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Games Entertainment

G-Phoria Awards Out of The Bag 41

Gamasutra has coverage of the winners of this week's G-Phoria awards. Despite the fact that the show won't be televised until August 9th, they've released the winners via the press. Some of the winners: "Best Adaptation: LEGO Star Wars, Best Action Game: God of War, Best Boss: Halo 2 - Scarab Battle, Best Cinematic: God of War, Best Graphics: Half-Life 2, Best Handheld Game: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, Best Innovation: Katamari Damacy"
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G-Phoria Awards Out of The Bag

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  • To be fair, I'm a halo fanboy myself (or at least a Bungie fanboy. Loved Marathon and all that). But come on:

    How the hell did Halo 2 really deserve to win for male voice and best boss battle? I loved fighting that Scarab, and David Cross is a great actor with a unique voice and good lines, but God of War was DEFINED by its boss battles, and Cross's character was a bleeding extra! A freaking marine with some clever lines in the middle of battle!

    Oh, and madden won, big surprise, even though it was clearly

    • but God of War was DEFINED by its boss battles

      Definitely. Hell, God of War should get an honorary award: Best Boss Death for the way Kratos took out the Hydra.
    • Assuming it was included, the best boss battle in the past year was by far the sniper battle with The End in Metal Gear Solid 3. That battle was pure genius.
      • I agree, that battle with "The End" was one of the best boss battles that I have ever played in a game. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, and when I finally killed him, I was literally out of breath from barely breathing. This battle probably deserves an honorable mention.

        For those who haven't played the game, this boss battle isn't your typical "lock player character into a small stage and fight" battle. This is much more a battle of skill than it is a test of button pushing and pattern r

  • This awards ceremony will honor Katamari Damacy, so it is legitimate.
    • Re:Credible (Score:3, Insightful)

      by badasscat ( 563442 )
      This awards ceremony will honor Katamari Damacy, so it is legitimate.

      Only if it were awarded game of the year, which is what it was.

      "Best Innovation"? Come on - that's a copout category if there ever was one. That's the category where you put the games you know are going to be the ones remembered 15 or 20 years from now, but you can't give them "game of the year" because there's some other hot game of the moment. I mean it would be like the music industry giving a "best innovator" award to Beck or Radio
      • I mean it would be like the music industry giving a "best innovator" award to Beck or Radiohead or something and then giving "artist of the year" to Britney Spears.

        Isn't that what happens when someone(s) like Beck or Radiohead win "Best Alternative Album" and someone(s) like Brittney Spears wins "Artist of the Year"?
      • I love Katamari Damacy and plan to buy the sequel. However, it was not the game of the year. It was a game where you roll a ball through a Japanese acid trip for 15 or so levels all played on one of three stages. It had fantastic music and it stood out in a year where so many popular games were sequels. Most of the acclaim I see about it is on the order of "This is what games should be," "This is why I hate Madden," "This is going to be remembered forever."

        It's a game about rolling a ball. It's very fu
        • Oh, I can't disagree with you enough.

          Of course, this was the game I paid half on a used PS2 for, and consider it worth it.

          It's just FUN. That's what games are supposed to be, isn't it? I don't have fun playing FPSes anymore. I don't have fun playing fighting games anymore. I've never had fun playing sports games.

          The game that gives you the most fun is the best game. Katamari Damacy gave me the most fun by a factor of ten, so it deserves Game of the Year.

          This is all in my opinion, of course. But it's n
          • A better alternative is not to put too much stock into awards like "Game of the Year," and to instead buy games based on your own impressions. After all, much of the appeal of Katamari Damacy is that it's obscure: its title is a trivia question in and of itself. If it goes mainstream, its underground appeal is lost.
            • But, I already don't put much stock in them -- it deserves to win this particular arbitrary little contest, but I have no illusions about it winning.

              In KD's case, I'd say that it's not just the relative obscurity that responsible for its popularity, the game genuinely lives up the hype, however unlikely that may seem.

              But... I don't know how many sequels that profound sense of fun could survive, and sequels more or less imply a lack of obscurity. My experiences with the Japanese sequel are similarly fun and
  • Gamasutra informing the others in the game industry who weren't there who the winners are... I can understand!


    This would be a good example of a time when Invisotext is needed!

    • Well, actually, Gamespot broke the news yesterday. They did take a look at a bunch of new games, so its alright.

      What should be noted, though, is that G4 is still taking votes, all the way until August 8th. So what happens if someone else wins one of the awards on a final count?

      Or do the votes get dropped into that infamous black hole where poorly maintained variables go?

  • Don't get me wrong, I revile G4 as next as the next sane human, but... this isn't that bad. The parts of Halo 2 they recognize are certainly ones worth noting, they give credit to an amazingly orchestrated soundtrack... and they gave something to Katamari? How can I say no? Certainly it seems like there are only two games here (Halo 2 and God of War) but perhaps this is the first we'll see of G4 pulling its head out and taking a look around at what gamers actually care about. ...Not holding my breath thou
  • Scarab Battle (Score:3, Interesting)

    by centauri ( 217890 ) on Friday July 29, 2005 @04:01PM (#13197848) Homepage
    Now, I love Halo 2, but that "boss" is not that great. It's an impressive vehicle - until the Covenant drive it into a dead end and it's effectively stuck. You don't end up having to destroy the Scarab (that's done for you in a cutscene). All you do it clear its decks and kill its crew. It doesn't even shoot at you.

    I'd say the Prophet you have to fight is a better boss, since you actually have to resort to something other than your high-tech weaponry to beat him.
    • I take it by alternative killing of the Prophet you mean boarding the vehicle and beating him to a pulp? I never knew you couldn't shoot him with a gun, I only tried boarding his vehicle, because I just bum rushed him and noticed the "press X to board vehicle" symbol. And here I thought I was special.
  • by pnice ( 753704 ) on Friday July 29, 2005 @04:07PM (#13197907)
    I think the people allowed to vote for winners should be required to play all of the games nominated for each category and then send in paper ballots or something like that (think The Academy Awards). Right now it's just people voting on the games that the same TV show told them to buy and then voting on it as the best game. I doubt many of the people have honestly played through more than a few of the titles in each category.

    I would like to take a moment to say that Tina Wood is a walking infomercial and nothing more.
  • Looking through the list, the lack of the words Resident and Evil was clearly obvious.

    The problem with G-Phoria being a publicly voted awards show is the public. Resident Evil 4 and God of War were FAR superiour games to Halo 2. However, Halo 2 has an install base in the millions. People are gong to vote for the game they know.

    I am glad the Katamari damacy won best innovation, but there was no contest. The simple fact that it did NOT win Best Origianal Soundtrack really cements my point.
    • Your right, your opinion is far more important than the rest of the public. The hard truth is that Resident Evil 4 may be a better game than Halo 2...for those who like those type of games. I've played Resident Evil and have never cared for the series. I've never played Katamari damacy either. I've seen both of them in action and didn't care for either because those aren't my favorite type of games. Its like sports, some people like football instead of baseball. Just because your opinion is diffrent
      • I wasn't trying to say my opinion was the 1005 correct opinion. I was merely remarking on how you could clearly see that the games with the largest user base got the awards. It almost falls into the idea of games from Nintendo. They're all great games. There are lots of them I don't like, but that's just because I don't like them. Yeah, I voted for some things that didn't win, and that doesn't bother me. It just that the large number of award for Halo 2 shows where people voted for the game they knew.
        • First of all, let me apologize. Rereading my initial response it seemed to be a little to harsh. Bad day at work :). This though is the problem with all award shows. Any show that features awards voted on by the public are always a popularity contest. Shows voted on by a closed group can sometimes give an award for something you have no idea what it is or know anyone who does. The Oscar's are like that. I think the best way to do it are the way probowls and all-star games typically do it. Where the
    • Katamari's soundtrack was cute and infectiously bubbly, but God of War most certainly deserves Best Original Soundtrack (though it's more what I'd term a score, not a soundtrack).

      It was a fun cute game, but it doesn't deserve paeans until the end of days. The multiplayer was wretched, and the challenges were pretty limited (basically only three -- size, collect category, collect 1 in category). The sequel looks somewhat more promising there.
      • That's interesting, because I'm playing God of War right now, and I couldn't identify a single portion of the soundtrack if you played it for me. It alls sounds like epic fantasy Lord of the Rings action adventure to me. You're right about it being more of a score.

        Katamari, on the other hand, I played through months ago, bought the soundtrack, and still enjoy. I'm already ordered the Katamari 2 soundtrack sight unseen. (Or is that audio unheard?) Katamari is worthy of all three words in the category name:

  • It's nice to see Ralph Baer get the respect that he deserves even if it's from G4.
  • Who cares, the show will be as crappy like 90% of everything else they air on that network.
  • halo 2 awards (Score:2, Informative)

    by schwal ( 836247 )
    First, let me clear. I am a Halo fanboy. I bought the special edition and the map pack. I even shelled out $50 bucks for the headset, cause I broke my communicator.

    There, now that I have that off my chest, let me say this: I had to think had to what the scarab battle was. Frankly it wasn't a boss, it was covenent inside a vehicle you had to get into. Admitily it was a 3 story tall vehicle with a plasma cannnon, but still.

    That said, Halo 2 deserved the soundtrack award, and the multiplayer
  • Man, what where the voters thinking? Resident Evil 4 totally got shafted! Not one single award, when it was clearly the best of game of the year in my opinion.
  • Ive never liked G4 since they stated airing, but Most of Halo's music is ambient, im suprised that World of Warcraft did not win, Jason Hayes IMHO is one of the best video game music composers, along with Fat Man, WoWs soundtrack was beautifuly composed like real music and is not just overly quiet to hide its flaws like quite a few other games. Also, they used an entire full orchestra to produce it, unlike other games that still are mostly synthesized.
  • Ever since g4 bought out techtv and turned it into a PR station, i lost complete interest. I admit i still watch x-play, morgan is funny not to mention hot, x-play though still has completely gone down hill also. gphoria? more like g"whoria"!

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