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Sony And Nintendo Have Next-Gen Consoles Too 35

GameDailyBiz has some coverage of the PS3 and Revolution, to contrast with the avalanche of 360 information in advance of the console's launch in November. First up is a look at how making fun of the King of Kings may have been a bad decision. From the article: "Moving from the theological to the practical implications of Sony's snafu, the company couldn't have picked a worse time to offend its customers ... Sony has already conceded a six-month head start to competitor Microsoft in the upcoming market-share battle for the next generation of game consoles. Microsoft's Xbox 360 is expected to debut this fall; Sony's PlayStation 3 will not arrive until the spring of 2006." Meanwhile, Jim Merrick of Nintendo Europe has thoughts on marketing, online play, and the Revolution's potential. From the article: "If we follow what Iwata-san calls 'the past success formula', if we keep refining the existing model - more power, more pixels, more polygons, more levels, more enemies, better AI - we're actually making the games for a narrower audience playing those kind of intense games. We need to take a step back and refocus on a broad audience where we reach to everybody otherwise we're going to see the market start shrinking - as we're already seeing in Japan." Finally, Joystiq interviews Miyamoto, and he says wacky stuff. Who would have guessed?
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Sony And Nintendo Have Next-Gen Consoles Too

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  • "If this had concerned Islam there would have been a really strong reaction." said Antonio Sciortino, editor of the Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana (Christian Family), a mass-circulation Catholic weekly, according to Reuters.

    I can't believe he said that! That's got to be at least as offensive as the original ad that article #1 is referencing....isn't it?
    • Re:Holy SH%T? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by MBCook ( 132727 )
      I thought that too. Whether you think it's accurate or not (I'm not sure myself), after reading that I got one of those "wait a minute..." moments. Interesting that when asked about defaming a religion, the guy defamed a religion.

      As a Catholic, I'm not entirely sure what to think. I read about the ad and saw a picture, but since I'm in the US I never saw it actually run. I'm offended by it (I don't believe that "you're taking it the wrong way" stuff, there is only one way people would take something like t

      • Re:Holy SH%T? (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Iriel ( 810009 )
        Making people mad may make something "art", but it doesn't win you customers.

        Hence the term: starving artist ^_^

        Personally, I'm trying to figure out what the intended message was here because the symbol and word 'passion' mesh together so harmoniously, I could have done better by hitting it with a hammer. Does '10 years of passion' mean that we've died on a cross for a decade for Sony's sake? Or do they refer to the gamers who suffer social stigma, lack of sleep, and general lack of money for the games we l
      • Interesting that when asked about defaming a religion, the guy defamed a religion.

        I fail to see how he defamed Islam. Unless you think it's wrong for people to feel upset or offended that someone disrespected their religion, which would mean that saying Islamists would feel the same way is an insult. Though I guarantee you, Islamists would feel that way. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that this kind of imagery relating to Islam would be illegal in many Islamic nations.

        Mr. Sciortino was making referen

        • yeah, because, you know, Christians are a really underrepresented and repressed religious minority...

          (at least here in the USA, where it would be inconcievable that a born again Christian could be elected president... twice.)
          • So what you're saying is that bigotry is ok as long as the party in question is well represented? So I'm assuming that you're ok with racism against, say, asians in China?

      • As a Catholic, I'm not entirely sure what to think.

        I'll give you an advice: Don't be insulted so easily.
        I'm sure, Jesus wouldn't be offended. Symbols are symbols. I'm not insulted when my 14-year-old nephew draws crosses upside down.
        I'm sure, most catholic Italian gamers won't be offended (their grandmothers might be, but then, it might be cool to buy something your grandmother tells you is made by Satan). Like a Beatles record.
        In advertising, there are many ways to draw somebody's attention. The
    • Re:Holy SH%T? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Guppy06 ( 410832 )
      News flash: One religion bad-mouths a major competitor! Film at 11!

      What exactly what were you expecting? Have on seen who they elected as pope? They're not interested in making friends and playing nice, they want to convert people to Catholicism, period.
  • []

    I think that this idea is amazing. I Realy want to try it out for myself. I can't wait for this system and the next metroid game. I would hope that with being the only really differnt option this time, maybe Nintendo will be able to return to its previouse glory in the console market?
  • Okay, this one is in reference to the first article and my attempt as making sense of it:

    Sony ran this ad in Italy, and Catholics were infuriated. I really can't blame them because I feel that Sony actually made a really dumb ad. Their use of the word 'passion' doesn't line up with the religious symbolisim in it at all. I really am trying to understand the ad better so can someone answer this: Does '10 years of passion' mean that we've been crucified for Sony for a decade? If so, I just think the ad is plai
    • I don't really think the things you said even constitute an opinion. They seem to be pretty accurate observations to me. Think of your average gamer - compare to someone so fervent about thier religion that this would affect their purchases. They're not the same person.

      That being said, I'd like to add (as a confirmed and completely non-practising Roman Catholic) that it'll take a lot more than God to keep me away from my games.

      On a more serious note, I think you're judging the ad too harshly - I know I at
    • You'd see how incredibly offensive it is. It has the image of a teenage male wearing a gray crown of "thorns" with the PS1/2 controller symbols along it. For those who aren't informed on Christianity, the crown of thorns refers to the crown Jesus was forced to wear while being tortured, while carrying his cross and while being crucified. d vert_jesus_dc [] has an image of the ad, although it is not a perfect scan, it captures the most important part.

  • by Strell ( 877448 ) on Tuesday October 04, 2005 @04:39PM (#13716864)
    I was hoping for a smiting after that grand injustice.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I wonder what it would've been like in the pitch meeting that ended up in that ad?

    "Okay, picture this: a guy sitting in front of some giant ovens where people are being forced into, with the blurb "Playstation: Too hot to handle!"

  • Italy (Score:5, Interesting)

    by zr-rifle ( 677585 ) <> on Tuesday October 04, 2005 @05:00PM (#13717057) Homepage
    From the article:

    >The Vatican and Catholics in Italy were outraged by this marketing stunt and Sony has since ceased the ad campaign. (...) in Italy has generated quite a stir for its use of religious imagery/symbolism.

    Actually, the ad had zero to none resonance here in Italy. Granted, I'm an Atheist, but apart from what we call the "Bigot's Monthly", the Catholic Magazine "Famiglia Cristiana", everybody else didn't give a flying fuck about Sony's marketing stunt, and we'd like to keep it that way.

    The national media's coverage of the whole affair is insignificant and will be long forgotten when the PS3 finally becomes available here. Then, what will really matter will be the quality of the games available.
    • "And if you've never been to Italy, let me tell you something - Jesus Christ is big there. Everywhere you look, there's Jesus. He's like the Coca-Cola of Italy. They have photographs! PHOTOGRAPHS!"
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Please don't refer to them as "religious enough to be offended". A more proper term would be "out of touch with reality enough to be offended". There are many of us who have religious beliefs that we take very seriously, but those beliefs don't require us to take offense and whine anytime someone mocks our religion, or uses a part of it for something is strange as this bizarre ad campaign. Many of us are even the catholics that you despise so much.

      It's not religious nutjobs trying to turn people against the
  • Nintendo is a company that isn't just about wireless, we're a company that's focused very heavily on linking players and bringing them together.
    Absolutely. It took me until the release of Pokémon to realise that this is what Nintendo is focusing on. The game was really designed from the ground up to encourage players to not only trade Pokémon and items but to talk about the game in-person. It was a game where you would go out of your way to meet with someone for a trade, but just as easily challen
  • In the Joystiq interview, Miyamoto mentioned something related to the Revolution controller that has to be the coolest idea I have heard in a video game... using that controller as NUNCHUCKS hehhehhhe...

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