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Games Entertainment

Next-Gen Gamer Habits Profiled 36

Next Generation Magazine has a profile (done by IDG) looking at the habits for next-generation gamers. From the article: "Social gamers represent 35% of spending while casual gamers represent 28% of the gaming audience but only 13% of dollars spent. The report says devoted gamers will drive sales of new systems in 2005 and 2006 with more than half of them likely to buy a PlayStation 3 and over 45% planning to buy Xbox 360 within the first year of release for each system. "
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Next-Gen Gamer Habits Profiled

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  • No suprise here (Score:2, Interesting)

    by L. VeGas ( 580015 )
    It's just common sense that someone "devoted" to something will expend considerably more resources on it.

    As a consumer, non-essential item, games and consoles are fairly reasonably priced. Of course someone that is devoted to gaming can and will spend many times what the "casual" user will spend. It's their hobby.
  • There was no mention of nintendo. I wonder if this may have been left out of their research or if it to the writers isn't considered a competitor anymore. I think that in the 2 console per gamer market nintendo has a very good chance to be a lot of people's second choice.
    • They probably left it out because nobody really knows just what the Revolution is going to be yet. Let's just hope they spill the beans on something at the Tokyo Game Show this weekend.
  • Well I am intending on buying a revolution, and a PS3 when the price drops to something less daunting.
    No matter the new controller on the revolution i will be buying one for the backwards compatibility and the games downloads. obviously selling off my GameCube whilst the price is still reasonable .

    I can see no reason to buy an Xbox 360 , though I would love to hear some reasons as to why I should buy one ...I would hate to miss out on some classics . Though to me as a gamer all the action seems to be occur
    • Well 99 Nights looks damn interesting, as does what little I've heard of Too Human. I'm probably going to hold off, though being a resident of Hawaii it's tempting to get Test Drive: Unlimited just to find places I went to the night before.

      Rather than prove the Xbox 360's worth, I doubt anybody can do the same for the PS3 yet.
      • Basically PS3 will have all the followups to PS2 stuff and Xbox360 will have the followups to all the xbox stuff.

        So it's a safe bet to say that GT5 with real damage added. Metal Gear 4 which is going to have some type of AI partners in it. Squaresoft is probably still showing the most love to sony. As well as any GTA probably coming out on PS3 a year before being on anything else. Unfortunately I'm not sure of what unique stuff is coming out for PS3.
        • Exactly. My point is that the PS3's lineup is only currently full of assumptions. Anyway, I am willing to sing many praises for one title I've seen, though the only name that comes to mind for it is the Godess of War joke since it really looks simiilar only in an ancient Japan/Star Wars Episode I environment. Oh, and Killing Day looked gorgeous.
  • I've noticed that most Slashdotters are anti-Microsoft, and that many are anti-Sony. I would think that quite a few of us would be buying a Revolution, considering the price, the controller and the backwards compatability with the GameCube. I'm sure that it wouldn't be difficult for our Admins to write a little something in the article, but I guess that there must be too many casual gamers on SlashDot, among us computer geeks and techies.
    • You must be new here.
      1. The "Admins" are called Editors.
      2. "Editor" must come from "edible" or something because they sure as hell don't edit.
  • by MBCook ( 132727 )
    Is anyone else surprised by the XBox numbers? I figured they'd be up, but I would think that it would be more like 70% of people interested in the PS3, 25-35% in the XBox. I guess MS's work (and lost $$$s) have paid off. Now if the can make a console (and games) good enough to keep things that way we may be back to the early 90s when Sega and Nintendo were neck and neck (which I think was almost a golden age). That could be a great thing.

    Really, I'd like to know about the interest in the Revolution, but I

    • MS already manufactured an amazing console. It's called the Xbox. Unfortunately it carried the MS name with it and now it's being followed up with the very product it was accused of being: a low-end PC. I can't wait (read: I'd love) to see if Nintendo can really pull off a sucker punch to Sony and MS and remind everybody what console gaming's all about. A true three-way race doesn't seem too unlikely, but I'm not betting on it.
      • Yes, but for various reasons (including launching later, and being a newcomer) the XBox never got close to the PS2 in market share. But they've learned lessons and got the word out that they are here and are serious, so now is when we might see a real race.

        Comming out of the gate like Sony did with the PS and taking over a lead spot in the industry is rare.

        • Re:XBox (Score:2, Interesting)

          by RoadDoggFL ( 876257 )
          I agree whole heartedly that MS really stands as more of a contender and depending on my mood I can't for the life of me find it possible for either Sony or MS to even succeed. You know? I mean it's really that close at this point. But the more competition there is the better off we as consumers are, so bring on the race.
  • IDG Press Release (Score:2, Informative)

    by Tringard ( 595737 )
    The IDG Press Release [] has a more complete summary of what their white paper covers as well as a link on how to obtain the full thing for a mere $750.
  • From TFA:
    The report goes on to warn. "Executives who believe that enticing casual gamers to new machines is the secret to industry profit and market-share gains, [cannot] expect widespread consumer adoption of new platforms until 2007."

    I guess that is meant to be a warning for Nintendo, since their stated strategy is growing the market by appealing to women and casual gamers. It's certainly a risk, but someone has to try and find new gamers, and competing head-to-head with MS and Sony didn't work out so we
    • I AM nostalgic about smb3, etc. My last nintendo console was an n64, and I pretty much am planning on getting the new console from big N (along with a 360 at some point. Gotta have perfect dark).

      I suppose They are really gonna be marketing it to 20-30 year olds who have grown up on their consoles. well, Ill bite :)
  • I know where I'll be putting my money. After the success of the Nintendo DS, I will definitely buy Nintendo's next gen console. It will most likely be the best value for any system. I want it to be something totally different and unique as compared to the PS3 or Xbox 360. I really think Nintendo has it all right this time around.
  • Social vs. Casual? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Greg_D ( 138979 )
    If by social gamers they mean "players who purchase and pay subscription fees for online games," then it's a no freaking brainer. Not everyone wants to spend a few hundred bucks over the course of a year or two to have the opportunity to have their level 50 night elf wear the newest funky armor.

    If they mean "players who have friends over to play games," then it's probably due to the Madden phenomenon. Tons of folks purchase the next year's edition every season simply so they can keep their rosters up to d

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