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Nintendo Businesses Entertainment Games

Revolution In North America By Thanksgiving 64

Gamespot reports that the Nintendo Revolution will be in stores by Thanksgiving. From the article: "In an interview featured in today's edition of Japanese newspaper Sankei Shinbun, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stated, 'We can't disclose the Revolution's release period yet, but we have no plans to miss out on the year-end sales battle. As for North America, we need to release it by Thanksgiving, or otherwise we won't receive support from the retail industry. So the Revolution will be released prior to that period.'" Update: 01/18 19:15 GMT by Z : There's also word that there will be an exclusive Resident Evil title for the console, utilizing the unique control system.
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Revolution In North America By Thanksgiving

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  • by pclminion ( 145572 ) on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @01:59PM (#14502189)
    I was starting to get excited there.
    • Ditto, I had to do a doubletake on that headline.
    • You have discovered COMMUNISM. Do you wish to convert your government now?
      -Yes, let the revolution begin...
      -No... I want things to stay the way they are.
    • All this talk about revolution and nothing about this []
    • So was I! I thought they meant a political revolution.

  • Buggy release? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by JonN ( 895435 ) * on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @02:04PM (#14502267) Homepage
    "As for North America, we need to release it by Thanksgiving, or otherwise we won't receive support from the retail industry. So the Revolution will be released prior to that period."

    As great as some may think this sounds (The whole "Yay! It won't be long before I can get one!" idea) what does this mean for quality of release? Are they paying more people to do all the quality checks so they can get it done in a shorter time? They better be, because earlier-then-expected release usually ends up in a higher percentage of bugs and errors then one can stand.

    • That's actually one of their controller adaptors. We've already seen a motion-sensitive one for sword swinging in Zelda, and an aerodynamic one for flight in Mario. But I actually work for Nintendo, and they're also building a self-destruct module. If you go online to gripe about the system or even question its capabilities in your mind, the box immediately explodes without warning, taking any infidels with it.
    • Actually, it was suppose to be coming out shortly after PS3 which up to this point was sometime in Spring 2006. However, Sony announced that they wouldn't bring out PS3 until this Christmas/Thanksgiving. I bet that if Sony changed the release date to this Summer or even sometime in 2007 Nintendo would change as well.
      • Re:Buggy release? (Score:4, Interesting)

        by steveo777 ( 183629 ) on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @03:21PM (#14503250) Homepage Journal
        Have you even been around the game scene for the last 20 years? Nintendo has always done its own thing. They typically release their systems for the thanksgiving rush window. They're rarely guilty of seeing what the other guys will do before moving. They know their market.

        The only real problem any of their systems had was the original NES's reader was too thin and the teeth wouldn't read older carts. Almost everybody experienced this. I suppose you could consider the N64's puny 4MB of vid RAM a flaw too... I know of a couple software gliches in Metriod Prime and Prime 2, but that's not really hardware. That and those gliches were rare. So rare that very few people know about them.

        I experienced both. In MP if the game hadn't had proper pre-load time it would occasionally freeze in the elevator scenes (moving between areas). I never experienced that problem in MP2. The glich I experienced in Echoes really sucked because it would render the game unfinishable.

        • nintendo acknowledged it was a mistake to bring the game cube out so late. they said they wouldn't make the same mistake with the Revolution. So expect them to strongly consider moving up their timetable if Sony does.
        • There's a glitch in MK:DS that erases your online losses. Or maybe that's more of a feature.
        • I had the first one happen. Is having the first one a prerequisite for having the second one or are they independent? I also ran into a bug in NCAA 2005 where if my roommate tried to play Boise State (he was Rice), the game would freeze. But I also think that is a rare problem.
    • I don't think Nintendo can afford to release a lemon.

      They're a gaming company, not a software or media juggernaut that has money to burn on fixing bad PR. If the Revolution looks bad, Nintendo will sink as a hardware company.

      They may still make handhelds, but a bad debut for the Revolution will sink their home console business.
  • We can't disclose the Revolution's release period yet

    Be a man. Just say "we haven't decided yet, and any dates that are being thrown around are purely speculation at this point, as alot can happen to speed up or delay the process over a period of ten frigging months"
  • I was really excited by the headline before I saw it was filed under Games...
  • wow zonk... (Score:5, Informative)

    by B00yah ( 213676 ) on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @02:24PM (#14502498) Homepage
    do you read the links you post?
    Before anything can happen on the survival horror front, though, Nakai seems intent on developing a videogame for Revolution completely unrelated to Resident Evil. Once that's accomplished, then he can start working out how to properly take advantage of the controller's unique features in Capcom's zombiefied universe.
    There's going to be a Capcom title, but totally unrelated to Resident Evil. No where in the article does it say there will be a Resident Evil unique to the revolution.
    • Incorrect (Score:3, Insightful)

      by 77Punker ( 673758 )
      He plans on doing something unrelated first to get a feel for the controller. By unrelated, they probably mean it's not survival/horror. Once he knows what he's doing, he's going to go (with his new knowledge of the control system) into the Capcom zombiefied universe, which is called Resident Evil.
    • Well, if you read the last phrase in your quote, it implies that after the unnamed unrelated-to-RE game is developed, they'll go back and think about how to make a Revolution-controller-specific RE game.

      But you're right, it's hardly a firm commitment.
  • by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @02:25PM (#14502513) Homepage Journal

    Canada (also part of North America) has Thanksgiving a few weeks before the US.
    • Well if you RTFA, this is the first line in huge font:

      Nintendo president Satoru Iwata tells Japanese newspaper the next-gen console will be in US homes for the holidays.
    • Personally, I find it interesting that he's a Japanese executive talking to a Japanese journalist in Japan talking about the importance of a US holiday. Anybody want to wager whether or not the original Japanese source has a parenthetical explaining when Thanksgiving is, or whether its assumed that the Japanese readership already knows all about it?

      And what about Mexico? According to the labelling on my games, Nintendo treats the US, Canada, Mexico and the rest of Latin America as one single market (just
      • Let's ask ourselves a serious question: economically speaking, would you agree that the United States is a more important market for Nintendo than either Canada or Mexico?

        If you don't agree, what sort of reasoning could you put forth?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I bet the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes...
    • My money is on the marketing division of Sony Computer Entertainment (too bad there isn't a Sony Cybernetics Corporation yet...). Looking at the PSP ads ("It's the carpet you can watch outside!") they deserve it.
  • My guess is this release won't gather much attention, and the Revolution Will Not Be Televised [].
  • For a console we're supposed to be able to purchase in 9 odd months, you would think by now there would be some buzz about at least a couple of games for it. I guess they're saving all that up for E3.
  • I thought it was a matter of public record that Nintendo is going to release the Revolution console sometime in 2006; if that the case then isn't it kind of obvious that they would have to release it in time for pre-winter holiday shopping?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @04:15PM (#14503896)
    There's also word that there will be an exclusive Resident Evil title for the console, utilizing the unique control system.

    Wouldn't it be cool if it made use of two of the "remotes"? One as a flashlight and the other as a handgun?
  • by aj50 ( 789101 )
    I would welcome a resident evil game with a new control system. It can hardly fail to be worse than the previous ones. The whole stop, press the aim button, move the laser pointer to the zombie's head and then press fire thing just didn't do it for me.
    • Well, how would you fire a gun in real life? Exactly. Stop, aim and shoot.

      Besides, the game works very very well. It's by far the best Resident Evil game of them all. And the graphics are quite stunning, too, even on the PS2.
  • Saying that there's an exclusive RE title in the works is wrong. The developer said they are working on something new for the system that they hope to learn enough from to hopefully make a RE for the Revolution in the future. The submitter makes it sound like there's an RE already planned, when they're still in the research stage.

  • I totaly misread that headline and had myself a good laugh.

...there can be no public or private virtue unless the foundation of action is the practice of truth. - George Jacob Holyoake
