GDC: The OLPC Project And Games 36
Gamasutra continued their extensive coverage of GDC Tuesday, with information on the second day of serious and indie gaming tracks. For those who have been following the One Laptop Per Child Project, one of that project's developers put out a call for serious games to support the device. With plans already in the works to get Sim City open sourced and on the machine, OLPC content manager SJ Klein hopes that more serious titles will enable children to learn through play. Other sessions on Tuesday included a look at the Gatekeepers of indie content, suggestions on prototyping for indie developers, and what sounds like a humorously interesting presentation from Eric Zimmerman about milking the casual games cash cow.
Games are important for younger kids (Score:4, Insightful)
At kindergarten, everything is play for my four year old son, even if he is learning at the same time. He has access to computers at home, and uses them to play games, mainly flash applications on the web sites of popular characters.
So the younger you go, the more important game play is when you want to use software for education.
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I have noticed this happenging to some degree. Ever wonder why getting grounded from the TV or gaming consoles for not doing well in school made some
Great educational tools (Score:2)
I'd love to (Score:3, Informative)
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Is a virtual olpc not enough to get your games on a real olpc? I ask out of ignorance so please don't take offense.
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It's like saying, 'I've got this great product. I've never actually tried it, but I know it's great because I used my imagination.'
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Also I don't really care for this attitude of "you just contribute to the upstream packages and we'll get them into the machine". I know it's about "helping the children" and all that (and I appreciate, being from one of the supposed "launch countries" I've experienced our public education first hand), but a
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SimCity (Score:2)
I wonder how receptive EA would be to letting out SimCity (classic or SC2K please) as OSS.
And no, LinCity doesn't count. It's not quite the same.
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a) There is already a Linux-capable SimCity
b) We are talking about SimCity Classic
c) The end result will be OSS
d) It will be scriptable in Python
SInce you're pretty close to the project:
a) Are you going to keep it in Tcl/Tk, or is it a complete rewrite in Python and (insert toolkit here)?
b) Will this version be usable/portable outside of the OLPC (both leagally and technically)?
c) How faithful is this version to "reference" SimCity (Let's say either the Win31 or Mac versions)?
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There are definitely some games with seriously limited redeeming value, like Space Invaders. Sure, you can work on your reactions and figure out a few basic strategies, but that's about it. But there are other games that you really can learn a lot from as a young kid. When I was using my C64, I found that games like Zork, MULE, Strip Poker, Ultima IV, were not only fun but also exposed me to a lot of things I hadn't known or thought of before.
The way I see it, an open Source Space Invaders would be a better tool than Ultima or even etoys/Squeak since an interested child can look at the source (assuming the show source button still exists on the OLPC) of Space Invaders and understand how this game works a lot more easily than they would be able with a game like Ultima.
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Agreed. Probably half the type-in programs in early-80s computer magazines were Space Invaders clones-- but you learned something about programming in the process.
In fact, they should get rid of all that fancy-pants wireless stuff and make the kids type in their programs out of magazines. They might actually learn how to code.
Magazines have been replaced by the web for many so I think the fancy-pants wireless stuff is necessary to get these kids with OLPCs some source material.
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Squeak and eToys are currently included with the OLPC. And it is a wonderful way for kids to learn to program games, as well as for programmers to learn about Alan Key's revolutionary ideas! It's purpose is to inspire people, expose them to Smalltalk's unique ideas, the possibilities of visual programming systems, and point the way for future development. But the mainstream of software development on the OLPC will be done in Python.
Guido Van Rossum [artima.com] writes about Alan Kay's talk on his blog:
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It may not be the only system of its kind, but it is the one with the most currency (and I don't mean cash.)
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You should check how old Richard Garriott was when he wrote Ultima.
Another thing you kind of missed. If no one is interested in the game. No one is going to view the source. That point is pretty much universal with open source anything.
how about (Score:1)
I wonder... (Score:2)
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Color rez and monochrome invisible to software (Score:1)
The software sees the screen as a 1200x900 16 bit color framebuffer (and draws on it via X11). There is a button that rotates the screen, and the software does notice the aspect ratio changing between 1200x900 and 900x1200, thanks to window resize events propogated through the window manager. The hardware automatically converts it to monochrome and reduces the color resolution (called "swizzling"). So the color/monochrome "mode" is invisible to the software. You just keep drawing in color at the same full
This must be stopped (Score:2)
Pygame (Score:2)
On a different note, Vernor Vinge's recent novel Rainbows End says something about a popular online game that's an obvious knockoff of a certain pocket monster game, mentioning that some of the creatures involved were designed by Third World kids. Maybe we'll see the OLPC spawn some kind of loose-protocol indie game vaguely comparable to GURPS.
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And: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.laptop.olp
So I believe the answer is "yes" and there's also some cool software to run under it.
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Developing reusable libraries that kids can use to write their own game is just what the OLPC project needs. It's best to write the libraries in pure Python, if performance isn't an issue. High performance libraries should be written in C or C++, and packaged as Python modules. The preferred way of drawing is with the Cairo library, which you can call from Python. You can also write C modules that get passed a Cairo context that they can draw with.
In the case of SimCity, I'm planning on factoring it out