German Past Haunts Gamers' Future 134
Wired has up a very thoughtful article examining the current anti-violent gaming trends in Germany, and reflecting on their connection to WWII. Article author Bruce Gain discusses some of the history of post-Nazi Germany, and points out how violent games rile politics in that country by reminding it of its past. Says Gain: "Some German officials link these games to an increase in violence among the young and cite at least one instance where a gamer applied the lessons learned from a first-person shooter to a real-life murderous rampage. Remove the connection, they argue, and you prevent further violence. Germany has a lot of gamers, but the violence found in many of these games is widely criticized there. It has some of the strictest video-game censorship laws in the Western world. For example, laws prohibit the sale of Counter-Strike and other titles with blood-depicting graphics switched on. But for many politicians, the laws don't go far enough."
It's such a shame (Score:5, Insightful)
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Nevermind, I'll do it for you [wikipedia.org]
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You do know that the propaganda machine re-designed children's board games to teach hatred of the Jews? That paramilitary training for boys in the Hitler Youth began at around age ten? If Hitler had the tech he would have used the tech.
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You do know that the propaganda machine re-designed children's board games to teach hatred of the Jews? That paramilitary training for boys in the Hitler Youth began at around age ten? If Hitler had the tech he would have used the tech.
So you're arguing that not only video games, but board games, should also be banned? Just so we're clear.
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He probably would have made a war sim called "Germany's Army".
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After all, Holocaust deniers often question the logistical challenges of killing 6 million people - why not make a game that show
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Hitler playing CS... (Score:2)
Ado1/= says: lololol poland iz POWND u!!!!1
But seriously, it is a good thing Hitler never played videogames. If he did, he might not have started WWII and without WWII we wouldn't have 2/3 of our FPS games. ;)
Moot point (Score:2)
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Quick sidenote... skinhead != Nazi...
As an example... look up the SHARPs...
Or as an analogy skinhead:bonehead::hacker:cracker...
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So they finally decided to index CS? (Score:1)
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This is different
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The sad thing is, they said they would have given the game the worst rating and advise against buying it. Still it could have been interpreted as advertising.
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Let's blame the Germans... (Score:3, Funny)
Vote them out? (Score:2, Insightful)
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Look at voting paterns
Largely because of the influence of mass communication, people now learn about violent acts that occur around the world immediately after (or
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Says who? People don't vote regularly until they start collecting pensions.
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Forbidding (we are not talking "ban for minors" here) of CS is the least of Germany's IT problems. Currently, Judical battle is waged on wether to allow a "Bundestrojaner" or "Federal Trojan", a tool that would allow our Federal Police to actively and secretly swap trough the files on every of our computers (and most likely we're supposed not to enforce a strict security concept for our networks, as it'll rise suspicion.
Those were the
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Whats worse, fake violence or real censorship? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Is censorship for no good reason alright when it doesn't inconvenience you?
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Re:Whats worse, fake violence or real censorship? (Score:5, Insightful)
That isn't true. None of these games are attempting to incite hate or violence against people, nor are they trying to overthrow any government system.
I bet you it would.
"And, if any man should advocate the dissolution of this union, let him stand free and unmolested as an example of how even the most egregious error of reason can be tolerated in a free society." (Thomas Jefferson)
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That isn't true. None of these games are attempting to incite hate or violence against people, nor are they trying to overthrow any government system.
Of course they aren't but those who do won't be t
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Do you live in a cave or anything? Or have you just not seen Leno, Letterman, The Daily Show, any of a score of political pundits, authors, journalists, or celebrities?
Being hated and having people calling for removal from office by force is one of the perks of being President of the United States, and is about as normal as toi
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You responded to the statement that read "I bet you that advocating a coup d'etat would get you arrested for treason, terrorism or threats against the president." This doesn't really apply to the actual subject at hand (censorship of games in Germany) but any government WOULD throw you in j
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I bet you that no country would tolerate it if you handed out leaflets calling for a Coup d'Etat.
I bet you it would.
"And, if any man should advocate the dissolution of this union, let him stand free and unmolested as an example of how even the most egregious error of reason can be tolerated in a free society." (Thomas Jefferson)
It's just as well your country is currently run by this Mr Jefferson. I hate to think what'll happen when he stands down and is replaced by an ultra-conservative religious
UK Censorship Bill (Score:3, Insightful)
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I seem to recall something called the Confederacy, an alliance of US states that tried to secede from the union, and how they were forcibly reintegrated to it. So it seems th
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What's tolerated and what's not tolerated often depends on what ethnic group or religion you belong to.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_socialism [wikipedia.org]
Go back to school junior. The big people are talking.
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Also, going to war against multiple of your neighbours isn't a very clever thing to do.
Also, trusting national leadership to a bunch of people (with one of them being presented as almost god-like) without being able to remove the from power if they aren't up t
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The BPjM [wikipedia.org] is there to enforce the laws on the protection of minors ("Jugendschutz"). Its job is, in short, to check on request of certain bodies whether some game (or movie, etc.) should not be available to children. Yes, violence and sex are the usual criteria.
If it is bad for minors, the BPjM will put the title on an "index". That doesn't mean it's censored. The two main effects of being on the index are that a) yo
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How long does this need to go on? (Score:5, Insightful)
It's a fairly safe bet that today's German gamer isn't the same guy shoveling the bodies of holocaust victims into mass graves.
When can we get over this image of German = Nazi? How long until I don't have to feel bad about being a white American male because of slave owners who have been worm food for over a century?
We need to stop pinning the past of a society on today's citizens.
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If it ever happens, it will be because of people like you. Something bad will likely happen in Eu
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Better make that the world. No need for other countries to repeat what we did in order to not forget it.
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Re:How long does this need to go on? (Score:4, Interesting)
Because I've NEVER heard the Japanese-American interment camps discussed publicly, except on a rare occation on some PBS history special (which is then usually touted as liberal propoganda).
The fact is, we are only open to discussion of the civil rights movement and slavery because we were eventually able to bring closure to a lot of it. The civil rights movement was largely successful, and you don't see AS MANY hate crimes as before, and slavery was finally abolished by our own hands (or so we like to claim... most could really care less about slavery, to the north, the civil war was about control of resources, not about slavery). The only reason we can talk about our abuses aginst the indians is because it happened so long ago... and even then, we're a lot more open about slavery than we are about that.
The bottom line is, Germany is ashamed of their Nazi past because someone else had to come in and correct them on it. Abolishing slavery and civil rights were all corrected internally. But as for Japanese-American internment camps, forget it, you almost never hear about that, and every time it's brought up, it's blown off as leftist propoganda.
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Re:How long does this need to go on? (Score:5, Interesting)
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Also, I think that discussion of the event is becoming more common, at least it is in forums dedicated to the study of the
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(which is then usually touted as liberal propoganda)
The funny thing about that is that the evacuation was supported more by liberals than conservatives [vdare.com]:
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However the problem is the german goverment is so afraid of violence that they are stopping violent games from entering their country and a point can be made why? It's not like violent games actually created World War 1 or 2, or any other war. There's questions as to whether violent acts are influenced by violent video games. The Violent games are a recent symptom of a large issue, which i
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"My parents, who were born after World War II, received a very strong anti-violence education from their parents, and they handed it over to me," said sociologist Matthias Richter, a professor at Bielefeld University. "So the whole society became aware of what violence is and what violence causes, and this was set out in laws in Germany.
Pacifist themes form the core of textbooks read by German school children. A major part of the primary education curriculum focuses on teaching children the hard lessons learned during World War II, particularly regarding the Holocaust."
It's not about WWII in video games, it's about violence in WWII sparking a culture bent on instilling pascifism in children which comes into conflict with violence in video games.
Re:How long does this need to go on? (Score:5, Insightful)
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The majority of German int
and some more info... (Score:2)
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I whole-heartedly agree, with the caveat that it's not just the right wing politicans that engage in patronizing attempts to protect the people from themselves. You need only look at New York City's recent ban of trans-fatty acids in cooking in all r
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Really? How exactly do you know when trans-fat is used at a restaurant?
For years, there have been health laws about restaurant food preparation, e.g. for preventing the contamination of restaurant food with rodent feces. Like the New York trans fat ban, these laws are intended for the customers' benefit but are a pain for restaurants to uphold.
If we c
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The answer is not a ban, but mandatory labeling. Simply require that every item that contains trans-fats say so every time it is listed; on an overhead menu, in a paper menu, in an advertisement, et cetera.
Frankly I don't think we should even have licensing. We should just have testing. Then when you walk into the restaurant, the first thing you see is the test results. You then have the option to turn around and walk out, as in fact I
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One night at a conference, though, up in the hotel room after a good deal of beer, one of them apologized to my jewish collegue for the holocaust. (To which my friend replie
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Here you all go. (Score:5, Interesting)
Hello all, I decided to finally write this down in response to some people asking me why I enjoy immeasurably violent video games and movies. This explanation is written using the game "Manhunt" as it's primary example, mainly because of it's subject matter (which can best be described as a "snuff video game"). PLEASE read it in it's entirety before responding, it's easy to think i'm making an uninformed point without reading the whole thing; I explain EVERY viewpoint I express.
Think about this, folks.
This "game" is not about sneakin' around, trying to see what the biggest mess you can make is. It's about much more than that. This game is in direct relation to the JTHM (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez, for the uninitiated...) in all of us, the little black beast that we keep to ourselves.
Ever say "I wish he were dead", or "he makes me so angry I want to kill him"? Of course you have. Everyone has. This game is the digital manifestation of those thoughts. It's not about suffocating some guy, or creating the pink mist... This game does one thing and one thing only: it asks you a question. A very simple question to state, and frankly a very simple question to answer:
Is your black beast fictional or real?
Do you have a little playground for the demon inside of you, someplace it can go and harmlessly let out it's frustrations and rage? Or are you so jaded and blind that you cannot discern the difference between reality and fantasy?
Frankly, if you enjoy this game (along with ANY violent video game or movie, regardless of it's subject or presentation) you are not sick. You are normal. You are provided an outlet for the most primal emotions that you, as a human, have. Your most carnal instincts. If you don't like this game because the graphics suck, or the control is wonky, fine. BUT. If you despise this game because you say it's "too violent" and "unneccessary", and "too realistic", and whatever else, guess what: YOU are the sick one. That's not to say that you can't see it as being gross, or that you don't like it because you supposidly don't like violence (then why do you slow down to look at car accidents, hmm?) What it means is that if you say that violent things such as this push sane and "normal" people into being murderers in real life...well, I'm sorry, but you are wrong.
The first step anyone takes to becomming a murderer in real life is not being able to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Manhunt is fantasy. Does that mean something similar has not happend/could not happen? No. But your experience and memories of it happening are. It's a video game. It is designed to be a playground for your little black beast.
If you take it as being anything more serious than that...well, turn yourself in now.
You have to allow the little monster to come out every now and then and release it's frustrations. If you don't, you risk becomming a quivering mass of nervous and dangerous flesh. What better place to do this than in a simulated environment with simulated violence where the only things harmed are your eyes for staring at the screen?
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Thats interesting. Here's a little ditty on harmful emotions penned by some truly amazing monks (and these are my words, not their;s, it's from memory) and similar to yours, try to read it until the end:
Cultivation of states of mind is a cumulative process. One one engages in states of meditation that feed the loving connected aspects of the mind, those tendencies will grow. The more time you spend in states of lovingkindness, the more lovingkindness will grow inside of you. Similarly, the more time y
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Really, I didn't realize you were a criminal psychologist. I lived with one for nearly 7 years...many, many conversations. Granted it was one person, but as Turkish said in Snatch "You spent a summer in one [a caravan], which means you know more about it than me."
"So you're so full of yourself that anyone that doesn't agree with you is sick. That's informed
I have a sudden mental image... (Score:5, Funny)
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Anne Frank hid in an attic in the Netherlands.
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In my best Kyle imitation... (Score:1)
"Click it off! Click it off!"
RPG Radiculopathy (Score:2)
BTW, don't mention RPG Radiculopathy [youtube.com]; I mentioned it once [slashdot.org] but I think I got away with it all right.
I wonder if there was a rash of teenagers jumping their cars through buildings would Germany finally have a backl
Gamers are from Mars, Jack Thompson in German. (Score:1)
not quite right (Score:3, Interesting)
It's the software companies' choice to only produce one version and sell that to everyone. As an adult, I could (the law allows it) buy whatever brutal, bloody games or movies there are. It's just that most software companies decide to not make a difference, probably because it wouuld be more expensive to ship two versions.
There are limitations that apply to adults as well, and which have been much more appropriate to mention after the introduction of the article. For example, the display of nazi symbols is illegal in Germany, except for historic purposes. That means that most games set in WW2 can not show the nazi cross. Wolfenstein and others circumvent this by using the eagle (symbol of the armed forces during the pre-nazi period) instead.
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The Past has really nothing to do with it. (Score:2, Interesting)
Understanding what the German attitude to games censorship requires a certain amount of anthropological observation. Germany is a society concerned with avoiding responsibility for negative things and constantly obsessing about the future. The need to be correct is overpowering and results in the often amusing three-minute lectures that student frequently provide in answer to a simple questions. A student's question is often not a question at all but simply a mini-lecture. Contrast this with the primary ne
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Yes but didn't the Nazis first sneak across the border and capture some radio station or somesuch, then haul the Polish bodies back into Germany and use that as the excuse to invade?
Now where did I put those WMDs?
To - once again - get it freaking straight:
Robert Steinhäuser didn't learn his killing skills from CounterStrike. He learned them during "Action Shooting" lessons (they are actually officially called that way in Germany!) with a pump gun in his german
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