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Square To Expand Into Online And Mobile 32

GameDailyBiz is reporting that Square Enix is looking to expand further into the online and mobile markets. While they already have an MMOG (FFXI) and a mobile game (Before Crisis), they see those markets as moneymakers for the future. From the article: "Although there seems to be no indication that Square Enix will be attempting to shift away from its core competency of small and large-scale console RPGs, the company is looking to further invest itself in the rapidly growing wireless and online sectors. Wada specifically pointed to Japanese financial realities almost requiring involvement in the wireless market, and when wireless numbers are included with the traditional console figures, the Japanese video game industry actually isn't in a recession at all. 'Running a business that depends on the software sales through retailers has become a thing of the past,' Wada told Yomiuri."
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Square To Expand Into Online And Mobile

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  • What? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ShadowMarth ( 870657 )
    You can go further online that an MMO?
  • Does anyone else think it is slightly odd that Square Enix doesn't release Chrono Trigger for the GBA? Or Final Fantasy VII for the DS? They would certainly make a killing, and if I understand correctly, the costs of porting to those systems are really quite low. Does this have to do with contracts that they have with Sony?

    I never played those games (despite how great people say they are) for the simple reason that I don't have that kind of time to invest tethered to a console. I would love to see portable
    • "They could at least port the SNES version of Dragon Warrior III to the GBA."

      They already ported it to the Game Boy Color.

      At any rate, there's always hope for the Revolution's online service for English translations of all the DQ Remix titles, and I seem to recall mention of the ability to download games onto the DS.
      • They already ported it to the Game Boy Color.

        Original post:

        "They could at least port the SNES version of Dragon Warrior III to the GBA."

        Graphically, the GBC version was inferior to the NES version.
    • I heard a rumor that Square-Enix shut down some fan-made CT game because they're going to remake it themselves. Probably hogwash, but who knows?

      I'd love to see a PS3-quality CT update myself, but that's just because I can't stand playing on hand-helds.

      Too bad there's not enough lore to make a CT MMO.
      • Re:Chrono Trigger (Score:2, Informative)

        by Locke03 ( 915242 )
        Not hogwash, Square really did shut down some fan remakes. One in particular, Chrono Resurrection ahref= rl2html-27333 [] o/>, had a ton of promise, it was a full 3D remake that, from the looks of the teaser video, would have put just about anything I have played or seen to shame. It was a real shame....I was looking forward to playing the best RPG ever in righ-res 3D too.........freaking heartless corprate bastards.....
      • I hope you kidding. CT was great not for its lore or world(s), but for its characters. They gave the story life, making it such a wonderful game. A MMO would not allow any of that.

        A remake would be nice, but I'd be more interested in a fresh "spirit" sequel. CC is one of my favorite games of all time (next to CT), but it was only that good but adding so much original content to it. The two games were only connected by an not-been-done-before combat system the was awesome, as the two stories were hardly conn
    • Re:Chrono Trigger (Score:3, Insightful)

      by MMaestro ( 585010 )
      Does anyone else think it is slightly odd that Square Enix doesn't release Chrono Trigger for the GBA?

      They haven't even gotten to FF5 and FF6 (3 US). Chrono Trigger has a way to go.

      FFVII would NEVER fit on a handheld without being butchered beyond recognition. Too many FMVs, the game is too long for a handheld and without being multidisced, it'd never fit. Oh and porting to either system would be a programming nightmare. The PSP is designed for widescreen usage (complete graphics rehaul) and the DS uses t

      • don't use the touch screen and you look like an amature developer

        Says who? I'm pretty sure Mario Kart DS isn't using the touchpad for anything. I'd say you're an amateur developer if you're not using the dual-screens, the touchpad, the stylus, the microphone, or the wi-fi. In other words, not taking advantage of the systems abilities/features.

        Do we really need every FF on a handheld? If I'm going to be playing a long game, I'd rather be doing it on a regular console, on a screen larger than a ruler, and
      • I've been thinking about this very issue.

        I personally think they could do it. I've got the original playstation discs here, over 400MB on each disk (out of 600-620) is movies. You could do the movies realtime.

        Even without the movies you'd still have almost 600MB of data. The current maximum DS cart size is apparently 128MB, although I doubt that's a technical restriction.

        At the end of the day, although I believe it could be done, it won't be. It wouldn't be anything like a straight port and I just don

    • They're currently remaking FF3 (you know, the last NES FF) for the DS. Some claim they're doing a home console remake of FF7, too.
  • You'd think.... (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    You'd think with their ... experience with Final Fantasy XI, widely heralded as "the worst MMORPG to ever disgrace the genre", Square-Enix would have learned to stay OUT of the online business and concentrate on their core compentancy: making excesively long computer animated cut scenes that make no sense.

    I suppose I really should wait until their other online games come out, but based on Square-Enix's current downward spiral, I can't imagine them being any better.
    • I don't know where it was widely heralded as that, since it was a mega-hit in their #1 market and fairly successful worldwide. They had, lets see, 500,000 paying subscribers? Numbers like that easily justify the business case for an MMORPG even if yours doesn't turn out to be WoW.

      Now the game had its faults, but I had fun with it for a couple of months. Then came the WoW :)

    • Can I get a list of your other 'worst ever' games? I like games that I have fun playing.
    • Yeah, this is just a troll. FFXI made SE a lot of money and is quite successful for its genre. Some people may dislike it, but saying it is "widely hearlded" is an exaggeration to say the least. Whoever modded this up and whoever posted it are both idiots.
  • Why dont they make a mobile Final Fantasy tactics, it will work with the craptacular control sets present on any given phone and have a popular name to boot. How about repackaging Final Fantasy II and III (IV and VI Japan) for the gameboy advance since the gameboy Micro is such a huge seller and provide massive amounts of content on the go.
    Beyond that Square could create an online game for the DS thats more kid orientated thats sort of a MMORPG but where you raise do the standard fanta

