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Masters of Doom Movie In The Works 31

John Callaham writes "The film industry trade publication Variety announced today that Showtime plans to make a bio-pic movie based on Masters of Doom, the 2003 released non-fiction book on the formation of Doom developer id Software." More coverage available on Gamasutra. Now there is a Doom movie that I'd like to watch.
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Masters of Doom Movie In The Works

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  • by dsyu ( 203328 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @04:53PM (#12238315) Homepage Journal
    Will they get The Rock to grow his hair out and play John Romero? Yikes.
    • The way i hear the plot goes is Jon Romero (Rock) Raises his mighty sword above his head and screams "by the power of Grayskull ID have the power" and becomes ID man and forms the company.
      Later She-ra apears and they have a fight with skelator and the upshot is doom is released...
      Only now do i realise that HE-Man was masters of the universe not doom but still the similaritys are remarkable...
      Honestly though its a great Book but I do'nt see it working as a film ,without a little artistic license.
  • The Rock... (Score:1, Offtopic)

    ...says he gets to use the B.F.G.

    holy shit i want to see that movie.
    • If my memory is correct, they changed it from "Big F'ing Gun" to "Bio-Force Gun".

      Oh, and instead of shooting Demons from Hell he is giving kittens to girl scouts, or maybe I'm just remembering a bad dream...

      • If my memory is correct, they changed it from "Big F'ing Gun" to "Bio-Force Gun". IIRC, it has always been the Bio Force Gun. I know it was in Doom 3, and the copies I got of Doom 1 & 2, and Quake II didn't come with a manual, so I don't know what they called it in the documentation.
        • on the Daily Show (the exact date eludes me atm), the Rock says they're "calling it the Bio-Force Gun", but "that's not what it *is*".

          i have also only heard it called the "Big F*cking Gun" everywhere. that airing of the Daily Show was the _first_ time i've *EVER* heard it called the "Bio-Force Gun". but FWIW, i have yet to actually play anything more recent than Doom 1.
        • Just because they called it the Bio Force Gun in three (in order to give more fear and less laughs) doesn't mean it's what they've always called it. It's always been one of those public secrets. I really doubt the game devs would dispute its original title.
        • "BFG" stands for "Big Fucking Gun" in the original games. See the page 55 of the Doom Bible [], Tom Hall's original design document for Doom.
        • IIRC, the manuals for Doom and Doom II never came out and called it the "Big F'ing Gun," but in the item description there was something along the lines of "...we'll leave it to you to figure out what the BFG stands for..."
  • Hmm. (Score:5, Funny)

    by say__10 ( 768448 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @04:55PM (#12238351) Homepage
    I bet Romero would play himself, a brothas gotta eat too.
  • This was the only pdf I could ever be arsed to read fully on a PC, which says a lot about the interest I picked in it... It's very interesting if you're interested in game making, so all nerds go and fetch it :)
  • They always do...

    "However, the movie has angered some online fans for appearing to contradict the basic tenets of the Doom storyline, with the action apparently not being set on Mars and the demons from hell of the games being replaced with humans sporting a mutagenic virus"

    Fucking bastards....

    The ONE MOVIE I WANT TO SEE ADAPTED, and they pull a lame-ass "Omega Man" on us. As George Carlin says, Fuck The Fucking Fuckers. I want Mars, and I want my Demons from Hell in the movie. I want Hell Knights and Ar
    • However, the movie has angered some online fans for appearing to contradict the basic tenets of the Doom storyline

      Yeah, like Doom had a storyline...
      • by Anonymous Coward
        like Doom had a storyline...

        It may not be a good storyline, but it exists:

        Scientists for the UAC develop teleportation. They set up teleporters between Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Mars. The Deimos teleporter goes wrong and opens a portal to Hell, and in fact the whole moon is sucked in and ends up hovering above Hell. Demons come through into our universe.

        A group of marines land on Phobos to try and find out what the hell is going on. The party that enters the base first all die, so the guy they

    • I imagine they took out the whole "Hell" storyline because it's just cheesy and they need to sell it to the masses to make money.

      That said, I would advocate doing something like Event Horizon - describe "Hell" just like it is, a dimension of chaos, blood, torture, mutilation, etc. etc. but never call it Hell. It's still creepy and can follow the generic Doom storyline, but sell-able IMO.

      I can also understand why it's not just one marine and why Sarge (played by The Rock) is leading a team -- makes for mo
  • Any ideas who could possibly take on this murderously challenging role?

    Anthony Hopkins?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Did you even read the topic? This isn't about the DooM movie featuring Dwayne Johnson. It's about a Biography-style documentary about id.
  • I just want to see them cutting back and forth between Carmack sitting on his gold plated rocket ship and Romero coding cell phone games from a double-wide.

    Seriously though, I think that the basis for a good story could be found here. Not so much with the gaming geek audience, either. "Some Kind of Monster" appealed to me, even though I don't like Metallica. Getting all of those egos together to talk about who invented a genre as big and transformative as FPS's would be endlessly amusing.
  • by obeythefist ( 719316 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @10:52PM (#12240973) Journal
    There will be some changes to this movie to make it more understandable for the intended audience, and for budgetary reasons:

    1) The movie will be about developers who make a game that takes place on Earth, not Mars
    2) The movie will be about developers who make a game with monsters that are humans who were mutated by a rogue virus, not demons from Hell

    • 1) The marketing executive at the company will become the arch nemisis and will be renamed "Dean." Everyone will vow revenge against that crusty old Dean.

      2) Since kids love the token animals these days, the movie will prominintely feature a bright orange bobcat which will help Carmack solve rendering issues by throwing exclamation points and making witty, insightful banter.

      3) As most people don't understand what happens in software development, and really could care less anyway, the game development proc
      • the movie will prominintely feature a bright orange bobcat which will help Carmack solve rendering issues
        And the bobcat will be computer-generated and will speak with an accent that overly-sensitive representatives of minority groups will find offensive.
  • Can't wait for the inevitable sequel on the making of Daikatana.
  • by Tjebbe ( 36955 ) on Friday April 15, 2005 @06:36AM (#12242696) Homepage will not be about Id Software, because game creation will not appeal to the general public.

    Also, the characters Carmack and Romero will not feature in this movie.

    Instead, it will be a light romantic comedy about two guys that fall in love with the same girl.

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
