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Report Indicates Workers Play A Lot of Games On the Job 97

A report released by casual gaming mecca PopCap Games indicates that white collar workers play games constantly throughout the day. The study indicates that as salaries and titles improve on the organizational chart, the amount of gameplaying in a given day increases substantially. "Considering that the casual games market is around 200 million people, PopCap estimates that the executive crowd is very much into casual gaming, with about 80 million 'white collar' workers playing. 24 percent of the 'white collar' employees said they do play at work, and that number jumps up to 35 percent for CEOs, CFOs and other senior executives. 98 percent said that they play casual games at home too." What's your favorite on-the-job casual title?
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Report Indicates Workers Play A Lot of Games On the Job

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    First posting.
  • What's your favorite on-the-job casual title?
    Their secretary. Oh, sorry, "Personal Assistant".

    • by Fizzl ( 209397 )
      Heh, what's with labeling secretaries as "personal assistants" nowadays? I'd much rather be a secretary than "personal assistant". The latter sounds like someone who helps the CEO poop and pushes him around in wheel chair.

      I get it...
  • by wcspxyx ( 120207 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:49PM (#20471375)
    The end guy is tough.
    • by MikeFM ( 12491 )
      I can never get past CmdrTaco.
  • I know that in my line of work, playing games during the day just isn't workable for the most part.

    Basically, any game that I can't put down for 4-6 hours while I do real work, and come back to for 5 minutes would be useless. PBM games might be workable.
    • by vux984 ( 928602 )
      You might check out Solitaire.

      Its installed on 90% of PCs by default and has been the white collar time waster of choice since before most PCs were connected to the internet.
      • by ajs ( 35943 )
        My work desktop, like my home desktop, is Linux, and doesn't include a solitaire version in the default install. However, I was speaking more about the sorts of games I like to play. Something turn-based might work, but I'd never go back to it. Typically, I just browse Slashdot when I need a mental break. That works just as well.
        • by vux984 ( 928602 )
          And I was just poking fun. :)

          Solitaire and minesweeper have been THE staple time wasters in offices accross the globe since windows 3.0 was inflicted upon the world.

          I just brought them up because they fit your criteria exactly -- probably one of the (several) reasons they were as successful as they were.
      • Several years ago, I was implementing Microsoft SMS on a small business network, and I wanted to try out the license enforcement feature. Basically, install a piece of software on every computer, tell SMS you have X number of licenses, and it will let X copies run; somebody else tries to run it, and they got a little window asking if they'd like to wait in line, so to speak.

        So, I tried it out on Solitare. Told it that there was one license for sol.exe, fired up a copy on one workstation, then tried to f

    • DS (Score:4, Interesting)

      by mwvdlee ( 775178 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2007 @03:08AM (#20475773) Homepage
      I have a DS here next to me. Whenever I need to wait for something (like a batchjob, since I'm doing mainframe programming) I play for a few seconds then get back to work.
      Would you believe the pace of my work has actually increased because of this?! I think it has something to do with not getting into a boredom induced paralysis.
  • TradeWars (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I personally keep my terminal open and have TradeWars running with a keep alive script. I can either run a script to get something done with minimal interaction, or just check it ever now and then to make sure i'm not getting attacked.

    One of the best benefits of this is if anyone walks by while i have it in focus it doesn't look like a game since it's just a bunch of text.
  • a freeware version of "the many faces of go" []
  • Now, thanks to Google, I can be distracted at work playing a flightsim and be a shortcut key away to looking up driving directions when the boss strolls by. SHWEET!
    • by morari ( 1080535 )
      I always liked the "hide as clock" key combination that the old Materia Magica client had...
  • So the answers is "None". Iagno, ataxx and same gnome got boring years ago. And klotski? Horribly borken.
  • Solitare, freecell, hearts, and minesweeper were 1,2,3 and 4 of the top ten.
    • I still whip out solitaire when I'm in a dead spot at work, usually while waiting for someone else to catch up. Fully sanctioned LAN parties with with old school Starcraft (plays well on non 3D accelerated desktops) are also not out of the question during *very* slow days or after a major milestone has been reached.
    • by nijk ( 781345 ) *
      I play nethack []!

      It's perfect for my work because the colored ascii on top of the black background is very similar to my AutoCAD interface. It would take a second glance to notice I'm sacrificing monsters for artifacts instead of creating building elevations and sections. ;-)
  • I used to work in an office with a crusty old guy whose only job appeared to be watering the plants all over his desk and playing Windows solitaire. We called him "boss."

    Sadly I got addicted to the casual game Jurassic Realm [] about a year ago. Still play it at home occasionally.

    I only played it at work a few times. Honest.

    When I needed a break.

    And no one could see my screen.

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )
      I would think that pretty well describes what the meant by white collar workers(sic), corporate executive types who lack any real intellect to play challenging games, just basically sitting at work killing time, until somebodies else's idea drops onto their desk, that they can then claim credit for, once of course somebody else has actually confirmed that it is a actually a good idea.

      I shudder at the thought that there are now sufficient of them out there to be considered a worth while marketing segment b

  • It involves typing loads of stuff really quickly, then to earn points, what you type does something special. And then, someone judges your typing by 'testing' how special that something is. If that something special does what the piece of paper says, then you get a pat on the head and maybe a biscuit. You could play it for hours, sometimes you get on a roll, sometimes you bomb. They even have people called 'project managers' who make sure the gameplay doesn't get out of control.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I run adult (porn) web sites for a living, and have for the past 4 years. Our busiest traffic days are week days, with Mondays being the busiest. Weekends always see a large drop in traffic. The busiest traffic hours are also during "standard North American work hours". Between 11am to 7pm EST. A huge peak between 4pm - 6pm and a very sharp decline around 8pm or 9pm.

    I'm assuming most types of web sites probably see the same thing. I certainly notice fewer comments on /. stories during the weekend. If I had
  • Dwarf Fortress. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Darlantan ( 130471 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @08:17PM (#20472441)
    Grab it at []
    An interesting title where failure is, while not always fun, at least usually pretty interesting. Google 'boatmurdered' for an example. Not for you overly graphical sorts.
  • It's that you can make a text client for them to log in and chat, even if nothing else works.

    I don't do that myself, but I've heard people discuss it.
  • In theory, my favorite game to play on the job is Miss Management. It's a game about people working in an office space- and your objective on some stages is to help your employees get in a certain amount of video game time in during working hours!

    In practice I don't play a damn thing at work because I work for the Navy and it's a lawful order not to play any games at work. And we're at the same base the NSA is at here so I know they ARE watching.

    (You can play Miss Management at []
  • Let me clue you in on the best choice of action for work-games: the emulator. The reasons are endless. 1. Insta-pause anywhere in the game. 2. Resize game screen to just about anything. 3. Combine with awesome alt+tab action to keep that roaming boss behind your back at bay. 4. They run on just about anything (work rigs rarely include so much as decent ram and processor, much less some sli video card action) 5. With some pimp turn based titles like Final Fantasy Tactics and other RPG's such as Crono Trigger
  • But I'm busy farming primals...
  • I dunno. I usually spend time reading and posting in forums for games I play. Although I usually log into Kingdom of Loathing on occasion to check up on stuff when I'm bored or having trouble with a problem and need to put it on the back burner to simmer for a few.

    Sometimes you just need to take your mind off the task at hand and do something else for a few. It seems to work.
  • I work as a database developer and spend a decent amount of time sitting around with a putty SSH open. I like to play a windows port of Rogue at work. It looks little different than the command line terminal I have open most of the time anyways.
  • I play on the Dragon Go Server. It's easy to just spend a minute or two here or there without a big commitment. []

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