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Games Entertainment

CES 2006 From A Gamer's Perspective 14

Gamasutra has an article looking at what game companies had on show at this year's CES. From the article: "Microsoft's keynote was similarly dry in the games arena, with the only major announcement coming from Microsoft's interactive entertainment vice president Peter Moore revealing that an add-on device capable of playing HD-DVD movies - and only movies, he'd later clarify, not games - will eventually be released for the Xbox 360. HD-DVD is, of course, the only major competitor against Sony's Blu-Ray for the next generation of high-definition media. Moore also revealed new shipping estimates for the Xbox 360, stating that between 4.5 and 5.5 million units will be shipped by the end of June of 2006, aided in no small part by the creation of a third manufacturing plant."
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CES 2006 From A Gamer's Perspective

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  • Yay! More 360s! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by blueZhift ( 652272 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @10:32AM (#14539318) Homepage Journal
    Well I'm certainly glad to hear that there is another plant making Xbox 360s. I usually wait a few months before buying next gen hardware, but even for me the prospect of having a difficult time finding a 360 was becoming annoying. The other news of some, rather morbid, interest is the fate of Gizmondo. This just seems to be a device that's all dressed up with no place to go. The GPS capability certainly has interesting possibilities, especially with the added risk of mortality [abqtrib.com] in this time of heightened security. But with the handheld market already crowded by the likes of Nintendo and Sony, there's little room for anyone else unless they are able to bleed some serious cash.
  • Not just about M$ (Score:2, Informative)

    by mendaliv ( 898932 )
    An interesting tidbit from the article:
    Commodore, now under new ownership, showed a prototype GPS device that, as a bonus, comes pre-packaged with a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator.

    Do you really need to know where you are when you're playing NES roms on the road? No matter what, it's nerdsville.

    On a more serious note, I've gotta wonder what the battery life on that thing is when you're playing.
    • comes pre-packaged with a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator

      ...And pre-destined for a lawsuit.


    • "On a more serious note, I've gotta wonder what the battery life on that thing is when you're playing."

      Odds are, probably better than when you're using it as a GPS, unless you leave the GPS component on as you play. My Game Boy Pocket lasts a heck of a lot longer on 2 AAA than my Garmin Geko 101.
  • more 360's eh? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by arakon ( 97351 )
    Too bad they didn't get the other plant fitted before the dismal Holiday Season launch. May have missed a lot of possible hype sales because of the lack of availability. That being said, if a premium box does become available around the time my Tax return comes back, I'll probably buy one. Barring that there aren't a lot more product failure reports and such. The problems that are out there now (rumored or not) got me kind of iffy and tempted to just wait out till all 3 consoles are out. Pick a definate
  • ObPA (Score:3, Funny)

    by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @01:31PM (#14541317)
    "with the only major announcement coming from Microsoft's interactive entertainment vice president Peter Moore"

    So awesome [penny-arcade.com].
  • It's the same estimate they've been repeating since the console was launched: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9968123/from/RL.5/ [msn.com]

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
