Jesus is the son of God, and that it is thro
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:1)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Actually, I imagine that well over 50% of the population hasn't a clue how the Bible was put together and of the remainder, a big chunk of them merely think they know.
Actually, it's the other way round. The council merely confirmed a canon that was already in common usage. They didn't sit down
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Where did I say the bible said it was perfect?
It's the institutions that teach it's followers that it's perfect that are the problem.
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
However, since you brought it up, it's obvious the primary belief of any chri
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Um, you're missing something big here - the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and the New Testament in Greek. "Christ" is a Greek word which never appeared in the Old Testament. The Hebrews used a word which translates to "Messiah" for references to the Savior, but uses a diffe [mechon-mamre.org]
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
There are quite a few anointed people in the Bible. Kings and prophets were all anointed and people that God used could be called anointed without physically having oil
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Surely it's an important matter, since the name you use indicates what you believe about his dientity? If you call God 'Allah' then you're saying 'Islam is true, Jesus was only a prophet, therefore I'm not talking to the God of the Bible.' Names can be important things.
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
That's certainly a widespread problem among both people who claim to be Christians and people who don't.
That depends on what you mean by living according to his teachings ;^) If you mean by following a bunch of rules and regulations, then no, because Jesus said th
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
A perfect being would be concerned with far more than who was worshipping in what way. Being at all concerned with another's perception of oneself is vanity, something a perfect being would not have. A perfect being's "criteria" for good and evil would have to be far more SUBSTANTIAL than wh
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:1)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
I'm not sure what you're basing your statement on, or how you arrived at your conclusion, but unfortunately, as eloquently stated as it was, your premise was absolutely wrong.
The Catholic faith does not rely on scripture alone; we believe that there are people who are educated and blessed to be able to speak with authority on the interpreta
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
I'm curious, I've known a lot of Catholics, some of whom have actually ended up ay my Presbyterian church back home, so I'm quite aware that there's no such thing as the average Catholic and that there are often major differences between official Roman Catholic doctrine and what individual RCs believe. What do you believe about transubstantiation?
The Bible is very clear that Jesus became an incarnate man, like any other, otherwise his sacrifice on the cross couldn't have atoned for our sins and his resurr
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
there are often major differences between official Roman Catholic doctrine and what individual RCs believe
This is technically not allowed. The 'official' Catholic doctrine is the only one Catholics are supposed to believe. Frankly, I don't agree with everything myself, but that's more on a philosophical level than a religious one. The Catholic Church is a living organization, and the doctrine does change from time to time based on the inpu
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
If you want to poke fun at the transubstantiation dogma, then focus on the "You're EATING Jesus" aspect.
After all, disregarding the Law of Conservation of Mass [wikipedia.org] is an established New Testament routine. If 70 people can eat 1 fish, why can't 7,000,000 people eat 1 Son?
that Christ died once for all and that there is no need for any more sacrifice, surely Mass is a denial of what Christ did on the cross
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
It wasn't poking fun. It was a serious debate.
Because God made other fish appear. There is only one incarnation. It is critical that Christ be like other humans in order that we can be raised from death to life through him. And it is v
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
There's no such thing as a serious debate with people who are EATING JESUS. The very idea is oxymoronic.
Because God made other fish appear.
Bible doesn't say so. It mentions no appearance of more fish, instead explicitly stating that the starting number of fish sufficed, without ever being depleted. That's a more abstact miracle than just conjuring up duplicates, because it defies the imagination to even picture the event.
But, if you like that view anyway, then God is making
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
That's personally why I think the most psychologically damaging thing you can do to a person is to raise them catholic or any one of the other rigid "moralistic" faiths out there. Nothing like being taught from day one that every completely natural urge you have is evil and an indicator of your own inner sin.
I'm not sure about the Catholics, but the Protestants are plenty "moralistic", yet don't consider sex to be a sin.
They do have issues with premarital sex, but the last time I was in church and he
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Re:Top Ten most violent books of the Bible (Score:2)
Yes, I'd say that Postal 2 should not be given to young children. So I agree with them. The rest of the press release has such terrible and heavy handed censorship endorsemen
read slashdot. (Score:1)
One wonders (Score:4, Insightful)
(and yes, I DID read the article before posting this.)
This, unfortunately, is an all-too-common theme - a bunch of People With Too Damn Much Free Time Who Have Decided They Are The Guardians Of The Public Morals seeking to "protect" us from ourselves.
In addition to the question of "How many of you have played any of these games" I would add another - "How many of you have spent any time at all with your children today?"
Funny how these folks have plenty of time to have these meetings - they must REALLY spend a lot of time with their kids.
Just remember - whenever you have the chance to attend something like this - ask them "And how many games have your played with your children in the past month?"
It's much more statisfying that saying STFU.
Re:One wonders (Score:1)
Funny how these folks have plenty of time to have these meetings - they must REALLY spend a lot of time with their kids.
The principal of my kids school is one of those people who's always "concerned for the welfare of the children." She has no children of her own. Instead, she "considers the whole school to be her children." She'd be into these sort of meetings in a heartbeat if they were held near here.
The kids know when they're being patronised though. When she turns the morning assembly speech into a
Is the blurp saying... (Score:3, Insightful)
Does that mean that I have to become a Heroin addict before I can say, "Heroin use is bad". Do I have to kill someone before I can come out against murder?
This doesn't sound like a good way to confront these zealots. How about a more direct approach - ridicule.
Laugh in their face.
When they walk away from a conversation with you, they should know that you think:
1 - that not only is their cause based on junk science (or no science),
2 - but the leaders of their cause are the worst kind of charlatans motivated only by personial enrichment,
3 - and that they are fools for being so easily taken in.
Support Material (Score:2)
Sing it loudly as they walk away in disgust.
Re:Is the blurp saying... (Score:2)
Re:Is the blurp saying... (Score:3, Insightful)
Murder's not really up for debate; there isn't a sizable group of people arguing for legalization of murder. So it's a silly comparison.
Durgs, however, are a better comparision. Illegal drug use is rampant, there are people calling to make them legal. In such an environment a simple "Heroin use is bad" from someone unable to provide context is usel
Re:Is the blurp saying... (Score:2)
I have met some people who used herion. They speak very poorly of their time with the drug. I
Re:Is the blurp saying... (Score:1)
I would like to second this argument. While I completely disagree with the idea that "Games make you kill", you don't need to experience something to realize it's a bad thing.
I am sick of this being thrown in my face by people. When I try to even enter a discussion about women's rights (yeah, I know that's stupid) I get shot down because "I am not a woman". Or maybe I want to talk about racism, well my opinion doesn't count because I am white.
What have we come to? I would have thought we were above th
A little note: (Score:5, Interesting)
I was wondering how Doom 3 could be considered more violent than GTA: SA in the eyes of religious and censorship groups until I went to the Interfaith site myself.
Personally, I thank Interfaith for compiling this year's Christmas shopping list for me.
Re:A little note: (Score:2)
Despite the list's alphabetical ranking, a lot of fundies really do think DOOM 3 is worse than a game like GTA:SA. DOOM 3 features lots of "demonic" imagery and other satanic things that make fundamentalist Christians nervous. GTA:SA is relatively run-of-the-mill street violence, but DOOM 3 is toying with people's immortal souls. As it were
Re:A little note: (Score:1)
Sorry to disappoint you, then. One of the 10 'worst' games is Hitman: Blood Money. Not only have they not played it, however, but they've not seen anyone else play it, either - the game isn't finished yet and has a 2005 release date.
Unfortunately, persuading the developers to turn it into a church attendance sim at the last moment, just for comedy value, could be difficult.
for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:4, Interesting)
I think we all know just from screenshots and descriptions what the games generally involve. These people, in their glorious wisdom, decided that anything involving shooting guns is too violent. I really don't think knowing that game A has a riviting storyline, or that game B involves fighting evil oppressors, will at all change their opinion.
It's like people who think cars are from the devil. Will it matter to them that car A is fuel efficient, or car B is fun to drive, or car C is practical? No, they just hate cars, and they don't need to drive one to know it's a car.
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes the games are clearly about killing -- but context is important. You cannot make a qualitative statement that they "glorify killing" without having experienced the context of the killing. Otherwise, we should opposed Sav
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:2)
Although I do not support their cause entirely, they do have a point though. Yes, context it important. Some war games could be good if you consider being on the "good" side. However, look at GTA3... context : You're a criminal dude that does criminal deeds for money. Here, the context is bad from any point of view.
Not all of the violent games have a bad context, but it doesn't mean none of them have.
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:2)
this group though not only does not but patently refuses to make the distinction between a game like GTA and one that isn't like it at all. To oppose ALL violent games, especially having ZERO experience with ANY of them, is just ignorant censorship. and it's wrong.
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:1)
a) Well, exactly. Which is why you need to look at them properly to understand why GTA is more unsuitable for kids than Halo 2.
b) Actually playing the games would mean they wouldn't suggest that the new Prince Of Persia is one of the most suitable games of the year for kids, when the showers of gore you can achieve with your two-sword technique are far more impressive than anything I've seen in most of the games on th
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:1)
No it doesn't.
The intelligent reaction to someone who attacks prostitutes is that no other prostitutes would ever work for him again, and that both pimps and police would come to kill him, and that they wouldn't stop trying to kill him just because he's repainted a car.
In GTA you can habitually kill every prostitute, without getting a bad reputation.
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:1)
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:2)
They are not getting a free pass. I am not agreeing with them. But it is still an irrelevant question to ask them, because yes, they would also ban saving private ryan if they could. That is their platform. They care not the message games or movies portray.
Besides, comparing games to saving private ryan is pretty far fetched, even for me. Games are for having *fun*. Saving private ryan was not intended to leave you with an
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:2)
Wow, Saving Private Ryan is beginning to sound a lot like Counter-Strike
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:2, Funny)
Sound like a very violent game?
Well, its called combat and you can play it on the Atari 2600...
Re:for these people it is an irrelevant question (Score:2)
Come on, we all hate them, but let's not be irrational about this.
The list itself (Score:4, Interesting)
I can't wait to play some of the Top 9 games that they recommend as "non-violent" at the very bottom. Either "Antigrav" (which as of this morning was spelled "Antigrave") or "EyeToy: Antigrav" (which was simply called "Eye Toy" earlier today) should be good. They're listed separately, by the way.
Re:The list itself (Score:1)
Re:The list itself (Score:2)
Re:The list itself (Score:2)
Oh and the prince is from Persia, he must be a muslim, and we wouldn't want to offend the muslims (well anymore then we already do).
Re:The list itself (Score:2)
Whatever keeps fundamentalists from touching it, I guess...
Re:The list itself (Score:2)
Its like they're actively trying to show their distaste for civilised and informed discourse.
Re:The list itself (Score:1)
Not to mention that in The Sands of Time you kill your own father
Obviously BS... (Score:2)
The only thing Postal 2 was missing was corpse raping... and many fans were upset that it didn't have that feature.
If you need an article to tell you that the ICCR's list is trash, you're one of them!!!
Re:Obviously BS... (Score:2)
basically they make no difference between a knight rescuing a damsel in distress and postal 2's admittedly pointless violence just for violences sake fun.
though, probably iccr gets funding from somewhere - and they have to appear to be doing something to justify their existence(some people like to put money into such just causes and some people like to take that money..)....
Re:Obviously BS... (Score:2)
Unless you want to argue that H comes after P in the alphabet, your point isn't very valid.
Re:Obviously BS... (Score:2)
Re:Obviously BS... (Score:2)
The five groups -- the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), the National Council of Women's Organizations, Mothers Against Violence in America, Center for Advan
Madden 2005 (Score:3, Insightful)
I am a football fan and play Madden, but come on: Football = Violent
Re:Madden 2005 (Score:2)
Just about every sport can be considered violent (ever get hit by a tennis ball?)
Minor mistake in TFA (Score:4, Funny)
These are the same type of people... (Score:2, Insightful)
what's being overlooked (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Good list. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Good list. (Score:2, Informative)
Actually from the press release [iccr.org]:
Dr. Bernice Powell Jackson, executive minister and officer, Justice and Witness Ministries of the United Church of Christ, and president, North American Region of the World Council of Churches, said: "Our concern about these violent video games is not guesswork. For example, there is ample evidence today that playing vi
Is this supposed to be news? (Score:1)
Oh, Christ. (Score:1, Insightful)
I can see Postal as a valid entry, since the whole premise of the game is rooted solely in bad taste. What was the result? Mediocre reviews and lukewarm reception from the crowd. I don't think anyone above the age of 13 played the game for more than ten minutes at a time.
Does Halo even involve shooting at any human
What? (Score:2)
The list of games is silly (Score:1, Redundant)
1)Doom 3
2)Grand Theft Auto: "San Andreas
3)Gunslinger Girls 2
4)Half Life 2
5)Halo 2
6)Hitman: Blood Money
8)Mortal Combat
9)Postal 2
10)Shadow Heart
WTF??? Doom3 is worse than GTA:SA? Mortal Combat is violent maybe in a 1993 kinda way. It seems like they just looked at the history of the game's name in the media.
Doom was a big bruhaha in 1995. New one must be bad.
Uhh Mortal Combat has all this pixelated blood that we got a lot of press off of in 1992. Lets add it to the list.
Re:The list of games is silly (Score:1)
Re:The list of games is silly (Score:2)
Re:The list of games is silly (Score:1)
Gunslinger Girls 2: It has "gun" in it.
Shadow Heart: must be some evil black hearted game.
Amazing what comes from such simple minds. If I were evil I'd find a way to scam them out of every dime they have. Sucks having a sense of morality.
"Interfaith?" (Score:3, Funny)
Samus Aran (Score:1)
holy cow (Score:2, Interesting)
I am an athiest but I still went to see the Passion of the Christ because I love movies and I was a Mel Gibson fan. That and I wanted to see it so I could at least have an opinion on it when I talked about it within my circle of friends. I don't see
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Just an excuse for lack of importance. (Score:1)
Granted, I *despise* women who do what you are describing to the men in their life. I think no HUMAN should be doing that to any other (regardless of sex). I encourage my significant other in his hobbies, and only expect in exchange that he does the same. There are just as many controlling men out there as controlling women. People seem to lack respect in general for each other.
That bei
You have to understand (Score:1)
reporting (Score:1)
So they don't like video games. Since their opinion is not well researched it should be given little or no weight.
So, I think that the question I need to ask is.... (Score:1)
I think it is kind of, well, loony that it is on the list. It is only available in Japan, and the reason why I got so disgusted with Sony and stopped buying their systems in the first place is because they take their region coding very, very seriously. Not only do they region code their games, but they actively try to defend against anything that would break their region blocking like mod chips.
The review of the anime series seems to indicate th
Re:So, I think that the question I need to ask is. (Score:1)
The reason why Antigrav is on twice.... (Score:2)