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Games Entertainment

Katrina Hits the Gaming World 29

Despite the media's portrayal, Gamers are people too. hollismb writes "From IGN Xbox comes the news today Bungie, the developer of the Halo series, is raising money to aid the hurricane victims. How are they doing it? With a tee-shirt you can purchase from Bungie's store: 'Just so that we're clear, of the $19.95 the shirt costs, about $15 in cleared funds will go straight to the Red Cross and directly to the disaster relief. Nobody, not Bungie, the Bungie store, or the distributor will clear a penny profit.'" Kotaku has a story up with a firsthand account from a gamer trapped in the flood zone, and to provide relief has up a swag auction. If you've been looking for a pair of City of Heroes boxing gloves, this is the place to go. Similarly, Penny Arcade has an auction going, where they're selling the original artwork for the PAX 2005 program.
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Katrina Hits the Gaming World

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