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FFVII Advent Children Dated 57

Square Enix's CG movie based on Final Fantasy VII, Advent Children, has a U.S. release date. This comes after a long delay and the promise that the title would be out 'sometime in 2006. From the article: "1UP is glad to inform you that the DVD and UMD will ship in the U.S. on April 25, 2006. So in case you haven't already downloaded the movie from the Internet (bad, pirates, bad!) and are looking forward to seeing this hour-and-a-half slice of CG Final Fantasy fan-service for yourself, you've roughly two months to go."
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FFVII Advent Children Dated

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  • ZZZzzzz... (Score:1, Troll)

    by Perseid ( 660451 )
    Hasn't this happened before? Someone wake me when they actually see it in a store...
  • by IMarvinTPA ( 104941 ) <IMarvinTPA.IMarvinTPA@com> on Monday February 13, 2006 @12:40PM (#14708074) Homepage Journal
    I always have troubles with "Dated". Did it get a date with some girl or boy program? Is it archaic, sort of in the way Mary Poppins is "dated"? I realize it means that the thing has had a date set, but I always get the "has time period specific references" dated before I get "has had a date set" dated.

    Does anybody else get this confusion?

    • I agree, when I first read the headline I assumed it meant "dated" as in archaic (i.e. your Mary Poppins example). Maybe "Release Date Set" would have been better suited than "dated".

      s/dated/release date set/

    • I figured on the archaic meaning, red the article and thought maybe this was some non-U.S usage, and began pondering the question of why a non-U.S. English speaker would be writing the headline for an article on a U.S. release date.
  • Yeah, but... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by thaerin ( 937575 ) on Monday February 13, 2006 @12:41PM (#14708091)
    So in case you haven't already downloaded the movie from the Internet (bad, pirates, bad!)

    Yeah, but had I not downloaded the movie I probably wouldn't have even cared to own it on DVD. A decent amount of the hype surrounding the American release is from all those who've already seen this incredible movie and are clueing their friends in on it.
    • Incredible? I don't know if I'd go that far. It was okay, it was better than "The Spirits Within" (for whatever that's worth), and the CG was pretty good, but it's a long ways away from "incredible".
      • "The Spirts Within" was a total train wreck. For what it was, it was good, but what it was, was the second half of a Final Fantasy game done in CGI with overkill realism that seriously overbudget. If they had rendered the entire film in the same CGI quality of FF8 and 9, it would have been less expensive, and the viewers who had played the games would have an easier time relating it to their in-game experiences. If square redid the visuals to FF8-9 quality, I'm fairly certain they'd get people who'd buy tha
    • It's incredible? News to me... infact heres the plot.

      Cloud turns up
      Everyone turns up
      Cloud owns everything
      Sephiroth turns up
      Cloud owns him

      If it wasn't FF7 it would of been ignored for everything but the CGI.. :/
      • The whole movie is pure fan service. People who have not played FFVII will get nothing out of it. Well, maybe they'll like the cool stuff, but they will have no idea who the characters are and why should they care.
      • Heres the plot.

        Cloud turns up
        Everyone turns up
        Cloud owns everything
        Sephiroth turns up
        Cloud owns him

        *chuckles* ... to be fair, the plot of MANY stories is similarly simplistic, when you boil it down. Check out the "tales for the l33t" flast videos, which reduce Shakespeare to some stick figures and IRC-esque lines. m []

        Ironically, I actually found it enjoyable entertainment -- and it did a VERY good job of capturing many core parts of the story.

        The ascii star w
    • A note on the pirating:

      I downloaded the movie and watched it. I didn't much like it and I won't be buying it. Thats money lost to pirating to the studios, but its also a breakdown by the studios in two avenues.

      1. There was such an incredible lag between Japanese and English releases that Those that really wanted to watch it (like me) downloaded it anyways.

      2. The movie was a VERY niche piece. If you haven't played Final Fantasy VII (recently) you won't get WTF is going on. If you have played FF7 recently the
    • As a big fan of the FFVII video game, I thought the movie was the biggest piece of shit imaginable. It's not easy to make a movie worse than "Spirits Within," but they somehow did it.

      And the posts saying "why buy it unless you've first downloaded it and then want to give them the money for it" are off-base - essentially Sony would be counting on donations! Maybe a very few people would abide by the system but obviously it's unworkable on any large scale.

  • by some guy on slashdot ( 914343 ) on Monday February 13, 2006 @12:43PM (#14708131)
    Advent Children is so last year.
  • Bad pirates? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Fr05t ( 69968 ) on Monday February 13, 2006 @12:44PM (#14708142)
    "So in case you haven't already downloaded the movie from the Internet (bad, pirates, bad!).."

    Oh please. I downloaded it, and watched it the day it was available online. Guess what? I'll be first in line to buy a copy when it comes out. Really, what do you think the % of people who will buy this haven't seen it already? I'd think it would at least be in the high 90s.

    Anyhow this attitude pisses me off. Yes I download music, games, movies, and TV shows. Know what else? I also buy a crap load of music, games, movies, and TV seasons. Some of my downloading is to try before I buy, other times it's because I don't feel like ripping 10 gigs worth of CDs, and crap if you watch '24' or 'Lost' missing an episode is like having one of your fingers cut off.
    • What, did they have to put "(wink wink)" in there for you to get that they're being sarcastic? Lighten up dude.


      On another note, if there really is anyone who hasn't downloaded it yet, TFA just unloaded a massive spoiler onto them by showing the name of Rufus in the cast list. Seeing him alive was one hell of a OMGWTF moment for me.
    • I wouldn't worry about this hurting the sales even though it's been out in Japan for ages. Some companies (I don't know about square-enix) have formed agreements with fansub sites to help promote the official release and either turning a blind eye or allowing the fansubbed version to be downloaded. That is, until the official release is out and then they politely ask the people to stop distributing the non-official version. I think it's a good practice especially one that works with the flow of informati
      • Sorry about the nit-picking, but I had to make a correction. While I pirated extensively in my relatively recent teens, now that I have money it doesn't seem worth the time or bandwidth. So: Once a pirate. Now, a faithful consumer.
  • I've downloaded FFVII:AC and watched it multiple times. However, you can be damn sure I'll be first in line when this gets released in the US. Hell, it might even be my first UMD movie (only if packaged with the DVD).
  • I guess I'm alone in actually already buying it versus downloading it?
    • Nah I know a bunch of other people who bought the undubbed, unsubtitled import. I've watched both that and the fansubbed download and I can tell you that it's almost better watching the Japanese version. Let's face it, the plot's nigh unto incomprehensible, even for a hardcore FF freak like me. I still loved it though and I'll still be another first in line to buy it.


      Because the action was A-FRIKKIN-MAZING! Easily the best action sequences I've watched in years, even beyond Casshern (which was anoth
    • $few = rand(10,35); I haven't seen it yet, except for the first $few minutes of the screener copy at Fry's out of the corner of my eye.
  • Note to submitter (Score:5, Informative)

    by pclminion ( 145572 ) on Monday February 13, 2006 @01:09PM (#14708456)
    Note to submitter: In English, saying something is "dated" usually means that it is out of date, i.e. obsolete.
  • I clicked on that real fast when my brain interpreted the headline as Advnet Children Dead!

    But seeing as that's not the case, I say "Woo-Hoo!"

    I really enjoyed that game. Probably as much as FF9. (Which I haven't finished)

  • FFVII Advent Children > All other movies, fo sho and Fansubs ftw, fuck watching dubbed licensed shit, they ruin EVERY anime that gets dubbed in america.
    • lol, what?
      • Was so tired when I typed that.
        FF7 Advent Children was an AWESOME movie, I've watched it nearly a dozen times with subs and without subs, mainly cause it's a 2 hour action sequence of the utmost quality.
        And to everyone talking about watching dubbed anime: Stop watching that shit. Watch the fansubbed version put out by various groups, as american dubbed anime is editted and literally raped to hell and back and for the most part are nothing like their original forms.
    • You do know the DVDs have subtitles, right?
      • The dvd's are like 15 dollars per 10 episodes.
        I am not paying upwards of 300 dollars per show.
        • Most anime don't have 200 episodes (except for rubbish like DBZ and Naruto). The standard is either 26 or 13 episodes. Normally you can get a box set with a 26 episode series for about 60 of your American dollars.
          If you can't spare $60 for 26 episodes of anime, then I wonder how you can afford the broadband connection to download them, or a computer to watch them on.
  • I saw a fan-sub, and it was GREAT!!! Now for it in ENGLISH!!!! 10/10 for the Japanese version, and hopefully the English dub will reflect.

"If value corrupts then absolute value corrupts absolutely."
