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Deus Ex 3 Announced 138

Gamasutra has the news that Eidos is already hard at work on a Deus Ex 3 . The company announced this project along with a brand-new studio in Montreal, which will be developing the title. "According to [General Manager Stéphane D'Astous], Eidos Montreal currently has two groups -- a Q&A group that is responsible for testing all of the developer's games from anywhere in the world, and an in-house development team that D'Astous says has just passed proof of concept for Deus Ex 3. 'This game was very highly rated at its release in 2000, and we have this great huge mandate to do the third one, and everybody is very excited,' added D'Astous"
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Deus Ex 3 Announced

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  • by k_187 ( 61692 ) on Monday November 26, 2007 @02:34PM (#21481883) Journal
    When I say "please don't suck, for heaven's sake, please don't suck."
    • Maybe it will be a true sequel to Deus Ex (2000), and not a knock-off capitalizing on the franchise.
    • by Toridas ( 742267 )
      Agreed. Deus Ex 2 was horrible. I couldn't get past the first half hour or so. I have a computer perfectly capable of running Half-Life 2 smoothly on high settings but somehow, Deus Ex 2 just barely chugs along on the lowest settings possible, complete with aiming lag. Not to mention the terrible menu interface made for console controllers instead of for PC gamers.
      • by Elemenope ( 905108 ) on Monday November 26, 2007 @02:56PM (#21482203)

        I guess I was one of the lucky ones who had no problems running DX:IW smoothly. (Vampire Bloodlines, OTOH, can suck my...). I loved the original DX with a passion, as one of the few games that broke through the glass ceiling into art from mere entertainment. I liked the sequel very much (from the looks of the comments around I'd say I was one of the few), and while it wasn't quite art the way the first was, it had its own charms, and FWIW in my opinion it did not sacrifice the philosophical and environmental richness of the first, but merely extended it in a direction most people didn't care for.

        The "Pequod's/Queequeg's" mini-story was fantastic, and previewed the main plot twist without being clumsy.

        • The Missing Moment (Score:3, Interesting)

          by jacobw ( 975909 )
          For me, everything that was so impressive about the original DX can be summed up in one moment of the game. (SPOILER coming for the original Deus Ex--although if you're reading this thread, I'm sure you've played it through.)

          For the first part of the game, you spend a fair amount of time killing bad guys. Or, at least, you have the option of killing them; you also have the option of knocking them out. And, indeed, the NPC character of your brother urges you to take this non-lethal option. But if you're
          • by lazyl ( 619939 ) on Tuesday November 27, 2007 @11:16AM (#21492285)
            I agree. But as well as that, for me, this was the only game where there were moments when I felt I was really, truly, role-playing - pen & paper style.

            -spoilers here-

            My favorite example was the scene where you're in your brother's apartment and the bad guys are on the way. You brother tells you jump out the bathroom window and get away. He can't follow for some reason I don't remember (he was wounded maybe). He tells you repeatedly to get out. The first time I played it I felt compelled to obey based on my experience with purely linear games. So I jump out, run away, and the scene ends. I immediately regretted it and reloaded. I decided to RP the scene and see what happens (despite the voice in my head saying that never works). All the furniture in the game is movable so I pushed the couch over in front of the door to block it a bit. Then I pushed the two chairs over by the wall opposite the door to provide cover. Then I crouched behind one of the chairs and waited for a while. I actually had to wait longer than I expected with my brother repeatedly telling me to leave. Eventually though the bad guys busted in and the fire fight started. It was sweet. They were blocked in behind the couch as I intended and I had great cover behind the chairs. Eventually, after you kill enough of them, your brother says something like "Ok, I can handle it from here, you get going".

            Along with a good story, that's the sort of thing that makes a great RPG in my mind - it's not about the number of choices, it's about having a situation that forces you to actually role play in order to even *identify* the choices.
            • by Magada ( 741361 )
              You left too early - there are three (I think) baddies lurking in the lobby with LAM's by that point. If you don't bust our with your brother (or booby trap the lobby on your way in) they usually manage to whack him.
          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            by Elemenope ( 905108 )

            *Spoiler alert* for those precious few of you still haven't played these two games.

            DX1 had several of those "oh shit, I'm on the wrong side" moral moments (NSF are fighting the good fight?!, the Red Arrow are merely duped pawns?!, Tong wants me to end civilization as we know it?! Sonofabitch!!), but one thing I didn't appreciate about DX1 was that besides recognizing those moments, there are precious few choices that *matter* that follow from them (such as saving your brother in the Hotel escape). The ot

            • by jacobw ( 975909 )

              For all its ways in which DX:IW fell short, its moral universe was more realistically grey, and the choices were among parties that were *all* fairly ruthless and were asking for your allegiance not on the basis of warm cuddlies, but actually making a philosophical or ideological appeal.

              I think you've described the difference between the two games very well. But, actually, I liked the way DX1 handled morality better.

              The way I would put it is that DX1 was morally ambiguous; DX2 was amoral.

              What I me

              • The way I would put it is that DX1 was morally ambiguous; DX2 was amoral.

                I thought that too right up until the *very end*. Personally, I found JC Denton's arguments about "fixing" democracy the most intriguing of the four, but not all that convincing. I found the Illuminati's answers wholly unappetizing; benevolent dictatorship doesn't "do it for me". So the first time I played through I eventually chose the Templar luddites as a sort of default, and *surprise, surprise* the game's endings do portray tha

        • by mcvos ( 645701 )

          (Vampire Bloodlines, OTOH, can suck my...).

          The original release of Vampire Bloodlines was riddled with bugs, but there is an unofficial patch that fixes nearly all of them, and it's a really amazing game now.

          In fact, there are two competing unofficial patches, one is a bit more extensive than the other, and the other is hosted by an 18+ site, but both improve the stability of the game significantly, and open up a lot more content that used to be inaccessible. Seriously, if you haven't finished it bac

          • Oh, I used the unofficial patch, and while for my compy it moved Bloodlines from almost completely broken to merely jerky and painful, I did suffer through the gameplay to enjoy the story. I really, really liked the interactions and the storyline; particularly playing as a Malkavian and trying to puzzle out what it was that *I* just said.

            But something needs to be said for killing all the bad guys without a framerate of 3 fps. I suffered through Bloodlines twice, and there is no way I'm doing it again with

            • by mcvos ( 645701 )
              Which version of the unofficial patch was it? The latest one is 4.3, and stuff is still getting fixed. There was a lot broken, but now they're up to some really subtle and obscure bugs. Not sure what caused your jerky framerate. It works fine on my cheapo Dell laptop. Not the smoothest gameplay ever, perhaps, but I thought that was just because I suck at twitch games. I still managed to kill all bad guys, though.
              • I used 4.3; Bloodlines came to mind because I picked it up pretty recently. My compy is, by all reasonable metrics, a complete POS and so it didn't surprise me that I had some FPS issues. I just wasn't expecting a box that could run HL2 (the same engine, no less) at 17 fps to choke so badly on Bloodlines.

                • by mcvos ( 645701 )
                  I have no experience with HL2, but the engine isn't all that matters. It could be that Bloodlines has more detailed models or has a lot of extra code to run for various stuff, but I really don't know. Besides, 17 fps, while sufficient, isn't spectacular either. It's on the edge on what you might start to notice. Get swamped by a horde, and your fps might halve, and the game gets jerky just at the moment when you need it to be smooth and responsive.

                  Maybe I should try to play HL2 on my laptop to see how that
      • If you didn't like the first half...the end was horrible. It was like the programmers slapped their dicks on the keyboards and voila, there's the ending.
    • Agreed. Worst case: simplified interface, simplified gameplay, just a plain shooter without any storyline or depth (I'm looking at you Bioshock!). Give us a deep story that has relevance to the world as it is (that *really* shouldn't be hard, given the state of the world), and don't dumb down the ruleset. Add some good locations and you are all set for a fantastic game. And don't give us the fake choices of Deus Ex 2. I'd rather play through a good story with a small choice at the end then having a choice
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        I'd rather play through a good story with a small choice at the end then having a choice in every level, only for it to make no difference at all in the end...

        You might want to try The Witcher. FWIW I had no problem with DX2 but I played it before DX1 so I wasn't influenced by nostalgia. DX1 was epic mind you, while DX2 was just decent.

    • I played the first title on the PS2. The controls were great, I could circle strafe and everything.

      I tried Invisible War on the Xbox. The look stick was backward from the PS2 layout, and I couldn't even move well enough to get out of my bedroom. Never tried it again.

      How hard is it for game makers to allow the configuration of the controls?
      • by Danse ( 1026 )

        I played the first title on the PS2. The controls were great, I could circle strafe and everything.

        I tried Invisible War on the Xbox. The look stick was backward from the PS2 layout, and I couldn't even move well enough to get out of my bedroom. Never tried it again.

        Actually, DXIW was one of the first major tragedies brought on by the attempt to develop console games while simultaneously porting to the PC. You think the interface was bad on the console? You should've tried the PC, it's like they didn't even attempt to make it work there. That along with the tiny levels and several other bad design decisions were responsible for the dumbing-down of the game and the beginning of the consolitis that we started seeing all over the place.

        • But here's the thing, the PS2 port of the original isn't dumbed down, so why did they think they had to dumb down the sequel? There's also other games that made the PC to console jump quite well because it IS possible to change the UI to suit the console controller without changing gameplay.

          The fault lies with developers under-estimating (and essentially insulting) the console players.

    • by Seumas ( 6865 )
      I don't care if it sucks. I bought what was purported to be Deus Ex (the original) at the store awhile back. It was cheap, but it had been out for a long time so I thought nothing of it. Nothing about it suggested that it was anything but the full legitimate game.

      I got home. Inserted the disk. Played for about five minutes . . . and then it told me that this was a demo and if I'd like to play the entire game, I should order the full $50 version on top of the $20 I already paid for it.

      Since then, I have neve
      • by dougmc ( 70836 )
        Yes, you were ripped off. You should complain, loudly, and get your money back. Or should have, whenever this happened. A picture of the screen saying `this is a demo!' and the package that does not say it's a demo should be more than enough to convince any retailer (even places like Wal-Mart with `no software return' policies to refund your money.)

        However, that does not change the fact that Deus Ex rocked and Deus Ex 2 sucked.

        Also, note that $20 for an old game is not *cheap*. $5 would be chea

      • "Nothing about it suggested that it was anything but the full legitimate game."

        I had that version as well (only paid $5 in-store). It had the words "demo" on the cover and back of the jewel case. I know, because I did the same thing you did (although I remember playing it a lot longer for five minutes...) and I was pretty choked when I came to that screen. I still went ahead and bought it, and did not regret it at all.
      • by cduffy ( 652 )
        Someone ripped you off pretty bad, there, yes. I don't see any evidence that that someone is Eidos, however.

        In any event, Deus Ex and DX2 are available through GameTap, and (given that UbiSoft and GameTap have a good working relationship) I expect that DX3 will be as well not far from its release. Consequently, you can play the games without needing to trust any reseller to give you what believe that you're paying for.
    • I was thinking more along the lines of, "Please, for heaven's sake, don't fuck this one up!" The last one was horrid for so many reasons, but primarily because it was consolified and not at all optimized for the superior PC hardware (vs. Xbox), in regards to graphics and controls.
    • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Eidos plans to leverage other properties & add Lara Croft to the plot... for dual wielding.
    • by Zeio ( 325157 )
      Yes, you do. I thought, for me, that DX1 was the best game ever. From the skills, to the inventory system, to the great plot. The game was perfect, a lot of people I know thought the same, and it still is.

      DX2/DXIW was the worst game I've ever played due to the huge letdown factor. That coupled with the fact its a mediocre game.

      For posterity's sake, I argued with Chris Carollo , the Lead Programmer for Deus Ex. here: []

      He was not supported, and he
  • A lot of people knocked Invisible War, but I had a lot of fun playing it. It wasn't as good as the first game, but honestly if they stick to the basic Deus Ex formula, I think it'll be a pretty good game.

    I'm just hoping that it isn't Vista-only...
    • Really, even "Vista-only" games aren't Vista-only. See for example Halo 2.
      • by Jaysyn ( 203771 )
        Can anyone point me to a WinXP / 2000 fix for Rise of Legends?

        • Okay, I'll bite. What fix are you talking about?
          • by Jaysyn ( 203771 )
            I should have said Windows 2000 fix. It will install in Windows 2000 (using the /a switch) but you can't play it. It does a OS version check for WinXP, which I have on my laptop, but was really wanting to play it on my desktop.
  • I'm surprised (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by Schmapdi ( 840038 )
    After the disaster that was Deus Ex 2. Both it and Theif III were ruined by simultaneous Xbox development a few years back. Here's hoping they make a Thief IV at some point as well and don't screw it up.
    • by Dunkz ( 901542 )
      Agreed. I still put DE1 as one of my favs of all time. I couldn't play DE2 for more than about 2 hours before I gave up on it.
    • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Oh c'mon, Thief 3 wasn't THAT bad. You just had to spend an hour or two de-consolizing the UI before you could play it. Afterwards it was actually kind of fun. And lets not forget that Thief 3 is home to one of the best horror levels to ever grace a FPS (The Cradle).

      Unfortunatly, Deus Ex 2 was beyond redemption.
      • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

        by toad3k ( 882007 )
        Thief 3 was horrid. The graphics sucked. Every stage was broken into 10 different subareas with a 30 second loading screen in between each. Even on the hardest settings, there were times I would walk right up to a guard and breath on his eyeball only to elicit, "Hello? Is anyone there?" Inane puzzles with no plot to speak of as far as I could tell. That game fucking blew. I only spent $20 on it and I still felt ripped off.

        In fact when I heard deus ex was using the thief 3 engine, I decided not to buy
      • I tried using that Thief III mod that was supposed to fix the UI issues. It helped a little. The real problem though was that Thief III was supposed to be played in the third person (for some insane reason) and the awkward implementation of that caused Garret to move like a linebacker. In addition - Thief III was verly poorly coded - and thus it ran like crap on my system (a system that ran the technically superior Doom 3 just fine). In fact - I even tried playing it a few times later after upgrading so
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by rishistar ( 662278 )
      Well even if this game gets terrible previews and people slating it before it gets released, I reckon the game still has a chance of being brilliant thanks to last minute unforseen intervention. I mean, thats what Deus Ex Machina is for, right?
  • by roystgnr ( 4015 ) * <roy@stog[ ] ['ner' in gap]> on Monday November 26, 2007 @02:57PM (#21482225) Homepage
    Although getting rid of those nasty complicated parts like "complex plot", "skills" and "unique ammo" did make Deus Ex 2 more accessible to console game players, there were still people out there who lacked the higher cognitive functions and opposable thumbs necessary to really immerse themselves in that first sequel. So, some of those innovations will just have to be taken farther:

    Linear plot: Although Deus Ex 2 successfully obliterated the choices that players could make in the first game's ending, mushing them all together into some sort of hybrid plot, some players were confused by the residual choices available in the sequel. Deus Ex 3 will prevent further confusion by standardizing the "auto aim" features and adding "auto move", as well as by replacing the "choose your own adventure" style conversations with a new "we chose your adventure, now shut up and listen" interface.

    Gun: The unified ammunition, one-size-fits-all inventory, and reduced upgradability of weapon skills in Deus Ex 2 really made that game more accessible to the "can't tie their own shoelaces" audience. Deus Ex 3 will build on this success by replacing the varied and confusing weapon selections from the previous games with "Gun", a generic rifle which will shoot shiny graphics effects and will be the only weapon equipped by the player and all NPCs at all times. Gun will never hurt anyone friendly, will automatically correct your aim when shooting at anyone unfriendly, and will expend no ammunition. Gun will therefore double as a convenient way of eliminating from the game confusing questions about which characters are really good guys and which are really bad guys - shoot 'em all and let Gun sort 'em out!

    Box: Because of the wonderful reception that the Deus Ex 2 levels and textures received, we now know that it's just fine to scale back level design for console systems with limited RAM. Accordingly, Deus Ex 3 will be even able to run on all popular handheld game systems, with a few minor plot and setting adjustments to fit the limited level files into available memory. Can you fight your way past the defenders of Square Tunnel and make it to the enemy's hidden Box base?

    Length: Although Deus Ex 2 was significantly shorter than the first, it was still way longer than the average movie, and what kind of person wants to sit in front of a screen that long? What are you, some kind of gamer geek? Deus Ex 3 will be 90 minutes; 95 minutes in the "Directors Cut" version.

    (disclaimer: Deus Ex: Invisible War was actually an okay game; it just really disappointed by comparison with the first)
    • by Dahamma ( 304068 )
      Hah, wish I had mod points (but then I'd have to choose between "funny" and "insightful").

      Deus Ex was one of the best games ever made, IMO. You'd think given that opinion, I'd have played Deus Ex: Invisible War even if it was mediocre, but I gave up on it after a couple hours. I guess I realized there are a ton of shooters out there, so why would I want to play one that can't even come up with its own original ideas (ie it was a mediocre shooter based on an amazing first person RPG).

      Honestly, Bioshock did
      • I bought DX2 for similar reasons - I felt obliged to, given how awesome the first one was. DX2 sucked. After a few levels I gave up trying and just played through it with cheats. I never use cheats to get through a game, but I had to with this. It was just shockingly poor and so dull after the first one, but I felt I had to play it one way or another. I mean, it couldn't be that bad, given that the first was such an epic, right?

        • by GenP ( 686381 )
          I need to try it again on my 8800GTS to see if their 'dynamic performance reduction' technology still works. In my experience you couldn't get it to run smoothly on *anything*, except maybe an XBox.
    • Well said. Deux Ex still stands up as the best game I've ever played. The second one felt like a made-for-consoles tech demo mocking the original. There were so many things done wrong. I talked with the lead and writing staff of the second game, some of which worked on the first game, and they did not seem very happy about having to dumb it down to the new audience. I can't say I appreciate the story all that much, and the controls and some of the game features (universal ammo) were just terrible.
    • by Kirijini ( 214824 ) <> on Monday November 26, 2007 @04:27PM (#21483437)
      I managed to find a screenshot [] for Deus Ex 3! Based on your description, I mean. Oh, and a release date of 1980.
    • I would play a game where the hero's main weapon is a telepathic, sentient rifle known as "Gun," being the hero's (and thus the player's) only method of reliably separating good from evil. The game would be a dialog-heavy adventure and involve no direct combat. Even better: make the player take on the role of Gun, being toted around by a high-functioning psychotic with no inherent sense of rationality or morality; the player's job is to instill in the hero these senses, saving him from his mental deficienci
  • As a Quality Assurance Engineer/Coordinator/Lead/Manager for 10 years, I believe I must stand up and complain about the superfluous "&". I heard [a high-ranking person] of the IGDA call it "Q&A".
    • by Azarael ( 896715 )
      They are probably mixing up Q&A(Question and Answer) with QA, those short-forms are all the same right..
    • by Sta7ic ( 819090 )
      I think they're saying that to explain that your job is to try to both maintain quality standards AND assure the devs that they're putting together a quality product, even if 1 & 2 do not match up.
  • by MattHawk ( 215818 ) on Monday November 26, 2007 @03:10PM (#21482413) Homepage
    I have a few words for the developers.

    See that 3 in the title? That's just a number. Ignore it. Look only to Deus Ex for inspiration. There never was a Deus Ex 2 - that was all just a figment of the darkest parts of your imagination.

    (fwiw, for those who haven't played, Deus Ex 2 wasn't a horrible game, so much as it didn't nearly live up to the first game of the series. It suffered from a massive case of being dumbed down for simultaneous console/PC release, from the original's PC-only origin.)
    • by TeraCo ( 410407 )
      No, seriously. It was a horrible game.

    • See that 3 in the title? That's just a number. Ignore it.

      Highlander fans have this same problem, but we have to say "Ignore Movies # 2,4, and 5, seasons 5 and 6 of the TV show, and anything to do with The Raven."

    • > See that 3 in the title? That's just a number. Ignore it. Look only to Deus Ex for inspiration.
      > There never was a Deus Ex 2 - that was all just a figment of the darkest parts of your imagination.

      You mean, like Highlander and Highlander 2?
  • by Zenin ( 266666 ) on Monday November 26, 2007 @03:11PM (#21482417) Homepage
    I remember reading all the articles and developer interviews as the 2nd game was being designed and built. What was clearly apparent more then anything else was how completely blind they were to what made the first game such a huge hit. They gave themselves credit for a long list of aspects of the first game that barely had anything to do with its success and completely ignored everything that made the game great. The file result was no surprise to anyone that read those interviews and dev blogs.

    And the aftermath of the sequel...their interviews again showed they had no idea why their game was a complete and total flop.

    They'll screw it up; There's really no chance in hell of them not completely screwing the pooch again. They haven't a clue what they did right or what they did wrong. Go replay the first game; It was great, it's still great, but it was a fluke. The industry isn't setup to create great games like that anymore.
    • srsly.
  • by nrjyzerbuny ( 141033 ) on Monday November 26, 2007 @03:12PM (#21482439)
    Like most of the people who will comment here, I really enjoyed the original Deus Ex. Yet I was also very disappointed with DX2. Whenever the discussion of great single-player games comes up, there's usually someone cheering for Deus Ex, closely followed by another comment warning potential players to stay away from the sequel.

    The most often cited reasons for the sequels 'suck factor' seem to be the (relative) brevity of the game, small areas with constant loading, as well as the simplification of the interface, inventory management, ammunition/weapon system, and character development. Many of these issues can be seen as the problems inherent with developing for the console market. The original Deus Ex was PC/Mac only, whereas DX2 had to get by without a mouse and keyboard. Those issues are the ones that everyone seems to cite when talking about 'what went wrong', and why DX2 is widely seen as inferior to the original. I believe that this is the case, but it's not the big problem.

    The big issue I see is that people know what they are getting in to. The original Deus Ex was long and involved, with a plot that was interesting and unique. When I started the second Deus Ex game, I knew what I was in for. Not the specifics obviously, but the general outline of the game was pretty much known to me within the first hour. While there were some interesting changes made in structure between the first and second games, they were not enough. This is still the story of an augmented special agent, unraveling massive conspiracies, lies, and backstabbing, and ultimately deciding the fate of the world.

    Long post short, what I thought was great about Deus Ex was the plot and how it was revealed to the player over the course of some fairly long gameplay, combined with very ambitious (for the day) interactivity. The second game had much the same overarching plot, but the surprise was gone and it didn't pull it off as well. Repetitive plots are the bread and butter of gaming, but the direct comparison between the two makes DX2 suffer.

    I could be a great artist, and if I paint a nice half portrait of a young woman seated, dressed in dark colors, and appearing to look back at the viewer, it could be very good on it's own merits. Hang it next to The Mona Lisa, and tell people that there is some connection between the two, and it will garner nothing but scorn.

    How to fix these issues for DX3? Good luck.
    • The original Deus Ex was PC/Mac only

      No, it wasn't. You forgot about the PS2 version. []

      They had to tweak the maps, and they simplified the UI, but in a good way. If you have a passcode for a door, just activate the keypad and the door opens, you don't have to input the passcode manually. (or have to go into your inventory to find it before hand)

      But get this, they could have thrown in a "enter passcodes manually" option for hardco

  • Whatever they do, I hope they make it somewhat modable (maps, weapons, AIs, objects, graphics, simple game mechanics). Giving the gaming community the ability to enhance the game, is a good recipe for adding value for both the simple end-customers and the more serious fans.

    In addition, they should ensure that the game plays well in online scenarios. Allowing players to connect on a 16-player server is not enough these days - server admins must have tools, scripting platforms, dedicated game servers, etc.
    • I think they should stay away from multiplayer or let it be an afterthought like with the original. I've played the original game ten times now and never even considered playing multiplayer, because just didn't need it. Many great games have snubbed the MP aspect and created better singleplayer games because of it...Bioshock, Hitman, HL2, NOLF, Deus Ex, etc.
    • If you want multiplayer in Deux Ex... the only way I'd go for it is if the developers hosted the games, with record keeping and everything that entails added in. Then add in the same progression system from the game for skill points, a kill is worth so many points, then after a round you may be able to buy a skill if you have enough points, if not, more rounds. At the end of the round if your team won, you're allowed to buy a weapon mod off the severs, or shelve the point and buy a more expensive biomod l
    • Oh, dear god, no!

      Modability, fine - if people want to fuck about with the game after they've bought it, that's their choice. Maybe good things will come of it, I dunno.

      But online multiplay? For Deus Ex?? There are good online mulitplayers, and then there is Deus Ex. One of the reasons the original was so good is that it was such an intensely protagonist-driven FPS, with massive scope for different, less combative styles of play. An absolutely critical element was that you got to generate your own unfair

      • I respectfully disagree :-)

        I have played a number of online games which offer great team-play experience and where the winners are the players who think/plan/analyze the game and find alternate solutions to their problems.

        I am not suggestion yet another Team Fortress / Counter Strike clone. There are a gazillion of those already. But I honestly think Deus Ex 3 could have the potential to bring something new to the FPS MP arena. Here are some examples, which could differentiate (or revolutionize) the onl
  • Well, even if DX 3 is a massive failure, we'll still have the High Definition Texture Pack to keep us going. []
  • They don't mention which platform it is for....

    Deus Ex 2 was really awful. I read about the "mixed" reviews, but I thought I should give it a chance. I tried to like it, but it was just....awful. Maybe the plot picked up later in the game, but I couldn't continue playing it past the first couple of levels. The performance on PC was dreadful, levels were tiny to accomodate limited console memory. Everything about the interface screamed "console" - the text font was huge so conversations were always very shor
    • Ever play the PS2 port of the original? Now that's how to do a PC to console port. Simplify the UI a bit but keep all the customization and plot options. And throw in keyboard and mouse support.

      The problem with DX IW was Xbox-itis, not really console-itis.

      • No, the problem is definitely console-itis.

        Deus Ex started life as a PC game and was then ported to a console (the PS2). To make the game more accessible to the console interface of a gamepad, certain system elements (such as the inventory system) were streamlined down to fit the platform. The elements had worked fine on the PC, but they were hard to manage without the keyboard and mouse interface not standard on game consoles. Additionally, some of the larger levels were broken up into smaller areas to
  • Nope no Spector (Score:3, Informative)

    by OneMemeMofo ( 901314 ) on Monday November 26, 2007 @03:26PM (#21482635)
    An article over on talks about how Warren Spector has no ties to this one. So I wouldn't really expect a return to the exceptionally immersive world of the first Deus Ex. I hope they do take into consideration how badly the second one was rated and sold compared to the first one. However I don't have very high hopes for it. story: []
    • Warren Spector was a legendary developer, and he is a main reason why the first was so great, and the second title so terrible. He had little influence on the second title, and often apologizes for it.

      Spector had a big hand in:

      Wing Commander
      System Shock
      Deus Ex

      and more.

      Maybe the studios should listen to him every once in a while. No Warren Spector means no Deus Ex for me.
    • Nobody should hold IW against Warren Spector, in fact a lot of the changes in the game he objected to.

      The travesty that was DX:IW can be laid at the feet of one Harvey "Witchboy" Smith. [] I will never buy another game he's involved in, even if it's hyped as the greatest game ever.

      I just hope they get Tom Hall to do some voiceover work again. His Walton Simons is one of the creepiest characters ever (right up there with Terri Brosius' Shodan) and his voice in the trailer was the main selling point for IW (too
  • This guy needs to add a few letters to his last name so that he can be Stéphane Disastrous. Now thats a game developer's name.
  • I loved Deus EX, the sequel sucked, Console dumbification. DO you know the difference between a console player and a dead duck? No, you must be a console player.

    Yada yada, others have said it, and I repeat it, but my main point is that while there is the slightest glimmer of hope in that they refer to the ORIGINAL as the one that sold and was reviewed well, they don't mention the sequel. This could be good, they realize it was a huge mistake but company politics prevents them from being negative of one of

    • Yes it is scary but this EA.
      No... this is Eidos along with a new studio named Montreal.
    • Don't blame all consoles for the faults of the Xbox. Remember, the original with all the plot points and character options was also ported to the PS2, they even threw in keyboard and mouse control as an option.
  • D'oh! (Score:2, Funny)

    by 45mm ( 970995 )
    Just when I thought I had forgotten all about DX2 ... you all had to remind me!
  • Remake Deus Ex 1 (Score:2, Insightful)

    Honestly, I'd be very happy if they remade Deus Ex 1 with the graphics, gameplay, and physics of Halflife 2.
  • Crap, I should reinstall it...
  • If Warren's not involved, then let me reiterate the FP: please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck
    (yeah, I know - he was involved with DX2 and Thief 3, but still...)
  • by balthan ( 130165 )
    Where'd this game come from?
  • What the hell? I guess they have both Quality AND Assurance.
  • You bastards.

    It's not enough that you dumbed down DX2 for consoles, ruining the maps, the story, the weapons, etc. but now you have to make a THIRD game? Listen, the first one was great because of the conspiracies within conspiracies. But it's done! Run its course!

    What the hell is the next big surprise in the next big DX remake? We find out JC was a woman?
  • A lot of people did. I'm not faulting them for it. I came by Deus Ex several years after it came out and had some problems with it.

    Ok, for starters, the graphics were crappy. Yeah, yeah, a game is more than the graphics alone but there needs to be a good storyline there to make you overlook that. Doctor Who can impress with craptastic sets while a polished turd like Transformers with $300 million in glitz will bore me to tears.

    The storyline, as I mentioned, was not engaging. I never really felt seated in th
    • What really clinched my negative impression is that everything just felt clunky. Combat felt clunky. The skills system felt clunky. The level design and layout was very confusing. When I feel like I have to resort to a cheat guide to get through the game the first time, that feels like bad design. I'm not talking about spoon-feeding the details to the player, I'm talking about providing enough clues so that someone of reasonable intelligence can make their way through the game without undue confusion from poor design choices.

      I have to say, my kid brother made it through Deus Ex when he was thirteen and loved it. Now, he's bright, and I'm not saying that you aren't. My sticking point is that you pick intelligence in general rather than perceptiveness or just willingness to pay attention. You said pretty early on that the game felt clunky, and I take from that that you were distracted by your dislike for the game. Everything seemed straightforward to me.

      • I have to say, my kid brother made it through Deus Ex when he was thirteen and loved it. Now, he's bright, and I'm not saying that you aren't. My sticking point is that you pick intelligence in general rather than perceptiveness or just willingness to pay attention. You said pretty early on that the game felt clunky, and I take from that that you were distracted by your dislike for the game. Everything seemed straightforward to me.

        That is a huge factor, the more engaging the game, the more likely you are to get fully immersed and directly engaged in what you're doing with it. Deus just lacked that factor for me. But it's funny how tastes vary. I have friend that have very similar tastes to mine, close enough that I feel I can predict what they'll like, and they'll end up hating what I think was a sure bet. Likewise, friends whose tastes are quite divergent will end up liking something I never bothered showing them because I was sure

    • I agree with what your saying, the cat mustache example is stupid, I've had experiences with similar other games, but Dues Ex? There's hardly ever only one way to do a puzzle in that game, and you don't even need to do them all. I guess it's possible the open nature of the game found you with none of the items you needed to do something, but I can't think of anywhere where that's possible atm

      Oh and the storyline was amazing IMHO.
      • I agree with what your saying, the cat mustache example is stupid, I've had experiences with similar other games, but Dues Ex? There's hardly ever only one way to do a puzzle in that game, and you don't even need to do them all. I guess it's possible the open nature of the game found you with none of the items you needed to do something, but I can't think of anywhere where that's possible atm

        Dunno. It's a matter of whether or not the story is engaging. I like RPG's in theory but have found very few that were engaging. I liked Betrayal at Krondor way back in the day but did not find another one that really engaged me until Oblivion. With Krondor, the plot and characters were excellent. Of course, I was also in high school at the time so everything felt fresh and new then. With Oblivion, I don't find the plot itself as engaging as the environment and design of the game itself. The plot seems bog

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
