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Why Must You Destroy The Industry, PSP? 53

Because I know you haven't had your fill of the surreal today, Grand Text Auto has up a link to a Flash movie which depicts a climactic battle between the consoles of old and the PSP...using the end of Final Fantasy VI. Commentary available at Game Girl Advance. My favorite part is where the GBA, GameBoy, GameCube, and N64 team up to defeat the Master Famicom and Rob. Actually pretty cool, if long.
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Why Must You Destroy The Industry, PSP?

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  • um what (Score:4, Informative)

    by FidelCatsro ( 861135 ) <fidelcatsro@g m a i l . com> on Tuesday April 19, 2005 @05:19PM (#12286748) Journal
    Ok i have seen this flash file a few times and enyjoy it but this story makes no sense , are you trying to say the PSP is destroying the games industry( i never got that from the cartoon , well anymore than any of the old consoles) or just advertising the cool little bit of animation .

    this flash animation is origionaly from another site iirc . i cant remember who made it though origionaly .Nice to ahve the mirror but we should give credit to the origional author(if this is the origional then i appoligise i just havnt come acros that yet)
  • How to save (Score:4, Informative)

    by Gamelore ( 570005 ) on Tuesday April 19, 2005 @05:33PM (#12286864)
    This flash is actually 9 files.

    To save it locally, you need to download:

    and "The Man in Green" is the best. attack. ever.

    • In the comments, it said if you didn't play Final Fantasy 6, you won't get it.

      • The only FF game I've ever played was the first one on the NES, and I still thought it was funny because of all the console in-jokes.

        Most of what I assume came from FF6 just reminded me of a bunch of other Japanese RPGs I've played, if not FF1 itself.
  • This is really a great piece. I suppose it wouldn't make as much sense if you haven't played FF VI (though the attack names would still be good), but if you have, it's almost beautiful. The dialogue, the music, the old consoles... well done.
  • by extrarice ( 212683 ) on Tuesday April 19, 2005 @06:11PM (#12287204) Homepage Journal
    The entire GGA post is:

    "Simply fantastic flash video that manages to be at once a critique of the PSP, an elegy for consoles and games past, and a paean to one of the greatest RPGs ever. It's funny, but also extremely moving. At least, to me.

    (To see thoe whole piece, click on New Game.)"

    Note to Zonk: The above does not make a commentary! At most it's a "hey lookit this cool thing", or a "blurb" if you're feeling generous. A commentary would be an analysis of why single-purpose consoles would feel threatened by the PSP, and how it might really be threatening the industry (or at least changing its direction), or why each platform was a perfect choice to represent each FFVI character (example: the XBox as Umaro is freaking hilarious).
  • by AzraelKans ( 697974 ) on Tuesday April 19, 2005 @06:56PM (#12287573) Homepage
    What the? seriously guys, I understand you want to give the PSP as much bad press as possible (due to the holy crusade against the psp) but at least limit yourselves to ACTUAL PRESS not user comments or fan fiction. I mean whats the next "headline"? "Nboy23 mentions in his blog the psp suxors hard! news at 11!"?

    For those unaware a good part of Nintendo fans are either consciently or subconsciently giving the PSP as much heat as possible because they believe it could hurt their beloved Nintendo if it becomes a best seller (which is not now due to its price) THIS IS NOT TRUE. The PSP is getting good sales (sort of) and the DS is still getting good sales (sort of) as many analists had foreseen they are both SHARING the market, because they are meant for very different targets.
    p.e. People who want "innovation" over graphics are getting a DS (and Nintendo fans) people who care less for innovation than graphics and features (and have the extra cash) are getting a PSP. They are NOT predating each other, as many people think!

    Anyway EVEN if the PSP beat the DS and the GBA by a landslide (which is not happening) Nintendo is not troubled at all for that, they are already working on a new console and a NEW handheld a bit more similar (but less expensive) that the psp (THEN we will have a handheld war NOT NOW).

    So could we drop the crusade now please? all this useless bad press is giving me a headache. for console flash toons of diverse qualities go to thank you.

    And p.s. before saying anything else about the PSP (or the DS for that matter) buy one or ask a friend to lend you one, you cant possibly review acurately any article you've never used.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Actually those who want innovation AND graphics are getting a PSP too. Its capable of so much other handhelds aren't. The definition of innovation.
      • Innovation is a pretty loose subject in this case, too. An innovative system is nothing if it doesn't have solid and innovative games. It ends up getting delegated to gimick standing. The system feels like a waste since the games don't take advantage of what it was made for, and the games seem unfinished for the same reason.

        A system completely devoid of innovation, however, can excell with innovative games. The games are great, and they earnthe system a reputation as innovative in doing so.
    • by Ayaress ( 662020 ) on Tuesday April 19, 2005 @08:25PM (#12288285) Journal
      They're also not destroying the industry by any means. They're destroying Nintendo's dominance of the handheld market, but that's always been a fragile thing, enforced by half-assed competitors like Nokia (and even Nintendo themselves with the Virtual Boy), but that's always what happens when a market leader stagnates and is blindsided by a new competitor.

      The PSP and GBA/DS is a lot like the PS1 comming out back in the SNES days. Nintendo was caught with hardware that hadn't changed much in years, and hadn't had serious competition in a long time. The time was ripe for somebody else to break into the market. The GBA is still very much alive, though, so at least it won't be as decisive as the SNES's downfall. We won't all forget Nintendo in six months. When the N64 came out, a lot of people I knew basically said, "What? Nintendo still makes games?" At that time, my SNES hadn't even been pluggged in since the PS1 launch.

      The DS was certainly a radical change, but so far it doesn't have the game lineup. An innovative system means nothing if it doesn't have innovative games, but a completely mundane and uninnovative system can excell with innovative games, and that's what Sony wants to do with the PSP.

      I just hope that Nintendo doesn't respond to the PSP like they responded to the PS1. I can't see any two ways about it: The N64 was a lousy system. Just about everything in it and its games - especially it's early games - felt to me like they were in desperation mode, trying to get something - anything, for that matter - on the market to compete with the PS1, just to keep the Nintendo name in the market.

      If they produce a handheld system like that, just to meet the PSP, then they're really going to end up loosing that handheld war you see comming, and they're going to loose it badly. Nintendo's console offering still hasn't gotten back where the SNES was, and it'll be rough for them if they end up in the same position in the handheld market.

      But, then, with each new generation of systems, the leaders can shift around all over the place. In 1993, could you see Nintendo virtually erased from gaming in two years? Before the PS1 came out, the word "Nintendo" meant video games. My friends would say, "Want to come over and play Nintendo?" even if they had a Genesis, because Nintendo and video game were the same words. That changed fast with the Playstation, and Nintendo was marginalized really until the Gamecube came out.

      I thought the Dreamcast would be the end of Sony, and then the PS2 blew it out of the water. Before the DS came out, I was expecting a stellar system with amazing and innovative games. Now I have the system and a disappointing set of games. Those weak games made me expect another massacre when the PSP came out, but that hasn't happen yet. With the next set of consoles comming soon, who knows what happens. Nintendo might be back on top. Everybody involved has a shot, if they play it right.
      • The SNES didn't have a downfall, it was at the end of life as the PSX came out. The N64 wasn't a bad system, it was just a bitch to program for and the carts made the games much more expensive. I am not going to argue that Sony came in at this point, but to pretend that Nintendo was putting out awful systems or awful games is a stretch. There are some great N64 games out there (some to this day are still my favorites) including Mario 64 which I would consider the best 3-D platformer yet.
        • It was at the effective end of its life, but Nintendo was not through with it. They continued looking for developers and had regular game releases until 1998 (They were slow, but mostly because most developers had bailed out and started making Playstation games), and even had several releases in 1999 (The last was a Fire Emblem game, which was in September or October of 1999). Nintendo had played around with the CDi and Playstation (the SNES CD one, not the one that eventually came out), neither of which pa
    • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Wednesday April 20, 2005 @12:47AM (#12289958) Homepage
      Somebody meticulously and lovingly reconstructed the ending scene to a classic 16 bit RPG in flash, substituting game systems for all of the characters and a constant barrage of jokes and references for attacks, and all you can do is complain that the PSP is being misrepresented? You totally missed the point. Am I the only one that died laughing when the Master System joined with the Sega CD and 32X to create the Ultimate Sega boss? Or the Famicom summoning ROB, who gets a low battery warning, only to be squished by "the man in green"? Or the Jaguar trying to push a statue onto the Naomi's head? Or the poketstation going powermad and becoming the PSP? Naomi feeding batteries to a dying Game Gear? The SP's taking care of a family of brightly colored Game Boy Pockets, only to give birth to the DS? All of the assorted PC-Engine kit combining to form the Engine Buster, but whose "multitap" attack has no effect on the Xbox? The little Beatmania bar attack that hits for a "great?" The Playstation shifting forms to become the PSOne? The 3D0 crying out for the dead M2? ("Real2? Real2 Wake up!") The SNES being the father of the Playstation? The puny "100 MegaShock" attack?

      It's the ending to Final Fantasy 6 redone. Meticulously, painstakingly, lovingly. Somebody probably spent months making this thing. This is a wonderful, massive series of jokes and memories for people in the gaming industry and the hardcore gamers who obsess over it... in other words, gaming geeks. The amount of effort and love that went into this thing is awe inspiring. They even got the crumbling effect on the PSP just about right (though it was missing a few of the cracks-of-lightning sound effects), something which unless there is a programatic shortcut for flash must have taken a ridiculous amount of time to get right. Even the battle-driven menu system is right, the level layouts are right, the original tiles are used. The visual effects are reconstructed, the audio timing is basically impeccable.

      And this thing goes on for half an hour, just like the original ending. Every cinematic, every line, every in-joke from the game remade. Even in spots in the original ending where a character's hat or glove would be the only thing that appeared, here just a cartridge is left behind. This is a tremendous, if pointless, achievement.

      I'm sorry if you didn't "get" it. All I can say is that there is 20 years of gaming history represented here. If you didn't find any of it funny, start hitting some yardsales and getting caught up. It's not like they were making fun of the ColecoVision or anything.

      And the PSP gets to represent Kafka, who happened to be by far the coolest character in FF6/3. It's just too bad the PSP never gets Kafka's trademark laugh.

      P.S. if you want to emphasize something, use the italic tag. It looks much better than SCREAMING IN ALL CAPS.

      • Pedancy: It was a Mega Drive (mark 1) that joined with a Mega CD 2 and a 32X to form an ultimate Megadrive. How the hell can you confuse a Mega Drive and a Master System? hand in your console geek credentials at once! ;-) (I used the non-North American names because I live in the UK)

        I kinda though it was interesting if your a real console geek, although I don't particularly love Final Fantasy VI. Mostly because I never found Kefka that villainous, more of an annoying twat with a stupid theme song. It was d
        • Doh! I started with the Genesis, and was working my way back to the Mega Drive when I hit the Master System. On the other hand, the Mega Drive did have a little Master System inside, in the form of the Z-80 used as a sound chip, so what I said wasn't completely wrong.

          Now that you mention it, if that really was a Mark 1 it shouldn't have been able to combine with the Mega CD 2 without additional Hardware. Maybe they just attached the extra baseplate and I didn't notice. Either way the Mark 1 with CD 1 w
          • Looking at the animation, you can see the plastic extension to the Mega CD 2 so you can fit a MD1 on it, although you don't see any baseplates being connected at all, the video output on that combo might be a tiny bit noisy (read: really awful). I'm no expert on Mega CD baseplates (and what you need for each MD / MCD combo), all I know is you get awful RF noise without them.

            I have a Mega Drive 1 and Mega CD 1 combo, along with the Master System Convertor 1. It's nearly as big as an Xbox. All I need is a Me
      • I don't think you get what he is saying. He is not commenting on the flash per se. He is commenting on how every single PSP article that gets put up on Slashdot, the Nintendo fan boys have to attack it and shoot it down. They don't own it, they have never played it, they just want to trash it because they view it as a threat to Nintendo. It really is stupid. It's like how nuts people are on this site over Apple. They love the company so much, they would trash any competitior, even if the competitor ha
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Right, before I begin this rant, I'll moderate it a little by saying that I do agree with your main point; this article is just another example of slashdot's paranoid Nintendo-fanboy mentality exerting itself.

      However, what I'm going to take issue with is your assertion that people who want innovation over graphics should go for the Nintendo DS. This is simply not true and just reflects how successful Nintendo propaganda has been in areas such as slashdot. Yes, the DS has an "innovative" control system, but
    • So could we drop the crusade now please? all this useless bad press is giving me a headache. for console flash toons of diverse qualities go to thank you.

      And p.s. before saying anything else about the PSP (or the DS for that matter) buy one or ask a friend to lend you one, you cant possibly review acurately any article you've never used.

      Have you ever considered that maybe this flash animation is, y'know...

      A JOKE?
    • Dude, chill. Breathe. It's just a fun video, not some commentary about how evil the PSP is or how it's going to destroy the gaming industry. Don't be so ready to take offense at everything, just enjoy it for what it is - a fun little animation.
  • by RobTFirefly ( 844560 ) on Tuesday April 19, 2005 @07:27PM (#12287802) Homepage Journal
    In the time it took me to watch this, I could have cast three whole summon spells in FF7.
  • This may be the most impressive flash animation i've ever watched. Mario is obviously the most powerful magic attack EVER in a Final Fantasy game.

  • Like when one of the evil consoles uses a multitap attack to throw 4 controllers at once, only for one to bounce off the xbox - "projectiles have no effect".

    The stronger than average n64 rumble pak brings back memories as well...

  • The flash doesn't appear to be perfectly faithful to what I remember being the ending of FF III/6j. I noticed (despite not having played FFIII in years) a couple of differences:
    • The Pokemon Pockets (nee Terra's adopted children) fly away along with the Game Gear (nee Cid). This wasn't a plot point in the American release. I remember Terra and Locke surviving the plunge on the airship and making it back on deck on their own, without being levitated back on...
    • There were flash backs of game content int
  • I'm actually appalled that the creator of this Flash animation Made the PSP play the role of Kefka... Kefka was a frikken Pushover in FF6...

Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers.
