Nintendogs Sells Quarter of a Millions Units 78
Zangief writes "Nintendogs, the quirky DS title about dogs, has sold more than a quarter of a million units in its first week on the U.S. market. This puts to rest the argument that Nintendogs wouldn't appeal to the Western consumers, obsessed with 'mature' games." Expect our look at the title next week.
That's a lot (Score:1)
Re:That's a lot (Score:2)
They could have sold anywhere from 500,000 to infinity units by that grammar.
I come about at those numbers by inferring that since "millions" is plural it must mean more than one million so 500,000 is 25% of two million, and that once you reach 999,000,000 you do not necessarily have to begin counting in billions. You could have one million millions just as easily as you could have a trillion.
Re:That's a lot (Score:1)
I think that is propper grammer.
I know I would say one and a half dollors not one and a half dollor, extending that logic 1.00000000000000000000000000000000001 of something is plural?
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1, Informative)
So in that case, I guess you don't really believe in sports games, racing games, or any kind of simulation that could remotely be done in real life? It's called a GAME, played for fun. Sure, it's a poor substitute for owning a real pet, but saying game players are too lazy to do 'real life stuff' is just arrogant.
I play NBA Live, Madden, etc. That doesn't make me too lazy to actually play 'real' basketball or football. It's usually the opposite, in fact.
What kind of games ARE accep
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1, Troll)
Quite a bit of vitriol there, for an argument that simply doesn't hold water.
Sure, you play NBA Live, Madden, etc...and you also play football, basketball, etc. IRL. But tell me: do you play NBA basketball IRL? Are you an NFL player IRL? No? Well, then, I trust you see my point.
I love hockey, myself. I love to play NHL 2005, but I'd really love to skate with Yzerman and company in person. You know what? NOT GONNA HAPPEN. So I guess I'll be sticking with the game.
Another flaw in your argument: is Ni
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
Also by your definition, someone who loves dogs, but doesn't own a Chihuahua wouldn't be too lazy if they raised one in Nintendogs. I might already own five dogs, but I'm not going to add a real Chihuahua to the mix. So Nintendogs is perfect.
Of course I currently trav
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:2)
You know I don't even own a DS, let alone Nintendogs, but you'll forgive me if I don't sink into a deep depression worrying about what games I play that you approve of.
However, I also know that a large percentage of Nintendog users do so because they simply can't be bothered with the hassle of an actual pet, and I find that very sad.
Why? You'd rather those people go out and get real pets then neglect them?
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:2)
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
There's a big difference between "something you can do IRL" and the simple ple
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:3, Insightful)
However, I also know that a large percentage of Nintendog users do so because they simply can't be bothered with the hassle of an actual pet, and I find that very sad.
How do you know this? Did you made a study? can I see your data, please? Do you work at Nintendo Marketing?
My theory: Nintendo developed a great game (as they almost always do), and marketed rightly (wh
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
Yes, mine too.
This reminds me of when Rome: Total War came out. Unlike all those lazy people who just wanted to play a game, I went back in time to 250BC, and led the German tribes on a bloody rampage through Europe. Much more fun!
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
What about time? Not having time to take care of a real pet is not the same thing as being lazy.
What about people who are allergic? There are a bunch of people out there who are allergic to most pets.
Are you a parent? What if you don't want a dog, but your kids do. Are you going to buy your kids a dog that you will eventually end up having to take care of or are you just going to buy your kids Nintendogs?
What if you jus
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:2, Funny)
If I wanted that, I'd be in church ;)
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
Second of all, when I don't like the reporting from a site, I tend to find a site that has reporting I do like rather than trolling the site I don't like.
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
When we're talking about 1up and Zonk, yes, it is.
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:1)
Well, that's where you and I differ. Thankfully, there's room for all of us...IN MY PANTS!!!
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:2)
Why can't people own both? Maybe they aren't too lazy to raise real pets. Maybe they are just pet/dog fanatics. I wouldn't be surprised if a large number of the younger female DS owners actually have d
Re:Dear Lord...where to begin. (Score:3, Insightful)
"My sentiments exactly."
Uh huh. Betcha anything that most of the 250,000 people that purchased Nintendogs already have pets.
I have to be honest, I'm really sick of your assumptions about why people are buying that game. I don't know why you think the game is a good substitute for a real animal. I also don't know why you think this is somehow an alternative. FIf you don't mind my being brutally honest here, you sound just as idiotic as that group that's
Expect our look at the title next week... (Score:1)
Re:Expect our look at the title next week... (Score:2)
Uncle Jed (Score:2)
Nintendogs nintendshmogs (Score:2)
Re:Nintendogs nintendshmogs (Score:1)
Sponsoring television too... (Score:4, Informative)
It's sponsored by 'Nintendogs'. I've no idea if the game's even available in the UK yet - but I still couldn't help but think of Penny Arcade's approach [penny-arcade.com]...
Not everyone can have a pet (Score:5, Insightful)
I lived on a farm for a lot of my life or in a small town and was able to have pets if I wanted to. However, there are a lot of people who just aren't able to have pets. If you live in a big city in an apartment, chances are you won't be able to have a cat or a dog. If you're still living with your parents there's nothing you can do about it. A 14 year old can't just got out an get a place of their own and have a pet.
Additionally, pets can be very expensive and time consuming. You can generally get one for low costs from an animal shelter, but a specific breed is going to cost you some money. After thise you need to continually buy food which varies in price depending how much your dog or cat can eat.
Next there are vet expenses associated with keepign the animal healthy. A dog might need to be fixed so you don't end up with puppies. Shots and vaccinations are always a good idea as well.
Now add in some of your time. It's going to take time to feed, water, and care for the pet. Add in time to teach it to behave and house break it and that adds up.
You could easily spend thousands of dollars in food, care, and time taking care of a real pet, assuming you can even have one in the first place. Or you can go out and buy a DS for $130 and the game for another $35 or so and play it at your leisure. Is it the same as having a real pet? Of coruse not. But it might be a good thing for some people who've wanted pets but are unable to keep them or afford them.
Re:Not everyone can have a pet (Score:4, Insightful)
If a game is fun, who the hell cares if it just so happens to be about raising a puppy? I didn't hear any people complaining that people too lazy to have children are playing The Sims.
The naysayers using this line are the ones that are just looking for a reason to a) loathe nintendo and/or b) load the title itself without any thought process.
Re:Not everyone can have a pet (Score:2)
Re:Not everyone can have a pet (Score:1)
Re:Not everyone can have a pet (Score:2)
Re:Not everyone can have a pet (Score:1)
I raised him as a kitten in a single pet environment.
I think it all boils down to luck of the draw and
the environment in which your feline has been raised.
I'd grant that cats are less prone to being affectionate, but I've seen many that are as affectionate if not moreso than dogs.
Re:Not everyone can have a pet (Score:2)
Obviously you haven't raised your cats in the way you want if they scratch and bite you when you try to pet them.
OK, I'll admit I was exaggerating. My cats are affectionate, and they are nice to me. And they also will give me a little nip if I don't pet them exactly how they want it. I know this is going to sound horrible, but having a cat is like having a high maintenance girlfriend. You have to put a lot of extra effort into pleasing them before they will condescend to show you some appreciation. Which, i
Re:Not everyone can have a pet (Score:1)
Cats? (Score:2)
Massive local bird stock depletion and contemptuous arrogance may result.
More Impressive (Score:5, Informative)
The game caused the DS to outsell all other hardware COMBINED in Japan for quite a while. I wonder if it will do that here too.
Re:More Impressive (Score:3, Interesting)
I think you're forgetting about HALO. Not sure what the stats are for HALO 2 though...
Re:More Impressive (Score:1)
Halo 2 is in the same league though, it's sold over 5 million and there are about 20 million xboxes worldwide, IIRC.
Re:More Impressive (Score:2)
I can't find any first week information for Halo 2. The only number I saw was 2.38 million for the first day, which would put it about 1 in 8 so it may be the same (unless that number was for somee other time period). It's entirely possible
Re:More Impressive (Score:2)
Re:More Impressive (Score:1)
Halo 2 had over 1.5 million preorders in the US, and presumably sold more in the first week. So I could believe 2 million in that week.
Anyway, your point stands. Nintendogs is a huge seller, and certainly has one of the highest game/console sales ratios out there.
Re:More Impressive (Score:2)
Yeah, not sure what the stats are for Halo 2, though.
Re:More Impressive (Score:1)
I don't know if that still applies, but it looks as if Nintendogs is going to get close.
Maturity (Score:3, Insightful)
I hope a lot of game developers are paying attention to this. I don't meant to say there's anything wrong with what anyone else does for fun, but I've had enough GTA for a lifetime. Between this and Katamari, I hope the industry will be pushed to make games complex enough for older audiences without the normally associated "adult" themes.
I don't mean to say the adult themes should disappear or that the light-hearted games don't exist. I just hope that sales of games like this cause a shift in the curretn ratio of quality light/dark themed games.
Re:Maturity (Score:3, Insightful)
Katamari and Nintendogs set the trend for going back to the days when games are just good for messing around. Every plot revolves around some group of teenagers saving the world anyways, these two games are truely unique.
The new Tamagotchi? (Score:3, Insightful)
It sure seems like it: virtual pet which you have to care for in order to keep alive, and became a craze overnight....
Re:The new Tamagotchi? (Score:2)
But it is much better done from the reviews.
You can 'pet' the dog with the touch screen.
He will get sick and look ragged if you don't take care of him etc.
I think a lot of nice touches have been added to the game.
While I don't have a DS and probably never will, I find the concept of the game silly and fascinating all at the smae time.
Maybe I find it fascinating that people find the game fascinating.
Nevertheless, I enjoy seeing interesting games like this even if I never play them.
Re:The new Tamagotchi? (Score:1)
you play, you pet. thats about it.
Re:The new Tamagotchi? (Score:2)
250k isn't newsworthy, but the percentage is. (Score:1, Redundant)
I have a DS and think it's great, but 250,000 titles inside of one week isn't all that. Halo2 sold around 2 million inuts in one day, and even that wasn't a record (which I believe is one of the mario titles or final fantasy...)
However, Its more notable due to the DS' user base in the US (2 million, right?), but not on the number alone. 1 user in 8 picked it up, which is impressive, and hopefully will be a wake up call to third parties: DS users like it when you exploit the unique abilities of a plat
Re:250k isn't newsworthy, but the percentage is. (Score:2)
I think so, finally... (Score:2)
Im curious, how do you like the import version? Does the language barrier get in the way of navigation/gameplay or is it one of those games that you can pick up and play regardless? If it get's delayed again I may just import it too.
Re:I think so, finally... (Score:2)
This is a game that seriously needs to come out over here. It might not be a big seller, but it would do a lot to show that Nintendo's not just all-talk and Japan-only when it comes to innovation. And after they hyped Electroplankton at E3, it seems awfully odd that there's no solid date for its release, either.
Re:250k isn't newsworthy, but the percentage is. (Score:2)
Take a look at the top 10 sales for a given week, and you'll see what I mean. Annually, I think about five games will sell a million in a week. They then go on to sell another
Re:250k isn't newsworthy, but the percentage is. (Score:1)
Re:250k isn't newsworthy, but the percentage is. (Score:2)
why oh why (Score:1)
Re:why oh why (Score:1)
Re:why oh why (Score:2)
Re:why oh why (Score:1)
four letters: AIBO (Score:2, Funny)
I bet the psp could have sell millions if they had released SonyDoggys.
It would compete with AIBO. Companies don't like to compete with themselves.
It's also moving more systems (Score:3, Informative)
"Nearly 15 percent of all DS owners bought Nintendogs in just a week, a virtually unprecedented adoption rate for any title on an established system," said Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime. "And it's also helping sell new DS hardware. Coupled with a price drop to $129.99, retailers are reporting DS sales up between one and a half and three times previous levels, and last week DS comfortably outsold our portable competitors."
http://ds.ign.com/articles/647/647328p1.html [ign.com]
Re:It's also moving more systems (Score:1)
Western gamers (Score:1)
Re:Western gamers (Score:1, Insightful)
When Nintendogs was announced much of the mainstream gaming press, and a lot of bitter 14 year old nerds (who only play 'mature' games), were claiming that this game was a huge mistake. When Nintendogs started selling amazingly well in Japan these same people were saying that it was going to do poorly in North America because of the 'cultural differences' and that american gamers (ie stupid 14 year olds) are only interested in 'Mature' titles. The fact that this has sold 1/
Re:Western gamers (Score:3, Insightful)
What the fuck?
The idea that since Nintendogs, a very well made pet simulator, has sold 250,000 copies in a week, somehow contradicts the notion that western gamers are tending towards more mature titles is inaccurate.
OK seriously, this sentence is a monstrosity. If you want people to grok your point, leaving out unnecessary data is usually a good idea. Onto the "actual" points you make...
various sales data
I like how this anecdotal evidence is an attempt to "disprove" Nintendogs is doing we
Re:Western gamers (Score:2)
Well, it likely *is* the best selling game this week. That's not exactly bad. And again, one in seven DS owners bought the game in the first week.
What it is is excellent numbers for a game released for a fairly new, portable system, and it's (probably) much better than anything yet released for the PSP.
In other words -- it's not just PR spin, though I think you're wise t
HA! I told you! (Score:2)
My theory is, is that while M$ and $ony are battling it out to retain control of the VERY SMALL, percentage of potential gamers who like FPS and games that they play with one hand, Nintetndo will pick up THE REST OF THE MARKET. That is all of the people who