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Eidos Buyout Offer Results in Competing Bids 11

Pluvius writes "Eidos, the UK-based publisher of such well-known franchises as Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Hitman, is the subject of competing buyout bids after announcing in August its plans to put itself up for sale after lower-than-expected earnings. Though rumors abounded that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp was interested in such a deal, it turns out that the two main rivals in this buyout are SCi Entertainment, publisher of an assortment of games including Conflict: Desert Storm, and Elevation Partners, a US venture group containing such diverse figures as former EA president John Riccitiello and U2 lead singer Bono. SCi currently has the upper hand, with a 74.1 million pound offer (as well as the support of Eidos' biggest shareholder) beating out Elevation's 71 million pounds. It might not be News Corp, but it's still interesting."
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Eidos Buyout Offer Results in Competing Bids

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  • Well having a look at the offers , i think it would be grand if SCI got the deal .
    They are in the industry and have released a load of classics in their time(gold box , i think this is the same SCI if so then they know a good thing when they see it) so would probably do quite well with the eidos licenses.
    Though i wouldnt mind if the elevation group won .

    The main thing though would be that i would like to see eidos remain an entity , and would be far happier if it stayed EU based and owned , there are far t
    • What never ceases to amaze me is that Fox News Channel is always the first to jump all over every little "OMG BOOBIES" or "OMG MISCEGENATION" story about slutty television leading to the collapse of western civilization, while Fox Broadcasting practically created the niche and continues to push the envelope. The punk kids who savage my lawn today might not know it, but when The Simpsons premeired some 16 years ago, it was derided as the greatest force of demonic power since Abraham Lincoln.
      • I have no problem with smut and violence (Just read shakspear or most greek mytholigy ) but i like my smut and violence to have a great plot , Fox , Sky ,the sun newspaper etc and all the other news corp crap really does not , sure they have some great TV shows ( which i buy on dvd as i dont have a tv able to recive broadcasts , crippled so i dont have to pay a license fee)like the simpsons but the rest of the stuff i have seen is just dire reality TV and shows which make WWE smackdown seem like "the sky
      • Wow. It's almost like different groups of people are allowed to express different opinions.

        Fox Broadcasting, for example, has aired "Cops" for the last 15+ years. That's a show basically designed to glorify law enforcement by showing what real cops do. More recently they aired tons of "World's Wildest Police Chases" shows that all end with Sgt. John Bunnell spouting some catch phrase about how crime doesn't pay. At the same time, some of their comedy shows (particularly The Simpsons) include police-off
    • Realistically, how much worse could Eidos get? Okay, they could reach ValuSoft quality but that's just a tiny step for them.
      • Realistically, how much worse could Eidos get?

        Probably not much worse, Tomb Raider: Angel Of Darkness pretty much hit bottom. Worst. Game. Ever. Unbelievable that they're wasting the cash to even TRY and follow it up.

        Hopefully, whoever buys Eidos will perform a mercy killing on the TR franchise. Give Lara the shotgon blast to the head, Old Yeller style. The last game sucked (hell, the last two or three TR games sucked) and the last movie sucked (not that the first one was that great either.) The franc

  • Eidos is like a mansion in a corny horror movie: anything that goes in dies. Ion Storm gets to play the part of the black dude.
  • by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Wednesday March 23, 2005 @10:34AM (#12023086) Homepage Journal
    such well-known franchises as Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Hitman

    What about Thief, Thief 2 and Thief: Deadly Shadows? I've played more Thief than the listed 3 series combined.
    • Thief was alright, though I don't think it's a game that put people on the pre-order list. Hitman was downright aweful in the sense that it was about as unoriginal as it gets. I was shocked to find out there was even a sequel made. TR is done, it's got the most shallow gameplay, plot, action.

      EA should buy them out for the sake of owning even more of the market. Well, actually I'd just like to see them have even more financial burden. This is a pretty big one.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
