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Games Entertainment

Father and Son Pro Gamer Team Wins Halo Tourney 36

theodp writes "What Matty and Moises Alou are to Major League Baseball, Poison and his 7-year-old nephew Lil' Poison are to Major League Gaming. Recently, the pair bested 550 Midway Mayhem contestants to take home 1st and 2nd place honors at the largest Halo tournament of all-time. The Chicago Journal reports that gaming prodigy Lil' Poison, who picked up a controller at age 2 and whupped his game-playing Dad into retirement, will be featured on 60 Minutes in January."
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Father and Son Pro Gamer Team Wins Halo Tourney

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  • Nephew? Son? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Which is it? It changed 3 times in the description!

  • I wonder if people outside the US care about HALO, being it the "[American] Football" of the videogames.

    • Re:HALO US (Score:3, Funny)

      by hal2814 ( 725639 )
      So does that mean that the rest of the world doesn't care about Pro Halo except for Canada who has a pro version of the game that has a few different rules mostly regarding player substitution and level size and is mostly ignored by fans of the US version of Halo?
  • The shame (Score:4, Funny)

    by HeWhoRoams ( 895809 ) on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @01:04PM (#14385564)
    Can you imagine what it would feel like to be beaten by a small boy? I mean his hands can't even be big enough to grab a full size xbox controllerand he's screaming in his pre pubescenet voice "HEAD SHOT!"

    Thats the sort of thing that makes a man go play The Sims.
    • In other news, Jack Thompson's head explodes when finding out that "family-friendly activities" includes playing HALO and getting head shots.

      I'd love to see/hear his reaction to this...
    • His or yours? Stastically, it'd be his.

      Complex strategies in FPSes? Sometimes, but certainly not in a FFA deathmatch. Nothing more complex than path planning in pacman. And you could certainly teach a 7 year old the strats even if they wouldn't come up with them on their own.

      Besides if it makes any of the teenaged "god's gift to " n00bs go cry over a nice game of The Sims it has made a better place. (insert your favorite with player vs player combat)
  • by Dogers ( 446369 ) on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @01:31PM (#14385778)
    Man, what kind of wierd shenanigans went on to make his nephew his son?! You Americans and your crazy morals, I dunno..
  • If the game wasn't Halo would these people be featured on 60 minutes. Every year there are at least dozens of competitions.

  • Felipe Alou [mlb.com] is the father of Moises [mlb.com]. Close, though. Matty is Felipe's brother, and along with a third brother, Jesus, all played in the majors. All three [baseball-almanac.com] played in the outfield together for the Giants in 1963. The opposing team was quoted as saying, "They're everywhere"
  • The Japanese have been trying to tell us that little kids are dangerous for years! See: Ring Ju-On Spiral Etc. What happens when this kid turns 18? Instant Army recruitment.
  • The family that slays together stays together.
  • The downfall of society is so well documented. Picked up a controller at age 2? Thats a bit scary. What happened to kids going outside? Of course, its cool that they were successful in the tournament, but is this really terribly newsworthy?
    • "Kids are playing video games, not Cowboys and Indians! The decay of moral values! Oh no!"
    • Re:Wow! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by PyroMosh ( 287149 )
      Downfall of society? Scary? What? Why?

      It seems to me that you're making an assumption that one activity precludes the other. But I do not see why this is the case at all. As long as the kid is learning and taken care of, and healthy and happy (not being neglected, etc), what difference does it make? In fact, the argument could be made his father and uncle are interacting with him, developing his social skills, as opposed to how many kids grow up / have grown up, sinking countless hours in front of a T
      • Xbox live or not, social interaction happens when kids play together. I think its a moot point if the child is taken care of or not... Well, perhaps i didn't say that right. Assume no neglect, plunking your kid down in front of a video game isn't as healthy as interacting with other people. Developing social skills is an important part of childrearing. There is essentially no difference between "playing games with father and uncle" (lightly paraphrased) and "vegitating."

        Its also important
  • Note that this was not a "best of" competition, but a walk-on competition for anyone. If you go here: www.mlgpro.com/news/MLG_Chicago%253A__The_Battle_ o f_the_Masses/1.html you'll see that he's playing against another kid who looks to be around 12 years old. So while I'm sure he's damn good, think of all the nooblets that entered the tournament. Also, it seems that there was another "VS" guy in his group that got in the top 10 for FFA. I wonder if they had some kind of unspoken pact as they played FFA...it

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