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PlayStation (Games) Entertainment Games

Sony Makes up for Memory Card Losses 46

Collision891 writes "Sony is now offering a free game to anyone who had their memory cards erased by the Viewtiful Joe 2 demo on their Holiday 2004 Demo disk, sent out to Playstation Underground members . By calling Sony they will tell you where to send in your disk and a list of games of which you can choose one to receive free. The games they are offering are: Wildarms 3, Parappa The Rapper 2, Gran Turismo 3, JAK 2, Sly 2: Band of Thieves, NCAA Final Four 2004, MLB 2004, ATHENS 2004, ATV Off-Road Fury 3, and Hot Shots Golf Fore!"
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Sony Makes up for Memory Card Losses

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  • by Wyrmw00d ( 571980 ) <> on Monday December 06, 2004 @09:06AM (#11006697) Journal
    ...but I guess it's better than nothing.
    • by ForestGrump ( 644805 ) on Monday December 06, 2004 @09:09AM (#11006717) Homepage Journal
      agreed. when microsoft screwed over their xbox live members, they gave them free games. bargain bin games too.
      • when microsoft screwed over their xbox live members

        To be fair, Microsoft "screwed" their Live! customers only by changing gamertag requirements (they initially allowed spaces as unique characters, but had to change that for some reason). Yes, you may have lost your "Master Chief 1337" gamertag, but you didn't lose your 2093784 hours invested in Final Fantasy X or Gran Turismo 3. Also, as I understand it, your Friends list stayed the same, and your friends were automatically updated with your new gamer

    • Several of these games are actually decent. I suspect there will be a lot more people selecting Jak 2 and Sly Cooper 2 than the others, though.
    • Can someone PLEASE tell me how do I get a copy of this CD? So I can send it back to sony.

      • > Can someone PLEASE tell me how do I get a copy of > this CD? So I can send it back to sony. If you promise to play the Viewtiful Joe 2 demo with 2 memory cards inserted in your PS2, I'll send you one of my copies of the disc. (Alternatively, you can post a picture of your memory card smashed with the heavy object of your choice...)
    • Sly Cooper 2 is a very recent title, and an excellent one to boot.
  • like riaa dumping mariah carey.
  • If only (Score:2, Funny)

    by Shadow_139 ( 707786 )
    If only Micro$oft did this, we'd all have 100's of copys of Microsoft Flight Simulator '98, Return of Arcade, and Microsoft Pinball.....

    "NIPPLES!! I HAVE NO NIPPLES!!!" -Happy Noodle Boy
    • ..when they found a glitch in Xbox Live involving people with spaces (" ") in their gamertags.

      All you had to do was change your gamertag, and they would send you a free game.

      All very good games, too; i believe the list included links, top spin, amped, crimson skies, and a couple others. (Note that while these games are 20$ NOW, at the time, they were still retailing for 30-40$. Not the latest and greatest, but all solid A+ games released not too long before.
      • Um, my gamertag has a space in it, and has since day 1 of XBL, and I've never had a problem with the space. Not that it would matter, being as I already own Links, Top Spin, and Crimson Skies, and don't care about Amped or possibly any of the others.
        • The glitch involves XSN sports and the Clan system for XBL 3.0, and doesn't affect just anyone with a space in their name.

          From what i've heard, it's when two people have the same gamertag, but one has a space in it.

          IE, one guy's gamertag is "UncleThursday" and the other's is "Uncle Thursday". Note the space.

          XBL would screw up and treat them as one person, or something.

          I assure you, it's quite real, i know a good half-dozen people who got the free game.
  • Could do better (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Mr.Dippy ( 613292 ) on Monday December 06, 2004 @09:30AM (#11006813)
    Instead of a select bargain bin choice they could just say any Greatest Hits game and call it a day. This is kind of like ordering a pizza that makes your family sick and the pizza joint offers a coupon for your troubles. Yes, because ATHENS 2004 sure makes up for the hundred plus hours that somebody lost in Final Fantasy XZ12-A or their dynasty mode in Madden or NFL2K5
    • Of course they could do better. They could dress Nobuyuki Idei up in a clown suit and send him to your door, arms overflowing with yet-to-be-released blockbuster titles. They could do even better than that--hell, why not have him fix dinner for you and clean house for you while he's there?

      Instead, all they're doing is giving away free copies of your choice of a number of damn good games. What's more, they're taking your word on it--none of this "send in three UPCs, a screenshot, and the liver of a griff

    • Well, what would you like them to do?,

      Massage your feet, and make you a sandwich? Buggy accidents with software just happen sometimes. Not only has Sony acknowledged the issue, but they are offering games to customers for their plight. Plus, as the article notes, they don't ask for your memory card - they simply take your word on it. Thats a pretty good deal if you ask me.

      A free game certainly won't make up for that lost time, but Sony could have just as easily said "oops", and then done nothing el
      • You miss my point. Making Sony jump through hoops while giving me oral is not the response I'm looking for. The point is that giving those games away means nothing because if they didn't they would be collecting dust in warehouse. No skin off of Sony's back. Likewise, I'm not asking that they poney up everybody a copy of San Andreas or Ace Combat 5. And yes, backing up is the best option but come on. When it gets to the point where you can't even trust the demo disks then it's time to start reevaluatin
        • ...but many of these games are still selling. True, some of them are selling at bargain prices, but many of them are still selling and are still damn good games. Sly Cooper 2 isn't even three months old, and it's one a helluva good game! Similarly, Hot Shots Fore is a whopping four months young. GT3 may be ancient, but it is still one of the best games for the PS2 there is.

          Just because there are some dated stinkers in the pile doesn't mean it's all old and busted. And, like you said, you wouldn't expe

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 06, 2004 @09:37AM (#11006837)
    But it's not like the crap the RIAA dumped on libraries... Don't even compare it to that. Gran Turismo and Sly Cooper are both great games, and not everyone owns them. Lots of people liked Jak 2 as well. I can't vouch for the others though.
  • by FriedTurkey ( 761642 ) * on Monday December 06, 2004 @09:46AM (#11006885)
    I can't believe I threw away the disk to make sure I didn't forget it wiped your memory card. Those games aren't crap either. Hot Shots Fore came out last month and I wouldn't pay for it but I'll take it for free. :-)
    • Don't tell Sony that!

      "I, uh, yeah, got my memory card erased by...that one demo, whachamacallit. Can I get my free games now?"
  • Sony games (Score:4, Informative)

    by Taulin ( 569009 ) on Monday December 06, 2004 @10:38AM (#11007194) Homepage Journal
    Those are all games that Sony is either the producer or have a ties into. I already own WA3, which is a great game, and would probably take PaRappa2 just to round out my collection. I think it is pretty cool of Sony to do this. It is a pretty big selection to choose from, and to get it by just trading in a demo disk is a great deal.
  • Spending $30 on those devices that let you backup save games to your PC is money well spent. It could save you from losing a few hundred hours of gameplay. I have one for the PSX, DC, but for my xbox, I just use a std memory card since it already has the HD.

    I adopted that philosopy after losing my save right on the damn crater on FFVII.
    • Same here, especially after having one of those 3rd party "Mega Super Plus Hyper Edition 2rd" memory cards with "pages." It killed my progress in Suikoden, and I could only recover a save at a point where I was screwed.

      But these Console-Save-to-PC devices are not without their problems. The PSX data deck I have is on the fritz, it is having problems reading the memory cards, and I have to use my own typed instructions because if you don't do things correctly your backup can be worthless(one of the save f
  • by T-Bear ( 31340 )
    Here, have this $25 video game that we're having trouble selling as a way of making amends for the fact that we totally screwed you deleting hours of gameplay and progress in games you actually wanted to play.

    Oh well. I don't even have a ps2. I'm just waiting for this to happen on the xbox...start wiping people's harddrives.
  • by vhold ( 175219 )
    Anybody here actually affected by this bug? I think if that happened to me I'd end up ceasing all use of the console forever, as if all that time playing those games wasn't lost in the first place, losing it a second time would be devastating, and at the same time I'd be like losing the value of all those games as pretty much none of them would I be willing to start over from scratch.
    • I'm actually thinking about dumping the PS2 altogether because of the bug. I came home one afternoon and found the disk in the mail. I'm like "Oooh... Viewtiful Joe 2, nice!". Popped it in and played for a while. The next day, I look at Slashdot, "Guess what? Your memory card has been wiped!" I run to the PS2, everything is gone. All my cars in GT3, my 40 hour save game from Suikoden III which I was going to use on Suikoden IV when that came out (if compatible), all my characters from Tekken, Street F
  • Sony should offer players a free copy of Viewtiful Joe 2, which according to GameSpy [] has an official release date of today 12/7. They shouldn't pass up a chance for such perfect irony.
  • ;-)

    I just had to ask...

    I'd love a free copy of OffRoad Fury 3- I can't believe people would complain about free games! So you lost your saves? Hey, I understand, I'm still recovering from my three-year-old erasing my Simpson Road Rage save ( he was pretty upset, too ). I'd be heartbroken if my memory card was wiped clean, to think of the time spent getting my GTA3 game completed is scary, but... if someone walked up to me and offered me $25 to wipe it clean? I might just do it. I would at least consider i

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