Father of PlayStation Admits Sony Mistakes 215
News for nerds writes "Following the news of Sony slashing its profit forecast due to the underperforming AV & PC divisions, Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) known by the PlayStation brand, admitted he and other Sony employees have been frustrated for years with management's reluctance to introduce products like Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod, mainly because Sony had music and movie units that were worried about content rights. The PSP by SCEI is one of the first Sony products that support non-proprietary standards such as MP3 or H.264, and now SCEI considers opening up the UMD disc format employed in the PSP."
DUPE! (Score:5, Funny)
Dupe De-Dupe, De-Dupe-de-dupe-de Duuuuuuupe,
Dupe-eh de-Dupe!
Re:DUPE! (Score:2)
Re:DUPE! (Score:2)
DUPE-Dupey-Dupey Dupey-DUPE..."
Appologies to Mr. Mancini, Man! Areal gone Cat, like, Wow!
Dupe! (Score:1)
It's not the same articles (Score:3, Informative)
This article mentions the UMD format to be opened
"We have already proposed UMD disc media as an open standard for everyone," he says. "The game profile will be unique for PlayStation Portable but movie and music should be a common applicatio
Re:Yes it is (Score:2)
The link from Sony admitting mp3 error [slashdot.org] doesn't even work and the one provided in this news post is linked to Forbes.
Considering the fact that the site (from the older article) is down, maybe that's why they provided another marked "UPDATED" article related to the mp3 error? "Duping" related articles isn't always a bad thing now is it
Deja-vu (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Deja-vu (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Deja-vu (Score:2, Informative)
correct me if im wrong but the last story was about sony turning tails on the mp3 issue and this is about the "father" of the Playstation talking about being frustrated at the uper management refusing to take risks
it just hapens to include some info that is a also in other storys
if the everyday press wern' to dupe parts of information in storys we would have some rather confusing bits of information
Re:Deja-vu (Score:2)
Re:Deja-vu (Score:2)
Q: What's funnier than a dupe?
A: When they're wrong the second time around. MP3 is proprietary. Ogg, for example, is not.
Big corporations (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Big corporations (Score:5, Interesting)
For example, Mitsubishi manufactures everything from LCD monitors to trains to escalators, to motor vehicles. Not surprisingly, one of the groups(Mistubishi Motors) is now in a lot of financial trouble.
Re:Big corporations (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Big corporations (Score:2)
Re:Big corporations (Score:2)
"Manufactured for:
Mitsubishi International Corporation
P.O. Box 80037
San Diego, CA 92138-0037"
Re:Big corporations (Score:2)
I don't think there is a company called Mitsubishi. There are 29+ companies, all which have Mitsubishi in their names, and all of which use the same tri-diamond logo. But the only relationship between the companies is that most of their presidents belong to the same Friday club - and they meet informally
Re:Big corporations (Score:3, Interesting)
What says government has to be the one to break up companies? I did very well as a stockholder when Sears spun off Dean Witter, Discover Card and Allstate Insurance. More companies should take that lead and spin off big or unrelated business units. Sure the CEOs might end up with less power under one roof, but that can ultimately be the best thing for investors. GE and G
I enjoyed reading this on /. last week.... (Score:4, Funny)
Thanks for reposting.
Re:I enjoyed reading this on /. last week.... (Score:2)
Re:I enjoyed reading this on /. last week.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I enjoyed reading this on /. last week.... (Score:2)
Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!
And when will they get back to quality? (Score:4, Interesting)
PS One
PS 2.
Clie (which was a present for my brother).
Surround amp.
None of which was abused. I'll reconsider buying things from them when the stop making cheap shit that doesn't work. They have had, and squandered, plenty of chances from me.
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
This was unusual though, as I own a lot of Sony gear - TVs, Monitors, CD players, laptops, cameras, all of which has worked fine.
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
i agree! (rant mode) (Score:2)
my brother told me he heard a saying "Sony makes the best equipment, as long as it has no moving parts". i could agree with that. their TVs and computer monitors are great. well, i never looked at the LCD/plasma displays too much but i know the CRT devices are among the best. the LCD/plasmas *look* darn good to me.
in addition to stuff
Re:i agree! (rant mode) (Score:2)
I can't find the article right now, but, Sony is losing/not making much money on TV's right now because they have to buy their LCD's and plasma's from LG.
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
I understand that less fashionable Sony product lines like phones are made in Malaysia (e.g.) and not well constructed, but this definitely doesn't help their reputation -- I've owned similar "made in low-salaryistan" phones from othe
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
I remember the walmans being pretty rugged. However, the rest is indeed junk.
You forgot one though, the VAIO. Sony makes probably the lowest quality laptops of any company I've had experience with.
They're so interested in putting stupid shit like ports for their BS gumstick memory, that they forget to make a machine that doesn't have all the parts falling off or breaking inside a week.
It's always been junk (Score:2)
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
Their mini stereos fuckup too (Score:2)
Sony Professional make top gear but their consumer stuff is crap.
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
That said, prior to my Clie I went through at least 4 palm devices in 4 years. But you would expect a $300 device to at least outlive the free piece of junk they ship with the Dells.
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:And when will they get back to quality? (Score:2)
How high were the prices? They must have been really high if Sony got sued in Japan. Suing isn't very common there.
Double Dupe! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Double Dupe! (Score:2)
Japanese and "frustration" (Score:2, Insightful)
I was kind of amazed when the sony mp3 products suddenly turned up and now considering opening up the format for the drive?
Me thinks some corporate bloodletting has been going on.
I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:3, Funny)
Sony Content sues Sony Electronics over facilitating copyright infringement...
"It could happen!"
Now excuse me while I dodge the rotten tomatoes.
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
(perhaps flawed) assumption (Score:2)
By releasing a MP3 player they may also weaken any legal argument against filesharing networks they may try to sue. Just something to consider.
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:4, Insightful)
That may or may not be true. I'm sure in some ways the popularity of the iPod has to do with filesharing, but in a lot of other ways, it's just about how people like to enjoy their music. A lot of people I know have an iPod that have never stolen any music or used Kazaa. They just like being able to rip their CDs, chuck them in a storage closet somewhere, and carry their whole music library in the palm of their hand.
If Sony wants to join the market, they will admit their mistakes and uncripple their devices. The marketplace has spoken. Crippled, proprietary formats do not sell and the more they try to cram them down our throats, the more people will just buy an iPod that plays MP3 and AAC.
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
True, but the iPod also plays MP3 which is not DRM protected. The Sony does not.
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
Hardly. Many audiophiles use the iPod with Apple lossless codec, or even AIFF (before lossless was available). This gives you dramatically less space. Also, many iPod users like to carry files and data around on them as well.
Quit saying that jus
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
Of course, this story is also brought to you by the same company that has sued ITSELF! Wrap your head around that one.
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:5, Insightful)
It's not clear why this would be, but there are suggestions that essentially there has been piracy ever since home taping in general and cassettes in particular hit the market- people have been copying off of friends ever since.
Now, you could argue that this is wrong, and that the artists and music companies are worse off because of this. But music companies are making good money, and stopping the home copying would be a double-edged sword, since the home copying acts as free advertising. In addition, it's very unclear that the lack of home copying would increase sales- many people, particularly young people are on a budget, and simply wouldn't buy more music, they would just listen to less music and spend no more money.
Also, except for the most hardened copier listening to music usually creates a taste for music- so they end up buying more music in the long run.
So, home copying doesn't seem to reduce the market size for selling music. On the other hand, real pirates- people making copies of music and selling them for money, or even as legitimate forgeries, they really can reduce the market size.
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
"You hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability."
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Definition of "steal" (Score:2)
1. Something owned; a possession.
2. The right of ownership; title.
Those two in paticular seem quite relevant. What's your point?
Real property (Score:2)
What you get [with a copyright on a work or a patent on an invention] is a monopolistic privilege to produce or make copies of something.
What you get with a title to a piece of land is a monopolistic privilege to occupy the land. So is real estate not property?
What is ownership? (Score:2)
but I would assume that you also get ownership to the land when you buy something.
What is ownership of anything other than the right to exclude others from using said thing?
There is nowhere in patent or copyright law anything about ownership.
Then why is chapter 2 of U.S. copyright law [copyright.gov] entitled "Copyright Ownership and Transfer"?
The basic rule is that ideas and thoughts cannot be owned.
Thoughts aren't copyrighted until fixed in a tangible medium. Even then, ideas aren't subject to copyright;
Re:What is ownership? (Score:2)
The law does not say information - the work - is owned. It says ownership of the copyright. Ownership of the right to sue infringers. A very important point of law is that the work itself or any copy of that work is an entirely different thing than the copyright to that work. That link deals extensively with that distinction.
It is physically impossible to steal a
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:3, Insightful)
Sonys mishaps have been their own based on their contesting to own "media". To put everything in their own proprietary, undocumented and closed formats.
As for the "terrabytes of stolen material". Theives will be theives, it doesn't stop hones
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:5, Insightful)
This is bull. First, MP3 players were successful because they were simple and open. Convert audio to MP3, download, press play. Utilities are simple file level tools. No DRM validation that doesn't work right. No encryption. No chance that in 10 years I can't listen to my collection of fine Pantera music.
Sony made some of the most complicated uncompatible junk ever. SONY SHOULD KNOW BETTER: Beta, Minidisk, that bizarre DAT format they tried and memory stick have been dismal failures (unless you ask the marketing department for the product). Sony's open products such as 3.5" floppy drives (they were one of the original sources), Mavica Cameras (that used floppy disks when everyone else was using early and expensive flash cards), CD ROM, 8MM Video have all been wildly successful. Consumers like stuff that works.
Ok, gotta come to Sony's defnse on one (Score:2)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
When someone steals, they take your stuff and you can't use it until you get it back or pay to replace it. If someone physically steals your masters, ok... it's theft. When someone makes an unauthorized copy, you still can make copies of your material. Most of the time an unauthorized copy doesn't even cause economic harm. For that to happen, the copy I make would have to be sold in a market where you are selling or give your product away to someone who would have bought.
Words mean things. (Score:2)
From Merriam-Webster dictionary [m-w.com]
Main Entry: steal
intransitive senses
1 : to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as an habitual or regular practice
2 : to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly
3 : to steal or attempt to steal a base
transitive senses
1 a : to take or appropriate without right or leave and with intent to keep or make use of wrongfully b : to take away by force or unjust means c : to take surreptitiously or without permission d :
Re:The Words "Take" and "Appropriate" (Score:2)
When Jane married Dick she took his last name.
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
The irony is that while the value of traditional recorded music plummets music has never been so popular; there's never been a better time to be a music fan. Consumers are spending hundreds, or even thousands of dollars o
Re:I don't see how it's a mistake. (Score:2)
What utter shit. Do you work for the RIAA or is there some other reason you've bought into their party
MiniDisc Player having to replace (Score:5, Interesting)
I have a NetMD Minidisc player. I can apprecaite that Sony wants to enforce copyright, etc for its music units. As far as the box advertised 2 years ago, their OpenMG or SonicStage software was supposed to be really easy to use. So I bought a MiniDisc player. Having a RIO PMP 300 previsously, it was an improvment in capacity, quality and battery usage (it lasts much longer on a AA battery).
Having lost my original software disc (2 years ago), I've tried upgrading to newer software (SonicStage 2.0). I've tried for 20 minutes to upload songs to it -- importing music libararies
I warn everyone who thinks of buying Sony, that they use many proprietary formats (the memory stick in cameras, etc). Sony has probably lost many sales from my peers (business and friends alike) as a result. Unless they clean up their act, I cannot recommend them, good as their products might be.
Re:MiniDisc Player having to replace (Score:3, Insightful)
While I appreciate this, you don't have to buy a device that restricts your rights in order to protect their overbroad definition of their rights.
I thought NetMD was a great idea... (Score:3, Interesting)
As a MiniDisc player, the unit was great will exceptional battery life and great sound quality. When I attempted to use the NetMD functions of the unit, the reason for so many returns became obvious, mainly to do with the absolutely atrocious software that is used to transfer MP3 or WMA files to the unit (as m
Too bad MD didn't live up to its potential (Score:2)
Their optical disc format held 230MB way back then, even the first MP3 players had 64 and sometimes only 32MB of fixed flash. Getting nearly 4x storage on a single MD for MP3s, $5 media and -- t
Dupe Spin (Score:4, Funny)
Goes well with statement last week. (Score:2)
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
But does it... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:But does it... (Score:2)
Re:But does it... (Score:2)
Sony has made more than one mistake (Score:5, Interesting)
The reasons are various. First of all, thanks to Sony Media lots of their stuff is crippled, Region Codes which are hardest to remove from any manufacturer, no decent two way transport of media files in almost any of their devices. The obscure Atrac conversion in their MP3 players, lousy quality of their PCs and add to that at least here in Europe one of the worst customer services ever in existence, combined with repair costs which are higher than a new device from another company, and you can see why Sony has a bigger problem than they admit on their hands.
Also add to that that their retailers are totally frustrated because, they were taken away the support business (which was done in the past by the retailers themselves in many cases) and the profit margins even of the high end devices are close to zero, driving the smaller shops away from Sony.
The Support problem started when Sony centralized all support, before Sony had this kind of luxury structure Apple still has with small shops who do all the small stuff and have good personal, Sony wanted it big and basically drove those shops away trying to cash in on a centralized structure. Add to that constant problems caused by Sony media which resulted in catastrophicly castrated devices and lots of problems which often caused Sony hardware to fail shortly after the warranty expired and you have a huge mess on its hand.
The playstation basically saved the Sony hardware division without it this division would have made huge losses already. Sony really has a problem, but it is far bigger than only a few mp3 player models which they have missed out.
Re:Sony has made more than one mistake (Score:2)
Except for the fact that all first gen PS2's had laser trouble. My son-in-laws(both) have had to return theirs four times each.
Sony R&D is fantastic, but the companies excecution is shoddy. If they just liscensed their ideas to someone who built quality hardware, they might make a larger bundle.
For fun and profit. (Score:3, Interesting)
OK, They Admitted They Made a Mistake (Score:2)
Maybe Sony should concentrate on Playstation (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Maybe Sony should concentrate on Playstation (Score:2)
Their biggest mistake in the last couple of months was not having sufficient stocks of PS2 (either the old, large one or the new, maybe melting, slimline one) in time for Christmas, so that they could not be bought anywhere in UK for weeks. Not a good business decision.
Anyway, do they want to emulate mid-1990s Apple (the "beleagured" one during the Amelio days), when they had too many product lines for their own good; each different PowerMac mo
Sony also owns music, y'know... (Score:3, Informative)
However, Sony has been producing MP3 players (walkman brand CD portables and also car stereos) for a number of years now - it's just that they are marketing them primarily as "ATRAC Walkman" which also happens to play MP3 as a side feature. The bundled crappy software produces ATRAC discs which suck large asteroids through thin straws (it has no ID3 for starters) and has no support for MP3 whatsoever. However, feed the discman with an MP3 data disc and it will play happily. The in-car stereo I have (a Sony CDX-R3300) is actually marketed as an MP3 car audio player.
Re:Sony also owns music, y'know... (Score:2)
How come the electronics side continues to listen to the content side? Why doesnt Sony Consumer Electronics tell Sony Music and Sony Pictures to go jump?
Thats a question I could ask about the tech industry in general, how come the consumer electronics industry, computer industry etc (well excluding those like Microshaft who seem to be benifiting from Big Media) dont fight back with their superior size.
Why havent the tech co
Learn from your mistakes! (Score:2)
So...is minidisc dead? (Score:2)
So is Sony giving up on MD? Or am I finally going to get my MP3 MD player? (Make it with a screen the size of current HD Mp3 players, or Rio's MP3 CD players, and I'll buy two.)
Eight links in one story? (Score:2)
You know it's nice to have so many links in a story to provide context and background but it gets a little tough to figure out which link is the key one the story is about.
Maybe we should make it a practice that when you put a lot of links in a story you make the key link boldfaced.
Prerecorded UMDs are dead on arrival (Score:3, Interesting)
It's just another oddball optical format. If they start selling movies in this format it's not going to take off. How many people are going to want to buy movies in two formats just so they can play them on their PSP? They are going to just want to rip their DVDs to DIVX and burn UMDs for their PSP.
In fact, they now have these "Mini-DVDs" with kids movies coming out for miniature portable DVD players like the Cyberhome CH-MDP2500.
The world does not need any more optical formats for prerecorded movies (or music for that matter).
Sony is slowly opening up (Score:2, Interesting)
In the same product line, now the RAW files are more accessible.
Re:Opening up UMD. (Score:2)
Re:Not that big (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Not that big (Score:2)
Re:Not that big (Score:2)
The Saturn was actually tremendously successful - in Japan. Whilst outside the land of the rising sun it was overwhelmed by the PlayStation, in Japan it actually sold more than the Mega Drive (Genesis) had done.
The Dreamcast also did well, until the arrival of the PS2 - remember the hype Sony put out over that? Still, people bought into it at Sega's cost.
Re:It's not ALL junk.. (Score:2)
Open Source Gaming Consoles (Score:2)
VHS was shared (Score:2)
Re:They do this with other things as well (Score:2)
Sony has been doing this for a very long time. When they first came out with the discman, it had an unusual-sized yellow AC plug, which meant you had to spend $60 on their car-kit.