Games Are Supposed To Be Fun, Right? 122
The Game Chair has up an editorial examining the increasing complexity and learning curve that pervade todays games. He examines the reality that, for many people, games are becoming simply unfun. From the article: "As a Gamer, I am amazed and delighted that games have advanced as far as they have. I'm still blown away everytime a new Final Fantasy or Legend of Zelda game comes out, and I look forward to spending hundreds of hours with them exploring all of their intricacies. That being said, the same things that attract me to these games might repel others who are casual gamers or non-Gamers. The importance of the 'pick-up and play' style of games, for me, lies not only in the nostalgia that I feel for them, but also in the importance of having games that are accessible to everyone."
Why that's nothing (Score:3, Interesting)
Two words: (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Two words: (Score:2)
Re:Two words: (Score:2)
Re:Two words: (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Two words: (Score:2)
Re:Two words: (Score:2)
Katamari Damacy. That game requires so little instruction...
I agree with you, but even if every game released from today on increases in complexity there are still thousands of 'classic' PC/console/arcade titles from which to learn the 'grammar' of gaming.
Most of us learned to read like this:
Dr. Seuss->Where the Wild Things Are->Nancy Drew/Choose your own adventure->Novella->Novels->etc.
In the same way, any
ignoring new users (Score:3, Interesting)
As a new user I'm not even going to try to learn the 37 finger twisting combos that you use to move. The game looked good, got great reviews, but it's going to get me some credit at the game store next week now.
There's only so many ideas (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:There's only so many ideas (Score:1)
Racing games add fine tuning to the vehicles an
Re:There's only so many ideas (Score:3, Informative)
I've bought a few football games, and the problem me and my friends have is that if I play it for a few games more than they get a chance to play, then I just whoop their butts...
So they can't just pick up and go.
Now, Tecmo Bowl - there's a football game that you can just pick up and play!!!
Re:There's only so many ideas (Score:1)
Re:There's only so many ideas (Score:2, Insightful)
What the rest of the world calls football, THAT makes a pretty eas
This week's obligatory "games are too long" (Score:3, Interesting)
Where were these arguments during the Playstation 2, Playstation 1, or even the Super NES days? Certainly it wasn't a rare sight then to see a company like Square make a game dozens of times longer than the norm. While numeric hours of gameplay have gone up, I don't think that's the problem at all. Personally, I think that the problem now is that there are just too many games.
With that in mind, making games that are un-fun will just shrink the market and solve this, right?
Re:This week's obligatory "games are too long" (Score:2)
Back in the good old days I could devote hours to a game after school without caring, these days, a snatched 45-mi
Re:This week's obligatory "games are too long" (Score:2)
Sadly, I spend my gaming time on Xbox Live Arcade. I am actually 'working through' a super-duper version of Breakout. I do this because it is easy to pick up, and easy to put down.
While I play it, I think to myself...my god, I've been playing this game for 30 years...it all comes back to where it started.
It's NOT about length (Score:5, Insightful)
I figure I might count as a die-hard gamer, having played computer games since 1983 and currently totalling some 60+ hours of gaming a week. (Ok, so I don't have a life.) But even for me a lot of games are basically non-fun because they expect me to devote a few days just learning what my options are, wtf I can do and how.
I can think of games that were long and yet had a gentle learning curve, and which basically you could play right away. E.g., Diablo is the classic example.
E.g., I once nagged mom into trying Tropico. The game isn't short and isn't simplistic. For that time it was IMHO _the_ most complex city-building simulation. And yet lemme tell you after the tutorial and a few hits from me, mom was playing like a pro and enjoying it. Sure, didn't yet know _all_ the options and subtleties, but knew enough to build a city and learn more gently along the way.
E.g., I decided to one-up that experiment by introducing grandma to Sierra's "Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom". We're talking an 80 year old woman who is completely computer-illiterate and doesn't even own a computer. Ok, so it took a bit more tutoring, and every once in a while she'd hold her fingers wrong and use the left mouse button instead of right or viceversa. (Ok, Apple fans can feel vindicated.) Well, it was the first time she ever held a mouse, so can't blame her. But still, she did get the general idea, was doing an adequate job of building farms and roads, and most importantly was having fun with it.
That's basically the point: a game can be complex and it can be long (mom got about 2 months of playing out of Tropico) without having a vertical learning curve. It just takes good design, you know.
The trick Sierra's city building games did, for example, was to flatten the learning curve along the whole campaign. You start with just needing to build a well and houses in the first mission, and every subsequent mission gives you just a little more complexity, and a little bit more to learn. You can start to enjoy your game long before you know half the possibilities.
Re:It's NOT about length (Score:2)
Re:It's NOT about length (Score:4, Funny)
So you would hit your mother every time she made a mistake? That's pretty cruel, but I imagine very effective.
I know that was just a typo...but I used to stand behind my brother when he was play Descent and smack him a little bit every time he got hit. It made the game more realistic and he played a lot more carefully.
Re:It's NOT about length (Score:5, Funny)
Re:It's NOT about length (Score:2)
yeah, I meant HINTS (Score:2)
Re:yeah, I meant HINTS (Score:1)
jumping puzzles (Score:2, Interesting)
Easy to play is great and all... (Score:1)
Re:Easy to play is great and all... (Score:2)
Complexity often equals longevity (Score:3, Insightful)
At the same time, a complex game has to really attract my attention if I'm going to devote the time to learn it. When I started playing EQ, I was nearly overwhelmed with the learning curve. However, the premise was so inviting that I took the time to learn my way around.
Still other games just didn't look fun enough to figure out how to play.
Not always (Score:2)
Re:Complexity often equals longevity (Score:2)
In other news... (Score:4, Insightful)
seriously though... gamers have evolved... games have to evolve with them... what once held a challenge to the average gamer... no longer holds tru for today's gamer. Those kids are getting alot smarter...
I once thought Super Mario Bros. was *too hard*...
There are still plenty of *easier titles* available out there for the casual or non gamer. What you will notice however is those games tend to be cheaper... Most gamers who are the ones willing to spend the money today's games command... are the ones who want a challenge...
Of course I could be waaaaaaay off base here...
Re:In other news... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:In other news... (Score:2)
Yes, the gaming population is getting older. But there are also a lot of new gamers that find many of today's games far too complex to learn. I'm not talking about too complex to master, but just too hard to pick up and start playing.
In my opinion, this is where Nintendo will continue to draw new audiences while MS and Sony preach to the converted.
No, gamers are not evolving (Score:3, Insightful)
1. You're then talking about someone with 20+ years of experience, not about a new player. It's like saying "but the Unix CLI is very easy to someone who's worked as a Unix admin for 20+ years." Well, yes, very true, but that's not the experience someone brand new will see.
Humans are stil
Re:No, gamers are not evolving (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:No, gamers are not evolving (Score:1)
So basically what was difficult to a new player back then, will still be difficult to a new player today.
Right, if we were talking about not having enough fingers on each hand to use the controller. But evolution isn't the only (or even major) factor at play here
Re:No, gamers are not evolving (Score:1)
Best. Idea. Ever.
The downside of cross platform competition? (Score:2, Offtopic)
Two different styles meet in the middle and end up a mediocre compromise. Unshocker.
Games should be easy to start (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Games should be easy to start (Score:1)
Re:Games should be easy to start (Score:1)
I just finished playing throught Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones which actually uses a rock paper scissors style of turn based strategy. It's a great game and really challenging with player imposed restrictions. (ie. Don't have any characters die off) It
Re:Games should be easy to start (Score:1)
As the game progressed, you simply had to be better at the few things that you could do. You had to think and react far quicker, and it became (severly) less tolerent of mistakes.
Many older games (Atari, CollecoVision, NES) use a similar pattern as well. You simply have to get better at playing.
Re:Games should be easy to start (Score:1)
Re:Games should be easy to start (Score:1)
I'm guessing you probably won't like the first (PS2) one either...
In retrospect, maybe it wasn't as simple as I thought, would super monkey ball be a good example?
Re:Games should be easy to start (Score:1)
Diversity of Gamers (Score:2)
What I think too many posters here will miss is that this article is trying to show that N is aware of this and they are focusing on making games that are simply fun. They probably aren't deeply moving or mind provoking, but they emphasize the game over the story.
I still to this day sug
Board games (Score:5, Insightful)
Meanwhile, there are several "hard core" gaming communities (Eurogamers, Grognards, etc) that demand games that fail to generate any interest at the Toys 'R Us level. The *interesting* thing is that (at least in America) the mass market controls board games (i.e., war-games are not sold at toy stores, nor are eurogames). In the computer game community, the Hard Core gamers seem to still control the gaming direction. Which seems a little weird to me, but enjoy it while you can, because once the development houses figure out they can sell 50 million "generic-easy-to-play" vs 5 million (if you are lucky) hard core games, the game industry will be nothing but forgettable tripe like the American board games available in the average store. I guess the only thing that keeps this unusual situation possible is the larger free time pool that the "hard core" can expend and the fact that $50 x 5 million looks acceptible compared to $10 x 50 million (especially with cost of shelf space, etc). If casual gamers continue to gain marketshare, expect that calculation to change.
Re:Board games (Score:2)
Someone should tell board game makers that board games should not be played with a DVD.
Re:Board games (Score:1)
Re:Board games (Score:1)
Why not try to design and build your own games? We did it a lot when my friends and I played RPGs etc. Each of us had built our own RPG system (One had two: fantasy and cyber) which we GMed and played.
At the risk of sounding like an old fart (i'm 29) we made our own (board) games, that the others tried to find gaps in the rules as we played. We even hacked the rules of chess and checkers, including rubber/mir
Re:Board games (Score:2)
Settlers of Catan
Ticket to Ride
Puerto Rico
Re:Board games (Score:2)
I understand their game "Kill Dr. Lucky" is now played in tournaments.
Re:Board games (Score:2)
"Hardcore" gamers better get over themselves quickly. Accessible games are not inherently inferior. In fact, I would say that the longer or more complex games are just as frequently piles of crap as games for more "casual" gamers if not more so.
Re:Board games (Score:5, Insightful)
My point was that board games are dominated by games that don't *have* to be taught at all, because families play the game by memory and hand the games down through generations (thus Free Parking causing Monopoly to last even longer than the design merits). Soon, computer games will be dominated the same way. Not that there are not good casual games (TFA uses several Nintendo games as examples of that).
However, as an example, Grognards (war-gamers) have been reduced to *promising to buy games ahead of time* to convince publishers to expend the resources on a game. The publisher says "if we can get 500 orders, we will finish the game". The Grognards pledge to purchase those games (by submitting credit card info via a website) in the hopes that they can scrape together *499* other orders. That borders on the pathetic.
Now, why is it that the Hard Core gamers manage to convince companies to produce product that only they will buy while in the more mature board game world they have to pledge money up front to publishers to make something they might enjoy? I think it is because the mass market appeal of games is a fairly recent event and things haven't matured to the same point. Which means, as you say, the Hard Core "had better get over themselves quickly". Because once the suits realize they can make more serving the general public, you will see a similar stagnation that has produced 75 Monopoly editions, 10 Risk editions and one Settlers of Catan (which isn't even available to the "mainstream"... you might be a closet Eurogamer
Re:Board games (Score:2)
As I see it, the problem with the more complex board games is that they are better suited to computers than tabletops. Take Risk as an example. It is a game that can take a whole night on a table. On a computer, it can take less than an hour. From my short experience with a tabletop war game, games can take days and most of the time is spent setting the
Re:Board games (Score:2)
One of my favorite board games was Squad Leader (I started playing long before ASL), which had 36 pages of rules, and which spawned 3 add-on gamettes that each added another 36 pages of rules, including some very particular special cases: e.g. attackers in close comb
In my opinion... (Score:1)
Two Words (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Two Words (Score:1)
In addition, the two genres you mentioned are probably the two most "hardcore" genres in games today, besides possibly fighting games. Nearly every RPG and FPS is fairly difficult to learn unless you've had previous experience with the genre. FPSs controls are, by their nature, quite unintuitive for beginners, and RPGs have
Re:Two Words (Score:4, Interesting)
1. The difficulty can make a lot of people get frustrated and abandon a game even if the learning curve was ok.
2. More importantly and more on topic, difficulty levels can in fact ease the learning curve. A game, let's say an RPG, that a master can beat on Hard by min-maxing their char and knowing the exact best combination of spells, potions and attacks, becomes manageable on "Very Easy" even if you didn't learn all that. Lower the difficulty enough and a newbie can just run around poking things with a wooden sword, and not worry (or even bother knowing) that he was really supposed to use some complicated combination of spells, skills and special equipment there.
The problem is that most of the industry can't seem to get their head out of their ass^H^H^H mentality that "waah, but a challenge is all we can offer the players! without a challenge a game is nothing!"
Well, no, they need to get over it. Something can be entertaining without requiring more skill than operating a remote control. See the hordes of people who find it perfectly entertaining to watch football on TV or a movie on DVD without needing to learn arcane button combinations or overcome heroic challenges.
_The_ most sold PC game ever was The Sims. Funny thing is: it's a game with _zero_ challenge. You have to actively try hard to "lose" the game. Otherwise you could pretty much do what you wanted, take it at your own pace (e.g., if you wanted to give a party instead of making Bob Newbie learn for a promotion, go ahead and do just that) and the negative consequences would range between non-existent and mild/short-term.
Think of other games that sold well. Diablo? It was really one of the least challenging games of that era, and you could win pretty much no matter how you built your character. Max Payne? If you died often enough, the game basically automatically put you in God mode.
On consoles, you know what sells remarkably well? "Cheat" programs like GameShark, Xploder or such. A helluva lot of people are willing to even fork over cash to be spared from a challenge they don't want.
But, no, most game designers are still locked in a mentality that "nooo, it must be challenging and difficult!" So even when they do offer a difficulty setting, they just have to over-balance it to discourage people from using it.
For example half the RPGs actually get it backwards: it's actually _more_ difficult to finish the game on the "very easy" setting. Because they also cut your XP in half, so by the end of the game you're 2-3 levels lower than the enemies, your status effect spells (e.g., "turn undead") don't stick, your warrior can't actually hit the enemies (3 points of THAC0 can make a helluva lot of difference), etc.
Congrats, they've just kicked someone in the nuts when that someone basically chose "I'm a newbie, I don't want a challenge." Is that stupid, or what?
And again, this affects the learning curve too. Because that kind of game starts easier, but becomes harder than normal by the end, the learning curve actually becomes more abrupt in that mode. Someone who played on "very easy" will have to do _much_ more advanced tricks to be able to survive by the end, and will have to learn them very very fast.
Re:Two Words (Score:1)
On the other hand, if a game is too easy it can become quite boring to hardcore-gamers and people that can learn very fast.
But, no, most game designers are still locked in a mentality that "nooo, it must be challenging and difficult!" So even when they do offer a difficulty setting, they just have to over-balance it to discourage people from using it.
I'm guessing you've never developed a game be
Re:Two Words (Score:2)
Basically what I'm saying is "stop 'balancing' the easy mode against the hard mode. Stop even trying to assign penalties to one." If the description for easy mode starts wit
Increasing Complexity? (Score:2)
Kind of a complex issue actually... (Score:5, Insightful)
1 - Games, as a whole, take too much time to learn how to play and enjoy, ESPECIALLY for non-gamers. Too often, "learning how to play" means learning how to avoid pitfalls and problems that are due to sloppy execution or short-sighted production, rather than genuine "rules" of the game.
2 - Counterpoint: All games should not be Katamari Damacy. All games should not be Steel Battalion either. It is OK to have complex games, simple games, long games, short games, etc. VARIETY IS GOOD. IF we demand that the industry make everything accessible, that is just as bad as making every game inaccessible. Choice is king! (is that a burger king thing?)
3 - TFA uses the Zelda and FF series as examples of nice, easy to learn games. I don't think the author is stepping back quite far enough; these games, to non-gamers, are incomprehensible and confusing. Do your parents play Zelda? Do your parents play FF7? Games like Bejeweled or Rocket Mania are much closer to the point.
4 - In response to many of the posts that have already been put up, Pick Up And Play does not mean Simple and Boring. Super Smash Bros (both iterations) was a pick up and play title that offered successively deeper levels of gameplay and strategy the more you played. It required zero to little instruction and was instantly fun. I admit that most current Pick Up And Play titles ARE simplistic and get boring more quickly than complex games. However, I hope that the example of Super Smash Bros sheds a little light on the possibility of avoiding those problems in the future.
5 - I think that fixing this problem is easier in multiplayer games than in single player. Most of the examples listed previously (starcraft, etc) are still interesting not because of their complexity (or at least not wholly) but because they are a way of competing with friends or strangers, something people love to do anyways. Multiplayer gaming has a chance to really "lead the charge" here, as it were. Super Smash Bros is an almost invisible interface that allows you to fight your friends; Starcraft is the same, though with a steeper learning curve.
6 - Here are some things non-gamers don't understand:
A - If there is a blue key, then there is a blue door.
B - The big key is the boss key.
C - Red bad guys are harder than blue bad guys.
D - In all likelihood, your avatar is nearly invincible by real world standards.
E - Invisible walls are commonplace and accepted.
F - Animation isn't a real reflection of your interaction with the game world (is changing though - compare Prince of Persia: Sands of Time to Onimusha: Moonwalking In Place).
7 - I call at that stuff in #6 "game grammar." It's something that everyone who reads Slashdot has schema for, its hardwired in after 1000s of hours of Nintendo and Sega Genesis. It is a much larger stumbling block for non-gamers than many people realize. That's why the Sims was such a HUGE hit (and also a good candidate for pick up and play with complexity).
This is a lot of unorganized crap. But I hope it speaks to some of the concerns related to the topic at hand.
Re:Kind of a complex issue actually... (Score:3)
Re:Kind of a complex issue actually... (Score:1)
Re:Kind of a complex issue actually... (Score:1)
1) Cars go faster if you press the accelerate, and slower if you press the brake. Similarly, there are steering controls to turn you left and right. The basic movement paradigm is something we're introduced to at a very early age in real life.
2) The way you win a race is to cross the finish line before the other racers do. Unless you're playing PGR there's no mysterious "Kudos" point syst
Re:Kind of a complex issue actually... (Score:2)
These are two other obvious, ingrained pieces of knowledge which are entirely counter-intuitive. I find they actually take quite awhile to "unlearn" for someone whose first videogame experience is a driving
Re:Kind of a complex issue actually... (Score:1)
MSR/PGR/PGR2 Kudos is really good, yes, it's just something that complicates matters for the newbie a fair bit. MSR was seriously harsh on you about any minor mistakes, so I'm glad it got easier, though.
#5 (Score:1)
that said, I guess I'm old
Re:Kind of a complex issue actually... (Score:1)
Plus they are already exposed to the digital interface whether you like it or not - DVDs, cell phones, digital cable - it's a natural interaction for them even if adventure games specifically are outside their specific experience.
I call BS on this one. You find an adult that's familiar with all those things and happens to have missed out on video games, and I bet they'll adjust just as easily.
This particular anecdote speaks more about the quality of games and control schemes Capcom has put into its GB
Both Simple Games and Complex Games Are Fun (Score:2, Insightful)
Tedium is also a factor (Score:4, Insightful)
Tedium, however, sucks the fun out of games and adds no great stimulation to make up for it. Sometimes it's unintentional tedium, like bad inventory management systems or lack of non-repetitive content.
Oftentimes though, the tedium is artificially added. The best examples of this are in MMORPG's where "timesinks" can literally account for DAYS of gameplay over a long enough period. In WoW, for example, you can expect 15-20% of your gaming time being spent travelling.
If you want to make games fun, don't bother with the learning curve- just get rid of the tedium.
Nope, steep learning curves add nothing (Score:2)
As an extreme example, consider this: there was one map, among the many many user-made maps for Doom 1, that made you start in what seemed like a square room with no exits, facing a huge demon. No weapons
Old School (Score:2, Interesting)
Non-issue (Score:3, Insightful)
If they are so inaccessible, etc... then why are they the most popular?
This is a non-issue. The sky is not falling. There are games for all types of people. Also, o one should feel left out or need to contact their Governmental representatives to enact legislation to stop this sort of thing.
Didn't you get the memo? (Score:3)
Your only role is to purchase the game, then sit in Awe at his Magnificence.
Funny thing is... (Score:2)
Since you've linked to Penny Arcade, I trust you've read their blog entry for that day, right? Because there Tycho says that only Gabe feels that way about Will Wright's games, whereas he (Tycho) actually likes them.
Any way you want to slice it, The Sims is _the_ best selling PC game _ever_, and that's not even counting the 7 expansion packs. So Will must do _something_ right.
Actually, let me even comment on what he's doing right: most criticisms of
Games for the Physically Challenged (Score:2)
I'll say! (Score:5, Interesting)
It reminds me of when I tried my wife's copy of The Sims once. I friggin' live my life already. I don't have time to help a bunch of digital homunculi work, sleep, pay bills, and indulge their neuroses. Despite the popularity of it, I lasted three days with it and was done forever.
My favorite PS/2 game in the past year was Simpson's Hit & Run. Just silly mindless fun. I'm old (old enough anyway) and I like to play games to unwind a bit, not to get wound up. If I want to engage my mind in something deep and complex, I look for a game of Go or a good book.
Re:I'll say! (Score:3, Insightful)
Games *are* supposed to be fun, but they seriously start to lose their appeal when they hard crash and force your computer to reboot for the *third* time in the same fricking mission, and because it's a console port you can't save whenever you want to.
Re:I'll say! (Score:2)
Re:I'll say! (Score:1)
they have faqs (surprise), cheats, hints for all games of all systems.
With FPS... (Score:3, Interesting)
If the game has a sniper rifle, there better be plenty of long distance targets to make it fun in single player, or have multiple camping... uh, hiding spots... in multiplayer.
Having zombies in the game is always fun when you can blow them up in different ways. If you don't blow yourself up [megatokyo.com] instead. And don't forget the nail gun.
I personally... (Score:2)
Ok ok ok, this is what I want... (Score:3, Insightful)
I personally have had enough of fixing people's PC's that are used for online games like Bejeweled. These are the people that mess up their PC's with spyware and adware quite a bit. So where the heck is the relatively cheap console that plays Bejeweled for $20 and Solitaire for $10 ? It doesn't exist as far as I know... Knoppix or some bootable distro with a bunch of games you say? Well I either haven't found the right distro or I'm just looking in the wrong place. Someone please - do enlighten. I want to put something together, or find something that my Uncle or Mom can sit down and play with for 45 minutes or 2 hours before the kids get home.
Re:Ok ok ok, this is what I want... (Score:2, Interesting)
Once you install Live Arcade, Bejeweled is available as an online purchase for $14.99.
They also have games like Zuma ($14.99), Mutant Storm ($9.99) - and Ms. Pac-Man is bundled free on the Live Arcade installation disk. Demos of most games are also available to download and try for free before you buy the full version.
Re:Ok ok ok, this is what I want... (Score:1)
Re:Ok ok ok, this is what I want... (Score:2, Interesting)
Pick It Up and Drop It (Score:2)
I see a lot of repetition in game concepts, but there really are a
Nintendo. (Score:1)
End result: 'Nintendo gets it.'
Re:Nintendo. (Score:2)
Re:Nintendo. (Score:1)
Better Tutorials! (Score:3, Insightful)
But if you're going to make you're game complex, then teach people how to play. Most games will attempt to teach you controls in the first level of play (or training mode), but most of them suck at doing so.
Example: Timesplitters Future Perfect. When you play the first level, it will tell you really basic stuff like how to move move, shoot, switch weapons, etc, but it neglects to teach you a lot of important controls, and gives you zero information on what kind of tactics you should use. In other words, people used to FPSs made this game, and the obviously don't understand what it's like to not be an FPS player.
In short, companies really don't spend enough time on tutorial modes, especially when the game is of a common genre.
(Personally, I love playing tutorials, even when I'm familiar with the game).
Re:Better Tutorials! (Score:2)
There are games (thank god!) that make NO concession to the new gamer. There are complex controls by nature, no suggestion of st
What games need more of... (Score:4, Funny)
I'm sure there's more, but these are the ones I could rattle off at the top of my head. So, stand tall, video game developers, and continue providing the level of excellence that has stood the test of time in the video gaming world!
Oasis (Score:1)
Oasis [oasisgame.com] is one of the most intuitive games I have ever played, and it's fun and original enough that I actually plopped down the $20 for it.
You can learn all you need one piece at a time in the tutorial levels, and then you've got three skill levels: Easy, Normal, Hard that are, get this, easy, normal, and hard! ::Gasp!::
It's turn-limited Minesweeper meets Civilization-lite. It is very enjoyable, and it's proof that pickup-and-play games aren't dead. They just seem to have moved away from the console marke
Re:Oasis (Score:1)
What about choose-your-own-complexity? (Score:3, Interesting)
I had always found subsim games interesting, but was always put off by the fact that they often required you to have an existing knowledge of submarine terms, the mechanics and so on, and given the complexity of submarine combat, this would result in me not playing the game again due to fustration. Enter Silent Hunter III which allows a player like myself to choose how realistic I wish to play the game. At first I played at the most unrealistic level with unlimited oxygen, unlimited fuel, automatic targeting, etc etc, and let the game AI deal with most of the ship management. This allowed me to focus on ship interception strategy & get a firmer grip on whats important when playing. Then slowly, I enabled the realism options as I became more confident & knowledgable about the gameplay. I still do not play at a true realism level as I do not personally find it too incredibly fun, especially since I am not quite that good yet, but the game succeeds wonderfully at scaling to a player's level of knowledge. As well, if I find the motions of sighting, configuring, etc a torpedo attack, I can relegate the task to the AI, and focus just on navigation, ever having to deal with torpedo details. Same for sonar, radar, deck guns, and so on. You can play the game the way you like.
It is this type of choose-your-own-complexity-and-gameplay-style that I'd like to see more in games beyond just 'Easy, Medium, Hard' (though most games need only this), especially in the more complex games that require micromanagement. Rome Total War was great in this aspect; you could let the AI manage your cities building queues & recruitment and just focus on combat. Or you could do the opposite purely manage resources & territory aquisition and just let the AI fight the battles for you. In this manner, both a Civ fan and a Command & Conquer fan would both enjoy the game in a seperate way.
Both of these games, Rome Total War, and Silent Hunter III are fairly complex games but each is great in that I do not have to be a Roman historian or a U-Boat expert to play & enjoy the games; and better still, those experts can play the game and love it too in their own way.
Party Games! (Score:2)
I have pipedreams of building my own for DreamCast, cribbing from Mario Party and Fuzion Frenzy...
Gamers are spoiled, just like movie-goers (Score:1)
So it is with videogames too. When Pac Man came out, people were just happy that they weren't stuck with pong anymore. But now, no matter how realistic, how impressive the graphics or gameplay is, none of them are good enough, and lately we've been subjected to an endless stream of "Why Videogames Today Suck" articles.
Honestly people, doesn't anybod