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Uwe Boll Spills His Guts 57

Kimi writes "Love him or hate him, it's always entertaining to read about Uwe Boll, especially with his latest movie Bloodrayne due to be released shortly. 1UP has an interview with the man himself to find out just what he is up to." From the article: "Let's drop the bombshell before we move on: Rumors were flying this summer that Boll had picked up the rights to the controversial first-person-shooter Postal franchise, but developer Running With Scissors quickly debunked the speculation. In talking with Boll, we asked him about his interest in Postal and - lo and behold - were told he's currently in negotiations for the rights to the series, and expects to start shooting Postal sometime next year. Additionally, he'll be writing the script hand-in-hand with the game designers, a first for him and video game movies. It should be interesting to see how Boll handles a game whose gameplay revolves around pure shock value." Good to see we can expect more quality cinema in the future.
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Uwe Boll Spills His Guts

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  • by rAiNsT0rm ( 877553 ) on Thursday September 01, 2005 @07:55AM (#13453252) Homepage
    Simply THE WORST excuse for an actress was plain to see in Alone in the Dark. I never have been so amazed at poor acting that made it into a big budget film. Thank God even Uwe had the stones to say it was one of the worst performances ever in his interview. I just can't agree with him on his skills or the "quality" of his movies.

    Alone in the Dark was abysmal, yet he continually tries to stick up fo rit and claim it was poorly promoted. Sorry, promotion was the least of your concerns here.

    He is unappologetic and filled with excuses for his work. I found the interview to be a wash and did nothing in my eyes to help his case.
  • I was hoping he committed harakiri and literally spilled his guts. I don't think I'm alone with that sentiment.
    • Well, then it would have been, "Uwe Boll Spills His Guts... literally."

      Although, about half of the people who read that headline would have thought they still meant figuratively.

  • by kaellinn18 ( 707759 ) on Thursday September 01, 2005 @08:02AM (#13453305) Homepage Journal
    Good to see we can expect more quality cinema in the future.

    You misspelled "shit."
    • Indeed. I wish he would stop. There is practically one chance at making a movie from a computer game, because of licensing. There are exceptions, of course. I love computer games, and I'd love that any movie made from them would be great. So I would ask this guy to please please stop taking the one opportunity of a good game-based movie and throwing it away, and please please let somebody else buy the rights and make a good movie.
  • So the movie industry has decided to finally collaborate with the video game industry so as to not destroy the feel of the game... With Postal?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0093051/ [imdb.com]

    Take a quick peak at the above and check out the upcoming releases for Uwe Boll. He has 6, yes 6, movies coming out in the next year or 2 (seven if you count the already released abomination "Alone in the Dark"). It doesn't take Steven Spielberg to figure out that if you direct 6 movies in 1.5 years, you're not exactly putting your heart into each project. Studios are simply just giving in every time they liscence a video game intellectual property and letting Boll churn o

    • I will point you at the page for Takashi Miike:

      http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0586281/ [imdb.com]

      Directed 7 films in 2001, including 3 of his best recieved works: Ichi The Killer, Happiness of the Katakuris, and Visitor Q.

      It's quite possible to be a prolific director and still be making good sincere expressive cinema. It is also very difficult and rarely the case.

      Not that I've seen or even have any interest in seeing all 65 films he's directed... but the 8 or so that I have seen are all excellent.
  • Please stop making movies
    • Some time ago, I watched House of the Dead. I knew who Uwe Boll was, I knew that his films were... crap. So, I thought, yeah, I've seen shitty movies, can they really be so bad?

      After one Uwe Boll movie weighing at 92 minutes... I demand those 92 minutes of my life back. :(

  • Ten minutes aho I didn't know how this man was, so I checked it and this is the result: it looks like he is a german film director [imdb.com] somewhat specialized in games-based movies.

    His latest seems to be Alone in the dark [imdb.com] (scoring an incredibly low 2.2 out of 10)... it has to be real crap to score that low, it's very strange for a movie to be under the 5 in imdb!

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  • Emotion anywhere? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mwvdlee ( 775178 ) on Thursday September 01, 2005 @08:35AM (#13453601) Homepage
    I don't care much for pure action movies at all, so I'm not too familiair with Uwe's but reading this, and other, interviews, I get a certain image of what kind of person he is:

    1) Be genuinly loves movies and loves to make movies. He truely wants to make good movies.

    2) He has no emotions.

    Why statement #2? From the article:

    I think the only weak part in Alone in the Dark is maybe Tara Reid's acting. The action is good, the creature is good, and it moves fast-forward and is what a video game based movie should be.
    No. A video game based movie, like any movie, should have a story. Whether there is any action, any creature or what the pace should be, is completely irrelevant. Only when the story requires such elements does the movie require them.

    I don't see that [Alone in the Dark] is less quality as Aliens vs. Predator
    Aliens vs. Predators was an incredibly shallow and boring movie. I consider AvsP to be one of the worst movies ever made since it simply has no depth and barely a story.

    Postal could be a movie that's like Falling Down but more as a satire, more as a thing where you can actually laugh about it also.
    Though mostly subtle, Falling Down is a satire, it is a satire of society. I fear Uwe does not understand "subtle".

    And... he's doing a phone interview whilst in the middle of shooting scenes... WTF???

    He also talks a lot about money. Earning hard cash on your product is a good thing, but he seems to be judging his movies on how much profit they make and blames marketing for any lack of such. This seems like an awefully bleak view of reality and lacking completely of artistic aspirations.

    I really get the (frightening) impression that Uwe Boll defines a "good movie" as "lots of action" and other objective terms whereas a movie, like any story, is 99.9% emotion.

    It would seems he talks about things like depth of the characters in his upcomming Bloodrayne movie, lets just hope he's not talking about how deep the bullets can penetrate.
    • I beleive Uwe Boll is german for "Where video game movies go to die".

      Really, if you can stand to watch even three of his movies in a month timespan, you are either a vehement anti-video game nut, have just commited sucide due to the experience and have blocked the memory out, or were blind and deaf at the time.
    • ) Be genuinly loves movies and loves to make movies. He truely wants to make good movies.

      He's Ed Wood, back from the grave!

  • How does this man keep getting work?

    Don't these people see the anger from the gaming community when he is attached to a movie, and how ALL OF HIS ATTEMPTS AT CREATING A GOOD VIDEO GAME MOVIE HAVE FAILED?

    On a side note, I'm sure all video game players who have seen one of his shitty movies would be GLAD to assist in the spilling of Mr. Boll's guts.

    I read a report written about him by some writers that worked with him on one of his other shit-tacular video game movies, and they said that he took their scri
    • How does he keep getting work? Because his films keep making money. They may be uniformly dire, but he is good enough at turning them out for a pittance and pre-selling overseas rights (because it seems that rights buyers get far too easily carried away when they see licenses attached, just as the game publishers themselves do) that his films all turn at least a modest profit at the end of the day.

      When you make your company money, it's very easy to continue to working in the same job, even if there are a fe
      • A few? His movies get horrible ratings. The video game companies should care what their fans are saying. These movies don't seem to be for Bob and Jane Moviegoer, but for l33tGamerd00d3342 and his friends. But why lure them in with the license from the games they love and throw feces at them? If they got a different director who actually KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING maybe these movies would be GOOD and make an even better profit?

        And it's not just a few, go to the IMDB board, or google for "Uwe Boll" and "su
        • I know it's more than a few. In fact, I've never heard a single filmgoer have a good word for the guy.

          But until his production company start to actually lose money rather than make it, they will carry on turning out low-budget shite with a license.
          • But why? Don't they put this shit through focus groups? I know they added the 45 minute long scroll before Alone in the Dark because NOBODY knew what was going on during the movie.. Someone with directing experiance (Dear God, not Lucas) needs to sit down with this horrible man and explain what he is supposed to be doing.
  • quote: In retrospect, please add one finger to every other review I've ever done, because none deserve as low a rating as this.
    his review [bigempire.com]
  • ..and expects to start shooting Postal sometime next year...
    Ha Ha
    Someone worked hard to get that sentance into FTA.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Alone in the Dark was an adventure game with some action sequences. right?

    Then why did they make an action movie?
  • .. the SciFi Channell. Seriously why would any studio give this guy the reigns to 20 million dollars is way beyond me. I have not seen the non-Game movies but they all look straight to video to me. Michael Pare, hasn't made a good movie since the first Eddie & the Cruisers (Shame Really.)

    Past Performance is no indication of future success. But if Past Performances are all FLOPS, this is some indication of the likleyhood of future FLOPS.

    Lets seee...It was Bad Marketing, It was Tara Reid, It was unrea

  • Now there's something I would pay to see, and it's got to be more frightening than Alien Vs Predator.
  • I think this guy is the new Ed Wood. Makes movies cheaply, and they are all hated or ignored while he's alive. But a couple of decades after he dies, one of his movies will "win" a Worst Movie of All Time award, and sudennly Uwe Boll is a cult director, his movies will be re-released and make a lot of money, and Tim Burton's grandson will do a movie about his life.

    Or something. :)
  • For an interesting perspective on the esteemed Mr. Boll and the way he operates, check out this report:

    http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=2649 [somethingawful.com]

    As someone who has worked in the film industry, this story just rings entirely too true.
    • That made me cry a little.
    • Mod up parent!

      As an SA (SomethingAwful) goon... I have to agree. Uwe Boll is a horrible director. He has no taste and his movies are abysmal. He ruined Alone in the Dark; if you read the SA story, you will see why. The story on SA was written by the original screenwriter of the script and explains why he gave up on working with Uwe Boll (and with good reason).

      Good to see we can expect more quality cinema in the future.

      I hope that was sarcasm...

  • The thing that upsets me is how people just keep handing this guy money to make bad, low-grossing movies, when there are so many more desrving directors... for instance, Terry Gilliam is having trouble getting an extra $15 million to do Good Omens with Johnny Depp and Robin Williams, here's a quote [imdb.com]...

    "I couldn't get 15 with Johnny and Robin... These two guys, who would have been brilliant were not worth $15 million in America. That was the moment where I went, 'I don't understand this game. I don't unders

    • It's not 'Johnny and Robin' who are the hard sell, it's Terry Gilliam as a director. He makes movies that are strange that have no mass-market appeal. Odds are after marketting ups the $15 mil to $25 mil he wouldn't even get close to making half of that.

      He spent $88 mil making 'Brothers Grimm' with $30 mil on marketting. He isn't going to make that back since it's not getting great reviews (39% on Rotten Tomatoes). The plain fact is Terry Gilliam makes movies to entertain himself and not everyone else
  • Boycott! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Phantasmo ( 586700 )
    Let me explain something to you:
    Do you know why video games, TV shows and novels get turned into such terrible movies?
    It's because the film industry wants to punish you for spending your time and money on video games, TV shows and novels.
    This really is once instance where it's not too hard to vote with your wallet. Frankly I don't want to see a single "Bloodrayne was really bad" comment on Slashdot. I want to see, "Oh, I don't know if it was any good or not - I don't watch Uwe Boll movies."
  • From TFA "Like, there are some hardcore fans who you never can satisfy because they played that game over and over again and they have their own movie in their head, so no matter what you do, they don't like it," he says.

    You know, I can agree with him on that statement.
    However, it would have been nice if at one point during the film "Alone in the dark," somebody actually would have been Alone, and maybe even in the dark.

    I'm just saying.
  • Nobody else seems to have linked to all of the relevant PA strips yet, so I suppose the onerous archive-searching duty falls to me.

    This [penny-arcade.com] and this [penny-arcade.com] are the important ones.

    Honourable, if somewhat out of date, mention: This [penny-arcade.com].

    And, of course, this [penny-arcade.com] and this [penny-arcade.com] and this [penny-arcade.com] and this [penny-arcade.com] and this [penny-arcade.com].

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
