Gaming Mag Circulation Numbers May Not Mean That Much 74
The regular Game Mag Weasling column at the blog GameSetWatch usually runs down the contents of publications that recently hit the newsstands. This week, blogger Kevin Gifford tackles the thorny subject of falling subscriptions as they apply to game magazines. He references a discussion of falling subscriptions in the magazine publishing industry at large, which notes that a metric just as important as real subscribers is the number of readers-per-copy. Re-reading among friends and the appearance of a magazine in a doctor's office is another important factor to consider in a magazine's success. "Game Informer's [readers-per-copy] audience is 'only' about 68% larger than EGM's, despite having over four times the paid circulation. If you put enough credence to the numbers, it means that GameStop is spending a lot of money printing, mailing, and distributing those two million-odd copies of GI each month, yet not being as efficient in attracting an audience with those printed copies as EGM and GamePro is."
The fact is its almost pointless to subscribe (Score:5, Insightful)
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Also, with a magazine, you don't have to worry about torching your shit.
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I bought my router from a firm notorious for overpriced products (sounds like pissy werld), and paid about half what an anual subscription would be, for one by linksys.
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This toilet paper stuff sounds rather painful and unhygienic
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I imagine the benefits of a wifeless router are far superior than any magazine subscription will net you. Where do I pick one up? Hehe, I can games for more than 10-mins without being nagged.
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Not wanting to get cancer on my testicles?
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That is nice (Score:2)
I never bought those magazines for the print articles. I got them for the cds full of games (9 out of ten would be worthless, and now I get better from the internet). Of all the print media to be surprised by this, gaming and tech media should be the last. Yeah, my local paper didn't see craigslist coming, but who is going to want a CD of crap?
And that's why we see all the major tech com
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In the internet age, magazines are pointless. I'd rather subscribe to a website and have them email weekly updates to my mailbox, or have a monthly or bi-weekly pdf / html email of what's going around the industry.
Plus news sites like Digg, slashdot, and gamespot pretty make it all pointless. Because now you are a NEWS CHANNEL, similar to TV which is like CNN 24 round the clock news. This is why magazines should
Cellular broadband? (Score:1)
You don't need cellular broadband... (Score:2)
(As a public transit user myself, I realize that during some times of day getting a laptop out isn't feasible. But when it is...)
I don't read these magazines (Score:4, Interesting)
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And no, I'm not saying that just because I know the other editor Andy (McNamara) from his band years. I've never subscribed to GI and
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I used to work in advertising and am curious as to what people think is useful.
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Multiple readers per copy?!?!? (Score:5, Funny)
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I'll tell you why (Score:5, Interesting)
They're terrible
I've been subscribing to gaming magazines for a very long time. One of the first 10 issues of Nintendo Power, i think. I've subscribed to NP, GamePro, GameInformer, Sega Magazine, Next Generation, Playstation Magazine, and others. My subscriptions are currently running out on my gaming magazines. In fact I'm letting all my magazines run out (except for MAKE and Forbes). I'll still get Game Informer (free with Game Stop card, which saves me a fair bit of money for the amount I trade in).
Forbes is very high class, I read quite a bit of the articles in each issue. Same thing with MAKE. The video game magazines have all been "eh". They have been for a very, very long time. But they served a purpose: I could see things about new games. Screenshots, previews, etc. But now (and for years now) I've been able to get reviews online (IGN and Gamestop, just to name two). I can get screenshots and preview movies that way. I find out about things much earlier than the magazines do. That includes reviews and previews. I get more points of view from web sites, and the copy is just as good if not better much of the time (pro sites, not fanboy sites).
I have TV (specifically X-Play, even if it's not what it once was) for reviews as well.
I don't have any need for the game mags. Everything they do someone else does better, often faster, and for free now.
There are a few little exceptions. Next Generation was fantastic. I still wish that magazine hadn't gone down. I remember them having great pieces on the 1st and 2nd generation of 3D systems, differences, how they approach things, etc. They had pieces about how games were developer (this went will, this became a big problem, etc... sort of like some of the stuff on Gamasutra). The Escapist is good, but I'm not interested in reading that much on my screen. If they were print, I'd subscribe.
But I can get fanboy style "Here comes Mortal Kombat 8... looking good so far" stuff from dozens of sites, I don't need GamePro for that. The magazines generally don't have articles worth anything (just game reviews and preview puff pieces). They don't print criticism of games before they are out (where as some of the sites I read will post the "but we are deeply worried about X" stuff). There are some exceptions (Nintendo Power has had an occasionally interesting series of interviews with some interesting gaming people), but those are often available online anyway.
Like many newspapers, they need to step it up if they want to survive. They no longer have a monopoly on the game preview channel... and they are finding they have to compete.
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I remember the issue that reviewed Half Life 1... it was over 400 pages long!
I canceled my subscription once the page count dropped below 100 pages. It was a "read in half hour" thing instead of something you could come back to over and over during the next week.
PCGamer was also the first place I saw CliffyB in a rabbit suit...
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Back in the day it was John Romero threatening to make you his bitch. These days... who cares?
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Re:I'll tell you why (Score:4, Interesting)
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Have great articles from the most passionate and respected game journalists, throw in a couple reviews... you don't need perfect polish you need emotion and perspective and the escapist had those! Now it's just another over-edited crapshoot. I miss the themed editions, if they'd managed to tie that into game releases instea
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A few of the magazines I bother reading: The Economist (ok they have a strong free market bias but their science section is often interesting), New Scientist is pretty decent.
But I figure game magazines might only be useful for some exclusive bundled freebies. I've scanned through some and seems most reviews are written more for the game maker's benefit than the game buyer's benefit. OK some reviews are for the writer t
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I'm not going to claim Forbes is genius, but their writing is good. I tend to agree with Forbes himself, and even when I don't his little editorials are well though out. The articles are well written and don't assume you're a 3rd grader. I get news and such from Forbes that I don't get from other sources (not much business news, especially not so in depth, at most sources). I've looked at the Economist. it has been recommended to me before. While they are good, I don't like their editorial bent, so I don't
PC Gamer (Score:2, Interesting)
I personally got fed up with how into Vista they are. No less than 4 months had an article on helping people Install Vista. They also kept saying nothing but positive things about it. How you needed to go to Vista to play the latest games, etc.
I run Ubuntu. I'm going to be buying a new computer to play 2 games Enemy Territory Qu
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Amateurish (Score:1)
Wow. Really? (Score:1)
game UNFORMER amirite (Score:1)
Too many pics? (Score:1)
I could start reading Edge instead but that goes too far in the opposite direction. Lots of in depth articles about games/platforms that I
Exclusive articles (Score:1)
Passalong rates are all lies (Score:1)
Magazine's have jumped the shark (Score:1)
Simple reason: (Score:2)
While the internet isnt any better, at least there are usually the user comments/reviews that give hints if something is fishy (like the 9.8 game having 5.5 user average...).
I have been reading computer mags, and game mags, for 20 years now.
The quality was never really good, but with the competition against the internet things became a lot more ugly.
The mags NEED exclusives to compete, and the
Probably because... (Score:2)
The October issue (that came late-mid September)had a Heavenly Sword review that was in the future tense, along with some blurbs about cool stuff coming being things that had passed. The fact that it was the only god review of Heavenly Sword I read. The review was like "better than sex" and considering it is only fairly good (if that), and shorter the credibility of the magazine is bad by game re
Solution! (Score:2)
Gaming Magazines need to adapt (Score:1)
Gaming magazines need to adapt so they provi
It's no longer hands-on (Score:1)
The fact that you could get a magazine and actually make a game really hooked me in, although all I did was just cut&pasting the code already given. It didn't matter whether I understood what I was typing or not. Those parts came later.
There w
My Last Games Mag Subscription (Score:2)
People pay for those things? (Score:2)
People pay money for those things? I'd always assumed they were advertising throwaways, and that if you bought games, you started getting game mags.
Is the title for real? (Score:1)
Was anyone under the impression they did?
PSM (Score:1)