Games Industry Accused of 'Buying Political Clout' 101
A parent's group is lambasting the Electronic Software Association for announcing its intention to curry political favour in Washington DC. The games industry, for most of its life a much-maligned business sector, has just begun to work towards changing its image with US lawmakers. The Parents Television Council views this as attempting to 'buy influence in Congress', and views the ESA's plans harshly: "'The videogame industry continues to fight meaningful accountability for selling inappropriate material to children. The industry has been exposed repeatedly for its reprehensible behavior and now they are looking for ways to buy friends in the government,' said PTC President Tim Winter. 'Let me be clear of our intentions: Any public servant who cashes a check from the videogame industry will be exposed by the PTC as taking a stand against families, and his or her actions will be communicated to constituents in his or her congressional district.'" I wonder how they feel about lobbying by conservative 'pro-family' groups?
Welcom to the club (Score:4, Insightful)
Or every other business sector that has felt the weight of legislative attention.
Re:Welcome to the club (Score:5, Insightful)
As apposed to what they do...
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Oh bullshit. (Score:5, Insightful)
Screw it. They tried to do it the right way, using reason, and compromise, and common sense, and it didn't work. So now, screw it, they're going to play the game, and it turns out that gaming is a fricking huge industry, and they can blow a ton of money on legislation that is favorable to them.
So now all the "Think of the Children" politicos are going to have to decide whether they want to keep pretending that they actually care, or whether they want money. Pretty much a no brainer.
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Re:Oh bullshit. (Score:4, Insightful)
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An honest politician is one who stays bought. Frankly, it's about time the games industry started using its money to bribe the Congresscritters. The Uptight Christians Brigade [cc.org] has been doing it for years, and getting in the way of everybody who just wants to kick back and enjoy the only life any of us are going to get.
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Well, given that the PTV say's this on their website [parentstv.org]...
They don't sound so bad. (ah, the power of the ellipsis. hehe =P )
In all seriousness, does the PTV sup
Duh. (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:Duh. (Score:4, Funny)
Just call them what they really are, a term that leaves no room for misunderstanding the nature of the evil that they spread across the earth. "Mostly lawyers."
Calling them what they are. (Score:1)
If we're going to call the scum infesting Congress (and other legislative bodies around the world) what they are, then "mostly lawyers" doesn't quite cover it. Let's use words like "racketeers", "gangsters", "criminals", "thugs", "extortionists", "looters", "thieves", "cowards", "robbers", and "assholes".
Mod me down for the following if you like: the only good politician is a dead politician.
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If we're going to call the scum infesting Congress (and other legislative bodies around the world) what they are, then "mostly lawyers" doesn't quite cover it. Let's use words like "racketeers", "gangsters", "criminals", "thugs", "extortionists", "looters", "thieves", "cowards", "robbers", and "assholes".
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They have every right to be upset (Score:2, Insightful)
Arseholes, basically (Score:5, Insightful)
Can people stop using the word conservative to describe these groups? One of the cornerstones of conservatism is the belief in personal responsibility, and that includes taking responsibility as a parent, not sitting back and blaming the entertainment industry like some junkie approportioning the blame for his actions onto society.
If you can't be bothered to make the effort to learn what your children are doing, and enforce whatever rules you consider appropriate for your house, then you have no business complaining. A console/TV/computer is not a surrogate parent, and the games industry is not to blame if you've given your children a TV and Xbox360 in their room to shut them up.
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And frankly, I've seen "conservatives" take the principle of "personal responsibility" to the point of blaming people rear-ended in car accidents for having made the decision to get out on the highway. Personal responsibility is a great way to convince people that the victims of your conduct don't deserve to be compensated.
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Firstly, it can be tough to make a judgement call on whether you are going to be hit or not. A lot of people, at least in my state, leave the bulk of the deceleration for a light towards the end. They effectively zoom up behind you and stop (God only knows why, it's not like the light is going to go anywhere, and even if it did the cars waiting at the lig
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Any action i can take involves me going forward before i can turn, this puts me into the trafic coming from the left side, which the n would hit me on the driver side.
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> not having moved or even noticed the car was coming.
No. Circumstances dictate who is at fault, but in the majority of real-world cases, the person who got rear ended is not at fault (even partially).
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071031185200AAPo49L [yahoo.com]
http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=733166 [google.com]
I once barely avoided rear-ending a stationary car on a freeway. The two reasons I could were (a) I had started practi
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No, what you've got there is an Objectivist.
They are conservative. (Score:2)
These people have clout among "conservative" politicians and describe themselves as "conservative". Personal responsibility is one of those ideas that lip service is paid to as it suits the political agenda at hand, and ignored when it doesn't.
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At least, that's the way it works in most of the rest of the world. Ofcourse lots of economic liberals tend to be socially conservative, whereas social liberals are often economically socialist.
And then there's th
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I disagree completely. While conservatives are all for personal responsibility, they are also about curtailing personal freedoms to meet their moral standards. Conservatives are pro economic freedom, anti personal freedom. Democrats are pro personal freedom and anti economic freedom, and Libertarians are pro economic freedom and pro personal freedom.
So conservatives are all about personal responsibility, but only as it applies to their moral standards. That is you are free to take on the responsibility of
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I would agree with another poster that Conservatives used to mean "personal and community responsibility". Which is fine by me if you have a whole town in B.F.Nowhere that wants to create the ideal religious fanatic haven. However, what has happened since Reagan is that the Republicans and "influencial" fundamentalists (Falwell) have decided that "community responsbility" means "the whole USA is our community, therefor everyone needs to think like us, and we'll make it happen using the law and Fox."
I use C
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Yeah right, these are the same people who accuse others of being "enablers", i.e. the legalization of drugs for instance, and help for addicted users, etc. Just like every other human being conservatives just as hypocritical. "Personal responsib
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New Government Program for Protection of Children (Score:5, Funny)
I'd like to announce a new program to help screen inappropriate material from children. Tentatively titled the "Federal Universal Child Kinship Oversight and Family Force Act" or F.U.C.K.O.F.F. Act for short. This act empowers the states to appoint guardians over minors based on whatever criteria they find reasonable, though it is expected that minors will be assigned based on a matching of their genetic makeup to that of available guardians. These guardians will be allowed to control the media the minor is exposed to, including but not limited to internet, television, radio, video games, and print media. It is the hope of Congress that this formal delegation will clarify the role of the government in the care of minors.
-Ron Paul
Re:New Government Program for Protection of Childr (Score:2)
Re:New Government Program for Protection of Childr (Score:1)
Re:New Government Program for Protection of Childr (Score:2)
Damn. (Score:2)
What about the RIAA (Score:3, Insightful)
The RIAA pulls people in to court instead of generating income. They attack our children and grandparents and threaten to take away our childrens college assistance. Yet the public dont care. Us slashdotters understand it, but the people that should care don't.
Edited music (Score:2)
Where is the public out cry against the RIAA?
The major record labels have a habit of releasing edited versions without the language (and often without references to recreational drugs). Anyone can pick one of those up at Wal-Mart, where the price label tends to state that the music is edited. But in part because of the overhead per title imposed by the console makers, few video game publishers will bring out both an "edited" T and a "less edited" M rated version of the same title.
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"Market Forces" (Score:4, Funny)
Of course they are (Score:2)
Logical Fallacy (Score:5, Insightful)
I notice how everyone is suddenly becoming defensive and apologetic. "Everyone else does it too" is not an excuse. You already know this -- it's almost cliche now -- and yet we still find people who will excuse the behavior of any corporation with "Meh. It's a corporation. That's what corporations do."
But that's not why I'm posting. Actually, I find a sense of gratification -- one could even call it glee -- that for once, I'm on the side of the corporations, who are lobbying for something I want, rather than being the "little guy" screaming at the top of his lungs, wishing desperately that he was relevant.
And that's not why I'm posting, either. I am posting because of this outright fallacy quoted in the summary:
Oh, I get it. You're with us, or you're with the terrorists.
Look, am I the only one who sees more possibilities here? If I was trying to get ahead politically, why wouldn't I cash a check from anyone? It's not as if the money itself is tainted. The MPAA could pay me all they want, and I would still legislate against them, not for them. They can threaten to pull funding -- fine, I'll use the last of their own money to buy some ads, exposing how they essentially tried to bribe/blackmail me into writing legislation for them. A message of "I'm doing the right thing, even if it costs me money" should serve to get me re-elected, right?
It would be much more relevant to ask what that check was for, and to actually look at what that particular public servant does. People who cash checks from the MPAA do tend to write stuff like the DMCA. Are people cashing checks from the videogame industry any more or less likely to write censorship legislation?
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If you think for a second the ESA is any better than the RIAA or the MPAA you're a fool.
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In some ways, they'd be no better than the MPAA. In other ways, well, I like violence in my videogames!
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It's a fair comparison. They're both well-funded, largely amoral organizations that have either wronged us in the past, or intend to wrong us in the future. However, bad as the RIAA is now, I don't want to think what would've come if they hadn't been fighting against the PMRC in the '80s.
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The MPAA could pay me all they want, and I would still legislate against them, not for them.
Are you sure? Money talks, you know. If I gave you 2 billion dollars to support legislation for me, would you do it? Or would you listen to "the voters," who got you the job but don't pay you at all (or at least aren't contributing anymore now that you are in office)? Add the lack of knowledge of the consequences of said legislation that almost all politicians suffer from at least at some point in their careers, if not all the time, and it's pretty easy to see why bought-and-paid-for legislation is so
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Depends on the legislation.
Also, if you gave me 2 billion dollars to do something I was going to do anyway, I'd take it. Or if you gave me 2 billion dollars in the hopes that I'd do something for you, but without getting me to actually agree to it, that's your fault. And that's what you get for trying to bribe me.
I'd listen, yes. Just as I'd listen to you.
And then I'd vote for what I thoug
pro family? (Score:3, Insightful)
Good grief. I have a family, I'm reasonably sure I'm pro it, and I like games as they are. If somethings too violent I just don't buy it, end of problem. Do I need someone esle to tell me? Nope, I have a brain.
Remember when Hollywood started to think that any decent film had to have sex scenes in it? I mean the eighties and early nineties. They weren't legislated into stopping it, although there were the same pressure groups doing the rounds. It was a bums on seats problem. People weren't interested, so they didn't pay for the film, so they dropped the sex thing. There's only been one scene with sex scenes in it that I've enjoyed in recent years, and that's 'Free Enterprise'. There wasn't exactly much in that either. Ok Clerks 2 as well, but that was a donkey....um, bad example...
If people don't buy enough of the violent games, they'll stop making them, its simple business economics. If they keep on buying them, there's obviously a market, and it will be supplied, no matter what die hard 'pro family' bods say.
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"Family" (Score:1, Insightful)
There are other codewords, too.
"Responsibility" usually means "bla
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Great flick, btw... They even got William Shatner to play as imaginary version of himself:
Imaginary William Shatner: What'd he say?
Young Robert: You really don't want to know.
Imaginary William Shatner: I really do want to know!
Young Robert: He said that Han Solo was cooler than Captain Kirk.
Imaginary William Shatner: Kick the little fucker's ass!
That bit of dialogue alone almost makes it worth t
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The only reason congress hasn't intervened to try and stamp out the "bad" stuff in films is because the MPAA and their secret ratings board are doing it for them
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Chicks with dicks that put mine to shame.
Wait, wrong Clerks.
I can't take it anymore (Score:4, Interesting)
Can I come? I gots mad tech skillz. Please? I'll work really hard. Anything to GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF THIS FUCKING CESSPOOL OF NITWITS THE REST OF THE WORLD HAS BECOME!
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There's nothing fundamentally wrong with a group called the "Parents Television Council." However in a sane world such a council would focus on encouraging the development of "clean" "harmless" (and more importantly, simple and fun) programming for children and working with amenable companies on the production of the same. They would not be running around telling
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Wait a second here... (Score:2)
The hypocrisy of them lambasting the gaming industry for playing political "dirty tricks" is truly disgusting, indeed.
Ya know what pisses me off the most? (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm personally fairly opposed to video game violence, as I am with TV and cinema... I don't think it's healthy for our culture in general (regardless of age, actually). But I'm also in favor of consensus building, and different interests working together toward the common good. The PTC has shown that they are not trying to build a better game industry, they are trying to tear it apart completely.
Basically, this gesture says "We can lobby, but they can't, because they're inherently evil". At that point, no reasoning or compromise can be made, we're now in the realm of idiology and theology. Basically, PTC has just declared financial holy war on the game industry.
I consider myself a pacifist... but in this case, let the war begin.
It's totally unfair (Score:4, Funny)
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I know. So I'm expecting a bloodbath. (Hey, pass the popcorn, would you? Oh, a large bucket please.)
Why not? I mean, that's almost how it works for everyone else now anyway. There's no jumping puzzle per se, but that
Um...? (Score:2)
My "Teen" RPG Christamas... (Score:2)
I have nearly the entire FF Series and it's rated Teen and I found really nothing in it to object to... I
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Video games and TV are seperate issues (Score:1)
Good for us now, maybe bad for us later (Score:1)
After all, I remember rooting for the recording industry and their PACs back when Tipper Gore was leading the effort to censor music, but later those same organizations lobbied to get the DMCA passed.
Not everything that is good for the game industry is good for the gamer.
Only one way to deal with this.. (Score:2, Funny)
And a quick search over the PTC's site reveals the email for "Letters to the Editor":
Now go forth, my tech brethren, and fight crazy with crazy
Works like a charm ! (Score:2)
May I be cynical for a bit? I hope you don't mind, but with Parents Television Council's latest barrage of snippy politics, I can't resist the urge to make a few cynical comments. It is worth noting at the outset that contrary to my personal preferences, I'm thinking about what's best for all of us. My conclusion is that
Dear Tim Winter (Score:2)
Angry activist "parents" (Score:1)
I think what must irritate them the most is that gaming industry has decided to fight them on their own turf. But at what point did supporting video games mean harming families? It's not as if the two are mutually exclusive. Pro-divorce, anti-family. Pro-kidnapping, anti-family. Pro-child abuse, anti-family. Those correlations make sense.
I'm a married man with a family and vi
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Hmm... (Score:1)
The video game bills in Congress (Score:1)
H.R.1531 - Video Game Decency Act of 2007 http://www.opencongress.org/bill/110-h1531/show [opencongress.org]
S.568 - Truth in Video Game Rating Act http://www.opencongress.org/bill/110-s568/show [opencongress.org]
H.R.2958 Children Protection from Video Game Violence and Sexual Content Act http://www.opencongress.org/bill/110-h2958/show [opencongress.org]
And you grab an rss feed to monitor congressional activity related to video game
Re:'Political Clout' is more and more important no (Score:2)
Makes me proud to say that you were already on my foes list before you slipped up and let your hood show in public.
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If you look at ringbarer's posting history, you'll notice that he didn't forget to do anything.