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First Person Shooters (Games) Programming IT Technology

F.E.A.R. SDK Released 22

Voodoo Extreme reports that an SDK for the excellent First-Person Shooter F.E.A.R. has been released. F.E.A.R. captured best FPS nod at the SpikeTV VGAs. From the article: "The post launch support begins Wednesday, November 23rd with the launch of the F.E.A.R. SDK (Software Development Kit), allowing consumers to create their own custom content for both single and multiplayer aspects of F.E.A.R. Also available now is the F.E.A.R. stand-alone server software for both Linux and Win32. VU Games is also pleased to announce that as part of its ongoing efforts to improve the in-game experience for gamers, a deal has been signed to incorporate the Punkbuster Anti Cheat software into F.E.A.R. ."
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F.E.A.R. SDK Released

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  • by xintegerx ( 557455 ) on Thursday November 24, 2005 @01:06PM (#14108325) Homepage
    I think we already knew what S.D.K. stands for. What does F.E.A.R. stand for? Any good info on this game?
    • Re:Wrong audience (Score:3, Informative)

      by JamesTRexx ( 675890 )
      First Encounter Assault Recon. I've heard the game was supposed to be very scary to play, so I got me a copy to try it out but it disappointed me. There were a few shockers, but after a few levels I got bored, looked up cheats, gave myself unlimited ammo because I got tired of going back and forth switching weapons and completed the whole game while waiting for the scary bits.
      Maybe it's because the game's too demanding on the graphics hardware, but I just didn't feel like I was pulled into the eerie atmosph
      • Yeah, FEAR wasn't scary at all, just like Doom 3. Unlike Doom 3, however, I found it to be a very fun game. I think the key to enjoying this game is to play it as a fast-paced action like Quake, instead of the slow tactical shooter it pretends to be. Sure you'll get hit more, but the action becomes much more fun with all the sparks, dust, blood, and body parts flying all around with you in the middle of it, and not ducking somewhere in the corner behind a crate.

        Only being able to carry 3 weapons at once suc
      • So far the only game that really scared me was Doom II with the Alients TC mod.

        If you've not already tried it, you might want to give System Shock 2 a go (although you may have trouble obtaining a copy). Other games have given me the creeps, but that's the only one that's actually unnerved me after switching it off. I was playing late one night and, before turning in, popped down to the kitchen for a drink. We have a glass door letting out to the garden, and standing there looking out into the dark I couldn
  • Spike TV? (Score:4, Informative)

    by 88NoSoup4U88 ( 721233 ) on Thursday November 24, 2005 @01:36PM (#14108465)
    F.E.A.R. captured best FPS nod at the SpikeTV VGAs

    And we should take this seriously, why ?
    SpikeTV also awarded KingKong (the game)... A game that would not be out for another two weeks... A game they said was rated -by the public-...

    Anyhows, F.E.A.R. -is- an excellent game (one of the best single player games of the last years imo), but judging a game on SpikeTV's awards is ridicilous.

  • Can someone please define what an excellent FPS is nowadays. Does anyone else look at FEAR as an attempt to sell you a 3D engine in a box and not a game?

    • Re:Excellent FPS? (Score:1, Informative)

      by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
      I don't know but I haven't seen it lately (at least not singleplayer). IMO the genre is dead, noone can come up with anything new for it anymore and I should really stop myself from buying an FPS just because everyone on the internet is raving about it, got burned on Doom 3, Half-Life 2 and FEAR lately, Doom 3 was the only one of them that I actually finished, the other ones I stopped playing after two or three "chapters" because they became so boring. Don't ask me why I managed to slug through Doom 3 but I
    • Popular definition: Whatever sells the most copies.

      IMO theres only been two really good FPS games ever-- Quake and Halflife. Q3 was almost there, but due to its netcode and timing, it just didnt make it.

      Quake was great because it was revolutionary, very well balanced, great maps, had good singleplayer, and had really fun mods.

      HL had all of that, and its only downside is what valve did to the mods they bought out in the end -- Making a lot of bad changes that the community as a whole didnt want, rather than
  • I hate you!

    I hate the bands you like!

    (Does anyone else like Angelina Jolie? She's got enormous lips!)

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve immortality through not dying. -- Woody Allen
