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E3 Entertainment Games

ESA President Doug Lowenstein Steps Down 12

1up has the news that Doug Lowenstein has stepped down from his position as President of the Entertainment Software Association. In the same year as the 'retooling' of that organization's Electronics Entertainment Expo, the 12-year veteran and founder of the organization has announced his intention to leave the organization thiscoming February. Gamespot reports he's heading for a position with a trade organization for investment firms. GamePolitics, meanwhile, reconfirms that Lowenstein is not headed for the Entertainment Consumers Association, nor will ECA founder Hal Halpin be taking Lowenstein's place. From the 1up article: "Back in 1994, (Bungie was still making games for Macs, that's how long ago we're talkin'), Lowenstein founded the Interactive Digital Software Association, which one would day become our own beloved ESA. The organization's purpose wasn't to create a money-draining spectacle that would become the bane of gaming journalists' existence, but rather to serve as an advocate for antipiracy legislation. Once it became the ESA, the group's mission grew to include the support of the ESRB."
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ESA President Doug Lowenstein Steps Down

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  • by RobTFirefly ( 844560 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2006 @11:35AM (#17300900) Homepage Journal
    He just misses the booth babes.
    • That's not true at all. I talked with him this morning (he's a friend) and he was reading Playboy. I inquired as to what he was doing and he stated matter-of-factly that he was indeed only reading the magazine for "the articles."
  • by Aladrin ( 926209 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2006 @11:52AM (#17301082)
    I somehow doubt he's leaving completely of his own free will. He was president while they went from hosting the biggest entertainment expo on the planet and raking in tons of cash to hosting a small, very private almost-nothing expo that nobody cares about. Oh, and he pissed off almost every gamer world-wide.

    If I was an investor in that company, I'd be screaming for his head. (I don't know if they even have investors, but when there's enough pissed-off people, it's all the same in the end.)

    IANAL, but from what I remember, it's illegal to make a decision that will knowingly hurt the stockholders like that. I hope for his sake, and the rest of the company, that they do NOT have stockholders.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      Dude, while I'm not saying your ideas are completely unfounded, how about a LITTLE fact checking before your ranting post? I mean, it's like saying:

      Man, those astronauts better wear their ray guns, if they've made ray guns yet. If I was an alien I'd be all over those astronauts trying to get their technology. So for the astronauts' sakes, and for the sake of humanity, I sure hope there are NOT aliens.

      See how silly the above sounds? It's because it's all biased, non-grounded information. In fact, there'
      • by Aladrin ( 926209 )
        You do realize this is Slashdot, right? Where people usually don't even RTFS before posting? I'll admit, it's got less fact-finding than most of my posts, but then... Dropping E3 was such an amazingly stupid move, I don't feel the need to verify anything. Saying 'no' to money is not a real smart thing for a business to do. The only company I've ever heard of getting away with it is Google. (Microsoft COULD do it, if a tiger could change its stripes.)
        • OK, I'll fill you in:

          ESA is a trade association. It's a non-profit organization that only exists to provide a united front for the video game industry.

          The reason that E3 went from being a massive spectacle to a private business oriented event was because ESA's members want it that way. While E3 had developed into a big event where game companies spend tons of money to show off their upcoming products, its primary intent was always to bring developers, publishers, and retailers together to make business deal
          • by Aladrin ( 926209 )
            Trade association, yes. Non-profit? Nope. I can find nothing that says that.

            It's just an association of businesses working together to further their profits. So the businesses are the 'shareholders' instead. You claim they wanted this, and I'm sure some of them were looking for ways to cut the costs... But every gamer in the US (and possibly the world) considers it to be THE game event of the year. even says it "was considered the industry's most important annual event." http://www.answ []
  • I think I speak for most Slashdotters when I say, "Who?"
    • by numbski ( 515011 ) *
      It would be better if they would say "formerly the IDSA".

      Then have people google "Dave's Video Game Classics", IDSA, emulation, etc. Maybe a link the wayback machine. This guy was everyone's person to hate in 1998. I still have a picture on my computer of him that I used to make evil caracatures of.

      Check out this old forum post at Dextrose for the type of stuff that went down 1997-1999. This guys are bad news. :|
  • I only read the article because I thought It had something to do with European Space Agency...

    Hmm, this reminds me of something, I just can't put my finger on it... (scratches his head)
  • ...he missed a jump and fell into one of those bottomless pits.

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
