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Television Media Entertainment Games

Eight Years of Games On the Daily Show 22

In the wake of the release of eight years of Daily Show clips onto the internet, Joystiq has done us the great favour of tracking down almost every game reference during the show's run. Check out the embedded videos to see John Stewart talk Pac-man in Baghdad, Ice Cube's enthusiasm for the Dreamcast, and Lewis Black's take on DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball
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Eight Years of Games On the Daily Show

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  • Now I can waste time that much more efficiently!
  • by Steeltalon ( 734391 ) on Tuesday October 23, 2007 @12:22PM (#21086605)
    One of my most vivid memories of the Daily Show was when Mark Hamill came to promote "Wing Commander IV" -- Ok, I know the game sucked, but the cool thing about that interview was Craig asking Mark about his role as the voice of the Joker on Batman: The Animated Series. Mark talked about how he auditioned. He looked at the concept art for the character and the thing he noticed was the smile. At that point, Mark's face broke out in an incredibly eerie grin and he started that haunting laugh. It was creepy... and, what can I say, it was awesome. It really didn't seem like that laugh should be coming from him.
    • They've got eight years of the show archived, and you're not going to provide a link? Come now, that's just being lazy.

      • by bazald ( 886779 )
        It seems there might not be one. The archive doesn't go back to the Craig Kilborn days (unless I'm missing something).
        • yeah, if it's only 8 years then it's not there. I'm remembering this from 1996/1997. It would have been covered if they considered it important during their salute to "10 F***ing Years" :)
          • They've got a *lot* of missing content even in the years they do cover. But there's an indicator that they might cover the Craig Kilborn days eventually: there's 1996-1998 on their new timeline widget.
        • Bummer. I wanted to see the aforementioned clip. :)

    • by antdude ( 79039 )
      Is there an online video of this? I can't find it via video.google.com. Maybe someone can upload it? :)
  • I remember Lewis Black's segment on GTA- it's the reason I ever even gave the game a shot. Then, after playing for five hours straight, I decided it was probably a decent game...
    • That was so funny. To paraphrase: This is the kind of game where you can drag a guy out of his car, beat him up, take his car ... and then run him over, with his own car! Then they showed the game where some guys running around a shopping mall with a rocket launcher. Priceless.
  • by HairyNevus ( 992803 ) <hairynevus AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday October 23, 2007 @01:37PM (#21087849)
    This article has been up for almost an hour and there's barely ten comments...about games/The Daily Show/game references on The Daily Show. Hand in your nerd cards, impostors!
  • I hate reruns - not sure who else would want to watch old Daily Show clips.
    • by HTH NE1 ( 675604 )
      When I first got my DVD-burning TiVo, I thought I'd give archiving every episode of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report to DVD a try, just for fun (and to use up a bulk purchase of blank DVDs). I stopped after I discovered I hadn't kept up and some episodes had expired and deleted before I could save them. Too much work.

      I gotta remember to pull up the clip where Rob Corddry was "exit-polling Covenant aliens". Or was that one released on DVD? Do they include clips from episodes released on the Indecisi
      • I gotta remember to pull up the clip where Rob Corddry was "exit-polling Covenant aliens". Or was that one released on DVD?
        Yes, that scene was part of their live election-night coverage (Indecision 2004: Prelude to a Recount), which is included in the Indecision 2004 [wikipedia.org] DVD set.
    • Well, like you said, YOU hate reruns. I fail to see how what YOU hate has any bearing on what other people enjoy at all... Some people love reruns. -Taylor
  • by antifoidulus ( 807088 ) on Tuesday October 23, 2007 @03:01PM (#21089165) Homepage Journal
    In those first couple of videos he looked like a kid whose parents just bought him a suit that is 2 sizes too big and told him he would grow into it....

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