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Businesses Entertainment Games

E3 Expo Space Sells Out 54

Voodoo Extreme has the word that the E3 show space has already sold out in anticipation of what is likely to be a momentous expo, "...with a show floor the size of 2,700 city blocks, an unparalleled business conference program, and more than 400 exhibitors from 87 countries."
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E3 Expo Space Sells Out

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  • Harrumph (Score:5, Funny)

    by daeley ( 126313 ) on Monday March 21, 2005 @03:53PM (#12003685) Homepage
    E3 Expo Space Sells Out

    Yeah, they used to be cool. You could just like, you know, hang out with the space. But then they sold out and got too big and like everybody was all, "Yeah I liked them when nobody like knew about them and stuff." Sucks.
  • 2700 city blocks? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Naikrovek ( 667 ) <{moc.gsp} {ta} {nosnhojj}> on Monday March 21, 2005 @03:58PM (#12003757)
    .. like wow. especially since a city block is 1/10th of a mile on each side. that's 100 city blocks to a square mile, so 2.7 square miles?

    2.7 square miles? 2.7 square miles. i literally don't believe that.
    • It's probably that ghey european notation and they really mean 2.700 blocks. Still, that's a lot of significant digits.
    • whoops, make that 27 square miles. bad decimal.

      i highly doubt that its a 27 square mile expo.
    • Re:2700 city blocks? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Alkaiser ( 114022 )
      Literally? Not just figuratively or metaphorically not believing that?

      But you're right, that number is completely off. It's inside the L.A. Convention Center which boasts 770,000 square feet of exhbition space. They're off by a factor of 100, it's only .027 square miles (.0276, which would actually round to .028.)

      So, I guess this means when we get hype from the industry, we should divide by 100?

      Anyway, this is big news, in case you hadn't picked up from the implication, because they haven't sold out E
    • Actually, at least here in the middle of the country, a mile is 8 blocks. Major streets in my city are spaced 8 blocks apart, 21st, 29th, and 37th. When you get out in the country, and country roads have street numbers for names, every mile road is numbered plus or minus 8 from the last one. That yields 64 blocks per mile instead of 100, and 640 acres per square mile as well leads to 10 acres per block.
    • 2.7 square miles? 2.7 square miles. i literally don't believe that.

      It's probably to make room for the XboxNext.

      You saw how big the original Xbox was. And the Next is suppossed to have 3 IBM Power5 processors. Judging by how big the Mac G5 with only *two* processors is, you'd better start clearing some space if you want a Next.
  • This stuff is seriously trendy. Any given year Cebit or Comdex or E3 is better. I don't know if the floor space would wow me as much as the product showings. 1 company demonstrating 10 things, is equal to 10 companies demonstrating 1 thing each.

    • by L7_ ( 645377 )
      And at e3 there is so much "behind hte scenes business" that half the booths aren't demonstrating anything, they just look like secretaries sitting at a hijacked office front room setting up meetings for thier backroom people to beg for money from the suits that show up.
  • From the post (can't read the article right now):
    Voodoo Extreme has the word that the E3 show space has already sold out in anticipation of what is likely to be a momentous expo, "...with a show floor the size of 2,700 city blocks, an unparalleled business conference program, and more than 400 exhibitors from 87 countries."

    2,700 CITY BLOCKS?!

    That's wack. Most cities don't have 2,700 city blocks. and Besides that, if they have 400 exibitors, that would mean each exibit takes up an average of 6.75 cit
    • by dtfinch ( 661405 ) * on Monday March 21, 2005 @05:10PM (#12004786) Journal
      Probably 2.700 city blocks. In some countries they use "," instead of ".", in order to be misunderstood by the rest of the world.
    • that would mean each exibit takes up an average of 6.75 city blocks!

      That sounds about right. I hear Sony's booth will take up nearly 500 city blocks itself, and will have it's own police force (there is talk of succession, and incorporating their own city)

      But that's nothing. Microsoft had to reserve nearly 750 city blocks, almost entirely attributable to the gi-normous size of their consoles. But they're going with it and adopting the slogan 'Bigger is Better.' One banner bearing the slogan will stretc
  • 2700 City Block? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Marc_Hawke ( 130338 ) on Monday March 21, 2005 @04:00PM (#12003794)
    540,000 sq ft translates into 2700 city blocks?

    That would mean each 'block' is 200 sq ft. Are these lilliputian cities?

    • That would mean each 'block' is 200 sq ft. Are these lilliputian cities?

      Sounds about right. You have to remember - if you are campaigning outdoors, an "inch" refers to ten yards, indoors and underground, an "inch" refers to ten feet.

    • With 400 exhibitors, each one gets almost 7 city blocks each.

      I know trade show booths have been getting bigger, but that's ridiculous :-)

    • Assuming an industrial oil drum in a light-industrial zone is 200 square feet, or a square of roadway, then yes, about 200 feet per block sounds about right. The bigger question is, of course, how many sims can attend your convention, and will it work without water and power?

    • Maybe their blocks are made out of Lego.
  • I saw "E3 Expo Sells Out" and immediately thought "So they're going to have rappers and pop artists making appearances and change it from a videogame expo to one of pop culture, I expected this." E3 better not sell out.
    • So they're going to have rappers and pop artists making appearances and change it from a videogame expo to one of pop culture, I expected this." E3 better not sell out.

      Yeah, and since this [] is the future of gaming, I'll stick with nintendo, thanks. (Seriously, you HAVE to click and watch that trailer).

      • that game will only be cool if you can play online as 50 and his gunit with your buddies. Then it will be as cool as a civic with chrome tailpipes.
        • 'that game will only be cool if you can play online as 50 and his gunit with your buddies. Then it will be as cool as a civic with chrome tailpipes.
          "Something's wrong with you...and I hope we never do meet again." - Deftones When Girls Telephone Boys'

          Wait, a guy who quotes the Deftones has enough hipness to have the confidence to make fun of 50 Cent? 50 Cent must be really uncool.
  • ...but nowadays given enough polygons, clear textures, and good processing power we already can run an almost full virtual reality with all the tricks up a graphics card's sleeves (or registers). Like higher order surfaces, vertex programs, and such blows one's mind IMO.

    I think, speed aside, we won't see much improvement anymore, now or in the future (except, perhaps, for true 3D displays--in space, like the DNA strand in the Athens 2004 opening ceremony [], as opposed to flattened like a TV/moni
  • if we can expect another Duke Nukem Forever demo from 3D Realms this year.
  • E3 is great (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Mike Hawk ( 687615 )
    Paid day off to get drunk and wander around downtown LA topped off with a party with free booze at the company's expense a few blocks away later that evening. I guess they have some video games too or something.
  • ...with a show floor the size of 2,700 city blocks...

    Well, I for one welcome our colossal, city-eating trade shows.
  • Remember the GOD lot, goodtimes!

UNIX was half a billion (500000000) seconds old on Tue Nov 5 00:53:20 1985 GMT (measuring since the time(2) epoch). -- Andy Tannenbaum
