July NPDs Show PS3 Didn't Pull Ahead of 360 161
Despite last month's price drop, Sony's PlayStation 3 console just couldn't pull ahead of the Microsoft Xbox 360. Both, according to the latest NPD results, are still dwarfed by the continued domination of Nintendo's Wii console. 1up has the numbers for July: 'PlayStation 2 - 222k, PlayStation 3 - 159k, PSP - 214k, Xbox 360 - 170k, Wii - 425k, Nintendo DS - 405k, Game Boy Advance -- 87k.' For further commentary we can turn to Gamasutra, which offers a further breakdown on the numbers and some big picture perspective for this year: "Total industry revenue for 2007 presently stands at $7.0 billion. If there is no year-on-year growth for any month until the end of 2007, then the industry will finish the year with $14.5 billion in revenue, an increase in 16% over 2006. That's a reasonably pessimistic scenario ... If we start with our current $7.0 billion as of the end of July and continue at a rate of 40% growth through the end of the year, then we arrive at a total of $17.5 billion for all of 2007 ... If Wii supply constraints are eased, Halo 3 sells as well as expected, Sony's first-party software attracts more PS3 buyers, and Rock Band and Guitar Hero III are both hits, it seems likely that revenues may go above $18 billion. In this optimistic scenario, industry revenues during the single month of December 2007 would equal or surpass the total annual revenue from all of 1997."
More telling... (Score:3, Interesting)
Neither can the 360 (Score:2)
The Wii might make it, as it *is* strangely fun, kind of like the NES when it was first introduced.
I think everyone is counting out the PS3 *way* too early. It's a damned good console, with a lot of room to grow, both in size of games (Bluray) and in technical ability (CBE).
Plus, Ratchet & Clank will be out for it in October. I can't wait. (R
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And of course, the Wii is pulling ahead like nobody' business. It has already overtaken the 360 in worldwide sales and will probably own more of the market than the 360 and PS3 combined within a few months.
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Unless you get one of the current 60gb versions in the US, you won't have 100% backwards compatibility. Most titles will work flawlessly, but there are minor details that can go awry on some and a few with major problems. Your best bet is to keep your PS2 to make sure you have full backwards compatibility (nothing like having that one game you love not work); the trade in for the console is probably not worth losing that.
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Perhaps I misread that. Are you claiming software emulation is better than native hardware in the box? Or are you suggesting the late
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"A bird in hand is worth two in the bush." The issue with that is YES, it will get better in the future, but you can have nearly flawless now. In fact the PS3 with the EE chip is MORE compatible with PS2 games than the PS2 slimline since they added a patch for HDD games like Final Fantasy XI.
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# Xbox 360 -- 170k
# PlayStation 3 --159k
So how does that work out that the PS3 sold twice as many consoles as the 360?
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Maybe he meant Sony sold twice as many consoles as Microsoft?
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
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My vote is for Wii, PS2 then xbox 360. The PS2 is a good console, well established with lots of available games and, thanks to the PS3, is now dirt cheap. They're going for £70 in the shops here, which might not be cheap by American standards, but is still half the price it used to be before the PS3 came out.
In addition, if you don't own a HDTV then I don't really see the point in picking up a P
Re:And this will not change (Score:5, Insightful)
I know this is slashdot and all... but this is PURELY subjective. I hear this ALL the time... the Wii has oh so much potential... but I have yet to really experience it. I bought a Wii because I saw one in a store and picked it up for a friend. He didn't want it and it has sat in its box in my room since June... unopened. Absolutely I see products for the Wii that look fun... Metroid Prime 3, Zelda, SSBB... but there aren't a lot. Moving the wiimote around and setting it on my head is not what I personally call "more scope for game development". I actually enjoyed Twilight princess for Gamecube more because it was easier to use a controller than the wiimote.
I can't understand why the Wii is flying off shelves so fast... there really aren't many good reasons to have one at this time... my only guess is that it has that "Oh so sweet" factor that everyone is buying into. I know many are excited about the wii... but I would LOVE to stop hearing people declare the Wii a revolution and the new breakthrough in gaming that will usher in a new era of interactivity. I just haven't seen it... and the blockbuster titles for the Wii could have easily been done on the other consoles. The Wii certainly has fun titles... but could I please stop hearing how it will revolutionize gaming? At best, it will be a companion to traditional controller gameplay.
Re:And this will not change (Score:5, Insightful)
It's pretty simple to explain why you don't understand the Wii's success and can't see the new era it has brought in. You're a gamer. You already know how to use a controller and you already know what you like and don't like. The Wii, however, was designed from the ground up for people who are either not already gamers, or are "burned out" gamers looking for something completely different. Old gamers see value in paying more for HD graphics. Non-gamers (or new-gamers) are more concerned about dropping a lot of money on something they are not sure that they will use regularly.
The wiimote is a success not because the motion controls are more immersive than a traditional controller, but because it is simpler to understand and less intimidating than a two-fisted "thing" covered in buttons and knobs. Also, the simpler controls allow for a wider range of ages to play together, providing more incentive for families to choose the Wii over the other "traditional" consoles. Again, lowering the barrier to entry for people who would otherwise never consider buying or playing games.
In my personal experience, this approach by Nintendo is paying off. My sister-in-law is not a gamer, yet she bought a wii for her family. Then she went and got several of HER friends to buy wiis for their families. For most of her friends, the wii is their first game console ever. Nintendo realized that selling video games to the untapped soccer-mom crowd has so much more potential than selling to the highly competitive and highly critical established-gamer crowd.
So, yeah, you don't get it, but that's okay. Someday you'll have a job and a family and then you'll realize the value of having a system that everyone can understand, that everyone can play together, and doesn't require a large investment in time or money.
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But moving beyond the pointless personal attacks... the fact still remains that Nintendo is selling boatloads of their products because they alone were able to break out of the "hardcore" microcosm that the gaming commun
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Okay, granted I've only played Wind Waker and Ocarina with the 'Cube controller, but from all accounts the control system of Twilight for the GC is basically the same as those two games... and I have to say I formed a firm and completely opposite opinion the very second I acquired the slingshot. It is so vastly superior to the old control system that just thinking about going back to the old an
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What was it you didn't like? Waving the wand to swing your sword instead of hitting A?
Personally, I hated that. The aiming system was a great improvement, but let's be honest: most of the time, you're Z-targeting, making the ease of aiming almost entirely irrelevant. Having to shake the controller to swing the sword was just plain annoying. Not annoying enough to prevent me from playing through the game, but annoying none-the-less.
Honestly, I'm interested to see what Metroid Prime 3 does. It's got some interesting control options that I can't wait to try out.
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Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that Zelda, being a GC game originally, is not a great showcase for the wiimote's potential as an essential gameplay element. Yet
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It took several years for developers to warm up to the Nintendo DS, but we're finally starting to see games that couldn't have been done with previous systems.
I expect a similar pattern for the Wii remote, as developers slowly migrate from "how can we shoehorn existing controls into this" and go into "How can we do something original with this?" OTOH, I expect the migration period to be shorter than that f
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Have you even tried games like Mario Party 8 (which, strangely, got bad reviews, but is the most fun I've had in years), Super Paper Mario, the Wii version of Resi 4, Madden, Trauma Center, Mario Strikers, The Godfather (best version of the game), Rayman, Elebits, Excite Truck or Super Monkey Ball?
There are a lot of great games on the Wii that could not be done on any other cons
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Why those three groups?
1) Gullible people think that having a motion sensing controller is a revolutionary advance that will force great new games to be created.
2) Parents want:
a) their children to get exercise, the Wii at least gets them moving around while they play video games (or more than before)
b) games they can play for extremely short times because they have kids instead of tim
I'm really starting to wonder about the Wii (Score:5, Insightful)
Also it seems extremely gimmicky in relation to the controller. Two of the mostly highly rated games, Wii Sports and Wario Ware Smooth Moves just aren't all that IMO. Wii sports is neat, and is fine for a little sports game, but I don't see anything special.
Take the tennis game for example. Yes, you swing the Wiimote rather than pressing a button, but that's all you are doing in effect. It doesn't measure the angle you swing at or anything, it is just timing. You hit at the right time and you get the ball to go where you want. This is the same thing you did with an older, button pressing style game, just using a different action. Interesting, but not something that really changes how games are played.
Likewise Wario Ware seems like nothing but a giant controller gimmick. You do tons of rapid fire mini games (about 3 seconds a piece) that involve just figuring out what kind of motion they want you to make with the controller. You do it right, you win, do it wrong you lose. These are punctuated by extremely strange sound effects and visuals. Regardless, it doesn't seem like any real attempt to use the controller in an innovate way, just various gimmicks.
If that's the kind of thing they have to offer, I don't see it as having a lot of staying power. It's got the "Ooooo nifty," factor combined with a good price that gets people to look at it now, but I don't see that as being what people will keep going for in the long run.
We'll see where it goes from here, but thus far I don't see it really capturing the imagination, more I see it just putting out some silly gimmicks that people find fun. Nothing wrong with that, stupid fun is good fun, but that isn't the kind of thing that is likely to keep it going solid in the long run. After all, there's only so many controller gimmicks you can try before it gets old. What will sell me is when I see a good game that uses the controller to really enhance the experience. Something where I go "Nope, couldn't see this working well on a pad/mouse/keyboard/joystick/whatever." So far, I haven't seen that. Haven't had a change to play a whole lot of games yet but other than the gimmick games, the others seem to be using the controller but only as you'd use any other. Zelda looks like a great game, but the controller adds nothing really. I find myself wishing I could hook up a mouse and keyboard as that would be easier to control in my opinion.
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Timing is important,yes, but so is your angle and how you manipulate the remote. You can pinpoint where you want the ball to go t
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Likewise Wario Ware seems like nothing but a giant controller gimmick. You do tons of rapid fire mini games (about 3 seconds a piece) that involve just figuring out what kind of motion they want you to make with the controller. You do it right, you win, do it wrong you lose. These are punctuated by extremely strange sound effects and visuals. Regardless, it doesn't seem like any real attempt to use the controller in an innovate way, just various gimmicks.
I'm assuming you've never played any of the other WarioWare games. They all play like that with the respective controllers of each system. It's nothing new to the Wii.
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Also it seems extremely gimmicky in relation to the controller. Two of the mostly highly rated games, Wii Sports and Wario Ware Smooth Moves just aren't all that IMO. Wii sports is neat, and is fine for a little sports game, but I don't see anything special.
You're fairly unique in this respect, as Wii Sports isn't a pack-in in Japan, and it continues to sell well (36k as of the last week reported). At any rate, maybe it just isn't your cup of tea. I've enjoyed both titles immensely, and both are very group friendly. These are the kind of titles you pull out at parties, etc.
Take the tennis game for example. Yes, you swing the Wiimote rather than pressing a button, but that's all you are doing in effect. It doesn't measure the angle you swing at or anything, it is just timing. You hit at the right time and you get the ball to go where you want. This is the same thing you did with an older, button pressing style game, just using a different action. Interesting, but not something that really changes how games are played.
This is incorrect. It's not really your style of game, so I can see you not spending enough time to become more familiar with it, but here are some tips I pulled off an online for
Concerning WarioWare. (Score:2)
It struck me that the developers at Nintendo were using it as a platform to figure out control-scheme/scenarios that can be used in other games. Players who had this game early in the console's lifetime would, as a result, also be more prepared for future games if they used "strange" control mechanics.
Makes a ton of sense to me (fun game too). It made me go get the DS version.
Offtopic: Playing WarioWare got me thinking; there were mini games in which your hand moti
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Wii Sports: Deeper than you think (Score:2)
I think the issues you're having with the Wii can easily be attributed to a surprising lack of knowledge and/or experience. For example, you wrote:
This is blatantly wrong. You can use your remote to slice the ball to the left or the right, and you can even do stopballs. It takes a bit of practise, but
Not really (Score:2, Insightful)
The Bluray is an absolute win. It's not about HD video-- it's about game content. As it is, media-heavy games eat up a lot of space, and game manufacturers are already compressing textures and dropping the size of their levels just to squeeze everything onto a DVD. Bluray allows for better textures and bigger worlds. Game designers no longer have to worry about the DVD limit.
The processing power is a double-edged swor
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I think the situation is different for console games, as they duplicate data so that the slow seek times of optical media aren't as big a problem. PS3 games can be installed to its hard drive, which ironically means the Bluray may not be as necessary, but it may mean that xbox 360 games a
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Sure, lots of good games fit on a DVD, God of War is one of them, but a lot of game
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I'm sure the PS3's graphics will be superior to the 360's by the time 6 years are up, but at the same time we'll probably be looking at the 720, the PS4 and the Snuffleuphagus (to continue Nintendo's strange naming practices). The PS3's graphics, while better than the 360s,
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Processing power and storage capacity will define the next generation of games. Once game AI developers start to use the power of the PS3, games that use the simplistic AIs of today will feel "flat" in comparison. If the 360 doesn't have the power to keep up, it will be relegated to "toy" status like the Wii.
Capacity is a no-brainer. As games become more expansive and as hi-res textures become the norm, trying to fit onto a DVD will become a big problem for game developers. The Blu
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Oh yeah- hype then, hype now. AI is not going to be greatly increased by processing power. THe major problem is we really don't know how to program intelligent enemies. The secondary problem is that doing so requires knowledge of the world map and actions of the other mobs. Trying to do that on a multiprocessor system means you'll be using most of your time blocked waiting for semaphors.
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I have one thing to say in agreement -- uncompressed audio. Uncompressed 7.1 PCM audio is incredible. I watched Blood Diamond on BD with my wife and switched from DD5.1 to un
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Fact is, people don't care about uncompressed audio. Heck, when I'm listening to tunes or playing a game, I don't care about audio compression, and I'm an audio producer. Most people can't tell the difference between an 128kbps MP3 and a CD (16bit/44.1k), most people can't even FEEL the difference between them.
You're kidding yourself if you think audio quality is going to define ANYTHING about this generation.
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Sure, some people can't tell, others don't care, some people just don't care because ear buds suck so bad. However, a lot of those people aren't in a position to lay out $500 for a video game system or HDTV either, so they're not exactly the market segment in question, are they?
We're talking about serious gamers choosing between a 360 and a PS3. We're not talkin
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I think people who buy 350 bucks iPods probably can afford 500 bucks consoles.
Audio quality quite simply isn't a console system seller.
While I own a PS3 and no 360, I would probably tell "serious gamers" (aren't games supposed to be fun, as in non-serious?) to buy
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You hear so many people complaining about how the music industry is going to shit because they're promoting lossy audio, when you hardly EV
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Well, now that you've preemptively disqualified yourself by confessing to be an "audiophile", I don't have to :-)
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I wasn't aware the Wii had been relegated to anything but "JESUS CHRIST ITS A LION GET IN THE CAR". But that's a different matter than the meat of your comment.
I think what you meant to say here "aren't the only issue", which is a fair statement to make.
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Assuming they have the games for it. 6 years from now buying a PS3 for the Blu-Ray drive will either be an anachronism or a waste of money. If its sales continue to be sluggish then a lot of third party developers are going to be disinclined to make games for it. Think about it, it is the most expensive system to make a game for and it has the lowest number of consoles out there. If that cycle gets entrenched, then fewer games will be made, mea
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On the 360 you also have BioShock (which is turning out to be huge), Mass Effect, and a number of others. Fact is, the 360 and the Wii have some HUGE titles coming out this year, the PS3 has some medium-sized titles, and a bunch of no-names. And the PS3 is already far behind. Meanwhile, FF13 sounds like it's going
Warhawk (Score:2)
You mean "there's Warhawk." The other ones aren't out yet, and we don't know how they'll turn out.
Apropos, I downloaded Warhawk yesterday. It's a lot of fun. Not worth 40 bucks to most people, given how little stuff there's in it (very few maps, only two teams, very few different weapons and cars and no single-player mode), but it is a great game nonetheless - and sometimes it's even really pretty, especially when flying through the clouds. Huge
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He may be basing his comment on international numbers. NPD only report American non walmart sales. VGCharts takes data from international sources as well. So while in the US the Ps3 is lagging slightly behind the PS3, the 360 doesn't sell well outside of the US and may in fact be outsold 2:1 over all. Although VgCharts will often revise their numbers as their latest is based on up to date and projected info. As new numbers come in they will
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I imagine one reason the PS3 is doing well internationally is that it's still somewhat "new" in Europe. Another is that it's not catching on in Japan very well at all -- and I'm not really seeing Microsoft taking steps to fix this.
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It might be more accurate that the price premium isn't as stiff. During the past 8 years the US dollar has fallen 40%-50% against all major currencies so to an American a PS3 is ludicrously more expensive then the PS2 was at launch. However in Canada, in the EU and japan it
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Sony is still selling the PS2 (at a low price that competes with the Wii), at the same point that they are selling the PS3, and the PS2 is still outselling both the PS3 and the 360.
In this case Sony's biggest competitor (besides the Wii which claims to be aiming for a different demographic) is themselves. Not everyone buys in the first year or two of a generation. A good question to ask is, "What console are all o
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Bingo! This is the crucial point, and is so obvious that is amazing it took this long to surface in this thread.
The sheer volume of the already sold PS2 library will most probably be the deciding factor in the 360/PS3 w
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I should mention that I'm talking weekly and monthly sales here, not overall.
Overall, the Microsoft has sold (worldwide) 10.51 million Xbox 360s and Sony has sold 4.32 million PS3s according to VGAchartz.com sales info as of August 23 [vgchartz.com]. That's a lot more Xbox 360 consoles for developers to target (for now).
where there's no home-turf advantage
The PS3, in it's home-turf, was outselling the 360 about 5 to 1, but since the price drop that has been closer to 10 to 1. On the other hand, the 360, in its home-turf, rarely sells double what the PS3 has. For the rest of the world, the PS3 has consistently outsold the 360 weekly. In North America, when Sony dropped the PS3's price, it rose above the 360, then the 360 price was dropped and it barely got ahead again. In other words, considering only the PS3 and the 360, the PS3 is killing on its home-turf, the 360 is ahead but not by much on its home-turf, and on neither's home-turf, the PS3 is doing better.
Microsoft's home-turf must be pretty friggin' big and important because in Q2 console sales (ending June 30), it was a dead heat: an Ars Technica article on Sony's Q2 financial results [arstechnica.com] shows that Sony sold approximately 710,000 PS3 consoles worldwide last quarter while Microsoft
Games on the 360 are great. Console sucks. (Score:3, Interesting)
I can recommend the 360 as an amazing game machine. But it's hard to recommend it as a piece of hardware. I also have a PS3, which I've used for almost nothing more than playing BD movies. Definitely a better hardware and case design. If I were a heavy gamer though, I'd still probably prefer the 360.
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Almost everyone I've talked to that has a 360 has said they've been been through multiple boxes. I haven't, but I don't play long hours at a time and I have a fan blowing air across it all the time. I no longer wonder IF my 360 will die, but when. And the replacement box will have the same problem.
The PS3... I re
Mods are idiots to think parent is a troll (Score:2)
Interesting spin.... (Score:2, Informative)
To me there are really two interesting things that happened with recent sales numbers:
First: The Wii took the over the overall marketshare lead for this generation. [vgchartz.com]
Second: The PS3 almost pulled even in July in the US, but pulled ahead of the 360 into second place [vgchartz.com] by almost 2x if you take worldwide sales into account.
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Not surprising. (Score:5, Insightful)
If the Wii has passed the 360 worldwide then the next, and possibly last, major milestone will be to beat the 360 on its home turf. Being #1 on a region by region basis as well as worldwide would be indisputable proof of the Wii's dominance.
As it stands, Microsoft and Sony are both in similar situations. They need to take action, or concede this generation to their competitors. Microsoft can, at least, weasel their way out of it by bringing back Nintendo's line that they "aren't competing". It's a cop out, but that's Microsoft.
Despite the insufficient sales boost from the price cut, I am anticipating a resurgence of sorts from Sony. Maybe I'm ignorant, but for the non-FPS inclined population there are few interesting titles coming out for the 360 in the relatively near future. Sony may not be much better, but I get the feeling that they're paying better attention than Microsoft.
Microsoft's answer to the Wii appears to be that Viva Pinata party game/mini-game collection. To me, looks like a clear case of missing the point. The Wii isn't successful because of games like Wario Ware, Rayman and the like. Attempting to duplicate their success in this manner is foolhardy. Sony, at least, appears to have a better inkling of what's going on. LittleBigPlanet is a large step in the right direction, even if it is the only step we can see for now.
I don't expect the current patterns to continue without change. Halo 3 will represent a change in 360 sales, as will SSB: Brawl for the Wii. Personally I'd rather like to see the patterns be more volatile. It's not that interesting when within a year of the generation the outcome is obvious.
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No, actually the next milestone for the Wii will be to pass the 360 in Europe, Canada, and Australia (the 360 is still leading in all of those regions, but the lead is reasonably narrow ...unlike the US where the 360 nearly doubles the Wii still--source Neogaf [neogaf.com]).
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Also, with Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata coming out this month for the 360...there is plenty to look forward to. What good RPGs are coming out on the Wii?
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Which is about as useful to say to the rafter half-way downstream that he should have a different boat. The 360 and even more the PS3 are expensive, high definition gaming machines with complex controllers (though I admi
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What I was trying to point out (poorly) is a gut feeling I have that Microsoft doesn't understand what's going on with the Wii, but that Sony does (to some extent). This is entirely my own opinion based on what I've seen from videos of expos and reading press releases etc. Titles which sport the mass-market potential and spirit we commonly attribute to the Wii do appear on the 360, but they seem more incidental than intentional.
It's just my gut feeli
Microsoft painted itself into the hardcore corner (Score:2)
They can't get into the casual market despite the fact that many of their online games are extremely casual. They've painted themselves into a corner, and now they can't really do anything about it.
The 360 is the hardcore console, and until Microsoft changes its strategy drastically
Analysts and crack... (Score:2, Interesting)
Nintendo: 917,000
Everyone Else: 765,000
If we want to fight the crack problem in America, I think we should start with the analysts. Them and the local weather dudes.
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In fact,I think most analysts expected the PS3 to be bloated and expensive and fail because so many gamers lack the disposable income for a 1080p PS3 type system. Everybody knew the PS3 was a waste of money. Even Sony had to make apologias for it.
Anyway, these numbers are wrong. Sony is so strong in Europe that to not count that section is probably just an attempt to hype the XBOX (on Slashdot? Never!!!)
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In fact,I think most analysts expected the PS3 to be bloated and expensive and fail because so many gamers lack the disposable income for a 1080p PS3 type system. Everybody knew the PS3 was a waste of money. Even Sony had to make apologias for it.
That's strange. I must accidentally have landed in bizzarro universe during my last wormhole experiment.
Before the E3 where gamers got to actually play with the Wii, everyone was counting Nintendo out. And even afterwards, people tended to think that Sony would win. Analysts, especially.
PS3 doing badly? (Score:3, Insightful)
I've got both and when I see my XBox360 I think: Bioshock, Geometry Wars (@#W(!!! I will get the survive million achievement), and soon Halo 3.
I see my PS3 and think... Blu-Ray...
And it still sells nearly as many units as an XBox360? Any company would kill for that.
So, when are the exclusives coming? (Score:2)
If blu-ray is the only thing going for them, the Paramount/Dreamworks Deal and Halo 3 could end this fight this holiday season. 3rd place with a huge loss on every console sold is a bad place to be.
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Lair, Warhawk, Drake's Quest, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword all of which are either out now, or due out over the next month or two (those are just the titles off the top of my head, I'm sure there are a few more).
There are also a few PSN games (similar to Live! Acade), such as Super Stardust HD, and Calling All Cars, which are already out and have been helping build quite a following. The only problem with most on-line distributed games
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The PS3 was nearly even in sales for one month (July) which also saw a "price cut" (really a closeout price). Xbox 360 saw a price cut this month (an actual price cut, not a phasing out of a version of the console), so we'll have to wait and see what the August numbers look like. The 360 also had several big games this month (Bioshock and Madden08 -- say what you will about people buying the same gam
Re: PS3 sales will spike in August also. (Score:2)
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That's my point. There are more (and better) games on the 360 NOW... and still the PS3 is keeping pace.
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I don't think console sales are the full story (Score:3, Insightful)
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That doesn't explain why Wii software (from first and third parties) continue to sell well. Last I looked, the attach rate for the Wii is comparable to that of the XBox 360. Maybe you just have a bad sample.
(Me? Got
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Wii Attach Rate not worse than usual (Score:2)
The point is, the Wii's attach rate is not worse than usual.
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And the 360 has a extra year of games for people to choose from. While I do agree there are people who only have a few Wii games there are always a group of people who only buy a few games per console. I know plenty of people with a PS2 and only have Madden, GTA3 and maybe another game or two. Same for XBox Halo 1/2 and another
Spin it however you want (Score:2, Interesting)
The market is a cruel mistress, and the Wii is surfing the wave, leading Nintendo fanbois and fangurls towards the next gen Wii successor they will release in 2009,
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The big news in this really is... (Score:3, Informative)
Sony promotions (Score:2)
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I finally had a chance to play a PS3 and, of the three (Wii/360/PS3), it's definitely the nicest in my opinion. I'll get one once the price comes down to $400. I'm hoping that with the capacity of the Blu-Ray, they'll start releasing anthologies of PS2 titles (similar to what they did with megaman and sonic).
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Re:In other news... (Score:4, Insightful)
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The reality is that a large amount of disposable cash combined with a steady (though not quite as fast as predicted) adoption of cutting edge, home entertainment technology does position the PS3 "perfectly" in the market. But not in the way that Sony is trying to position it. Sony acts as if every teenager working at
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The main reason PS3 sales are sluggish (and the reason I haven't even looked at buying one) is that most households in the US don't have an HDTV, and a PS3 really isn't worth the cost if you don't already have one. Considering that raises the minimum spending to enjoy the system
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The HDTV install base is shifting fairly rapidly
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I'm not sure that a two-week trend is statistically significant to overall momentum. Just sayin'. Maybe a bunch of kids finally earned enough mowing lawns so far this summer or something.
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Your logic is faulty.
First, the Wii hasn't been out as long as the 360, and has apparently caught up to it in sales.
Second, the 360 has had a year headstart -- so more people should have them, and less people should be buying them.
Third, "building momentum" or just a boost because of the 80GB version and lowered price for the 60GB?
I do sort-of agree that the numbers don't mean much. The holiday season numbers will be more important.