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Games Entertainment

Resident Evil 4 Released 68

Gamespot has the word that Resident Evil 4 has (finally) lurched and shambled onto the console market. From the article: Set after the events of previous RE installments, Resident Evil 4 follows series protagonist Leon S. Kennedy on an all-new adventure outside Raccoon City, the setting of the most of the previous games. This time around, the US government operative has been sent to a small European village in search of the president's missing daughter. However, since this is a Resident Evil game, he instead finds zombies--lots of zombies." Nothing like an outbreak of the undead to put on your tourist brochure. Reviews available via Gamespot and Gamespy.
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Resident Evil 4 Released

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  • Why do people apparently find this such a compelling plot? List of STPD games: Res. Evil 4 Die Hard Arcade Silent Scope ( - whole presidential family kidnapped) anyone else got more to add?
  • That's odd... (Score:4, Informative)

    by papadiablo ( 609676 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2005 @01:35PM (#11337953)
    However, since this is a Resident Evil game, he instead finds zombies--lots of zombies.

    Because this review []seems to indicate that there are, in fact, no zombies in Resident Evil 4.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Why is it so many of Capcom's recent games take place in "small european cities"??!

    Devil May Cry 2, Onimusha 3, etc, etc...
    It's like they are all borrowing from the same concept art and environment research.
    • Well, it's a setting with a lot of advantages:

      Twisty street layout means never having to draw that far out.
      Gothic spooky look is built in.
      Ancient underground vaults make sense with centuries of history.
      Since most gamers statistically don't live in small european towns, artistic license can be taken.

      And, given the fact that it's Capcom, maybe they have plans for some kind of mega crossover game where all the characters meet?..... yea thats the ticket.
    • Well that's easy to answer. Capcom has more sequels than any other video game company in the industry. It's only natural for games to take place in more or less the same atmosphere sequel after sequel.

      Mega man series
      street fighter series
      RE series
      Devil may cry series
      Omnimusha series

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Sorry, I still can't get past that. How can you take a zombie game seriously when it takes place in a city that sounds like a level from old "Sonic the Hedgehog" ?
    • Re:Raccoon City? (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Living near several mountain/forest communities, I have to say that Raccoon city is very much a plausible name. If you get an image of a cute little raccoon character, that's an issue you're gonna have to work out with yourself.
    • And yet, RE4 doesn't take place in Raccoon City.
  • I'm pretty excited about this new RE game... oh wait, I can't play it, I don't own a Game Cube. So how long do we have to wait to play it on the PlayStation?
    • Re:Game Cube (Score:3, Informative) 62371p1.html []

      Resident Evil 4 will be making its way to PS2 sometime late in 2005.

    • They are gonna have to seriously water down the graphics to put it on the PS2. There's no way the PS2 can handle the graphics in this game as-is.
    • Re:Game Cube (Score:3, Insightful)

      by satoshi1 ( 794000 )
      You only have to wait as long as it takes you to buy a Gamecube, then you can play it on Gamecube in all it's superiority! Seriously, the PS2 version will be toned down a LOT in the graphical department. Why would you want that? Besides, the GC is only $99 and has many other great games as well.
      • Good point. But I, for one, will wait for an XBox version because I want a game toned up in the sound department. Games + Dolby Digital Support + Awesome surround sound system = FUN
        • And what gives you the slightest hint that will happen? Sony had to wield their influence as dominant console to get it, what is microsoft going to do, and what is the incentive for capcom?
          • If the code is done correctly, adding a port to the XBox is much less work than the initial port to the PS2. Good return for the investment.

            Mostly though, I just hope to hear zombies around me in 5.1. :-)
            • I actually have a nice DTS receiver and good speakers, and Pro Logic 2 on RE4 isn't too bad, you can still hear zombies behind you.
        • Yes, and this is why there are SO many great games on the Xbox.

          Oh, wait a minute....

          (This has been your Snark of the Day!)

          More seriously, I've played plenty of games on a variety of systems that you could play in triple quadraphonic stereo surround sound using Vogon speakers that utilize the objects around you as natural sounding boards before destroying your planet, and those games would make you wish that, in fact, their sound did destroy the planet, so as to save you from the agony of playing them.
        • Hell, I only have a PS2 and an XBox, but I waited in the rain to buy RE4.

          Okay, I was there with my friend who does have a GameCube.

          Okay, so he was buying it, not me.

          Okay, okay, my life is a little boring, drop it already!
    • Vicious cycle: Step 1
      "I can't get a Game Cube! There aren't any good games for it!"

      Vicious cycle: Step 2
      "I need to buy this game, but it's for the Cube!"

    • Obviously not $149(+tax) worth of excited. Or else you'd pick up a copy of it and one of those holiday gamecube bundles that I still saw in stock when I picked up my copy.

      Anyway, RE4 hits the PS2 Q4 of this year, unless more shennanigans occur(like RE4/VJ going to the PS2 in the first place despite certain Capcom people expressing distaste for the platform). I expect it won't look as good and will have far more visible loading times. On the upside, it'll probably be cheaper and have extras like VJ did.
  • Looking at mobygames [] I see Resident Evil, RE 2, RE 3, RE Outbreak, RE Code Veronica, RE Survivor... what's going on here?
    Can someone just tell me if which ones have Milla Jovovich in it? That's all I really want to know.
  • by clu76 ( 620823 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2005 @02:41PM (#11338871) Homepage
    Capcom is also releasing a limited edition chainsaw controller for RE 4. Not required in anyway to play the game, but some might find it cool.

    Chainsaw Controller Homepage [].
  • Amazing (Score:3, Interesting)

    by computertheque ( 823940 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2005 @02:49PM (#11338988)
    This game has taken me away from my task of beating Metroid Prime 2. The challenge is great, and the amount of fun and accomplishment experienced while playing is so refreshing when compared to the previous games. The fast pace is perfect. The game is hard too. I'm 6 hours into it and have died 10 times already. I'm curious as to how the PS2 is going to handle this game.
  • Resident Evil 4 follows series protagonist Leon S. Kennedy on an all-new adventure outside Raccoon City, the setting of the most of the previous games.

    Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought Raccoon City was the setting for all the previous games. Which one didn't happen with in the city limits?

  • Is this the last cool game we will see for the gamecube? Analysts say the new zelda game will be delayed and then passed to the next console Nintendo is working on. Theres no other interesting projects for the cube at sight. (unless you are interested in possesing dog bowls to scare dogs -penny arcade reference for geist- or playing hoops or ddr with mario) Worst of all, capcom didnt even came through with the exclusivity deal and this game will be available in the ps2 later (although I doubt the graphics w
    • Seems like most consoles get about 1 or 2 really cool games a year, a handful of "pretty good" games, a few more "cool if you're twisted" (naturally or artificially) games, and of course reams and reams of utter toss.

      The reason of course, is that it's really hard to make a truly great game, especially with the insane budgets required to be graphically excellent these days, and most game companies are either barely competent and/or rigidly controlled by tasteless marketing goons. Typically even if a develo
    • I've never once seen speculation that the new Zelda wasn't gonna be on gamecube. As for other big games, mario 128 has been confirmed by nintendo for gamecube, as has a new pokemon for gamecube(although, not known if it'll be 3d rpg greatness, or colliseum craptitude). So that's 3 potential million sellers, more announced than other consoles. Looks like my GC is going to be busier than my PS2 or Xbox this year.
    • Analysts say the new zelda game will be delayed and then passed to the next console Nintendo is working on.

      Which analysts? This is interesting news, but I'd like to know where it came from.

      Theres no other interesting projects for the cube at sight.

      Mario 128 (or whatever they'll call it). Yeah, I still think it's coming, fool that I am. Also, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

      The same can be said for the other consoles though , GTA:SA finally showed up.

      Yeah, but that's a big "finally," it's the third GTA
  • Braaiiinnnssssssss............
  • I for one am enjoying battling with the mindless zombies in the stead of mind-eating zombies. . .

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
