Next Generation Cat Fight 135
The gaming industry may be an ever more lucrative business, but in some ways it seems as if kids are still running the place. Gamespot has up an article in which they discuss the nasty things the Big 3 have said about each other. From the article: "Robbie Bach: The other two companies' presentations [at E3] weren't surprising. Sony's [PS3's] capabilities are the same as ours. Nintendo is aiming for the niche market [with its Revolution]. The current-generation Xbox sold more than the PlayStation 2 in North America last Christmas. We will become the market leader with our next-generation console." The Guardian Gamesblog has commentary on this.
My dad is tougher than your dad! (Score:3, Interesting)
My idea is that they'll both be successful to varying degrees.
Re:My dad is tougher than your dad! (Score:2)
Hard to imagine... (Score:3, Insightful)
Quote from Robbie Bach in TFA:
Yeah, Robbie...I remember when it was difficult for Bill Gates to imagine a computer program that required more than 640K of memory...
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
It's like you corrected someone that used the term "4 wheel drive" by explaining how cars actually have 5 wheels, but one is a spare, so that 4 wheel drive actually just means 4 wheels are used to drive.
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:4, Funny)
7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 doors. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office...cause you're fuckin' fired!
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Which aren't necessarily just controllers, it's also the remote for the DVD software, you eye-toy camera, lightgun, dance dance revolution mat, and so on...
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:3, Informative)
That would be funny if he actually said that but he didn't [tafkac.org] fucking [wired.com] say [usnews.com] it.
Now please take your trolls somewhere else.
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Their whole XBox 360 launch thing was about how this was the "HD era", and yet the Chief XBox Dude can't forsee a time when you'd hook up 2 HD displays? Can he imagine a time when you might have a PC with 2 monitors hooked up to it?
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Q. Will we always have a desktop PC like the one on your desk?
A. It will be a huge flat screen, so the viewing size will be dramatically larger than it is now. It will be your preferred device to leave things on and [will] have a pen to make marks on things. Your input will be a combination of keyboard, pen, mouse, and speech. But yes, at your desk you'll have that device. When you walk away from the desk you'll take a tablet-sized device with you.
I've got a 20" iMac G5. It has a p
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
I don't get it, are you ignorant or are you saying Robbie Bach is right?
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
Neither...I was being ironic...sorry that escaped you.
Next time I'll keep you in mind and use my <irony> tag.
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Well, if have to explain your sarcasm...
Oh well, I can't say I'm not guilt-free here.
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:3, Funny)
[Steve Martin]
"Oh, ho, ho, irony! Oh, no, no, we don't get that here. - We haven't had any irony here since about, uh, '83, when I was the only practitioner of it. And I stopped because I was getting tired of being stared at."
[/Steve Martin]
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:1)
Bullshit. You quoted an urban legend, got busted on it, and are too proud to admit it.
Re:Hard to imagine... (Score:2)
He's right. (Score:1)
If you have the means tho, more power to you.
Why fight? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
You're reading
Re:Why fight? (Score:2)
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
To EA, there's no benefit in having an open console, really. If said console had any market penetration at all, they'll make a game for it. Many game comp
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
You're reading
you mean webTV? or do you mean my PSP =)
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
Look up the info on the 3D0 for a sample of a different hardware sales model...
I kinda like the 'choice' though, as even though the design are similar each console tend to excel at certain things.
Re:Why fight? (Score:2)
Re:Why fight? (Score:2, Informative)
An Open Console would be really nice, but (like you pointed out) the only market-players with the means to mass-produce a new console have
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
Therefore, I can conclude that the Revolution will look/perform better th
Re:Why fight? (Score:2, Informative)
Looking at this page [xboxmagonline.com], it looks like Xbox's numbers are bigger than Gamecube's in every category. And while the PS2's are smaller, the reported 35-fold increase in performance would put them well above 2-3 times increase over GCN.
So, I hope you can understand how I came to the conclusion that the Xbox 360 and PS3
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
Re:Why fight? (Score:2)
Re:Why fight? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Why fight? (Score:1)
IBM (Score:5, Informative)
Re:IBM (Score:2)
Re:IBM (Score:1)
all 3 console might be using the same instruction set, but it doesn't mean cross platform will be easier.
Re:IBM (Score:1)
Re:IBM (Score:1)
IBM Stock (Score:1)
Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
{{backs away slowly}} Thank you for t
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
The thing about Nintendo is, they usually have the right idea, they just pick the stupidest way possible to say it.
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2, Funny)
Just what the Hell did we put in that bomb, anyway?
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:1)
These types of games have a wide appeal to people who are onthe fringes of gaing and is a much larger group then actual gamers. YOu will see them bought for kids by parents, toyed around with by parents and sometimes loaded at work.
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
*goes back to her game of Tetris Attack*
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
*goes back to... work*
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:3)
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
More like, I didn't know it was a top-selling game there. Of course, that doesn't preclude me from having 'issues', but it does at least point out that your conclusion doesn't necessarily follow from your premise.
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:1)
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
Exactly what kind of informed purchasing decision making is that? You should be concerned about A: how many games do they have that you like, and B: how many games there are that you like but that they don't have. How many games they produce which you don't like should have no bearing on the outcome.
Given that i like RPGs and don't like sports games should i decide not to get a PS2 becau
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
I too favor RPGs, although I occasionally indulge in some FPS titles.
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:2)
1) Non-gamers will play their games. The people who don't care for the GTAs and Halos of gaming (or may be bored of them), the type who would like something that's intuitive, easy, and fun to play. Oddball things like Nintendogs, Electroplankton, and whatever the heck the Revolution is should only help that.
2) Gamers may want the Nintendo Revolution in addition to one of the other consoles. It's likely that, with the low power estima
Re:Nintendo's comments are pure gold! (Score:1)
Search your feelings... you know it to be soooo cute!
You're dissing because of *Nintendogs*?! (Score:2)
Did you know that DS sales have once again surged ahead of PSP sales in Japan because of this game?
It's may be considered quite surreal, but it's true. Take a look:
http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=4781 [gamesarefun.com]
Does this mean Nintendo will certainly win? No. But it's definitely an encouraging sign for them.
Wasn't meant to be as derogatory as a 'dis'... (Score:2)
But regardless, I've already admitted my ignorance of the power of Nintendogs, elsewhere in this thread.
Re:Wasn't meant to be as derogatory as a 'dis'... (Score:2)
And you're right, the points I made were already made elsewhere, as I discovered after I posted. My bad.
Good thing they're keeping their egos in check... (Score:2)
The current DVD [format] had a slow growth during its first three years of release, but it dramatically penetrated [through the market] after the release of the PS2, and its software prices had gone down.
Am I totally misinterpreting this comment, or is he really giving the PS2 credit for the dominance of DVDs? Does he just mean DVD as a software medium, or all DVDs?
Re:Good thing they're keeping their egos in check. (Score:2)
I think he means that it was tough to use DVD format for the PS2 (software, not movies) at first, but then in the end it worked out. The context is Sony's decision to use the higher density discs.
Re:Good thing they're keeping their egos in check. (Score:1)
Note: I am a Nintendo fanboy, so don't think I'm biased on this. I picked that nugget up from Icons on G4.
Re:Good thing they're keeping their egos in check. (Score:1)
In Japan, DVDs never cought on because the players were too expensive (like you said above)... People were still buying VCD (a concept north america never cought on to) and VHS.
Once the PS2 came out, it was a two-for-one... new gaming concol and video player priced well below the other DVD players. DVD sales shot up significantly.
What? (Score:2)
Ok, two things... What does sales of Xbox have to do with sales of the next generation? That only tells you about how the current generation is stacking up against the competition.
Also, don't you think there's a pretty good chance that Xbox outsold PS2 last christmas because everybody already had a PS2?
I doubt any of this even matters anyway. The
Re:What? (Score:1)
Fuck Everything, We're Doing Seven Controllers (Score:4, Funny)
Would someone tell me how this happened? We were the fucking vanguard of gaming in this country. The Sony Playstation3 was the razor to own. Then the other guy came out with a three-blade razor. Were we scared? Hell, no. Because we hit back with a little thing called the Playstation3Turbo. That's three Controllers and an aloe strip. For moisture. But you know what happened next? Shut up, I'm telling you what happened - the bastards went to four Controllers. Now we're standing around with our cocks in our hands, selling three Controllers and a strip. Moisture or no, suddenly we're the chumps. Well, fuck it. We're going to Seven Controllers.
James M. Kilts CEO and President, The Sony Company
Sure, we could go to four Controllers next, like the competition. That seems like the logical thing to do. After all, three worked out pretty well, and four is the next number after three. So let's play it safe. Let's make a thicker aloe strip and call it the Playstation3 SuperTurbo. Why innovate when we can follow? Oh, I know why: Because we're a business, that's why!
You think it's crazy? It is crazy. But I don't give a shit. From now on, we're the ones who have the edge in the multi-blade game. Are they the best a man can get? Fuck, no. Sony is the best a man can get.
What part of this don't you understand? If two Controllers is good, and three Controllers is better, obviously Seven Controllers would make us the best fucking gaming that ever existed. Comprende? We didn't claw our way to the top of the gaming game by clinging to the two-blade industry standard. We got here by taking chances. Well, Seven Controllers is the biggest chance of all.
Here's the report from Engineering. Someone put it in the bathroom: I want to wipe my ass with it. They don't tell me what to invent - I tell them. And I'm telling them to stick two more Controllers in there. I don't care how. Make the Controllers so thin they're invisible. Put some on the handle. I don't care if they have to cram the fifth blade in perpendicular to the other four, just do it!
You're taking the "safety" part of "safety razor" too literally, grandma. Cut the strings and soar. Let's hit it. Let's roll. This is our chance to make gaming history. Let's dream big. All you have to do is say that Seven Controllers can happen, and it will happen. If you aren't on board, then fuck you. And if you're on the board, then fuck you and your father. Hey, if I'm the only one who'll take risks, I'm sure as hell happy to hog all the glory when the Seven-blade console becomes the gaming tool for the U.S. of "this is how we shave now" A.
People said we couldn't go to three. It'll cost a fortune to manufacture, they said. Well, we did it. Now some egghead in a lab is screaming "Seven's crazy?" Well, perhaps he'd be more comfortable in the labs at Norelco, working on fucking electrics. Rotary Controllers, my white ass!
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we should just ride in Bic's wake and make pens. Ha! Not on your fucking life! The day I shadow a penny-ante outfit like Bic is the day I leave the console game for good, and that won't happen until the day I die!
The market? Listen, we make the market. All we have to do is put her out there with a little jingle. It's as easy as, "Hey, gaming with anything less than Seven Controllers is like scraping your beard off with a dull hatchet." Or "You'll be so smooth, I could snort lines off of your chin." Try "Your neck is going to be so friggin' soft, someone's gonna walk up and tie a goddamn Cub Scout kerchief under it."
I know what you're thinking now: What'll people say? Mew mew mew. Oh, no, what will people say?! Grow the fuck up. When you're on top, people talk. That's the price you pay for being on top. Which Sony is, always has been, and forever shall be, Amen, Seven Controllers, sweet Jesus in h
Re:Fuck Everything, We're Doing Seven Controllers (Score:1)
Give this man a mod point (Score:1)
Mmm, Next Generation Cat Fight, Yum (Score:1, Redundant)
Frankly, I feel shortchanged.
Revolution not HighDef? (Score:1)
Now, I'm a nintendo kid (at 23), but am I understanding this right? Is the Revolution not going to be High Definition? Granted I don't have a high def TV, but with HD DVD formats starting to emerge and more HD programming available,
Re:Revolution not HighDef? (Score:1)
Re:Revolution not HighDef? (Score:2)
You like Excitebike? Twenty bucks! Again! Cha-ching!
I keed! (sort of)
Re:Revolution not HighDef? (Score:1)
Well, as someone who is loath to even spend money on a regular TV, and only uses her current one as a console monitor, I can say that I would definitely appreciate it if games on the next gen consoles didn't count on my having too much fancy third party equipment.
I know HDTV is big here on Slashdot, but to tell the truth, almost everyone I know has at least one gaming console and none of them have HDTV. It seems like the latest offerings from Sony and Microsoft are going to target better hardware t
Re:Revolution not HighDef? (Score:1)
Damn headline (Score:2)
Skewed (Score:1)
That's because everyone already has a PS2...w00t.
Mod parent up (Score:1)
I couldn't hate Kutaragi more. (Score:2)
Microsoft's arrogance is clearly planned and designed to bring them success. Ignore Nintendo, and so will gamers. That kind of thing. They do it in such a way that somebody who isn't paying attention could easily completely fail to realize that any arrogant attitude is there.
But look at this guy. How does saying something so blatantly arrogant help you? "Beating us for a short moment is like accidentally winning a point from a Shihan." Wow. Reminds me of last year's E3
Re:I couldn't hate Kutaragi more. (Score:1)
Re:I couldn't hate Kutaragi more. (Score:1, Interesting)
At least Kutaragi is an engineer, and as such, can be forgiven for his stupid geek br
Kinda dumb, really... They're not really COMPETING (Score:2)
Ok, show of hands: who has two game consoles? Ok, that's about three quarters of you... Interesting.
Alright, let's see who has at least three game consoles? Wow. I didn't expect that many. Holy cow, there's a guy in the back with FIVE. And he games on his PC, too! Wow.
Well, it seems to me that the gaming companies aren't really competitors, because most people end up getting more than one console anyway. So, and this is just a hypothesis, maybe
Omitted Quote (Score:2)
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:2)
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:1)
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:2)
I disagree. I usually end up the console cycle with all the competing consoles, but I buy the most compelling early in the cycle and the others as price comes down. By the time I buy the second (third) console, good games are usually in the bargain bin, it's pretty clear where the not-to-be-missed games are, and I can get more gaming goodness for less overall dollars.
Think of it as dollar-cost-averaging for game consoles :P
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:1)
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:1)
Maybe, 5 years ago. Now, we have ebay - Ico for $10. Only a few extremely rare games like Radiant Silvergun are more expensive than when they launched.
Plus, PS2 is cracked - get a mod chip an
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:1)
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:2)
Re:Do the consoles really matter? (Score:1)