Next-Gen Gamer Habits Profiled 36
Next Generation Magazine has a profile (done by IDG) looking at the habits for next-generation gamers. From the article: "Social gamers represent 35% of spending while casual gamers represent 28% of the gaming audience but only 13% of dollars spent. The report says devoted gamers will drive sales of new systems in 2005 and 2006 with more than half of them likely to buy a PlayStation 3 and over 45% planning to buy Xbox 360 within the first year of release for each system. "
No suprise here (Score:2, Interesting)
As a consumer, non-essential item, games and consoles are fairly reasonably priced. Of course someone that is devoted to gaming can and will spend many times what the "casual" user will spend. It's their hobby.
No Nintendo (Score:1)
Re:No Nintendo (Score:1)
Re:No Nintendo (Score:1)
What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
No matter the new controller on the revolution i will be buying one for the backwards compatibility and the games downloads. obviously selling off my GameCube whilst the price is still reasonable
I can see no reason to buy an Xbox 360 , though I would love to hear some reasons as to why I should buy one
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
Rather than prove the Xbox 360's worth, I doubt anybody can do the same for the PS3 yet.
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
So it's a safe bet to say that GT5 with real damage added. Metal Gear 4 which is going to have some type of AI partners in it. Squaresoft is probably still showing the most love to sony. As well as any GTA probably coming out on PS3 a year before being on anything else. Unfortunately I'm not sure of what unique stuff is coming out for PS3.
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
DVD's don't drive MS into any corners, it's smart for MS to hold off on the higher capacity formats while they sit and wait,
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
Games rarely fill a DVD now but what will it be like in three years? A content rich game like HL2 takes 5 gigabytes on the harddrive (obviously only the installed size matters as consoles can't decompress the game files like that), add FMVs like those that happen on consoles
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
Re:What about a me a nintendo (Score:1)
What About... (Score:1)
Re:What About... (Score:1)
1. The "Admins" are called Editors.
2. "Editor" must come from "edible" or something because they sure as hell don't edit.
XBox (Score:2)
Really, I'd like to know about the interest in the Revolution, but I
Re:XBox (Score:1)
Re:XBox (Score:2)
Comming out of the gate like Sony did with the PS and taking over a lead spot in the industry is rare.
Re:XBox (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:XBox (Score:2)
Still, more equal marketshare means better compeition which should mean better games (all else being equal). We'll see what actually happens though. It's is fully possible that Sony or MS screws up (like that $500 price tag for the console alone) and the market becomes 70-20-10. We'll just have to wait and see.
Personally, I think the ideal would be 40-30-30 Nintendo-Sony-
IDG Press Release (Score:2, Informative)
Re:IDG Press Release (Score:1)
Will they give me a discount if I buy in bulk?
Warning for Nintendo? (Score:1)
The report goes on to warn. "Executives who believe that enticing casual gamers to new machines is the secret to industry profit and market-share gains, [cannot] expect widespread consumer adoption of new platforms until 2007."
I guess that is meant to be a warning for Nintendo, since their stated strategy is growing the market by appealing to women and casual gamers. It's certainly a risk, but someone has to try and find new gamers, and competing head-to-head with MS and Sony didn't work out so we
Re:Warning for Nintendo? (Score:2)
I suppose They are really gonna be marketing it to 20-30 year olds who have grown up on their consoles. well, Ill bite
Re:Warning for Nintendo? (Score:1)
Well, my point was that you can play the SNES version on the Revolution - it's like an emulator box made easy.
Revolution (Score:1)
Social vs. Casual? (Score:2, Interesting)
If they mean "players who have friends over to play games," then it's probably due to the Madden phenomenon. Tons of folks purchase the next year's edition every season simply so they can keep their rosters up to d