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Jade Empire Further Delayed 41 is reporting that much anticipated Oriental influenced action title Jade Empire will be delayed another month. From the article: "The Bioware-developed title is one of the most eagerly anticipated games on the Xbox, and marks a departure from the company's normal style of gameplay by veering into action RPG territory with multiple martial arts styles to learn."
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Jade Empire Further Delayed

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  • This isn't 1985. Use 'Asian' if you have to. But ideally, be more specific.
    • What do we do if we're too ignorant to be more specific? I always thought "Asian" got the job done well enough. :|
      • Asian is pretty good, but, if you'd like, refer to a country.
        Or even a direction. Southeast Asia. East Asia.
        "Oriental" is just silly-sounding at this point though.
        • "Asian is pretty good, but, if you'd like, refer to a country"

          It's lousy when you want to refer to some sore of culture/motif/milieu. Unless you think that bedouins in Yemen, Orthodox Jews in Tel Aviv, Punjabis, Khmers, and Japanese are "all alike".

    • "Asian" is not the best word either, for talking of what is merely East Asia. Asia, after all, includes Turkey, Iraq, Israel, India, Irkutzk, etc. At least the term "Oriental" tends toward East Asia in common use.
    • This isn't an anal retentive left-wing politically correct website. Oriental will do just fine, thanks.

      See here for what it means [] unless you are too niggardly [] in developing your knowledge of the real meaning of the term.

    • 1996 called, it wants its cry-baby liberal politcal correctness back. After all the game isn't about opening a dry cleaning business so stop pretending to be offended.
    • If someone called the "Dukes of Hazzard" game a "Honkey influenced action title," I would laugh my ass off.

      It's time to lighten up. It is not an insult unless the person is trying to hurt your feelings.
      • It is not an insult unless the person is trying to hurt your feelings.

        Just because it's not an insult doesn't mean it's not offensive.

        In this case Oriental might be appropriate because it just plays off of more stereotypes in CRPGs where the women are just sexual objects and all "orientals" know martial arts. I wonder if there is even going to be a dry cleaner and fruit stand in every town you visit too.
        • People are fickle. Anything that one says can be misconstrued to be an offense. Just because someone uses a certain, racially-charged term, does not mean that it is offensive. You have to look at context, intent, and the intended audience.

          I am offended by your use of the word "fruit" in describing a produce stand. Let's not use such offensive language.
          • I am offended by your use of the word "fruit" in describing a produce stand. Let's not use such offensive language.

            You're right.
            CRPG makers would never allow "fruit" stands in their games.
            A produce stand would be more likely.
  • by SammyJ ( 590557 ) <samuel,johnson&gmail,com> on Thursday January 20, 2005 @01:00PM (#11421673) Homepage
    Considering that BioWare hasn't actually announced a release date, ever, I don't know how you can say this game is delayed. Take a look people, this information is coming from EBgames, not exactly the most authortative source for game release dates...
    • Not necessarily. Retailers often get dates from the vendors directly and if not exact dates, they do get a general idea. In terms of ordering quanitities and business end type things, they need to be "in the know." They're often the best sources of this information, particularly when a delay is concerned.

"I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics." - from "The Graduate"
