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Education Entertainment Games

UN Food Programme Releases Game 63

bobbis.u writes "The UN World Food Programme has launched a game (for Windows and Mac) to educate people about their work. Although aimed for children, I'm sure some Slashdotters will enjoy it. It includes six different missions and is a hefty download."
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UN Food Programme Releases Game

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  • Great game! (Score:5, Funny)

    by yotto ( 590067 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @10:29AM (#12234151) Homepage
    I love the 3rd mission the best, where it is "implied" that you give the food to a local tyrant so they can sell it for guns.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      This is in contrast to the Army of the America's simulator, where you sell arms to terrorists and deluge the inner streets of your own country with addictive cheep drugs to fund the Nicaraguan contras.

      Not only can you be a contra causing destruction to most of your country for the 'protection' for a dozen rich human rights violators, you can also be a member of the 316th Battalion commiting your own human rights violations. Better be careful with those electrodes!

      I understand that the next version is goi
    • No way man. That bonus level where Bush challenges Al Qaida to see who can kill more middle-easterners was the best.

  • solution! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 14, 2005 @10:34AM (#12234217)
    they wouldnt be so hungry if they started eating the weaker children.
  • by wolf- ( 54587 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @10:35AM (#12234229) Homepage
    The upcoming "Congo Adventures" addon will be rated Mature. In the upcoming addon, not only will you be providing food to a distressed population, but you will also be able to open your "red light" district. In exchange for food, local girls will be able to offer "sexual favors" to you and your men.
  • Dammit I wanted to play this. Already SLashdotted and barely any comments yet even.
  • by TripMaster Monkey ( 862126 ) * on Thursday April 14, 2005 @10:43AM (#12234328)

    Way to go, guys...the site is slashdotted, and now the children won't learn about hunger.

    Won't someone think of the children???

  • Children (Score:2, Insightful)

    by bobbis.u ( 703273 )
    I didn't really think, but I'm sure some Slashdotters are children!

    My submission was "edited": I made an appeal for Torrents - think of the starving children when you are running up the UN's bandwidth bills.

  • marginalization (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mabu ( 178417 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @10:49AM (#12234400)
    It's really sad to see all the pedantic jokes and offhand comments about the UN and these efforts; people making fun of the UN's use of technology as a diversion from the associated goal of feeding the hungry, but the reality is if there wasn't such an overwhelming amount of ignorance and misinformation being spread about by partisian groups on the UN's purpose and accomplishments, they wouldn't need to release software like this, but unfortunately, many of the sopmoric comments herein show exactly why they do.
    • Re:marginalization (Score:4, Informative)

      by iridium_ionizer ( 790600 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @11:16AM (#12234661)
      The sex abuse scandal [] in west Africa is NOT misinformation. Nor is the oil-for-food scandal. Yes the purpose of the U.N. is laudable, but in practice it has left something to be desired (watch Hotel Rwanda). You could probably say the same thing of U.S. foriegn policy. In regards to sopmoric comments, as long as the U.N. wants to be a player on the global stage they will be subject to the world's criticisms, jests, and sopmoric comments.
  • Very funny (Score:2, Informative)

    by Elkboy ( 770849 )

    The Oil For Food Program succeeded in its humanitarian mission.

    "International aid efforts and the U.N. oil-for-food program helped reduce the ruinous impact of sanctions, and the rate of acute malnutrition among the youngest Iraqis gradually dropped from a peak of 11 percent in 1996 to 4 percent in 2002."

    - The Washington Post, November 21

    That's not the only aspect of the OFFP "scandal" that has been twisted. []

    With the risk of ruining the UN-bashing with a little US-bashing - the US can't even feed the d []

    • Re:Very funny (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Maybe they are busy doing something else [].
      • I know, the US-bashing was in jest.

        But to be fair, the focus on corruption, prostitution and such, while obviously justified, easily obscure what the UN accomplishes too, just as any negative news from Iraq jumps ahead of positive ones.

    • Hyman trashed U.N. with distortions about oil-for-food

      Sinclair Broadcast Group commentator Mark Hyman used the April 12 edition of "The Point" to attack United Nations and European leaders with false and misleading accusations regarding their involvement in corruption in the U.N. oil-for-food program.

      Referring to Benon Sevan, the U.N. undersecretary who headed the oil-for-food program, Hyman opened "The Point" by stating, "Generally, if someone has found to have
      • What you presented was actually an editorial from an extremist group. It was not news, it was not fact. It was opinion. Do you have anything to present that is not wing-nut opinion using as a "Straw Man" the Sinclair bogeyman?

        Also, regardless of whether Sinclair is snakes or not, it cannot possibly engage in " continued misuse of public airwaves" by "broadcast[ing] one-sided, politically charged programming without a counterpoint." Such broadcasts are part of free speech, and are an excellent use of the a

  • Interesting (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Stormcrow309 ( 590240 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @11:12AM (#12234630) Journal

    So, we have a game that educates us on the UN Humanitarian efforts. So, options will be feed the populace, get kickbacks, or go home?

    I would like the UN to live upto its charter and worry about Human Rights and Genocide. BTW, 'Ethnic Cleansing' is a term for Genocide that does not envoke the Genocide Resolution (Resolution 260 (III) A) in the UN Charter.

    • I am assuming you are refering to the events that are happening in Sudan and what happened in Rwanda where millions of people were killed and nobody really gave a shit. The United Nations is as strong as its members want it to be. I am not particularly sure why every balking from going into Sudan but in the case of Rwanda what really happened was that the genocide happened in a time frame where people were still thinking about the disaster that happened in Somalia. It was close to an election and President
      • Unfortunately, they are required to act in cases of Genocide. The UN is broken if they cannot handle a core issue like Genocide. The fact that the US did not act Unilaterally is a point of shame on my part; but hell, I voted Dole.

        • Yes, I agree. the United Nations HAS to act whenever a genocide occurs. Guess how they got around it, they did not use the G word :(

          If its not a genocide, guess what the rest of the world need not act. The US does not need to act unilaterally, what is needed is leadership. I mean I do understand that we Americans are not the worlds most favorite people right now but I think we would be surprised at how many people would support (millatarily and morally) if any country goes to stop whats happening in Suda

          • I have seen the Movie "Ghosts of Rwanda". The issue with the UN is that every country gets a vote in the General Assembly. Considering the shear number of petty dictators out there, there is no surprise that we have the issues that we have. The change has to be political reform inside countries first.

            As for Israel, all I see is a country beset by enemies that we help. The issue isn't Israel, but the Countries around it.

      • I mean the claim is that Sudan is the UN's role, so if you broke away from the shackles of the UN, would you do whats right?

        Depends on what's right, obviously. NATO had no problem acting without UN sanction in Kosovo, but decided to toe the line in Rwanda. I can't discuss it reasonably, because it's a hotbutton for me. I don't know that every country would do what's right in the absence of the UN, but we (as a global community) obviously don't always do what's right WITH the UN present. So essentially
        • No question. There should be more of an outcry about Sudan, someone has to do something :( and soon. When people are presented the oppurtunity to save lives its mind boggling that countries do not take that oppurtunity. But then we come again to your initial question. What is right? Is it right to depose of a dictator like Saddam and bring democracy to the Middle East, it depends on whom you ask.

          So I agree with you but in reality I rather spend money on an organization that MAY however remote the possibil

  • er.exe
  • Only then it was called Burgertime []?

It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
