The Fight for Original Games 59
PC.IGN is running a piece by Douglass Perry on the Fight for Original Games. In the article, the author examines the trends that have led to a slew of sequels, franchises, and movie industry tie-ins in the gaming industry of late. From the article: "...depending on who you speak with, the videogame industry is either reaching the most impressive convergence of its entire 30-plus year old existence, or it's falling into a never-ending death spiral of sequel-heavy, rehashed, franchise dominated blocks of stinking cheese."
TV (Score:5, Interesting)
500 channels all showing similar stuff...
Re:TV (Score:2, Insightful)
So, when someone today goes "All this crap on cable is the same old crap we used to see n network tv. Why did we spend all this money on a cable subscription for?"
Re:TV (Score:4, Funny)
Re:TV (Score:2)
I honestly don't know much about the other series mentioned, but it's not like a racing sim + online component breaks the bounds of originality.
Re:TV (Score:2)
Look at all of the sequels for written science fiction (e.g., Ringworld, etc.).
Hell, people were writing sequels 100 years ago.
Huck Finn was a sequel to Tom Sawyer.
Doyle wrote many Shelock Holmes stories.
Even the Bible repeats itself (OT: people sin, God smites them, people sin, God smites them, etc., etc.; NT: the four gospels contain mostly the same material).
Third opinion (Score:4, Insightful)
I mean, it's been 30 (according to the OP) years, haven't we seen this before?
A gripe about originality (Score:5, Funny)
Re:A gripe about originality (Score:3, Funny)
Re:A gripe about originality (Score:1)
Re:A gripe about originality (Score:4, Funny)
What about the re-post with three new sentences, and Greedo shoots first this time?
Re:A gripe about originality (Score:2)
Another article (Score:5, Interesting)
What disturbed him the most was this actual quote from an executive at a large publisher: "This is really great. This is creative. It's too bad people aren't going for creative stuff right now."
Looking for something that works (Score:4, Insightful)
You take risks when you go for original titles because it could be the next fantastic series or the next absolute bust. It's also harder to keep making games from scratch when you can take your previous version, redo only certain parts of the game engine, and get another money maker game out on the market in a year to keep the customer happy and paychecks flowing for the employees.
As a consumer of video games, as much as I would like to see original titles, I love buying the latest Final Fantasy or Gran Turismo. I want to see, bigger, better versions of those games. I want to play the latest baseball game with the latest team rosters and new ways to play the game. I don't need original titles in order to have fun.
The point where I draw the line is when a company makes a sequel that has barely any change or new innovation (which can be hard in sports games) and just feels like the same game that came out last year. That can get boring quick.
Re:Looking for something that works (Score:2)
For instance, the castlevania series since Symphony of the night. (cirlce of the moon, aria of sorrow, harmony of dissonance). I think i will never tire of playing these games. THere are AWSOME.
Just thought i would throw that out there.
Re:Looking for something that works (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Looking for something that works (Score:3, Insightful)
BTW, there have been over 18 games to carry the title Final Fantasy, 1-11, X-2, Tactics, Tactics advance, Crystal Chronicals, and I believe there were 3 FF: Mystic Quest games. There was no
Re:Looking for something that works (Score:2)
Again, why don't you just accept and admit that you just don't like Final Fantasy instead of pretending that you have some amazing insight over people that play it. I play Final Fantasies for one reason, I enjoy them. I thought that was the whole reason for playing games.
Having Final Fantasy around
Re:Looking for something that works (Score:2)
Did Square turn you down for a job? Maybe they refused
Re:Looking for something that works (Score:2)
That's the way it is in movies, too (Score:2)
Re:That's the way it is in movies, too (Score:3, Insightful)
But when then whole suffers, because of a string of poor copies (Star Trek, Star wars, reality shows, Home improvement shows) then you get, instead of a single thing you like well enough, you get a barage of crap copies and half efforts.
Re:That's the way it is in movies, too (Score:1)
Sabans' Information Theory (Score:2, Funny)
Isn't he missing something? (Score:2)
When it gets right down to it, what is more important, the game play itself, or whether or the fact that the guys you are shooting look like Klingons or totally "original" aliens in an original universe? Does the name of the universe and what the other characters look like really matter in comparison to designing a game that plays well?
Re:Isn't he missing something? (Score:2, Insightful)
No. If you make a game that plays exactly like another game but with different skins on the things you're shooting, then you're not being original and you're part of the "never ending death spiral". You can argue good or bad gameplay, but if the game is fun isn't what they're talking about. UT2K4 doesn't h
Re:Isn't he missing something? (Score:2)
What ended up happening is this: the actual game must have received less attention, because gameplay suffered. I've heard it described as Zelda or
We've Seen This Pattern Before (Score:2, Interesting)
To learn from our mistakes with music, we need to try out independent software now and then. Tha
The consumer has a say (Score:2)
The consumers do have a say: radio is very heavily ratings-driven.
Re:The consumer has a say (Score:2)
Which of these eight songs we play over and over does the public like the best? That artist will be allowed to have an entry in next week's Wheel of Songs. The rest have already been termed 'One hit wonders'.
VH1 is already producing their "Where are they now?" specials. Because it's not like they play music videos anymore.
Re:The consumer has a say (Score:2)
If the listeners don't like the songs, they will play their iPod, tapes, or another station.
Re:We've Seen This Pattern Before (Score:1)
To learn from our mistakes with music, we need to try out independent software now and then. That's where the unique ideas are. The more people try and buy, the more independent concepts will be "spruced up" for the mainstream by a publisher
The biggest problem with this is that unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort and collaboration to make a good game. If you're a programmer, its not too hard to make a good game, but getting nice art and music can be hard to do.
The other problem is that its hard t
Good idea (Score:2, Funny)
Hmmmm. "Never-ending death spiral ... of stinking cheese." Sounds like a pretty good idea for a game to me!
Cost? (Score:5, Insightful)
Now this hasn't stopped new games from comming out. In the past few years we have had very innovative games (Full Spectrum Warrior, Sly Cooper, Pikmin, Katamari Damaci, Viewtiful Joe, and many many other). But it SEEMS like we are drowning in sequels (and to a degree we are) because for ever Katamari Damaci or FSW that comes out, we have *insert_sport_here* 200X, Generic Platformer 3: Now More Extreme, and about 6 other sequels.
This is not to say that sequels don't innovate. Some sequels really do innovate on their predicessor and make great games. But most don't. Most are a forumalic continuation (which can be good (not great) to aweful (why didn't they FIX THAT?)).
Frankly, I blame marketing (that's always fun). When every game out there is supposed to be made more "XTreme" and "Urban", is it any wonder that there are very few Katamari Damacis out there? We even see this ruining perfectly good games. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was a fantastic game. Great story, movie like presentation, clean and safe for kids. So they decided to make a sequel. Great! I couldn't wait. Then I saw it. Everything is dark and evil. The girl is now wearing cinnamon dental-floss for clothes. The whole atmosphere of the first game is gone replacced with a dark, extreme game. I won't buy it. I probably won't even rent it to play it. If they hadn't done that, I would have bought it.
Or Tony Hawk. Ever since playing THPS2 I've been hooked. The last one I bought (THUG) was a great game. I loved the story in it, it made it more fun to play for me because it wasn't just "random" stuff as much. At the same time, they didn't ruin the game. It was great. So then the sequel came out. I was going to buy it. But guess what, MARKETING got into the mix. So instead of the same (relativly) clean game, we get somemthing that's full of "hip" and "Urban" stuff. There are tons of low-brow jokes, an psycho kid in a wheelchair, and all sorts of other stuff that makes the game look like it came from "Blue Collar TV". Sorry Activision. No cash for you.
And what do we get when there actually IS a great game? Katamari Damachi I only know about because I read many gaming sites. I don't think I've seen any ads in magazines for it. I certanly haven't seen TV ads or flash ads on gaming sites. I only knew it existed because it was an odd little game that got some press for being origional. It wasn't marketed here in the US. Ico was the same. That was a FANTASTIC game, and real art. But it didn't do that well. A few TV commercials might help. Instead we get TV commercials for GTA:SA and THUG2. These little gems hardly ever seem to get any coverage, except as a single review and maybe a number on a top-10 list at the end of the year. In the mean time, stupid sequel 17 to pure formulaic game type 3 from some "me too" company runs tons of ads. I'll put Shenmue in there too. Some people didn't like it, I thought Shenmue 1 and 2 were the closest to movies or life-stories that games have gotten. Those too were pure art. But they got little press. The third (and final) installment is nowhere to be seen (and probably never will be). I'll give Sega credit for trying to keep things going with Shenmue 2 when 1 didn't sell that well, but they won't even finish out the series.
Hard to start new franchises due to cost, stupid marketing execs (witness: BMX: XXX existing), and underpromotion. That's why we get so many sequels and rip-offs.
My 0.02, not spent on crappy games.
Re:Cost? (Part 2) (Score:2)
Re:Cost? (Score:1)
It only costs $20 bucks. TWENTY DOLLARS!@! for this level of entertainment is amazing. The game takes ~5 hours to "beat" but who knows how long if you want to get everything.
If you don't own this title yet
Another thing to consider (Score:2, Insightful)
The reason is... (Score:4, Interesting)
Once you know that, the rest makes sense in a strange and depressing way.
Re:The reason is... (Score:1)
You'd think if they had gamers working for gaming companies, they'd not make the imbalances. You'd think if gamers worked for gaming companies, you'd see longer lasting games.
But what we're looking at isn't good because we're on the eve of an end game. There will be monopolistic gaming dynasties that make games that everyone plays. The reason
Find an indy developer (Score:2)
Plenty of originality online (Score:3, Informative)
The GameShow! [jasonzahn.com]: Daily complete-the-phrase puzzle. Each game lasts a month and has about 100-150 players.
Kingdom of Loathing [kingdomofloathing.com]: Hilarious web based RPG
X-Kings [x-kings.com]: Turn based strategy game with thousands of players
See my own web based game in the sig...
Games are Fundamentally Software (Score:4, Interesting)
This really started with Nintendo. Super Mario 1-3 anyone? Even though 2 (US) was based on a completely different engine, no one complains about originality. Maybe Metal Gear Solid (1-3) would be a modern equivalent. Tetris was oringal. It was followed by Dr. Mario and friends.
I also like to play older games, but I'll play a newer version if it exists. I played Pirates (for Nintendo) into the ground. Having played the new PC version, I can safely say I simply like it better and there's no feature that I really miss from the previous game (and it even fixes some of the balance issues...like dividing up the plunder after "accidently" killing off your crew).
Final Fantasy, however, is an exception. While people bemoan lack of originality, anyone who was around when FF7 came out remember the fan boys being upset because it departed from the rest of the series. The newest one isn't even single player like the rest of the series (little known fact: FF6 (FF3 US SNES) could be 2 player). The only thing every game has in common is being an RPG, involving magic, story-driven (rather than open-ended and choice driven) and some guy named Cid.
If I wanted to say there was a lack of originality in games, I would instead say that there's not been a genre-founding game in a while. Mario, Tetris, Wolfenstein, Warcraft, Civilization, Ultima Online, Dragon Warrior, and even GTA (the original) all founded new genres of games. Can anyone name a new genre that's been made in the past 5 years? The only thing I can even come up with is Dance Dance Revolution.
Re:Games are Fundamentally Software (Score:1)
Besides, I think your list is a little too modern. Mario could easily be thought of
Re:Games are Fundamentally Software (Score:2)
DDR is nothing like Simon BTW. In Simon, you duplicate notes by memory and it rythym is a non-factor. In DDR, while memorization helps, it's hardly necessary. Coordination and rythym are the key. These elements
Re:Games are Fundamentally Software (Score:2)
TO say that memorization is not needed is misleading. On songs with any kind of difficulty, if you don't know what's coming up you turn into a stumbling idiot. (I've been that idiot) You simply can't react fast enough.
I do have respect for people who are good at that game after having tried it. It's hard shit. Probably the best cardio a gamer will get too.
Perspective Is Everything (Score:1)
Sure, if all you're looking
Is this worth fighting for? (Score:3, Insightful)
I think the primary desire for new games comes from the confusion betweens games and stories. Stories are definitely better when they're original. If you're just using a video game as a medium to tell a story, then having it be original will make it a better story...but it still might be a crappy game.
Games should be challenging and interesting. The players should be able to play the game in a different way every time and still have fun. That's what makes a game good. Whether the idea is a new one or not doesn't really matter.
Same biz model as Hollywood (Score:1)
A few big hits finance all the other flops or average-doing movies - you hang 10 lines in the water to catch the big fish that's somewhere out there.
Rehashing hits with sequels is a cash cow, and since software is always buggy and incomplete, version 2 often is a big step forward even for creative games, like Fallout - Fallout 2 was even greater (Fallout Tactics was pure moneymaking).
Originality: why I purchased a DS instead of a PSP (Score:2)
Original games don't sell (Score:1)
That said, that doesn't mean that we haven't seen original gameplay ideas surface in recent years. A previous poster mentioned how
Re:Original games don't sell (Score:1)
Beyond Good and Evil, as you mentioned, was an excellent title that did not sell well. And yet, everyone I've ever introduced it to (a pool of perhaps 8 people, gamers and non-gamers) were amazed by it.
Unforunately for BGOE, the publisher (Ubisoft) was releasing two "risky" titles
Wait, what? (Score:2)