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LEGO Star Wars Video Game 174

_xeno_ writes "LEGO, everyone's favorite plastic building block company, is creating a Star Wars video game. Yes, that's right. A video game based on the LEGO Star Wars sets, which are of course based on Star Wars. GameSpot has a preview of the game. It covers the three prequel movies, allowing you to play through levels containing LEGO friends and allies. At first you can only play with characters appropriate for the level, but you can unlock other characters to swap in as you play through the game. Because the world is based on LEGO blocks, there are puzzles that involve the creation of LEGO structures to bridge gaps. It's scheduled for an April release, just before "Revenge of the Sith" opens." I guess this would be an...ahem...puzzle game.
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LEGO Star Wars Video Game

Comments Filter:
  • Wow! (Score:5, Funny)

    by American AC in Paris ( 230456 ) * on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:18AM (#11072320) Homepage
    The screencaps are pretty impressive--the in-game characters look every bit as emotive and engaging as the actors in the movies!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:18AM (#11072332)
    ...can he just snap it back on again?

    "Ow! That hurt!" *click* "Right!"
  • they foster so much creativity. not the ones with the detailed plans but the random parts you construct monsterous cities out of.

    by far one of the best toys to come out. the lego stores they have now would have made my parents go broke :o
  • And next... (Score:2, Funny)

    by GUMfire ( 811061 )
    its the Barbie Half-Life2 edition..?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:20AM (#11072356)

    LEGO, everyone's favorite plastic building block company, is creating a Star Wars video game. Yes, that's right. A video game based on the LEGO Star Wars sets, which are of course based on Star Wars.

    Thanks for that concise summary. I was having trouble trying to figure out what this Star Wars LEGO video game was based on.

    • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @11:13AM (#11072787) Journal
      Dude, wait until you see the movie of the book of the video game of the Star Wars lego sets. That's going to blow you socks off! And if that doesn't the extended special edition will!
      • Dude, wait until you see the movie of the book of the video game of the Star Wars lego sets. That's going to blow you socks off! And if that doesn't the extended special edition will!

        Actually, there's going to be a behind-the-scenes tell-all book of the movie of the novelization of the video game of the Star Wars LEGO sets, and then in a few years someone will do a TV miniseries adaptation of the behind-the-scenes book. I'm not waiting for the soundtrack CD from that miniseries, I'm waiting for the thi

    • The problem with irony on the internet is that someone will think it needs correction. Sigh
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Making a video game based on a LEGO representation of Star Wars is "ironic" now?

        Clearly, you don't know what "irony" means. You can start here [].

        Perhaps you meant "sarcasm" or "humour", neither of which are particularly well-applied in this case.
        • Not making the game.

          Describing the game as though the concept were dificult to comprehend.

          I personaly would have said "sarcasm" not "irony", but the two concepts overlap a bit.
    • It's repetition for dramatic effect, that is, they are repeating what they are saying intentionally, with the intent of producing a dramatic effect for the purposes of being dramatic. It's a quite standard effect for those who wish to dramatize what they're saying, and make it more dramatic.
  • Can I make Han to shoot Greebo first?
  • Lego PC games (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Calmiche ( 531074 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:24AM (#11072389)
    You know, they have made a couple of these before and they don't turn out well. I remember a lego game based on Harry Potter a couple years ago.

    It just dosen't translate well. It's really difficult to work with 3-D shapes on a 2-D computer screen.

    Of course, I'm sure that some of the engineers and CAD users out there won't have much problem, but kids don't seem to grasp the idea to well. At least my nephews didn't.

    Didn't Lego make an announcement about a year ago saying that they weren't going to license movies anymore?
    • Re:Lego PC games (Score:5, Interesting)

      by arethuza ( 737069 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:39AM (#11072519)
      Well, my five year old son now loves his Harry Potter Lego Creator (or whatever it is called). Someone bought it for him a while back and it was a bit too advanced, but not he is really into it.

      The impressive thing about the UI design is that I've never shown him how to do anything - hows that for usability?

      • When I was just about a year (maybe two) older than your son, I got a Commodore 64.

        No one showed me how to do anything with it (to this day, my parents are pretty much afraid of computers; dad especially).

        It says oodles about the UI design that I was able to figure it out on my own, right?

        Nah. Kids are brilliant. You understimate your son when you place the credit on the UI.

    • Didn't Lego make an announcement about a year ago saying that they weren't going to license movies anymore?

      It appears to be more of a change in focus and remembering they have classic lines as well as story based lines, the press release is Here []

    • Actually, if you read the review you'll see that you aren't doing anything CAD related. It's a normal platform video game. The only difference is that instead of having complex models and the such, you are controlling a mini-fig.

      So if your nephews can play Mario or whatever the platformer of choice is these days, they should have fun with this one.
    • It just dosen't translate well. It's really difficult to work with 3-D shapes on a 2-D computer screen.
      If by "work with" you mean "gib with a rail gun", then I find it quite easy.
    • Re:Lego PC games (Score:3, Informative)

      by jackbird ( 721605 )
      Check out the lego Junkbot shockwave games on While arguably 2D, the gameplay, which revolves around building lego structures to get a dumb avatar to a goal (a la Lemmings), is fantastic.
    • Lego Racers kicks butt as a kart racing game. Lego Racers 2 sucks butt in every way.

      Just so you know.
  • I nearly died laughing when I saw the animation illustrating that if you press on Darth's head, his light sabre lights up.

    What do you have to do to get Luke's to light up, hmm?

  • Sweet! (Score:4, Funny)

    by Mysticalfruit ( 533341 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:26AM (#11072410) Homepage Journal
    Okay, unless I'm mistaken, there's no KOTOR for PS2...

    So, provided this isn't a shitty game, your telling me that the only non-shitty game for the PS2 is going to be a SW game that's totally based on using Lego models.

    The utter wierdness and coolness of this hasn't even begun to set in...
  • Two Great Tastes (Score:3, Insightful)

    by RazzleFrog ( 537054 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:28AM (#11072431)
    The thing with both Lego games and Star Wars games is that they have been hit or miss (mostly miss). I wondering if combining the two very popular pastimes will magnify the effect making either a really great or really awful game. The preview says it looks good but I never trust that. The proof is in the final pudding.

  • Or is that a viscous circle? My brain! So, a toy company is promoting a game based on a toy based on movies which were designed to promote toys and games. Wow. I bow to their capitalistic genius. Seriously.

  • by GillBates0 ( 664202 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:29AM (#11072443) Homepage Journal
    GameStop has a preview of the game [].

    The preview is actually from GameSpot [] and not GameStop [], which happens to be a completely different gaming site.

  • Finally, someone's making a franchise game based on a movie AND a toy at the SAME TIME! I think we all know this is going to turn out fantastic! *rolls eyes*
  • More copied ideas (Score:4, Informative)

    by Jakhel ( 808204 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:46AM (#11072570)
    I seem to remember seeing a homemade leg-built trailer [] for Revenge of the Sith (Rise of the Empire) a year or two ago (I'm sure someone has a link to it). Some guy actually went through the trouble of building and animating (using the same animation style as the old school claymation movies) it all by himself. I wonder how many Lucasarts and Lego execs saw this before they jumped on the idea of turning it into a game themselves.
  • by wcitechnologies ( 836709 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:51AM (#11072616)
    "General Kenobi, years ago you served beside my father in the Duplo Wars"
  • I didn't know that funcoland [] actually did game previews. Maybe the poster meant Gamespot []. Of course, that is what editors are for..
  • by Japong ( 793982 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @10:53AM (#11072642)

    Well, now we know why Lucas Arts didn't have the confidence to produce the new Sam and Max.

    "We wanted to focus more on our existing properties... like uh... Star Wars sequels... and um... Star Wars product tie ins." -Elder Jedi Profet Mar Gin

    I can't wait to play that Hoth sequence one more time or buy those re-re-re-mixed-mastered H -DVDs in sexology format.

  • I see the advance listed. Is it possible they would release something to the other major platforms and the advance, but not the cube?
  • Microserfs? (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by rborek ( 563153 )
    Anyone else think of the book Microserfs [] by Douglas Coupland when they read this /. story?
  • Here in denmark there has been a lot of media rush about bad times for lego lately. IMHO they should stop making all those weird spinoff products like harry potter lego, starwars, etc. They must pay a fortune for all those royalties!? and a video game with starwars!?! this is way out of proportions! But maybe it's just me being old fashioned :p start making some mindstorms again, that would get me back as a customer!
  • by Basehart ( 633304 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @11:20AM (#11072834)
    "Use the red piece Luke"
  • by way2trivial ( 601132 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @11:22AM (#11072853) Homepage Journal
    for doing too many money losing tie-ins?
    what happened to this theory? 215&tid=159

    " Kristiansen goes on to blame the company's financial woes on its attempt to follow trends rather than focusing on its more traditional products. In turn, the company's plan for 2004 will include a renewed marketing push for Lego bricks as opposed to licensed products like the Harry Potter and Star Wars lines.

  • by museumpeace ( 735109 ) on Monday December 13, 2004 @11:29AM (#11072897) Journal
    We went through a lot of the same comments a month or two ago for an Ask Slashdot about best construction toys. the lameness of Lego [and the lameness of their cash flow] when they branched out from providing blocks [and letting us provide the imagination] and tried to "go hollywood" with movie tie-ins was a general theme of the commenting.
    For my money [and I have the boxes of "Technics" to prove my checks go where my chat does] they could just stick to blocks and maybe some other robot enabling componentry.

    I for one do not welcome our new Star Wares overloads!
    • For my money [...] they could just stick to blocks and maybe some other robot enabling componentry.

      Maybe the problem is their stuff is built to last.
      Parents give their old sets to their kids (and buy them some new ones, of course, but only a few). After some generations, families are saturated with the 'classic' LEGO stuff. Maybe they make all these theme packs, games etc to revive interest in an otherwise saturated market.

  • They'll actually end up putting out a really low-res POS game instead, and claim that the "big blocks" on the screen are "LEGO's" and not just game pixels.
  • the submitter for not writing "Legos ".

    It really annoys me when people do that.
  • My three favorite things growing up Lego, Star Wars, and Video Games - all rolled into one! Of course, that was before Lucas killed Star Wars, Lego started selling model kits in preference to the basic buckets of blocks, and video games got some complicated that I stopped playing.

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
