Valve To Support DX10 With Episode 2 96
In an interview with Game Informer from last week, representatives from Valve confirmed that they'll be supporting DirectX 10 functionality in the release of Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and Team Fortress 2. This will be the case even for those folks who haven't upgraded to Vista yet. No worries if you don't have a DX10 card, though. They've got functionality nailed all the way back to DirectX 8, and are trying to push it all the way back to 7.
Screw you Valve (Score:4, Interesting)
Delay (Score:3, Insightful)
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From the gamer's perspective, the benefit of episodic gaming is to refocus on the content.
The frustration comes from Valve paying lip-service to that idea, while still focused on the technology behind the content. Valve broke an implicit shift in priorities.
If the console versions were causing the delay, then they should have been delayed and the PC Episode 2 should've been on Steam months and months ago.
Just as long as (Score:1)
Re:Delay (Score:4, Insightful)
Its "release often" with new levels and story. Thats it. You must meet the release date to make episodic gaming work. I guess its not surprising that valve, who in their short history has made their name a synonym for delays screws this up so bad. Is something holding the release up? Then cut it. Console ports? New graphical features? Cut it, and release it later. There will be more episodes, you can include the features then. And your stuff comes over the steam platform...release now, add that crap later. Parent said, the focus is on content...and I'd say content delivered regularly.
Its in the name, episodic. They want people to come home on friday (end of the month, quarter, whatever) and go "Oh good! Its X day! I'll go buy the latest episode off of steam!" The very idea of episodic gaming business model is that it becomes habit to buy the episodes. This doesn't work if the people come home and go "Oh good! Its X day!" and then find out the episodic is delayed until next tuesday. You move the schedule around and they're going to stop looking out for the release. You can't expect people to make buying your games a habit if you can't make releasing it on time a habit too. And here's a little secret...all the episodes don't even have to be good, just the first few and most of the rest. Same way with TV shows, even my favorite shows have crummy episodes that I watch anyway because...its a habit.
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I guess I am more frustrated by the fact they plugged eposodic gaming as being more frequent, yet now they are annoucing DX10 features after delaying the game twice. If the game was still on the original schedule and they wanted to add DX10 or e
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while maintaining backwards compatibility with older versions of DX 10 and Windows is a good thing,
Vista and DX 10 aren't going away:
Intel's Crestline integrated graphics to run DirectX 10 [engadget.com], NVIDIA's GeForce 8600 series brings DX10 without breaking the bank [engadget.com]
Details of NVIDIA's upcoming GeForce 8600 series have been revealed, with the 8600 GT going for roughly $150 and the 8600 Ultra demanding a $180 price tag... The specs a
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Episode3 will support DX11... or DX12... or DX13 ? (Score:1)
DX10 on Windows XP? (Score:1)
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You're forgetting the part that if DX10 was actually available for XP, you'd still need to wait for the video card companies to develop new drivers. It's not going to happen. That's too much time and money.
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There's no reason to upgrade existing hardware to vista, but new machines will ship with it, or it will be installed by the gamer building his own rig.
It's like thinking Nintendo would release a wii-mote for the N64 or Gamecube
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When Windows 95, everyone jumped on board, at least, most tried to and did so fairly quickly. Windows 98 came along, people were fine with jumping on fairly quickly. Even ME came out, and a lot of unfortunate fools decided to upgrade. But then when XP came out, people were a lot more reluctant (possibly because of the ME debacle), in fact, if anything, XP showed people how similar 2000 was, and MANY companies simply "upgraded" to 2000, and went for years
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Interestingly, if MS had been able to release Vista two years ago, they probably would have gotten A LOT more adopters.
What makes you say that ?
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the Slashdot Geek doesn't want it - but the Slashdot Geek isn't Vista's market.
on Day 1 of Vista's release Walmart.com had thirty Vista systems ready for sale against one lone OEM Linux box.
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It's not a question of MS wanting to make people who can't afford Vista happy. Most people can afford Vista, they just don't want it (for very good reasons).
What are these "very good reasons" that apply solely to Vista ?
And since MS has been wooing game developers and card manufacturers with the promise of DX10 being the greatest advance in gaming since texture and lighting engines, its safe to bet that MS will be forced to port DX10 back to XP due to the low uptake of Vista.
As GP said, Microsoft aren'
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Also, what makes you think they don't already have a port for DX10 for XP ready or almost complete? They wouldn't release it right now because it would dire
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I've used the Vista betas. My first though when I used them were "pretty", just like when I used Mac OSX for the first time. After that, I wasn't impressed by its functionality or features. Now if we had gone from Windows 95/98 to that then I would agree it was worth the wait and the price. But from XP to Vista, it really isn't much of an upgrade.
From a software perspective the change is significant. On the same order of Apple's re-engineering of NeXTSTEP to get to OS X 10.2.
Vista is a large upgrade and
DX10 isn't really very different... (Score:2)
There's not really no need to rewrite kernels or anything like that to get it working on XP - just remove the backwards compatibility code of DX9 and put the new shaders in.
I am soooo hoping you're right. (Score:1)
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Re:DX10 on Windows XP? (Score:4, Funny)
Today: "Valve to support DX10 with Episode 2"
The Mysterious Future: "Microsoft to support DX10 on XP with the release of Duke Nukem Forever."
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They don't, those features simply won't be available, just as things like HDR aren't available to people with cards that don't support them.
Remember, "$foo will support $bar" is different to "$foo will require $bar".
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Use OpenGL? OpenGL has extensions added by NVIDIA to do all the stuff DX10 can do, on any OS you can get their drivers for (Windows 2000/XP, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris).
DirectX 7 (Score:2)
With a few simple commands in the console, the Source engine currently supports DirectX 7, although it is sometimes buggy and displays a few textures improperly. I believe the Episode 2 engine should have no problem performing at least on the same level as the current iteration.
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I doubt anyone having older GPUs is going to be able to do much with any Source games anyway and would not be anywhere near the target audience.
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From a design point of view, surfaces in the game are defined by materials [valvesoftware.com], which include however many texture references and shader parameters as are necessary for each set of hardware features. The difficult thing about backwards-compatibility is more making sure that there's always a fairly good-looking fallback for lesser hardware - meaning a fancy shader effect might have to be replaced with something much c
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If you're like the rest of the world, and still using XP, you'll use DX9 (or 8 - I guess depending on your video card.)
Right now, there is no way to use DX10 under anything other than Vista.
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So far as Mac - who games on Mac?
You can rail til the end of time, but the only effect will be an increase in Slashdot karma (and you've even forsworn that.)
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Wow. I wonder why they would put in all that effort when they could develop against OpenGL+OpenAL and get all Windows versions working in addition to OS X and Linux support.
Probably they save more money using DX than they they would make selling to the 0.1% of the market who plays games but doesn't have a Windows box to do it with.
opengl? (Score:1)
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Dual core? (Score:2)
Wasn't steam/half life 2 engine supposed to have this when episode 2 came out?
Thats of more interest to me...
(I won't go on again about how i can't get cs:s to work on my Athlon 64x2 setup
as someone will tell me to try stuff i've already tried.
yes i've tried the hotfix etc)
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Have you tried giving up and switching to a game where developers actually support and improve their products? Pretty much the only option when dealing with Valve.
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I play CS:S every day with my Opteron x2 (939 pin), what exactly doesn't work? This should be the same processor type as the athlon64x2. I use a nforce 4 939 pin chipset..
For me it worked out of the box...meaning... I built the system, installed XP 32 bit, all of the latest drivers (as of Nov 2006) then installed steam (the downloadable client), logged in with my user account to generate the profile, then copied over all of my o
Yeah, except Nintendo (Score:1)
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PS2 has Half-Life, and Xbox has Counter-Strike (which runs in Xbox 360 back-compat), but what can Wii play?
Zelda Life?
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Great but... (Score:2, Insightful)
...I would rather they spent time making the Source engine use openGL so that game developers would be able to use the Source engine on the Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, etc.
Unreal 3 is openGL hence why more companies are using that compared to Valve's Source engine. Hopefully they will get the hint sooner rather then later.
Both DirectX and openGL just tell the gfx card what to do. The fact that they decided to use DirectX which only works on Microsoft platforms for a game engine they're trying to licens
Get paid not to port your engine (Score:1)
Re:Great but... (Score:5, Informative)
Unreal 3 is openGL hence why more companies are using that compared to Valve's Source engine. Hopefully they will get the hint sooner rather then later.
You do realize that PS3 and the like use OpenGL ES, which is NOT the same as the GL on computers?
Besides, they have tons of custom extensions necessary to use these machines efficiently...
Oh, and forget about a Source rewrite for OpenGL. There just is not point in this. Direct3D works on the platform 96% of all PC gamers use. A rewrite is EXTREMELY time-consuming, because of the differences in the API designs. We're talking about at least a 6-month-delay here (very likely more).
Both DirectX and openGL just tell the gfx card what to do.
But not equally. GL binds sampler states to a texture, D3D binds them to sampler stages. D3D has +Z as "inward", OpenGL -Z. D3D has +Y as "down", OpenGL "up". There is no equivalent to an OpenGL rectangle texture in Direct3D. The GLSL API works quite differently than the HLSL one etc. Do you want to finance the rewrite, the bug-fixing, beta-testing?
The fact that they decided to use DirectX which only works on Microsoft platforms for a game engine they're trying to license to other companies is pretty stupid from a business point of view.
"Only" is quite funny. Windows is an enormous gaming platform. Also, you get Xbox support nearly for free. As for machines like the PS3 and the Wii, forget about having one universal engine for all of them. ALL AAA titles are written specifically for one title, and maybe ported to another, requiring substantial rewrites (this is why usually console titles arent ported to other consoles). Try porting Shadow Of The Colossus from PS2 to Wii for example.
Sorry, but your suggestions are absolutely suicidal for all but the wealthiest of all game development companies. Because of the ARB being much too slow, OpenGL stagnated in the important years 1996-2001. Heck, a decent render-to-texture mechanism got introduced 2005, while DirectX already had one 1998. OpenGL was in an excellent position back in the 90s: Direct3D 3 sucked, OpenGL was better, easier, finer. But if you have graphics card manufacturers and game developers on one side, demanding more features, and an obscenely slow ARB on the other side, there can be only one solution - create another API. Nowadays many codebases are D3D based precisely because OpenGL just sucked in the post-D3D7 era. And rewriting the entire codebase is suicide, as already said. Which is a shame, because OpenGL is pretty decent now, and if the OpenGL 3 rumors are right, it will rock.
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That may be a fact, but that doesn't mean it's right.
"Metroid works on the platform that 100% of all Nintendo gamers use." doesn't mean people on other consoles wouldn't want to play Metroid, either.
Direct X = Microsoft lock-in. Saying that "96% of PC gamers use it" is pointless since there's pratically no other choice.
OpenGL = Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, some consoles, etc. Even if slight tweaks or rewrites are required for some platforms, it's still ea
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As the parent said, PS2, Wii, and so ons implementations of OpenGL are, for all intents and purposes, proprietary languages of your own.
Direct X = Microsoft lock-in.
Writing a game for any console = lock-in, but like the parent said - developing for DX on windows, yo
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OpenGL ultimately means an inferior product. It's been true for a long while.
If you meant it from a purely technical POV - no. OpenGL 2.1 is on par with D3D 9. D3D 10 is another matter entirely, although OpenGL 3 seems like being at least on an equal level.
But the fact that 70-80% of the necessary functionality is in the extensions makes OpenGL in sum inferior. It is more expensive to develop for OpenGL than for Direct3D. With D3D I have
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First, I'm assuming you meant to say that all AAA titles are written specifically for one platform, etc. Assuming that is what you meant, I also think this is a pretty faulty statement. Have you looked at console gaming lately? The majority of titles out there appear on at least two consoles, if not all three. The latest iteration of the Call of Duty franchise would be a good example. I
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You do realize that PS3 and the like use OpenGL ES, which is NOT the same as the GL on computers?
It's pretty close. ES is basically OpenGL with a load of legacy crap removed. Things like removing glbegin/glend and using display lists for everything (they're much faster on OpenGL anyway, and now they're the only way of working on OpenGL ES). And it's not just the PS3 and Wii that use OpenGL ES, it's increasingly common in mobile phones, and that is an incredibly large gaming market.
Besides, they have tons of custom extensions necessary to use these machines efficiently
The thing about extensions is that they are extensions. They are not core. It is fairly easy to write a core in Open
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Second, if you have one locked-down platform, then it is stupid not to exploit this situation and introduce tons of custom extensions specifically for the PS3.
Third, its not like the PC. The *architectures* are wildly different, and so will be the extensions and OpenGL usage. For example, the PS2 had a ridiculously large bus to the vector processor; you were supposed to pass data through it all the time, in contrast to the PC, w
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Maybe next time you'll stay on topic.
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I'm Neither Enthused Nor Impressed (Score:1)
What is DirectX 10 (Score:2)
The biggest deals (Score:3, Informative)
2) Unified shader API. All shaders (pixel, vertex and geometry) are talked to in the
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There's no performance requirements, just features. So if a card is DX10, you know it supports a given feature set.
Of course, the implementation might be slower than a software-only implementation (or might even be a software implementation, only now it's in the manufacturers' drivers instead of Microsoft's, so it's less tested). So, now, instead of testing for capability bits, game developers have to test for individual cards and maintain a database of which cards suck at what.
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Also as a practical matter it isn't a problem with individual cards,
Old DX (Score:2)
It wasn't that... neither of us ever got to the bottom of it since I had to reformat my system due to another problem.
But, while putting on the switches to force it to run in DX7, gotta tell you, it was UGLY. Source was definitely made to use DX9. DX7 support looked like it consisted of just
HL2 on DX7 (Score:1)
I wonder if they are gonna put DX10 up for XP, and if they're gonna drop older hardware support.
LIES! (Score:1)
Imagine the pressure... (Score:1)