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Games Entertainment

When The Other Woman Is An Xbox 163

MTV's Game News service has a report on a an anti-gaming college club started by a group of disgruntled gamer SOs. From the article: "Jaci and Jake, who both attend Kansas State University, are a modern couple dealing with a modern issue. One of them is a gamer; the other is not. Theirs is not an unusual plight. For decades gamers and non-gamers in love have struggled to find harmony. At Kansas State the frustration is rampant. Like most college campuses, it is a place where the release of Halo 2 last year was the best of times and the worst of times. And while there is such a thing as couples in which both people are into games -- and while there are sometimes boyfriends who are the non-gamers -- the most frequent complaint involves game-crazy guys leaving their girlfriends out in the Xbox-free cold."
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When The Other Woman Is An Xbox

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  • This is why... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by BigDork1001 ( 683341 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:35PM (#14115216) Homepage
    ... I married a gamer. We play games together. Stuff on the Mario Kart, Smash Bros., WoW, and a bunch of other games. And when I get involved in a single player game she understands. She gets addicted too sometimes.

    Meeting a gamer wasn't something I was specifically looking for but it's worked out great.

    • Re:This is why... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 25, 2005 @06:19PM (#14115438)
      Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe it is just the apeal of Nintendo, but I have converted many 'Non-Gamer' Girlfriends into gamer girlfriends simply by playing games with them that they would find enjoyable. Everyone can have fun playing Mario Tennis, Mario Kart or Mario Party because they're approachable, fair and easy to pick up; the design of the Gamecube controller is easy for everyone to pick up without studying, Press the Big Green button, Press the little red button, press the right trigger button (most of these games don't use the extra buttons for any core functionality).

      To get a person who isn't into games to play Halo 2 you'd first have to give a lecture on how the controller works, after that you'd have to spend a year teaching them about how to strafe kill an opponent (and what not) just so that they wouldn't die all the time.

      I can't wait for the revolution controller so I can have conversations like:
      "What do I do?"
      "When you see a fly just wack it, it's not that hard"
      "What do you mean wack it?"
      "You take your controller and wack it! it's just not that hard"
      "You mean like this" - She gestures with the controller
    • The last thing I want in a relationship is to sleep on the couch because I abuse the bananna peel in Mario Kart too much. They let you drag it along for a reason, damnit!
  • by Jeff DeMaagd ( 2015 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:36PM (#14115219) Homepage Journal
    If it's not, the non-gaming SOs should just take it as a hint that they need to move on. It's not their responsibility to force their gaming SOs to pay attention to them. The potential problem I see is that it would taint their ability to tolerate a SO that has any hobby they dislike as the result of one person that didn't have self control.
    • by MBCook ( 132727 ) <> on Friday November 25, 2005 @09:03PM (#14116191) Homepage

      What is this? Isn't the point of dating trying to find someone you can spend the rest of your life with? So when you find someone who spends all their time playing video games and doesn't seem to be as interested in you as those games, what do you do? Dump them because that's not what you are looking for?


      You start a support group, of course! That way you can complain about him, and stay with him! Then you can marry him and continue to yell at him for doing the same thing he did when you were dating. This is pure genius.

      So many people seem to be such idiots these days in these things. If you don't like the guy's personality, DUMP THE GUY.

      • "But, but...he was supposed to change!"
      • Anyone else wondering why this is moderated funny and not insightful? Actually, it's not that insightful, it should be common sense.
      • See, the crazy thing is, people have more than one facet of their personality. To get along, you don't have to like every single one of those facets. If you break up with someone because they do one thing you don't like, you'll either end up very lonely, or you'll end up with someone who doesn't do anything you don't like because they're constantly scared of pissing you off.

        Hint: the gamer who ignores you sometimes is a better option. Maybe not the best, for you, but it's not as simple as you make it out to
    • by Surt ( 22457 ) on Saturday November 26, 2005 @01:05PM (#14119371) Homepage Journal
      What you're missing here is that gamers are the new jerks. And we all know a woman can't possibly leave a jerk.
    • You do get that in a relationship BOTH people need to contribute. If one party is so self-centred as to spend all their time on their own hobby and not spend any time thinking about/spending time with the other person, why the heck are they in a relationship in the first place? This applies to guys and gals.

      If it's not, the non-gaming SOs should just take it as a hint that they need to move on. It's not their responsibility to force their gaming SOs to pay attention to them.

      No one in a realtionship shou

  • by Ninj0r ( 897987 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:38PM (#14115229)
    What are these girls? Are they multi-platform yet?
  • All Very Sad (Score:3, Interesting)

    by bateleur ( 814657 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:43PM (#14115253)
    It never ceases to amaze me how many people pick a partner seemingly at random and are then surprised when they're not all that compatible. Or is it just that the only selection criterion is "Must answer 'Yes' to 'Will you go on a date with me?'"?
  • MTV doing stories about Xbox popularity... Hum... You know I hear that suits are coming back in style.
  • by kingsmedley ( 796795 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:50PM (#14115295)
    a modern couple dealing with a modern issue. One of them is a gamer; the other is not.

    Well this is one short-sighted article. Throughout time, there has always been a common issue at the heart of MANY failed relationships - the idea that one of them isn't getting enough attention from the other. As time goes by, ex-significant-others keep finding new things to blame the failure of their relationships on. (Because of course it can't be THEIR fault!) Halo 2 is just the latest scapegoat.

    But let's be honest here - if she (or he) truly is more interesting than Halo 2, then Halo 2 will lose. Look, if they are more interested in playing games than spending time with you, take the hint and move on! And gamers, if your S.O. is constantly whining about your game time, then perhaps you should just dump 'em and find a partner more appropriate for your game-intensive lifestyle. After all, isn't that what dating is all about?!?
    • by Seumas ( 6865 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @07:09PM (#14115740)
      If it wasn't the xbox, it'd be work.

      It seems that in the mind of many a women, you should be able to remain successful, productive, bring in an impressive income, receive promotions, buy a nice house, car, vacations, raise children and all the other things that women you may hook up with, date, or even marry would want out of a guy and would want to be able to brag to their family and friends about . . . while not actually focusing yourself on your work.

      You should make time for the other person, certainly, but chicks need to understand that you only got where you are through hard work and that all the things of yours which she enjoys came at a price. Both monitarily and in personal sacrifices of various kinds.

      If you can't respect the fact that, as a man, work and career and achievment are a very large part of my existance and want me to sabotage that to spend even more time with you at, say, the risk of you hooking up with some unemployed loser or the pool boy who don't have the responsibilities and can give you the time while I give you the money and house and nice cars and fancy dinners, then you might as well step-off from the get-go.

      So how does the XBOX (or cars or any other hobby) fit into this? Because when you work hard, you need to relax, too. You need time alone to decompress and enjoy yourself and being suffocated by another human being every free second you have is not always the most relaxing thing. Likewise, your mate needs to understand that fact in addition to the "I have a career" fact.

      If she can't, it's time to start looking for a better breed of women and start thinking with your head when you choose the next one.
      • Somebody sounds bitter about a previous relationship.
        • In the Land of Slashdot, the man who's bitter about his single past relationship is king.
          • I'm in a stable and happy marriage with a woman that loves games and technology, so....I guess that would make me some sort of god, compared to Mr. "Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something. " Seumas?
            • Woo! Rock on with the stable and happy marriage! My wife and I also have a great relationship. I like to play video games, she likes to watch (some) video games. Burnout 4 = not so spectator friendly. Resident Evil 4 = more fun than a cheesy movie. Indigo Prophecy was an awesome find for both of us.

              Yeah, it's all fun!
              • My wife and I also have a great relationship. I like to play video games, she likes to watch (some) video games.

                Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me too - she's a bigger fan of playing on our favorite MUD or working through traditional PC RPGs like Baldur's Gate vs. console games, but still likes to sit and watch me play stuff like FFX or Disgaea that tends to have a lot of dialog, cinematics and flashy effects. Katamari Damacy is always a blast too, probably just about the best value I ever got for $20
        • Reminds me of a guy I worked with once - he was talking about his (failed) marriage, and he sounded reasonable, until he said the words "...but that was before I realised that all women are just bitches who will screw you for every penny you have."

          One or two issues there. Just tiny ones, maybe.

      • So how does the XBOX (or cars or any other hobby) fit into this? Because when you work hard, you need to relax, too. You need time alone to decompress and enjoy yourself and being suffocated by another human being every free second you have is not always the most relaxing thing.

        If you can't be around your SO for a long period of time without feeling suffocated, it's you with the problem. Certainly not every second with them is going to be relaxing, but most of your time should be. Your SO should BE your dow
    • Maybe their boyfriend really needs to step back and re-evaluate his situation. He's not going to have a healthy relationship with anyone if he's got an 'addiction' to games.

      Relationships are all about compromise, so maybe he should cut down on the games and spend more time with her, and maybe she should take a little time to play games with him and show a genuine interest in his hobby.

      Just ditching each other over something like this, instead of working through it, is stupid.
      • Crap, I was too busy playing Halo to read the article. What was it about again?

        It doesn't matter, whatever it was I'm sure it doesn't apply to me.
      • Working through this in a relationship is stupid. Boyfriends and girlfriends break up with each other. They are not married. It's for the best.

        If you are married and do not like your husband's video game habits, then you are a fool. If your husband is at home playing computer games, good. He's not out drinking or whoring. He's not gambling away the money he makes. He's not committing crimes. He's not hurting anyone. He's relaxing in a safe manner.

        Instead of watching football or baseball, he's p

        • Amen. A girl bitches at me because I play so many games. (Never mind the fact that I am getting paid to do so, albeit not a king's ransom...) Then, she turns around and just HAS to catch EVERY episode of every shitty reality TV show to be injected into the airwaves. Double standard, thine name is woman.
        • If you are married and do not like your husband's video game habits, then you are a fool. If your husband is at home playing computer games, good. He's not out drinking or whoring. He's not gambling away the money he makes. He's not committing crimes. He's not hurting anyone. He's relaxing in a safe manner.

          Unfortunately, he's not working either...

          • So your husband should be working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? I'm sure he appreciates that. I'm hope he appreciates that he's little more than a money machine to you. Your husband doesn't need video games to relax. With your wonderful attitude, he needs a stiff drink. Of poison.
    • Men have been ignoring their significant others in favor of spectator sports for decades or longer. The only thing that makes this different is that video games are interactive, where as the most interaction you can get with Monday Night Football is to scream at the ref -- who can't hear you from hundreds of miles away.

  • I want the 5 Google stories per day back.

    Is there an appropriate term for what's now happening?

    This is just an extension of woo-hoo! morons (many of them likely paid rent-a-crowd types) lining up to be seen, well, lining up. But on TV. Maybe. If they woo-hoo! loud enough.

    In a couple of weeks there'll probably be stories of single, defenceless women fending off attackers by swinging an XBox 360 and cute babies found in flooded basements clutching an empty XBox container.
  • by bigwang ( 67863 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:52PM (#14115311)
    It's my sex box...
    And her name is Sony
  • Considering how unsociable we are generally anyway I can't imagine this being too much of a problem. I presume most gamers don't have girlfriends to irritate in the first place. It really solves the whole issue.

    On the same vein of thinking, I can't possibly imagine that a gamer, finding themselves in a situation where they actually had a girlfriend, would let anything screw that up, up to and including getting their gaming in. I would think one would be able to balence the two, assuming of course the
    • On the same vein of thinking, I can't possibly imagine that a gamer, finding themselves in a situation where they actually had a girlfriend, would let anything screw that up, up to and including getting their gaming in. I would think one would be able to balence the two, assuming of course the girlfriend doesn't expect 100% of one's free time.

      I've seen it happen, but I've never understood it. Some girl decides to be girlfriend toa a gamer, for no apparent reason. Lord only knows why. Gamer is happy to ha

      • Re:Seems overblown (Score:4, Insightful)

        by bigman2003 ( 671309 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @09:22PM (#14116255) Homepage
        Well, there are a lot of points here-

        Women view men for thier potential, and would like to change them. This is actually fairly well known. When a couple meets, men want women to stay the same way forever. (Young, beautiful, spirited, funny, etc.) Women are looking for the man to be responsible, caring, considerate, etc. etc. When you see some girl with a disgusting guy who burps, farts, talks shit, and acts like an imbecile, she doesn't see a future with THAT guy. She sees a future with the guy that she can mold him into.

        Also, women are not 'bat-shit insane.' They just see the world completely differently. They value completely different things than men. (This is all generalities of course) They value the emotional far less than the physical. And by emotional, I don't mean that they just want you to sit there and suffer while they talk about their feelings. (Which of course is a start...) They want you to UNDERSTAND what they are talking about. Which of course, you never will.

        Even when I think I am beginning to understand my wife, I realize that I only have about 5% of the same emotional awareness she has. But then again, I can kick her ass at any video game. Of course she won't play them...but if she did...I would kick her ass.

        Lastly, when you want your wife/girlfriend to think that you understand what is going on...follow Chris Rock's advice: everyone once in a while, throw in, "I KNEW you couldn't trust that bitch/ho/girl (depending on your social status)" Because there is a damn good chance they are complaining about some other woman somewhere. time she goes on a tirade, try it. Just throw that in. "I never trusted her. What is her problem?"'ll score some huge points, even if you have no idea who the hell she was talking about.

        But I have to give my wife credit. Every month or so she'll spend about 20 minutes playing a game...which isn't too bad. And she has to listen to me talk about them, and is able to repeat back what I've said. Maybe she has her stock answers too, I don't know. But she does know the names of the games I play...and the types of games I play. (FPS, Driving, Sports) and she even knows what I DON'T play (WoW, RPGs, etc.) So yes, I'm impressed.

        Last thing...

        Don't forget your anniversary, her birthday, or any other times that SHE looks bad if you forget. Because remember might look like an ass for forgetting your anniversary...but to other women, she looks even worse. Because what you do, reflects on her.
        • should consider getting a job as a sitcom writer or possibly working on a Julia Roberts romantic 'comedy.'

          [the following is said with no intention to offend the parent poster, but...]

          "Also, women are not 'bat-shit insane.' They just see the world completely differently.... They want you to UNDERSTAND what they are talking about. Which of course, you never will."

          Is this seriously how people see the world? If anyone is actually reading this Hallmark card, guys-and-girls-are-so-different, Venus/Mars stu
        • women are not 'bat-shit insane.' They just see the world completely differently.

          You know, one might consider disconnection from reality to be a symptom of "bat-shit insane." :)
        • Ya know I've known alot of women (in a friendship capacity, I'm the type women love to be friends with, but never date) & I have to say to some degree what you've said is true.... But I've never had trouble understanding women. It's why I don't understand the whole 'guys and girls are vastly different' shtick. Most have very similiar desires to men when you get right down to it. The same emotions, instincts, and concepts drive both. Of course how they are raised also effects both, it colors the emotions
      • Are you allowed to re-post previous /. responses? Don't know why I always feel compelled to add my voice to /. relationship discussions. So, here is an update/edit of a previous post I made long ago on the subject...keeping in mind that I'm on graveyard shift right now and posting on sleep-deprivation may not be as great of an idea as it sounds at the moment...

        For a semi-specific reply to the parent, couple of points:
        - explaining emotional state to SO: Thumbs up for that one. NEEDS to happen. See below.

        • In short: something I have learned in our relationship is to just SAY SOMETHING.

          Please give seminars for other women. They need it. You sound like someone with her head put on right; I'm happily married but I've experienced/witnessed a lot of what you're talking about, and I've rarely heard it said so well. Lucky guy you have there ;-)

  • How? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Apreche ( 239272 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:54PM (#14115324) Homepage Journal
    How can you go out with someone who has interests so different from your own? I'm into geeky things and I'm going to go out with a girl who likes the same sorts of things. I might be willing to have a physical relationship with plenty of girls, but I'm not going to have a serious emotional relationship with someone who wont play games or watch anime and such.

    I see too many middle age geeky guys these days who want to do geeky stuff but their wives wont let them. I shit you not, some guy had to watch anime in secret because his wife would have thrown out the DVDs if she saw them.

    What kind of relationship is that?

    Sure, in some cases guys are just paying way too much attention to other stuff and not the girls. You can't do that, you've gotta give some time. But also remember, girls can't expect to be the only thing that gets attention from the guy. There are other things in his life besides you and there should be other things in your life besides him. Goes both ways.

    In short. Everybody get a life and don't be with incompatible people.
    • Re:How? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by vertinox ( 846076 )
      What kind of relationship is that?

      The kind where a man puts he thing in the womans thing one night and hopes she doesn't call him the next day?

      Seriously, people need to learn sex and love are two different things.

      Just because you have found someone that will have sex with you doesn't mean they make a good husband/wife.

      True love is when you found someone who you emotionally bond with and make passionate love to, but if you never could have sex with each other for the rest of your life, you'd still want to ha
    • Re:How? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Guppy06 ( 410832 )
      Disclaimer: I am the stereotypical Slashdotter.

      "How can you go out with someone who has interests so different from your own?"

      So long as we're just talking "interests," it shouldn't matter too much. Though I have precious little experience, I think the important part is how the personalities mesh, and the only really important shared interest is an interest in each other.

      "I shit you not, some guy had to watch anime in secret because his wife would have thrown out the DVDs if she saw them."

      See, this isn't
    • How can you go out with someone who has interests so different from your own?


      You pick someone because they're attractive, arouse you and (on a biological level) have the attributes our species find's preferable in producing offspring. The girl I want to hook up with doesn't have to go bowling or playing videogames with me anymore than the guy friends I go bowling with or play videogames with have to come over and blow me.

      Why do you have to find someone that likes everything you like, does everything y
      • If all you want to do with your mate is have sex, then all you need in common is to find eachother attractive. However, if you want to date or marry someone, then you need a lot more in common. Even if you just want to have sex, sometimes their personality is so annoying that even that sucks. Your mate needs to be your friend if you're going to be together for any length of time.
    • This is common in the backpacking community. Hikers seldom marry hikers. Usually, marriage is the end of the hiker's long distance days.

      However, many of them go into club work, trail maintaince or other related activities.
    • How? Because you love them. Love is like that. Doesn't give a shit what your respective likes and dislikes are.
    • Sorry, but that post is really lacking insight. Do you really want to be with yourself? Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode...

      How can you go out with someone who has interests so different from your own?

      You must have little experience in this area, then. Things would get boring pretty quick, because if your not being called out to do something different than your normal, then how much fun will the relationship be?

      Six years ago, I was into computer games and such. Six years later, I hardly play at all

  • My own thoughts (Score:5, Insightful)

    by LordZardoz ( 155141 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:54PM (#14115326)
    If your girlfriend is not more intresting to you then your game console, then chances are good that she is not "The One" anyway.

    The best test of this is to try to interrupt the gamer by offering Sex. In most cases, offering to play with his joystick should get him to put down the other joystick. If they turn you down, then one of two things are happening.

    1) Your hideous, deal with it.
    2) They are screwed in the head.

    Men have ditched or ignored their women for many reasons. I am sure that there are intstances of guys watching the latest hockey / football / basketball game and ignoring their women for the duration. The only difference with gaming is that gaming can be done at any time.

    • Re:My own thoughts (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Lord Kano ( 13027 )
      Sex sometimes ISN'T better than gaming.

      Maybe when you're 15 and it's still amazing that you're having sex, but I'm 30. I've had all kinds of sex. I've been married and divorced. I've had several girlfriends over the years.

      When I'm having a good run at CS and I have an 80/23 kill/death ratio, I'd rather keep playing for a while. Sex is something you can have anytime, a good gaming session needs to be enjoyed when it happens.

      • Ok, well I'm 27 (yes not quite your 30, but a whole 3 years isn't a big diference) and I have to say I'd still take the sex... Then again I've never seen sex as 'something that can happen anytime', but hten I'm picky about who I'll have sex with... I guess if you don't really care who it's with, then things are different...
        • Then again I've never seen sex as 'something that can happen anytime', but hten I'm picky about who I'll have sex with... I guess if you don't really care who it's with, then things are different...

          I have a girlfriend. She's the only one I'm having sex with. Make no mistake about it, it's fantastic. If it'll be fantastic now, it'll be fantastic an in hour too.

      • Sex is something you can have anytime, a good gaming session needs to be enjoyed when it happens.

        Pay attention, you young whippersnappers! This is either deep wisdom, hard-won through age... or the early onset of senility.
        • Pay attention, you young whippersnappers! This is either deep wisdom, hard-won through age... or the early onset of senility.

          If you knew my ex-wife, you'd understand.

    • There is no such thing as "The One" in the U.S. That is an old tradition that does not apply here... where the average marriage last 10 years before a divorce. Numbers don't lie. I doubt video game is the #1 contributor to divorces, so this discussion is just a waste of time.

  • by blincoln ( 592401 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @05:54PM (#14115327) Homepage Journal
    You do not have to spend every waking moment with the person you are dating. If they like to play Halo and you don't, go do something else.
    • If she likes playing Halo twelve hours a day, and I think that's absurd and excessive, I'll probably go do someone else.

      It's one thing if your SO can't stand the fact that you have a hobby. But it's perfectly reasonable for her to expect that you'll put a lot of time and energy into the relationship.
  • What? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by osopolar ( 826106 )
    "I truly loved her, but gaming affected that," What the hell kind of excuse is this. True love affects other things not the other way around. Sounds like he truly loves gaming and she was affecting that. Oh and by the way MTV blows.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Do the (mostly) women in this group not ever exclude their SO from activities when they go off with their buddies? Shopping/spa days/gossip?
  • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @06:12PM (#14115406)
    "Jaci and Jake, who both attend Kansas State University, are a modern couple dealing with a modern issue. One of them is a gamer; the other is not."

    "Jaci" and "Jake," hm? Guess which is the gamer!

    "Theirs is not an unusual plight."

    Around here it is. Actual dating?

    "For decades gamers and non-gamers in love have struggled to find harmony."

    Which decades, exactly? I'm pretty sure "gamer" = "single."

    "At Kansas State the frustration is rampant."

    What, the gamer guys have started to give themselves tennis elbow?

    "Like most college campuses, it is a place where the release of Halo 2 last year was the best of times and the worst of times."

    "The best of times?" Last I heard, it was a collective "What, that's it?"

    "And while there is such a thing as couples in which both people are into games"

    Yes, but are they both into video games?

    "-- and while there are sometimes boyfriends who are the non-gamers --"

    Where, San Francisco?

    "the most frequent complaint involves game-crazy guys leaving their girlfriends out in the Xbox-free cold."

    This confuses me. In order to leave one's girlfriend out in the cold, one must have a girlfriend to begin with.
  • I am so in (Score:5, Funny)

    by the eric conspiracy ( 20178 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @06:16PM (#14115426)
    a an anti-gaming college club

    Ultimately it sounds like these gamers are going to fail to pass along their genes, thus solving the problem.

  • Jaci and Jake . . . (aw, how cute.. barf)

    If you're in college, why are you involved in a relationship that is so serious that your hobbies and recreational activities play any part in anything? Dude, it's college. You shouldn't even have just *one* "significant other".

    What the hell happened to having fun and getting to know yourself in highschool and college and saving settling down and getting serious for around 30+?

    Sad. The "XBOX problem" is the least of their worries. The XBOX may be more interesting to
    • but when they get married in two years and he realizes he's never really had any fun and experienced any other relationships before he got so serious and tied down,

      I've been in a relationship with my now-wife for 10 years. I'm 30.

      I wouldn't trade that experience for the WORLD. Now, I can understand how you may think that your view of a lifestyle would have been more fun for me, but I have to tell you - I truly don't see it that way. I'd have to say there are probably people in similar situations who woul
    • Um.. I don't know where you live, but around where I do... Most people are married by the time they are 23-24... Most already have at least one (& usually more) kids by 30... Finding a single woman my age (27) is fairly hard.. In fact I have beter luck finding divorced women who are 30-40 or finding younger women 18-22, then single women my age...

      I really don't think people tend to care about such things...
  • "new" (Score:2, Interesting)

    by chaosmarine ( 107139 )
    How is this new and different when compared to golf?
  • I don't want to sound outlandishly sardonic, but so what?

    And how is this newsworthy; it's the same thing as has always existed except the 'male obsession' in this article is xbox, as opposed to watching sports on tv, or having poker night with the guys.

    The only good thing about this is that if they want to start up an anti gaming coalition, at least that way (instead of nagging us) they'll have something to do while we play games.

  • What kind of shallow nonsense is it to have relationship problems just because your significant other has engrossing hobbies or other things that they are dedicated to? Part of why I want a girl to like me is because I do enjoy spending hours programming, playing musical instruments, reading, and even enjoying video games. It gives me more depth and character (not to mention things to talk about when I am spending time with her), and it speaks poorly of a partner's character if they demand a full monopoly

  • Not me.. (Score:4, Funny)

    by mar1no ( 559482 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @07:19PM (#14115780) Homepage
    If my gf ever interupts me during a game, say by phone call for example, it goes like this:

    *pick up*
    Me: "HELLO?!"
    Gf: "Hey what are ya-"
    Gf: "Uhh I dunno I just wa-"
    I've never had to deal with her complaining about my game playin. She understands that when I say I'm busy then I'm busy and should not and cannot be bothered. Thats what the rest of these pie-making laundry-cleaning women should realize.
    • Glad to see your priorities are in order.

      Seriously, you don't need to let every phone call drag you away from the console and into a heartfealt conversation about her feelings. But if you're not willing to sacrifice your frag count to exchange a few complete sentences, then you're really whacked. Worse, you're going to lose her.

      Which is fine. More unattached girls for me.
  • This is an old problem in new clothing. Back in my day, we called them Nintendo Wives. How times have changed.

    And to answer the inevitable questions: Yes, uphill both ways, during a snowstorm.

  • ID (Score:5, Funny)

    by charlie763 ( 529636 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @08:16PM (#14116038)
    "At *Kansas* State the frustration is rampant"

    Blame it on intelligent game design.
  • Skimming TFA, it looks like the guy in question is mainly an XBox user, though there was mention of a Gamecube for "makeup frags".

    I'd be curious to see a study done comparing the console of choice of a person versus the priority they give the console over their SO. I think a lot of it would have to do with having games that both people can enjoy without having to go too far into the realm of gaming that one person likes but the other doesn't (i.e., she likes the Sims, he likes Halo, they both like Soul Cali
  • As soon as the kid's there, there'll be no gaming time left...

    (/me runs after his 9 month old)
    • As soon as the kid's there, there'll be no gaming time left...

      (/me runs after his 9 month old)

      Heh, just wait until he (she?) gets old enough to operate the keyboard properly :-) My 6 year old is getting pretty good at driving games and we've been doing some fun head to head racing on my home network. Trackmania is perfect for his age, and he's been building some wicked tracks. I'm just waiting for him to be old enough to play Civ and other more complicated games *grin*. Just a few more years...

      Watch out l
      • Heh, I'm not sure he'll already play video games at age 6, his mom might object strongly (although, racing games seem rather harmless). But maybe I can convince her by arguing that he won't have to 'compensate for his lack of gaming' when he's 12-14 years old.
  • Xbox (Score:3, Funny)

    by Profound ( 50789 ) on Saturday November 26, 2005 @04:44AM (#14117923) Homepage
    By Tripod [], an Australian comedy band:

    Baby, Gonna make you happy tonight.
    Gonna make you happy tonight, Oh, sugar.
    Give my love to you, Oh baby.

    Gonna make you feel so right.
    Gonna make you, make you happy,
    Oooh, sugar. Yeah!

    Spend some time with you,
    Do the things you want me to.
    Gonna make some sweet, sweet love, sugar.

    So get ready,
    Oooh, get ready, get ready.
    Get ready for lovin', Tonight.
    Before we get down to love,
    Before we get down... ... I just gotta finish this level.

    You see, I got a high score tonight.
    And I just want to save my game.

    Well, I'll be with you in a minute,
    Sweet darling, baby, honey.
    I love how you dance for me.
    Oooh, la la la la la la la la...
    Could you move a little to the left, baby?
    I can't see the TV.

    Baby, I can't want 'till we start,
    It's just that the save points are quite far apart,
    In this game, baby.

    Oooh, la la la la la la la...
    This bit's got a multi-player section, honey,
    Maybe you can operate a turret with me.
    Would you like that, baby?

    Games give you hand-eye co-ordination,
    And spacial intelligence, together with... ... map-reading skills. Oh, sugar.

    Turn the lights down low...
    Turn the lights down, just a little bit lower, baby.
    Turn the lights down low...
    Turn the lights down low...
    Turn the lights down low...
    It's just that it helps me feel like I'm in a spaceship. ... Baby. Have you brushed your teeth yet?
    Take your time, no hurry.
    It's just that I'm not tired. Are you tired?

    I'll see you in the bed, then.
    You might want to take a book.
    You know I can't stop thinking about you, baby.
    And all of the magic coins that I need to collect.

    See, I just gotta find one more point of armour class,
    And then I can take on the robots of Zirgon B,
    And then we can make love...
    I think this X-Box, Is the best present I ever bought for you, Baby!

"I think Michael is like litmus paper - he's always trying to learn." -- Elizabeth Taylor, absurd non-sequitir about Michael Jackson
