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MTV Games Launches 38

Via Kotaku, the news that MTV Games has launched. The site already has a few features up, including a (juvenile) look at the next Tomb Raider title. At the moment, the site appears to be almost entirely a rebranding of Gamespot content, right down to the news feed.
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MTV Games Launches

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  • MTV hasent played videos since the early 90s so I am supprized it took them this long to jump on the Video game bandwagon.
  • Sweet! (Score:4, Funny)

    by Jakeypants ( 860350 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:25PM (#12386038)
    This is great, maybe I can download videos of BloodRayne singing my favorite Goth/EmoMetal songs. Or Backyard Wrestling characters lipsynching to [mallpunk band of the week].

    Video Mods is the worst idea I've ever heard.
  • I thought.. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by muel ( 132794 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:32PM (#12386133)
    ..a vapid, annoying, extreme-poseur version of an MTV-style games entity, complete with useless "reality" programming that has nothing to do with the product in question, existed already as G4?
  • Yay! (Score:1, Offtopic)

    Oh, beg your pardon. I was waiting for the NEWS part of this. Who really gives a crap if MTV is making a Gamespot clone? There's never any good gaming information on Gamespot anyway... just ads for the latest video-card-smoking repeat of last year's big hit.
  • by Dr. Bent ( 533421 ) <> on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:32PM (#12386146) Homepage
    Ok, so here's the deal with MTV (as I see it).

    Back when cable was new and fancy, cable channels were based around topics. MTV=Music, CNN=News, Discovery Channel=Science, etc. I think they did it this way because many cable channels were commercial free, so advertising demographics wasn't a real concern.

    However, as cable TV has evolved, companies like Viacom (who own a whole bunch of cable TV channels) have starting selling ads, and have realized that it's easier to sell advertising when you have a clearly segmented market. Want to sell your [compact car|acne medication|mobile phone plan] to 12-28 year olds? MTV is just what you're looking for. That's why there are no music videos's all programming directed at teenage/twenties/early 30s hipsters who care about Paris Hilton, extreme sports, and what car J-Lo is driving this week.

    That's also why The Learning Channel has turned into the Home Improvement Reality Show channel (a.k.a the 18-34, married, middle-class channel). It's all about segmenting your market so that you have a consistent product (eyeballs) to sell.
  • by pnice ( 753704 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:33PM (#12386156)
    I was thinking about MTV and the lack of dedicated video game programming the other day. G4 is starting to take steps to appeal to more than just non gamers (first with Anime Unleashed and now with Formula D, Street Fury and G4 Sports) which makes them seem more like the current MTV with every new program. The host of Street Fury comes off like a poor-man version of Xzbit and it's painful for me to listen to him talk. With the gaming market growing and pulling in large sums of the consumer dollar it seems natural for MTV to start heading in this direction at least in some form. It won't be long before we have an MTV game channel.

    Look at the Xbox 360 unveiling... it will be happening on MTV and not the one channel that devotes almost everything to Video Games / Technology.

    ...and on a side note (off topic bit of info) Kevin Rose, Kevin Pereira, Sarah Lane and Brendan Moran make G4 worth watching. Watching/listing to Kristin Holt, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb read back scripted lines about video games into the monitor remind me of extremely bad porno movie dialog. Give me more of the first four...or at least more people like them.
    • by StocDred ( 691816 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @02:20PM (#12386707) Homepage Journal
      Everybody wants to cash in on video game culture, but nobody wants to do it right. Everything I see on G4 is aimed squarely at the Disaffected Teen Male Who Likes To Explode Things demo. At least, unless G4 is running reruns of old shows where the hosts talk about how awesome Crash Bandicoot 3 will be. You don't see movie review shows running from 3 years ago, so why does G4 insist on filling out the day with 3 year old game review shows? Because they're fresh out of content for a 24 hour network since bagging everything that was good about TechTV.

      There was a time when Adam Sessler did a good video game show, during the ZDTV days. It might be the rose colored glasses of memory talking, but I would swear that he actually talked intelligently about video games of all types, and not just the DOOM! HALO! BOOBS! SHOOTING! GOSH I'M QUIRKY! bullshit he is forced to do these days. G4 bought that guy's soul at some point, and I don't even believe in souls.

      Why do expect that MTV will just offer up more of the same, except maybe with more piercings.

    • Mmmmm... Morgan Webb porno... *drools*
    • I miss Leo and Pat...

  • Um, wasn't Tomb Raider always more of a juvenile folly more than a game anyway?

  • I was going to take a look, but I got bored waiting for every single widget on the page to load up the graphics that would show me how the real graphics are "loading...".

    There may or may not be a hot Lara Croft there, but I'll never know, because that website is just slow and way too overdesigned.

    • So yes there are hot Lara Crofts within but no video viewing from a Mac . . .
    • I managed to eventually get the Lara trailer to run, and I still have no idea what the game is like. There were about 5 cuts a second. They are either trying to hide the game by changing the image every few frames so you don't get a look at it, or it was just a slideshow played too fast.
  • Linsey Lohan is a member! Sorry, mtv-linsey-lohan. Now I can join too and become mtv-ken. I wonder if other companies will start to market names that contain their own brand. You could have Visa-Ken or Ben-and-Jerrie's-Ken. Both would make me sound a little like their bitch, but in very different and distressing ways.
  • ...the site appears to be almost entirely a rebranding of Gamespot content...

    Maybe that's why the Gamespot logo appears at the bottom of the reviews, along with a disclaimer that states that the reviews are from Gamespot?

How come financial advisors never seem to be as wealthy as they claim they'll make you?
