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Red Vs. Blue Final Episode Airs 34

Wired discusses the last episode of the Red vs. Blue web series, which ends tonight with its 100th episode. The long-running show has been lauded as highly influential in the world of machinima, and made the folks at Rooster Teeth into household names among gamers. If you enjoyed RvB, their current project is a Machinima set in the Shadowrun FPS entitled 1-800-MAGIC. "'We didn't even know what machinima was,' says Burns. 'We played a ton of Halo at LAN parties because Xbox Live didn't exist yet. The humor of us yelling across the room led to Red vs. Blue.' The videos are recorded directly from three Xbox consoles running a linked game of Halo. Players on two consoles play the red and blue characters, and one player on a third game console records all the action from the first-person viewpoint. Burns ... promises that Wednesday's final episode will 'honor that unique distribution method -- we have the ability to do some things on the internet that you can't do in television or film.'"
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Red Vs. Blue Final Episode Airs

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  • Just kidding.
    Who gives a fuck?
    • I can't stand when people use the phrase "Who gives a fuck?". It is one of the most ignorant and unintelligible phrases in the English language. Great obviously you don't. Or maybe you do. You did, after all, click the link and take the time to make a stupid post. C'mon now, don't be such a flamer.
  • by OctoberSky ( 888619 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @10:39AM (#19663819)
    Two weeks ago everyone was out of town and I was stuck at home alone with the dog. I watched Season 1 and Season 2 off of Google Video. That was like 3 hours of RvB action! I felt like a complete nerd but it was highly entertaining.

    Best episode isn't even an episode at all, it's their PSA on Zombie Plans. It's just so well done and completely random. Since watching it I have made certain that everyone in my office has a Zombie plan.
  • Couldn't agree more. This has been the best machinima series ever. I can't wait to see how they wrap this up. If you haven't seen them, start watching now! Their other series are pretty funny but for geeks like us Red Vs. Blue has been a must watch since season 1.
  • by AnotherHiggins ( 925608 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @10:49AM (#19663967)
    To whomever decided to end the series, I say, "You team-killing fucktard!"

    I watched the episodes of the first season with anticipation, downloading each when it came out. I watched most of (perhaps all of - I don't remember) the second season but wandered away at some point and forgot to go back.

    Now I'll have to watch all of them in a couple of marathon sessions.

    Sorry to see them go. But glad that MS was smart enough to have these guys do commercial bits for them instead of suing their asses off. I couldn't believe it when I saw the RvB characters on an XBox at Target. It did seem kind of weird without all the cursing, though.

    • I know what you mean. For that moment I was thinking MS != Evil as they took the enlightened approach of hiring the guys rather than suing them. Someone in my office was wearing a "church" shirt, to which I replied "red team pWns", they almost fell over laughing.

      Time to saturate the download pipe at the office I suppose (and to buy the last two seasons on DVD).
    • by bi_boy ( 630968 )
      They probably wanted to end the show while it was still going good instead of waiting to jump the shark or descend into mediocrity.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Meet these guys when they were first starting season 3. It was great to sit down with them, and it's just amazing what started as a couple geeks at a lan party (who hasn't been there), some drinks, and a willingness to burn every minute of your free time has turned into. My hat's still off to these guys, and the autographed dvd of season one will always hold a special place on my shelf. I know you can download the shows, and they have corporate sponsers for funding, but I enjoyed what they did so much, and
  • A good show (Score:5, Funny)

    by Jarjarthejedi ( 996957 ) <christianpinch AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @10:53AM (#19664027) Journal
    Red vs. Blue has been a great show and inspired many to begin doing Machemima (sp?) themselves. I always enjoyed watching their episodes, each one is funny in it's own way. There aren't many things where, after seeing almost 100 of them over the course of a couple years, I can still remember the defining joke of the first few episodes..."Looks more like a Puma." :P. It will be missed, but, at the same time, I'm glad it's over, it's far too easy to fall into a rut with the same characters/background all the time and it's amazing that it hasn't really happened yet. Moving on to a new set of characters should make for better shows (PANICS was fun, this magic one looks okay, and I've never seen Strangerhood).

    May I be one of the ones to say Thanks RvB for a lot of entertainment.

    Completely from memory and paraphrased
    Simons-"Looks more like a Puma."
    Griff-"What, like the shoe company?"
    Simons-"No a Puma, it's a cat, like a Jaguar"
    Sarge-"You're making that up"
    Simons-"I tell you it's a real creature"
    Sarge-"Griff, I want you to poison Simons' next meal"
    Griff-"Yes sir!"
    Sarge-"See these two things, they look like tusks. And what animal has tusks?"
    Simons-"A walrus"
    Sarge-"Didn't I just tell you to stop making up animals?"

    Sarge-"So if no one else has any ideas, we're gonna call it the warthog. How bout it simons?"
    Simons-"No sir..."
    Sarge-"Aww come on, how about Sasquatch"
    Griff-"A Leprechan"
    Simons-"He doesn't need any help"
    Sarge-"Hey Griff, what's the name of that mexican lizard, eat's all the goats?"
    Griff-"Uhh that would be the Chubacabre sir"
    Sarge-"What about that Simons, the Chuba-thingy. I like it, got a ring to it"
    • Except you mixed up Grif and Simmons. :-)
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by k_187 ( 61692 )
      My favorite part of that exchange is when the blues see the warthog and say "looks like some kind of big cat. You mean like a puma? yeah, that's it."
  • by nullset ( 39850 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @10:56AM (#19664077)
    Without RvB, I wouldn't be able to tell Shisno jokes! a) Knock Knock! b) Who's there? a) You are! b) You are who? a) You are a dirty dirty shisno! all) HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • by tlhIngan ( 30335 ) <slashdot&worf,net> on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @10:57AM (#19664097)
    Is it Red vs. Blue that's ending, or the Blood Gulch Chronicles? I'm told it's the latter.

    After all, RvB could be resurrected later on in another series (and another location). Like how we had "Star Trek", "Star Trek: TNG", "Star Trek: Voyager", "Star Trek: DS9", "Star Trek: Enterprise" (or "Enterprise" - the series title kept changing season to season).
    • Rooster teeth the production company has several other projects going. one based on the sims, and a new one called 1-800-magic. RvB however will most likely be sidelined for commercials for Halo 3.

      • Rooster Teeth only announced "The Blood Gulch Chronicles" would be ending. Its easy to speculate that they chose not to say "Red vs. Blue" is ending for a reason. RvB is their flagship machinima, and is by far the funniest. 1-800-Magic is described as being a "mini-series," and their The Sims based project hasn't seen a new episode in well over a year. So, hopefully, RvB will come back in some incarnation.
  • (Source: http://rvb.roostertooths.com/episode.php?ep=63 [roostertooths.com])

    Church: Hey if you need to cut something, why don't you just use that big sword o' yours?
    Tucker: Oh right. Duh.
    Tucker draws the sword, though not with one of Caboose's crayons
    Alien: Whargh? (sees Tucker holding the sword) RHURRRRRRRGH!
    The Alien jumps Tucker and beats the everliving shit out of him, and some shit that was never alive, and just keeps hitting him until further notice
    Tucker: Ahh, what the fuck!?
    Church: Whoa! Mahan, Tucker, that thing either really hates that sword, or really hates you.
    Tucker: Aaaaaaaah, get this fucking thing off me!
    Church: Heh wait a second Tucker, this might be a good chance for us to evaluate how these things fight.
    Tucker: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...
    Church: Now hold still. For science.
    Tucker: Not the face, not the face!
  • I 3 RvB (Score:4, Funny)

    by f-bomb ( 101901 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:14PM (#19665173) Homepage Journal
    Best exchange of the entire series was in Episode 20 when the doc showed up:

    Doc: I'm a pacifist.
    Caboose: You're a thing that babies suck on?
    Tucker: No dude, that's a pedophile.
    Church: Tucker, I think he means a pacifier.
    Tucker: Oh yeah, right. I was totally thinking about something else.

  • It's been well over a week since I last got to plug one of my Escapist articles, so let me mention " Red vs. Blue Makes Green [escapistmagazine.com]" from issue #68. I also wrote another machinima-related article (not about RvB, though), "The French Democracy [escapistmagazine.com]," in issue #88. (Both links go to the plain HTML text version of the articles.)
  • I am a sponsor on the Rooster Teeth / Red vs. Blue site. They haven't posted the final episode yet, it goes up tonight.
  • Im going to miss this show, quite a bit. Really enjoyed the humor to it. Did anyone else grab a copy of there Dvds? Or was I the only one. Is there new project going to be the same style or more serious?
  • Me: Its over? Son of a bitch!
    Roommate: Son of a bitch!
    Mexican: Madre de dio!

A Fortran compiler is the hobgoblin of little minis.
