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World of Warcraft Patches to 1.9 66

Xehn writes "The much-anticipated 1.9 patch has been released and can be downloaded via the Blizzard Downloader." Among many new features the Patch includes a complete revamp of the Paladin class, and the inclusion of the first unlockable 'World Event': The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj. From the patch notes: "Players will now be able to buy and sell goods with greater effectiveness using the Linked Auction House system. Auction Houses in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff will now share the same pool of Horde player-created auctions, and Alliance players will find the same to be true when visiting Ironforge, Stormwind City, and Darnassus Auction Houses. This system has been expanded to support the neutral Auction Houses as well."
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World of Warcraft Patches to 1.9

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  • by kpang ( 860416 )
    Gimme purpless plz!!11one1!
  • The paladin class has not been totally revamped - they just reorganized the paladin talent tree. The class will still be very boring to play solo and entirely 'different than advertised.' I have a paladin that I play with my girlfriend's warlock. It's fun to keep her healed when she does all the damage, but on the rare occasions when I play him alone (like when she decides to level ahead of me) it's boring as hell. I knew that paladins were best at healing, buffing, and assisting other players going into t
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Ah, have you read the patchnotes? The paladin changes go a bit farther than a simple talent revamp (pretty much all the seals/judgements were messed with, for one thing.)
    • by Chi Hsuan Men ( 767453 ) on Wednesday January 04, 2006 @09:52AM (#14391951) Homepage
      I knew that paladins were best at healing, buffing, and assisting other players going into the class, so I knew what to expect

      This statement on its own makes some sense. After all, Paladins do have a dearth of talents that allow them to buff multiple ways. In addition, if you outfit a Paladin with a decent set of cloth, you have a functional secondary healer. If you play them in a creative manner, Paladins can be extremely flexible and helpful in a party.

      but I can see why people who choose paladins thinking they'd get a 'holy warrior' are irritated with what they've gotten in exchange.

      This I don't understand. Overall, paladins, on their own, stand up as a class. They won't be the first to finish off a mob, but they will last a lot longer against higher level mobs than most classes. If you do your homework, you're going to find a lot of alliance players complaining that paladins do not do enough damage; however, the flip side of the argument comes from horde players saying that they're impossible to kill. So, if the alliance players get their wish, paladins become death dealing nightmares and if Horde players get their wish, paladins become a class that can't heal or deal damage.

      This also goes for anyone who gets angry about warriors not doing the most damage, or how x class cannot do y. Warriors aren't supposed to deal the most damage, they're suppose to tank (or take damage) and maintain aggro (keep an enemy's attention). This is the reason why I stopped wasting my time with the Blizzard forums, as it is simply 2% of the player base constantly whining about how their class was not powerful enough.

      Class balance does not mean: "my class is more powerful than everyone elses'".
      • I think the reason Paladins complain about their damage is that they are slow to kill stuff while soloing on PvE type stuff. They probably haven't spent much time in BG or just don't realize how powerful their defensive stuff makes them.
        As an example, I spent a bunch of time in Warson Gulch, and I play horde. The alliance tends to have a paladin grab the flag and run with it. The reason for this is that a good paladin needs almost no cover. I've seen lone paladins with half a dozen horde players chasing
  • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @06:00PM (#14388040) Homepage Journal
    as many changes are directly because of whining by the PvP crowd of WOW which isn't the majority no matter how much they or even Blizzard would pretend otherwise.

    Depending on how you count them this is the third nerfing of Paladins and probably the most effective. The new fear is that someone will find a way for his Paladin to dual wield shields :) Paladins are probably the worst implemented class in WoW. Simply put they should probably never have been put in WoW as player conceptions based on past Blizzard products and those of competitors portray an idea that is far from what was implemented in WoW. In WoW Paladins are the hardest things to kill for those with little skill in PvP and probably the easiest character to play badly.

    Before commencing on the changes to the class Blizzard asked the community through multiple threads what they thought was wrong with each of the Paladins talents and abilities and why. They got an earful, some were inane comments while others delved into the numbers to explain their position. Come the first preview patch on the Test Realm and it was evident to many that the developers chose to ignore all the responses they received. The primary evidence was a talent named Blessing of Kings. One of the major issues with Paladin players was having this 5 minute Blessing as the top tier of one of the talent trees. Two revisions of the new Talent tree and it finally moved. There were other obvious indicators of developers not acknowledging the issues but this was the most glaring.

    Come patch time and Paladins will find a major change. The one and formost speciality of Paladins was their ability to heal under stress. This was because of a talent called Spiritual Focus, when bought fully provided a 70% chance to heal while being wailed upon. This was one of the first talents many Paladins obtained and found in many builds. Now a new Paladin will find previously class defining talent further down the holy tree and the complimentary talents even further down. In other words, what was once the defining ability of a class will not be for only a few of the class.

    The second defining ability of Paladins were their shields which gave them short time immunity from about anything, upwards of a dozen seconds. Paladins had two of these and could use them back to back on themselves is necessary. Multiple Paladins could use them on allies for protection from somone important who pulled to much aggro. After incessant whining by PvP players who could not play a FPS without cheat codes this ability now cannot be used on the same target more than once per minute.

    Many classes have gone through revisions that greatly enhanced the playability of those classes or fixed glaring issues with one of the three talent trees each class enjoys. Beastmaster Hunters became more viable in 1.7 and Feral Druids became truly viable in 1.9. Druids of other talent trees also enjoyed improvement. Not so with Paladins, in fact many priest players, whose class gets reviewed in 1.10, are now afraid of being "Paladinized".

    Paladins can rejoice in knowing they are not the only class to suffer in 1.9. As PvP ruins most PvE play in games it is found in Hunters will enjoy considerable changes in 1.9 No longer will pets have unique abilities because of who they were before training. Players sought out special pets, sometimes at great time expenditure, to give themselve something fairly unique and an advantage. This has been lost as pets are now differentiated only by type and skin texture. Type being wolf,cat, and etc. Skin texture as the only difference between any two wolves will be the texture, same for cats and so on. Used to be you could find pets with fast pursuit speeds, odd attack types, or even slower speeds. No more. Beastmastery specialist top tier power, Bestial Wrath, got the nerf stick as too many cloth wearing PvPers complained it wasn't fair that a pet could kill them. Even food was apparently causing too much benefit to players so that
    • by Godai ( 104143 ) * on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @06:19PM (#14388170)
      I can't believe how much of what you wrote I disagree with.

      First, my guild has several pallies and thier intial reactions were mixed. Some liked what they were getting and some hated it. Once they'd all had a chance to mix around on the test server though, they'd pretty much come together at "reasonably happy" to "okay with it". None of our pallies are unhappy anymore, the most displeased now of the opinion that it simply "doesn't do much for what I'd hoped, but at least it does X, Y & Z". About half our pallies PVP too, and a couple of them are consistently high (ie. first, second or third) in the standing at the end of a battleground. Pallies who say their class sucks at PVP are, frankly, poor paladins.

      Second, the 'nerf' to hunter pets (as in making them uniform) is hardly unexpected and actually makes a lot of sense when you look at from a different angle. Bliz has been saying for MONTHS that this was coming, and explained why: they have always wanted pet customizability to be soley from pet points, and not from the base pet. The reasoning is actually very simple: if base pet mattered, eventually all hunters would have the same two or three pets, because those two or three would be the 'best'. Not only would this reduce uniqueness, it would create competition for those few pets. The vision of the pet is that players will choose an animal that they like (whether for the slight variation in abilities it can learn or for aethetics) and that will help provide player distinction. In my opinion, this is a far better tack to take.

      Finally, I laugh at the notion that unified LFG & General channels will result in only 'local players' being accepted into groups. I can't remember the last time I joined a pick-up group (PUG) and found all 5 (or 10, or whatever) were in Ironforge (I play Alliance); inevitably at least one person is on the other continent and usually more. This is because you could always join a General chat channel from elsewhere if you knew how, and by the upper levels most had figured it out. Linked auction houses is nothing but a Good Thing(tm).

      Frankly, this is looking like one of the better patches unless you're one of those Paladins that for some reason thought they'd be promoted into Gods.
      • by The Kow ( 184414 ) <{putnamp} {at} {}> on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @07:39PM (#14388674)
        It never fails to astound me just how little paladins seem to recognize that their strength lies in the fact that they are a healer who is virtually impossible to kill. Being that I play a priest, the relevance of this combination of strengths is pretty goddamn distinct, but whatever. As long as paladins are on "the other team", I'll enjoy the fruits of their misguided mental labors.
        • Yeah, alliance players are just like that, though. I play predominantly horde and I'm glad of it. Alliance chat areas are like barrens chat, only *everywhere* you go.

          Having said that, I've previously won in PvP bouts against paladins (who weren't doing a great job at PvP). Hopefully this new patch won't overpower them any further. Blizzard have done an outstanding job of making each class very well balanced, with unique and interesting playing styles for each one.
        • Pallies in BG PvP (like Arathi Basin) can last very long assaulting an enemy base, often distracting way too many players who'll continue to attack them while their shield is up.

          "Healer who's nearly impossible to kill" is a great description for pallies in PvP.
        • Ironically, I play a priest as well, but obviously on the Alliance :) I completely agree with 'healers that are impossible to kill', and I'm sure you find -- as I do -- that this point in particuar is a little grating given how damned easy we are to crush.

          Personally I think the pally changes are, for the most part, pretty fair. They seem to have evened out the trees a little, making them more sensible. They've eliminated what is a large source of annoyance for both pallies & their raid team (5 minute bl
    • Where did you get this info on pets supposedly being nerfed in 1.9? I don't see it anywhere in the detailed patch notes at h notes/test-realm-patchnotes.html []

      I'm neutral on this issue. I didn't mind the idea that some pets are better than others, as it makes pet taming that much more interesting and useful. On the other hand, it again gives those with no life an advantage over casual players.

      Also, to whomever it was that mentioned that unequal pets would cause
      • About the only thing I know about being changed with Hunter pets is that their speed was supposedly normalized. This allows you to actually run away from the pets when you are on a mount unlike previously where all the pets seemed to have infinite speed (at least all the ones that hunters who PvP use anyway) able to catch an epic mount.

      • Who uses pets in GW anyway? The AI for them is godawful and you lose two very important slots for the privelege.

        I don't have any problem with pets being the same, either. Blizzard sells WoW on the basis that casual play doesn't disadvantage you. Giving advantages to people with too much time and too much real world money discourages casual play. I would bet real world money, however, that of those 5 million subscribers, the majority are casual players.
    • Hunters will enjoy considerable changes in 1.9 No longer will pets have unique abilities because of who they were before training. Players sought out special pets, sometimes at great time expenditure, to give themselve something fairly unique and an advantage. This has been lost as pets are now differentiated only by type and skin texture. Type being wolf,cat, and etc. Skin texture as the only difference between any two wolves will be the texture, same for cats and so on. Used to be you could find pets wit

    • The second defining ability of Paladins were their shields which gave them short time immunity from about anything, upwards of a dozen seconds. Paladins had two of these and could use them back to back on themselves is necessary. Multiple Paladins could use them on allies for protection from somone important who pulled to much aggro. After incessant whining by PvP players who could not play a FPS without cheat codes this ability now cannot be used on the same target more than once per minute.

      Were you exp

    • ^^^ Paladin player, obviously?

      The above post should be taken with a grain of salt, however, since apparently he's more concerned with whining than actually stating facts accurately.

      I play a Hunter, so that's the only class I can speak to. His comments about Hunter pets are flat-out wrong. PET SPEEDS are made equivalent, but pet attack speed, damage, and secondary attack modes remain quite different (Broken Tooth remains 1.0 attack speed, Ursius 2.30 attack speed). Further pets remain differentiated by wh
    • Why is it any surprise that people can't play their class? When there's barely any penalty for death, good habits don't get beaten into you.
  • My Thoughts (Score:4, Insightful)

    by The Snowman ( 116231 ) * on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @06:07PM (#14388099)

    The other day I was playing my paladin and partied with some random guy to work on a quest. He mentioned that he loves partying with paladins because they can buff, heal, and tank. I came up with a quote that captures the essence of the class:

    My paladin does not die, and neither do his enemies.

    Other than that, I am looking forward to linked auction houses. As it stands right now, all of my characters use Ironforge as their base of operations. While I have a good computer and don't get lag running around, I do get lag when initially loading all those textures and junk from the hard drive. All the memory and GPU in the world won't help you load about 400 MB of data from a hard disk. So, spreading the load around between capitol cities will certainly help. Hell, Darnassus might actually be useful for something now.

    Gates of Ahn'Qiraj: meh. Sounds cool at first, but we already have raid instances so it's nothing new. Apparently it will take a few hundred players to unlock the instance. The word "clusterfuck" comes to mind, especially considering that horde and alliance are supposed to work together to git'r done. As if Ironforge and Orgrimmar weren't bad enough, now we're going to have some massive world event that will not only turn our framerate into a slideshow, but likely crash the server as well. Anyone remember the huge battles on the Dark Iron server between PA and PvP? This will be ten times worse.

    Still, overall, it sounds like a good patch and it just got done updating my files. I am looking forward to this so bye bye, I have an addiction to support :-)

    • Survivability is why Paladins can not be allowed to deal decent damage. It would just be positively retarded. About all they needed was a revamp of the judgement system to make it not suck, and a few convienance things. And that's what they got, pretty much. Oh and a few consistancy tweaks so SoC isn't a holy damage version of the windfury lottery kill system.

      Imagine Shamans(and their totems need fixed to bring them in line with blessings for raiding, and that's about it) with immunity shields. Gahhh..
    • I'm not on the test server so I don't know but I don't think you will need a few hundred players in the same location at the same time. More likley you will need a few hundred players to gather resources and turn them into a quest giver in the major cities. Might need a 40-man or someone with exalted with Cenarion Hold to truly open the gates.

      Frankly, I'm not too excited about AQ. How long until the 20-man and 40-man are down to a science? Probably very quickly. And in the end the 2+ week wait while
      • I don't really understand the argument "ho hum another 20-man and another 40-man but a 5-man dungeon I could get excited about". A 5 man dungeon is going to get cleared and mastered even faster than any larger size dungeon, simply because every raid guild out there is going to send half a dozen groups through it. And there's a severe limitation on what you can require a 5 man group to do; worse, many of those permutations have already been explored in pre-60 content, meaning anything new is going to have
  • by ClamIAm ( 926466 ) on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @07:07PM (#14388471)
    So is this thing gone yet? If it were, I would consider playing WoW. As it stands, I cannot support a company who uses anti-cheating software such as this and sues reverse-engineers. No, I'm not trolling.
    • Re:"The Warden" (Score:2, Insightful)

      by C0rinthian ( 770164 )
      I like my games cheat-free. You will not be missed.
    • Re:"The Warden" (Score:3, Informative)

      by obeythefist ( 719316 )
      That's a perfectly fair statement to make.

      No, Warden isn't gone, much like Raven Shield still uses Punkbuster. I hear even CoD2 is getting anti-cheat software put into the next patch.

      Warden is responsible for the 18 odd thousand accounts being removed recently, and I am quite happy for that because the vast majority of those banned would be people violating the terms of use agreement, cheating, and sweatshop farming goldminers.

      If you like, you're free to circumvent Warden by using the Sony rootkit, but I f
      • I for one thank you for not playing WoW and therefore not cheating.

        So because I don't support spyware, that makes me a cheater? I would hope that you realize your statement logically does not follow from what I said. Note that my post said that I wasn't playing WoW because of Blizzard's ethics, not because I want to cheat. Your statement here is analagous to a statement like "if you don't submit to a cavity search and let the FBI scan your hard drive, bank accounts, and all personal files you keep at ho

        • Warden is spyware as much as Punkbuster is spyware, with one possible worsening factor, there is no opt-out in using Warden if you want to play WoW (although, likewise, if you want to play on a decent RavenShield server, you really need to use Punkbuster if you don't want wallhacking kiddies camping you).

          Warden does not run if WoW is not running, it is a component of WoW. Warden only searches for specific running processes known to be cheat enabling (like Punkbuster). The illusion of privacy, however, is
          • You originally stated that because I didn't want to run WoW with The Warden, I was a cheater. I pointed out the flaw in your logic, so you go on to peripheral arguments, and invoke Godwin. Good job. Next time, just insult me without the superflous arguments. It will save time for both of us. Or better yet, don't reply.
    • Actually if you start the game with the normal exe, the warden thing doesn't even come up.

      If you do start the game with the new patcher system, from what I understand, it lets you know if you have a trojan type program installed that you werent aware of (or maybe you were), but does not transmit that to anyone.

      In any case, we all think your pretty cool for not playing a game for the above reasons. I bet your a blast at parties as well.
      • Re:"The Warden" (Score:2, Informative)

        Actually if you start the game with the normal exe, the warden thing doesn't even come up.

        Warden is the small program that only runs when WoW.exe is running. No bypassing that. The launcher (that loads when you use the default shortcut) is a cheatware scanner in addition to Warden. [] seems to say that the Blizzard Launcher only notifies the user if you have cheatware. If you disregard the warnings and go ahead and start the game, then it's Warden's job to

        • I'm playing wow right now and I dont have any warden program running.. Does it hide itself somehow?

          And yes, those bastard lvl 1 characters named bbgg suck =)
          • The link you sent doesnt really say anything about warden running if you dont use the launcher. It does mention that the launcher has a cheat detecting program built in, to notify those users who might not know they had installed something like that. They then say that its there to stop those who dont know from getting them detected while playing the game, but id assume that when they say detected, they are talking about other means beyond a program that detects it. They do specifically mention that it w
            • Well, the Warden scare was brought about long before they added the Blizzard Launcher. It's a small bit of code buried within the WoW.exe file that periodically downloads itself from Blizzard servers (while running the game) and compares open window titles and such to hashes of known cheatware. This ariticle from [] and this article from Wikipedia [] seem to indicate that it only occurs during operation of WoW.exe.

              What good (used carefully, since I know some people don't think it's good at all, heh
              • What good (used carefully, since I know some people don't think it's good at all, heheh) would Warden be to anybody if people were able to bypass it by skipping the Launcher?

                Im not disagreeing (sp?) here but, the reason it would be handy is if you were not sure if you had a bad program installed on your computer, maybe from the installation of an addon or whatnot. I'll have to read the links when I get off work, thanks for the further reading.

                By the way, we went to zg last night, and our entire raid crash

        • Why are players allowed to make names composed entirely of consonants? Seems like a failure on Blizzard's part.
      • Actually if you start the game with the normal exe, the warden thing doesn't even come up.

        If by "doesn't come up", you mean that it doesn't show up in the Windows task manager, then yes, you're correct. Except "Warden" is just the name for some of the code inside the WoW exe. So it wouldn't show up in the task manager as a seperate application.

        In any case, we all think your pretty cool for not playing a game for the above reasons. I bet your a blast at parties as well.

        Said better than I ever could. []

    • Good, take your cheating ass back to CS.
      Why in the world would anyone be against anti-cheat programs? I've played CS enough to see people aim-botting and speed hacking regularly. On the other hand, when playing Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory it was rare to see someone whom I could definatly say was cheating. The difference: Punkbuster.
      While I'm not a big fan of the way Blizzard went after BNetd, I can sort of see their point. With they were able to keep people from using the same CD-Key on sev
      • Good, take your cheating ass back to CS.

        I didn't realize that not supporting a company because I disagree with their ethics made me a cheater. Here's my reply. []

        • No, the fact that you don't want to run anti-cheating software for an online game makes it a good bet you are a cheater. I can understand not wanting to support a company which goes after people who reverse engineer their software, and if that was all you had brought up, I could see your point, but the crack about the anti-cheating software has no place in that, hence the assumption.
          Given the vast number of cheats, and cheaters using them, for games which don't impliment something I don't see how you can
          • No, the fact that you don't want to run anti-cheating software for an online game makes it a good bet you are a cheater.

            Such a beautiful assertion. Yet it is incorrect. This is the same as saying all privacy advocates are criminals.

            But more relevant to this topic, I have read how the Warden works, and I consider it an invasion of my privacy. I am not opposed to anti-cheating measures, so long as I believe they are ethical. If you thought I was opposed to all anti-cheat software, that was not my inten

        • "So is this thing gone yet? If it were, I would consider playing WoW. As it stands, I cannot support a company who uses anti-cheating software such as this and sues reverse-engineers. No, I'm not trolling." The word spyware or ethics do not appear anywhere in that post. How the fuck are we supposed to know that you are opposed to Blizzard's ethics based on the above post, rather than think you are opposed to anti-cheating software. And then you attack people for thinking, based on your post, that you are
          • I admit that my original post was pretty dense (in terms of how the information was presented). I guess I figured the average intelligence of slashdot was a little higher than it apparently is. So let's recap.

            As it stands, I cannot support a company who uses anti-cheating software such as this and sues reverse-engineers.

            Looking at my reasoning for not supporting Blizzard, the only two reasons I can think of for not supporting them (based on this statement) would be if I'm either ethically opposed to th

  • God! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Wilson_6500 ( 896824 ) on Tuesday January 03, 2006 @09:14PM (#14389168)
    Why call them paladins if they can't swing a sword or a mace or whatever? Call them Priests in Plate or Hateful Healers or something. Paladins are traditionally (in game terms) the folks who the men of the cloth turn to when they need someone to go out and _hurt_ something. Why rely on the expectations and the weight of the _name_ of a familiar gaming Job when you're not willing to work in the familiar idiom of that Job? Why pass up the chance to bolster your "lore" with a little creative license? If you want Paladins to run around half-naked with a sword in each hand, fighting for some greater cause using the art of War Dancing--fine! They're still un/holy warriors fighting for a higher power. By calling Doctor Tank a "Paladin," you're giving new players the idea that they will be able to play one out as a traditional paladin. I'm not saying that they should be in a party to do _all_ the damage or to manage Hate (through Provoke, or whatever WoW uses)--if they were, why have Warrior classes?

    Everything I read about WoW makes it out to be the most nonsensical number crunch yet, wrapped up all pretty in the famous Blizzard brand name.
    • Pally's do damage, just that it is all comparative.... eg a mage who wears his bed sheets for protection does a stack of damage *compared* to the pally. When compared to hostile ingame characters that are killed for XP / sadistic fun / quests, the Pally can beat mobs several levels above itself.

      Of course, my hunter can also do this, but only because I have plenty of pet food to feed it when it dies. It dies a lot.
      • I've got "RDM-itis" from FFXI. Red Mages wore real armor, swung a real sword, and could cast damage-causing spells in addition to heals, debuffs, and (crappy) buffs. Problem is that they didn't do any of these well: they couldn't tank, they couldn't manage Hate, they couldn't do crap for damage with sword or spell. In most parties, they were basically a backup healer and debuff manager: they took one load partially off of the White mage and one almost totally off the Black mage. They sure as hell couldn't s
  • Didn't realize until last night that the Blizzard downloader used P2P to grab the patch, good geek points there. Took me about an hour to fully assemble the 76Mb patch file, but it was great afterwards...never seen the server that empty. Ironforge was clearly less laggy, even on my beefless laptop. However, Stormwind was noticably MORE laggy, so we'll see how that affects game play in the days to come. While I hated having to go into Ironforge during peak hours, at least I could auction during non-peak
    • That world event is also probably one of the major reasons leathers are in so much demand, just FYI. People are buying the shit out of metals, cloths, and leathers to turn into the dudes in the IF Warriors area.
    • While I hated having to go into Ironforge during peak hours, at least I could auction during non-peak hours...if I can't get around Stormwind/Darnassus on a day-to-day basis, that's going to suck.

      Why would you need to? It's the same auction house in all three cities.

      other than revamping the Priest talents (btw...check your talents when you log in, I noticed they refunded all priest's talent points because they completely redid the tree)

      They didn't touch priest talents. Unless you think priests a

      • Why would you need to? It's the same auction house in all three cities.

        I've been playing a human warlock and a night-elf warrior, so I've only needed to go to Ironforge to auction with my lvl 1 dwarf. Ironforge has been sucking because of all the lag associated with the auction house, but at least it's only been in Ironforge. However, with auction houses in Stormwind and Darnassus now, I assume that those cities will become more crowded, taking the load off of Ironforge and redistributing it so that ALL c
        • I've been able to relocate my base of operations to Undercity because of the linked auction houses, and couldn't be happier with that fact. (Being able to use a mount inside Undercity is just icing on the cake)

          And we all make mistakes. You just got my hopes up is all. ;)
  • I read enough of this Paladin whining and crying on the official Forums. Instead of focusing on that, how about the complete lack of Internal Quality Assurance Testing that Blizzard has yet again displayed? They throw these patches on the Test Server and allow a public 'stress' test of changes - then turn the Test Server off, make 'additional changes' and throw it down to the live servers.

    Let's just see a few of the more 'rediculous' bugs that made it into this patch:

    Firemaw reflecting ALL SPELLS cast at
    • In ZG there were multiple reports of fear being bugged

      Actually, it was a problem noted with the Zerkers. If they feared or thunderclapped you, your client simply CRASHED. Always fun.

      Also, Venoxis in ZG had a glitch wherein he could not be reset, and his AoE chain lightning ended up getting an unlimited range.

      And, of course, polymorph got FUBARed as well. Now the sheep just wander and wander far away, potentially aggroing other mobs of their type when they unsheep.

  • still some sketchy bugs that need to be worked out in 1.9 especially in ZG however the new tier 2 epics look amazing
  • The most interesting development in the 1.9 patch is the introduction of a server-wide event.

    Skip this paragraph if you are already familiar with WoW: There are about 100+ servers in WoW, with anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 gamers per server. And on each server there are numerous guilds with anywhere from 30-200 members. And every server has like 10 elite guilds, those that have killed some of the top bosses like Nefarian or Ragnaros.

    With Ahn'Qiraj, apparently they're letting guilds compete in a mission to b

An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it. -- James Michener, "Space"
