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Animaniacs Video Game In The Works 51

GameGossip has word that an Animaniacs video game entitled "The Great Edgar Hunt" is currently in the works. The game is being done by the in-house Warner Bros. developers. From the article: "The game is a third-person action title developed by Warthog, and puts players to the task of guiding characters Wakko, Yakko and Dot throughout six levels while trying to find the Edgar trophies; each making use of their own moves. The game will also include five "Pinky & The Brain" mini-games."
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Animaniacs Video Game In The Works

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  • Huh? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by christopherfinke ( 608750 ) <> on Friday April 15, 2005 @03:40PM (#12248048) Homepage Journal
    Did I step into a time warp? Is "The Animaniacs" even on TV anymore?
    • it's on the nicktoons network on digital cable

      only reruns though
    • No, it's not. Well, they aren't making new episodes, anyway. Which is why it's newsworthy.
      • Re:Huh? (Score:2, Informative)

        by Meagermanx ( 768421 )
        Seriously, does this even count as geek news? Oooh, Animaniacs hasn't been on TV for a while, and they're coming out with a game!! Hell, they already came out with a game. It was for the SNES, I have it, and it sucks. Games that suck this badly do not generally get their immediate predecessor featured on slashdot! This may be news, but it's not for nerds, and it doesn't matter at all to me.
    • The only way they can win with this, hoever good (stop laughing and let me be optimistic, dammit!) they make the game, is to aim it toward the 20somethings who grew up with the cartoon rather than the kids of today. Animaniacs and Pinky & The Brain have the potential to be really good games if done well, but if this is dumbed down for the kiddies it'll be miserable.
  • Singalong (Score:3, Funny)

    by hollismb ( 817357 ) on Friday April 15, 2005 @03:44PM (#12248112) Homepage
    It's time for Animaniacs
    And we're zany to the max
    So just sit back and relax
    You'll laugh 'til you collapse
    We're Animaniacs!

    Come join the Warner Brothers
    And the Warner Sister, Dot
    Just for fun we run around the Warner movie lot.
    They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught
    But we break loose and then vamoose
    And now you know the plot!
    • We're animaniacs
      Dot is cute and Yakko yaks
      Wakko packs away the snacks
      While Bill Clinton plays the sax
      We're Animaniacs

      Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe
      Good Feathers flock together, Slappy whacks 'em with her purse
      Buttons chases Mindy while Rita sings a verse
      The writers flipped we have no script why bother to rehearse

      We're animaniacs
      We have pay or play contracts
      We're zany to the max
      There's baloney in our slacks
      We're animany
      Totally insaney
      Here's the shows name-y

      Those are the f
      • And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner!

        United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
        Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
        Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
        Greenland, El Salvador too.
        Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
        Honduras, Guyana, and still,
        Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
        And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
        Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
        Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
        Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam
        And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.

        Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
        And Germany now one piece,
        • > Notice: Transylvania is included, but South Africa is not!

          There are a number of little things like that. For instance, Scotland, Ireland, and England are included, but not Northern Ireland or Wales. I chalk this up to the fact that they were trying to make it fit the rhythm at least somewhat, as well as rhyme if possible. Also, since you mentioned South Africa, both Swaziland and Lesotho are included, even though South Africa is not. Then there's the small matter of using nonstandard names for som
      • In syndication they changed the Bill Clintion Plays the sax thing. not sure what they changed it to though.
        • Because Clinton isn't in office any more.

          They changed it during the original run in later seasons, after Clinton was voted out of office. The reruns are just playing the second opening.
          • ...after Clinton was voted out of office

            Huh? Clinton was never voted out of office, as president. He won both the 1992 and 1996 US presidential elections, and completed the maximum eight years allowed by the 22nd Amendment of the US Constitution.

            (He just had a little too much fun doing it - and then there was that whole impeachment thing. Glad I never voted for him...)

            I think the game has possibilities, myself, even if the show has been relinquished to sydication.
      • I believe they have "Pay for Play contracts", but we would have to check the closed captioning to be sure.
  • Article (Score:3, Funny)

    by someguy456 ( 607900 ) <> on Friday April 15, 2005 @03:46PM (#12248124) Homepage Journal
    Wait, where was the article? The linked page contained pretty much the same information as the blurb. I think this is one of those times when RTFA won't help
  • Back in the old side scroller days, they had an Animaniacs game for the Genesis and probably SNES. You should try to find the ROM*clears throat loudly* cartridge for it if you didn't try it when it came out.
  • I had no idea this was still on TV, and even if it was, what are the chances that the kids today will even know the cartoon characters in this video game.
    It seems to me their just running out of ideas.

    Why doesnt the video game industry bring back adventure games, now thats the good stuff.
  • by MagicDude ( 727944 ) on Friday April 15, 2005 @03:54PM (#12248242)
    Why can't Warner Brothers invest the money being used to develop this game into something else? Odds are this game isn't going to be a huge revolution in technology or gaming principles or programming or graphics or anything. This game is more likely to be a mediocre platformer, who's charm is going to be driven more by the story and the characters than the actual game itself. Why oh why can't they instead make more Animaniacs cartoons? That will target their prime audience better than a video game I think. A cartoonish platformer (unless it's done extremely well and elegantly) isn't likely to sell very well to the late teens/early 20's crowd, since these are the people who were the prime audience 10 years ago when Animaniacs was on the air. Since then I don't believe that Animaniacs has had a very big presence, and todays 8-14 year olds aren't as interested in it as we were. However, I don't think you'd find anyone who wouldn't be interested in the propect of new Animaniacs cartoons on TV.
    • Absolutely. Less semi-useful games based on the cartoons, and more cartoons. A game won't have the same effect--especially if you play it more than, say, twice; you start hearing the same jokes again, whereas an extra season can always bring some sort of new humor (and where else would you have heard about Lake Titicaca save for a boring geography class? One can actually learn from these guys).

      I, for one, would definitely welcome back our Saturday Morning comedic overlords.
    • Odds are this game isn't going to be a huge revolution in technology or gaming principles or programming or graphics or anything.

      No, but it could be utterly rediculous, which might make it worth buying.
    • However, I don't think you'd find anyone who wouldn't be interested in the propect of new Animaniacs cartoons on TV.

      I'm unsure.

      That era of Warner Bros. animation did produce some good material. Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain, each of these at their best were much better than anything on Saturday Morning had any right being. (Of course, Batman: The Animated Series was brilliant all the way through, but it seems difficult to meaningfully juxtapose that with Pinky and the Brain....)

      But don't
  • Time warp! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Gothic_Walrus ( 692125 ) on Friday April 15, 2005 @03:54PM (#12248252) Journal
    Animaniacs: 1993 to 1998 []

    Pinky and the Brain: 1995 to 1998 []

    I think the game is going to fail, simply because it's not going to have an audience. My guess is that the target audience is going to be children; the game is probably going to be too easy for anyone who grew up with the show to enjoy it.

    And barring the "third-person" line (which implies that the game will be 3D), it sounds a lot like the old Genesis/SNES title. I don't think I can think of any other franchises that made the jump from 16-bit to next-gen, and this doesn't seem like it's going to bode well for the game's fate.

    In any case, though, I'm hoping that it's going to be a good game. The franchise deserves it, especially since this could very well be the last we ever see of either Animaniacs or Pinky and the Brain.

    • Re:Time warp! (Score:3, Informative)

      by scribblej ( 195445 )
      I don't think I can think of any other franchises that made the jump from 16-bit to next-gen, and this doesn't seem like it's going to bode well for the game's fate.

      Not trying very hard, are you?

      Off the top of my head, there's Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. Donkey Kong. Ninja Gaiden (and how!), Prince of Persia, etc.

      And this just what my poor 5:00 Friday brain could come up with in ten seconds.

      There's a TON of games that have "made the jump." Think harder.
      • Thsoe are all franchises that began as video games.

        Admittedly, I didn't specify in my first post. But can you think of any entertainment (movies, TV, books...) franchises that made that jump?

        Or am I just proving my stupidity again?

        • Bit late now I guess, but hell yes I can!

          Batman, Spiderman, Superman, X-men, etc, etc, etc... all had old 8-bit incarnations that were successful and newer ones as well.

          How about Raiders of the Lost Ark? Was there ever a 16-bit version of that? Even if not, I think I could say "Indiana Jones" and still be OK -- counting the whole concept rather than just the one movie. After all, we're not talking about a single Animaniacs episode...

          And Star Wars, for that matter. Done up in every system from A to Z.
    • I think this is bound to be a niche game, due to the fact that the animaniacs have well passed their heyday. That being the case, I wish they'd take a different angle on the game.

      More specifically, I wish they'd make an adventure game, along the lines Lucas Arts stuff of Day of the Tentacle or Sam&Max hit the Road. And I think the animaniacs would be a perfect fit for that game type. It allows for lots of silliness and clever writing, good times all around.
  • or is it one of Brain's plots to take over the world?
  • by hirschma ( 187820 ) on Friday April 15, 2005 @04:23PM (#12248681)
    "The game is being done by the in-house Warner Bros. developers."

    Time Warner has a near perfect track record of failing with any content that uses any kind of technology. This game should carry on the same sad tradition.

    They need to stick to distribution, ink and paper, and celluloid.

  • Don't get me wrong---I love the Animaniacs, and along with Freakazoid, they made some great cartoon humor---but how is this even news, even if it were timely?
  • Pinky: Yeah, but how will they ever fit all those llamas in such a small box?

    Brain: Come on, we have to prepare for tomorrow night.

    Pinky: Why what are we going to do?

    Brain: Same thing we do every night, try to make a good video game.
  • ...why not release a DVD? []
  • Back when I worked for Davidson/Knowledge Adventure/CUC Software/Cendant Software/Havas Interactive [] (I left before they became Universal Interactive and were subsequently shut down), we released the "Animaniacs Wacky Pack". This was a very fun game for PC and Mac, comprising (I seem to recall) four activities: miniature golf, a maze game, and a couple more I can't remember now. It was in about 1997, and I went from writing the tech support FAQ for the game to coding the installer for the second release; g
  • This game was announced many months ago. All that is being announced in the article is that Ignition will be publishing it. Also:

    "The game is being done by the in-house Warner Bros. developers. From the article: "The game is a third-person action title developed by Warthog,"

    Does Zonk actually read submissions before running them?

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