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Jack Thompson Calls The Feds On PA 85

Gamespot is reporting that Jack has taken his beef to the Feds regarding the dangerous pixelantes over at Penny Arcade. From the article: "In a letter addressed to John McKay, US Attorney for the Western District of Washington, and sent to media outlets, Thompson this morning said the site was using a variety of means 'to encourage and solicit criminal harassment' of him. Thomspon wrote to McKay, 'Please help me if you can,' but did not include specific actions he wished to have taken against the site. McKay's office prosecutes cases investigated by several law enforcement agencies in Western Washington, including the FBI." PvP is also running a parody indicating that Jack has appealed to the Justice League for assistance with Gabe and Tycho.
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Jack Thompson Calls The Feds On PA

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  • The "I Hate Jack Thompson" T-Shirts at ThinkGeek are out of stock, expected to be available again on Octover 26th. For a higher shipping price you should still be able to get one in time for Halloween though.
    • Re:Just FYI (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Suburbanpride ( 755823 ) on Saturday October 22, 2005 @03:05PM (#13853677)
      I would be careful buying one. My local police department might get a fax accusing me of criminal harassment.

      Seriously, has this guy ever heard of the first amendment? how about New York Times vs Sulivan? []. Mr. Thompson is a public figure and therefore a valid target of criticism. Penny arcade has done nothing except to post the messages the Jack has sent. people making death threats could be prosucted. but PA is protected under the law.

      • Re:Just FYI (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Sigma 7 ( 266129 ) on Saturday October 22, 2005 @08:40PM (#13855201)
        Seriously, has this guy ever heard of the first amendment?

        He has - and he used it in response to the inquery from the Florida Bar Association.

        But in any case, I took a look at how his reply was written - it contained no soild arguments. While there is circumstancial, indirect, and/or vague claims, they are things that can be countered by a layman.

        He also seems to claim that anti-SLAPP lawsuits are unconstitutional from the same letter, but that could be the highly ambigious interpretation speaking. Overall, it's nothing to worry about but something that can't be ignored right now.
  • by heinousjay ( 683506 ) on Saturday October 22, 2005 @03:01PM (#13853661) Journal
    "Penny Arcade, by means I choose not to specify because that would be really dumb to do right now, given what will be distribution of this information, have intentionally orchestrated death threats and other harassment toward me. I'll provide the proof, some of which these folks don't know I have, to the charging authorities. That's as specific as I want to be given to whom I am ulimately[sic] speaking. I'm not as dumb as I look."

    Jack Thompson rules
  • Best thing to do? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Saeed al-Sahaf ( 665390 ) on Saturday October 22, 2005 @03:13PM (#13853720) Homepage
    Desperate actions of a desperate man trying desperately to stay "relevant" and in the public eye. People, it's nothing more than self promotion, and the US Attorney probably gets a shitload of wacky letters like Jacks, and has better things to do than spend much time on them. It's a publicity stunt, folks. Best thing to do? Ignore both it and Jack-O.
    • by Elrond, Duke of URL ( 2657 ) <> on Saturday October 22, 2005 @04:57PM (#13854158) Homepage

      Ignoring him is definitely not the best thing to do here. As the PA guys mentioned recently, we can't afford to ignore Thompson because *other* people will still listen to him.

      Just a few days ago Thompson was on CNN. He has name recognition and so he can easily get into the media's spotlight. Once there he can spout off about whatever he feels like. If nobody pushes back, he wins by default.

  • Disbar Jack Thompson (Score:4, Informative)

    by schwal ( 836247 ) on Saturday October 22, 2005 @03:19PM (#13853744) Homepage
    Disbar Jack Thompson []

    He's just being stupid now.

    Realy, realy stupid. []
    • I just read that letter you linked to, is he really saying that he'll sue his own bar association if they take action against him due to complaints from the public (which, surely is what a bar association is meant to do)? WTF?

      Whenever I think our lawers are crazy here in the UK, you Americans always find one to go one better (or worse as the cae may be) As Shakespeare said in Henry VI "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". I suppose Jack will now try and sue Shakespeare for incitement to vio
    • An outfit in Seattle called "Think Geek" is marketing a t-shirt emblazoned across the front of which are the words "I Hate Jack Thompson." That kind of tells us where they are on the subject of me.

      The parent company is an outfit called Penny Arcade.

      No kidding. So PA owns Think Geek? Yeah, right.

  • Ethics. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Kaenneth ( 82978 ) on Saturday October 22, 2005 @03:28PM (#13853785) Journal bar.htm []

    The Florida Bar
    Ideals and Goals of Professionalism
    These aspirational guidelines for lawyers were
    adopted by the Board of Governors of the Florida Bar on May 16, 1990.

    "A lawyer's word should be his or her bond. The lawyer should not knowingly misstate, distort, or improperly exaggerate any fact or opinion and should not improperly permit the lawyer's silence or inaction to mislead anyone." d%20Inn%20of%20Court%20Creeds.pdf []

    Florida Bar Creed Of Professionalism

    "I will not knowingly misstate, distort, or improperly exaggerate any fact or opinion and will not improperly permit my silence or inaction to mislead anyone."

    • I suppose that in his eyes, FPS Videogames really are murder simulators, in that the player goes around, kills people, and gets rewarded for it. Obviously, his ethical and moral beleifs oppose such things.

      His rabid anti-video game stance, however, prevents him from being a true expert. He simply does not know enough about what he is talking about to hold a meaningfully informed opinion. He does not need to actually play a video game to get the idea that he would not like it. But he probably should not b
    • "Ethics" from a Bar association?

      Dude, don't be stupid. It's SATIRE! []
    • I think Jack Thompson would agree that he has been behaving most ethically according to these guidelines. Note that he has never, to his knowledge, misstated distorted or exaggerated any facts, and I think we'd all have to agree that he has not been silent or inactive in this whole process.
  • So why does he call himself "John Thompson" at the top of the parody email, but Jack Thompson at the bottom?
  • No, he's not. I think he's stupider.

    Yes, it's a word. I looked it up.
  • Song time! (Score:2, Funny)

    by T_ConX ( 783573 )
    Who's dumb as a rock and crazy as fuck!
    Mature as a chimp and out of luck!
    When cartoonists donated to charity...
    He asked them arrested, by the Seattle PD!
    OH! Jack-Ass-Thomp-Son, Jack-Ass-Thomp-Son!
  • Are we talking about the Fruit Fucker?
  • by nmaster64 ( 867033 ) on Saturday October 22, 2005 @04:43PM (#13854112)
    "I'm not as dumb as I look." -Jack Thompson

    Well, at least he admits that he looks dumb. Although, in the pictures I've seen, it looks more like he's stoned...

    My Anti-Jack-Thompson Door [] ( Door Comic Closeup [] )
    Thanks to Ctrl-Alt-Del for that excellent comic.

  • by xTown ( 94562 )
    I think it is very, very appropriate that as of this writing, Gamespot's featured game--which shows up to the right of the article--is Rockstar's upcoming "Bully." It's just so perfect.
  • He hadn't made me laugh at him yet. But he did now. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this, either. I eagerly await to see how much more rediculous he can get.

    I also hope this particular crusade manages to get him shot down.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Even the people who agree with Jack hate to admit it. []

    This kind of reinforces what the PA guys said about how we won't really be in trouble until an activist comes along who's not so crazy and shrill.

    Then again, Jack seems to be finding his audience just fine.
  • Okay, I know you guys don't want to believe this and thus I will get flamed, but is it possible that someone is sending emails on Jack Thompson's behalf? Think about it? He is often "writing" these unprofessional emails and letters and then forgetting about it. The top of his letter said John Thompson, not Jack Thompson. Is it possible that someone else is starting these arguments? If so then a lot of this crap makes senes. Thompson is then not the mindless idiot we all think he is. Why would an atto
  • by Crash Culligan ( 227354 ) on Sunday October 23, 2005 @05:15AM (#13856917) Journal
    Thomspon wrote to McKay, 'Please help me if you can,' but did not include specific actions he wished to have taken against the site.

    Yes! Absolutely, help him! Refill his meds and make sure he actually takes them and doesn't spit them down the sink again!

  • I love this thread (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Self-righteous web comics and their self-righteous video game playing readers are the best. I can't get enough of all the bullshit I see here, that wouldn't convince anybody who isn't also a nerdy self-righteous video-game player.
  • by SharpFang ( 651121 ) on Sunday October 23, 2005 @10:51AM (#13858005) Homepage Journal
    Past topics:
    Thompson threatens PA with lawsuit.
    Thompson complains to Police against PA.
    Thompson Calls The Feds On PA
    Next on Slashdot:
    Thompson sends in the Navy against PA.
    Thompson demands ONZ to take steps against PA.
    Thompson wants the Pope to excomunicate PA.

    I wonder when he decides to use the nukes.
  • Sykophant (Score:2, Interesting)

    Jack is what the Greeks called a sykophant - someone who starts suits for profit - an activity regarded at the time on par with child molestation. I think they had it roughly right.
  • Florida Bar (Score:2, Funny)

    by Supurcell ( 834022 )
    I wish that the Florida Bar would settle this. I mean, we get Thompson and Penny-Arcarde together, give Penny-Arcade the Florida Bar and let them beat the crap out of him with it.
  • to paraphrase star wars episode three, you're either with him or against him. guess which one I am?
  • I remembered this scene from Princess Bride....

    Vizzini: I can't compete with you physically, and you're no match for my brains.
    Westley: You're that smart?
    Vizzini: Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?
    Westley: Yes.
    Vizzini: Morons.

Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there. -- Josh Billings
