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Metallica to Star in Next Major Guitar Hero? 115

Many readers have written in to let us know Metallica may be the star of the next major installment to the Guitar Hero franchise. "Edward Woo, a Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst, was going through some SEC filings from Activision, and found the following plan. 'In fiscal 2009, we plan to publish Guitar Hero: On Tour for the NDS; Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Guitar Hero: Metallica, and Guitar Hero IV across multiple platforms,' the report read. Since the fiscal year ends March 31, 2009, it doesn't sound like we have long to wait for this title. That's four Guitar Hero games coming in the next year. How many can the market take?"
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Metallica to Star in Next Major Guitar Hero?

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  • Who cares (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Archangel Michael ( 180766 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @03:55PM (#23673055) Journal
    Really? They're just trying to win back some fans that have long since written them off for their hatred of their fans.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by oahazmatt ( 868057 )

      Really? They're just trying to win back some fans that have long since written them off for their hatred of their fans.
      Then they'd better make sure none of the material from St. Anger makes it into the game.
      • Then they'd better make sure none of the material from St. Anger makes it into the game.

        I used to really hate St. Anger when it was first released, but now time has passed I really quite like a few of the tracks, namely Frantic and Some Kind Of Monster. I thoroughly suggest you go back and give it another spin! Sure it's not And Justice For All ... but it's not that bad :)

        Free Playstation 3, XBox 360 and Nintendo Wii []

      • Better yet, they can forget anything after (probably including) the black album.
    • Who do you think decided to make Guitar Hero: Metallica? I kind of doubt it was Metallica. Activision was probably like "Hmm...what major metal band could we use to milk even more money out of our GH franchise?" and their greedy, grasping hands finally rested on Metallica. I suppose it could be the other way around, that Metallica commissioned the game, but I kinda doubt it. They probably thought to themselves "what the hell, it can't exactly hurt us" and agreed to it. So, I don't think it's just Metallica
      • Who do you think decided to make Guitar Hero: Metallica? I kind of doubt it was Metallica. Activision was probably like "Hmm...what major metal band could we use to milk even more money out of our GH franchise?" and their greedy, grasping hands finally rested on Metallica.

        I think you're forgetting one of Activision's biggest considerations.

        "What kind of well known name can we still get for really really cheap?"

        Cue call to washed-up has-beens to cut a deal for a pittance and vague promises about a return to relevance.

        • I dunno about your definition of washed-up is but playing major festivals and doing tours while producing a new album, means id quite like to be washed up too.
      • by antic ( 29198 )
        I only discovered Guitar Hero III last week and I'd like to see them release any albums they can get their hands on as playable tracks - the best Metallica albums, Pantera, Sepultura, etc. I don't mind if they don't take it to the level of the Aerosmith release (mo-cap on the talent, etc), just bring across the songs.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Chabo ( 880571 )
      I wore my "...And Justice For All" t-shirt to the last metal show I went to, and I overheard two guys talking about it behind me, trying not to let me hear:

      Guy1: Aww, Metallica? They fucking suck!
      Guy2: Wait dude, that's Justice. They were awesome in the 80s.
      Guy1: Really?
      Guy2: Yeah, go listen to Justice or Puppets, don't forget they had a bunch of other albums before St. Anger.
      • Re:Who cares (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Negatyfus ( 602326 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @04:42PM (#23673867) Journal
        Hah, gotta love them new kids. Just like them to be ignorant of one of the founders of thrash metal. Metallica were never brilliant musicians in the face of more skilled bands, but their drive for metal made them what they were (and Dave's in the case of Megadeth). I guess I'm old enough now to welcome a new generation of metal kids instead of putting down their choice of bands.
        • by Red Flayer ( 890720 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @04:59PM (#23674111) Journal
          Heh, reminds me of a great exchange from James:

          [lights come up]
          crowd goes wild, then quiets down
          How many people own our first album?
          crowd cheers loudly
          How many people own 'Kill 'em All'?
          Crowd goes nuts and erupts
          They're the same fucking album, assholes!
          • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

            by ucblockhead ( 63650 )
            How many people own our latest album?

            crickets chirp
          • How you doing out there?
            crowd cheers loudly
            I said how ya doin' out there [City Name]?
            Crowd goes nuts and erupts

            Asking the same question and getting answers doesn't necessarily mean anything....
          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            How many people own our first album?
            crowd cheers loudly
            How many people own 'Kill 'em All'?
            Crowd goes nuts and erupts
            They're the same fucking album, assholes!

            I guess 'No Life 'Til Leather' has been retroactively made to not count. Is this because:
            1. James was too drunk at the time to remember recording it;
            2. Original bassist Ron McGovney shows up to demand royalties any time someone mentions it;
            3. Despite having all the necessary characteristics of an album, 'Leather' was self-produced and distributed, and

        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Lonewolf666 ( 259450 )
          Metallica were indeed of one of the founders of thrash metal, and in their earlier years I count them among the best musicians in the genre (as it was back then). Certainly up to "Justice For All", and the Black Album was OK too.

          But after that, they sort of lost their drive and did some so-so hard rock stuff. I think they never quite recovered from that, and the metal scene in general has produced a lot of really good bands since.
          Overall I think thrash/speed/black metal has grown up some and it is more diff
      • Honestly I didn't much care for Metallica when they were "good", so now I'm just basking in self-righteousness. It's more a genre thing though; I find most metal to be pretty numbing after a few minutes.
        • I'm not much into the crazy stupid stuff like Iron Maiden, but some Metallica can actually be pretty good - the only album I have is S&M though, which is them playing along with an orchestra, which obviously helps to make the whole thing more majestic and refined. Not all their songs are just them thrashing away at 180bpm :P The band members do seem to be dicks though.
          • by makohund ( 10086 )
            Um... I'm trying to figure out what you mean by crazy stupid stuff = Iron Maiden.

            Being quite familiar with all sorts of music, metal in particular, and most certainly both Metallica and Iron Maiden, the statement doesn't make much since.

            I could understand "I don't like Iron Maiden".
            I could also understand "I think Iron Maiden is stupid".

            But calling their material "crazy stupid stuff" makes it sound like you've never even heard them before, and you just pulled a name out of a hat.

            Maybe I'm wrong about that,
            • Well the few maiden songs that I have heard all seem to be very long with pointless solos (I remember seeing one of their concerts on MTV2 and it just seemed to be endless widdly solos that were going nowhere.. that was like 9 years ago now though so maybe I'd be able to appreciate them more now. You could say the same about Metallica too but dunno I just find their music more interesting. Actually watching your video there one of the main factors is that I just don't like the guy's vocals. I mean mixing Ax
              • by makohund ( 10086 )
                > all seem to be very long with pointless solos
                > Actually watching your video there one of the main factors is that I just don't like the guy's vocals.

                OK, that's the sort of criticism/opinion I can understand and get behind, even if I don't agree. :)

                > Axel probably came after but you know what I mean

                Yep, Axl definitely came after (and went long before). Maiden predates Axl by about 10 years, and is still trucking along over 15 years since Axl last did anything.

                I do know what you mean though. I a
                • When I said Axel I meant Axel Rose, who must be a tenor too (if not an alto to soprano at times xD ). I do like the guy from Zepellin's voice, I don't know what it is about the Iron Maiden guy's voice that ticks me off. Maybe I'll get used to it one day.

                  Ya I was talkin about Aint Talkin Bout Love, but the first place that I actually heard that riff was in an Apollo 440 dub remix called Aint Talkin Bout Dub, it's pretty good.

                  Funny you should mention jazz, I often don't like that either ;) But I do like some
                  • by makohund ( 10086 )
                    >When I said Axel I meant Axel Rose, who must be a tenor too

                    Yep, that's who I meant too. Axl Rose. Maiden started in the mid 70's and is still putting out albums. Guns N Roses started in the mid 80's, and started to vanish after 94.

                    >I don't know what it is about the Iron Maiden guy's voice that ticks me off. Maybe I'll get used to it one day.

                    Yeah, maybe consider giving it a shot. :) I myself didn't really care for the band much when I was younger, based on what few tunes I'd heard. I was a thrash
                    • I shall check out some of those albums :)

                      Brothers In Arms was actually the first picking type song I learned to play on guitar :) Love Knopfler/Dire Straits!

                      There's a Steve Ray Vaughn song on Guitar Hero, Pride and Joy, I do love a bit of blues. I don't actually have any Hendrix - the first time I heard Little Wing was actually a cover by the Corrs (my sister's album in case you're wondering :p ) but I love it all the same. So I spose the only time I've heard Hendrix playin is on TV, and Wayne's World =p He
                    • by makohund ( 10086 )
                      I consider SRV's Little Wing to be the definitive version. Jimi wrote it as a sweet little song, SRV took it and expanded it into an instrumental blues guitar masterpiece. I think it's one of the best guitar recordings ever done, in any genre. Found it here [].

                      > I've never really been into Bjork, have only heard 2 or 3 of her songs but they have been quite varied so there probably would be a lot of her stuff that I'd like without even having to 'get used' to it

                      I'm more into her earlier stuff... the first
                    • That is a great version, and there's some Eric Clapton versions there too which I like. Ordered a few CDs apart from Pantera and Testament. Now that I'm thining about it, my lil bro probably has songs from all those bands anyway, he's really into his metal.. :p

                      I just watched the Corrs version again and while I suppose it might be a silly question, I wonder what you'd make of it: [] . It's not got any fancy guitar but I think it's a good interpretation of the song anyw
            • That machinehead video "isn't available in my country" (UK) apparently, but I jus ran a search for them and I like their singing/music in 'Bush'.. good stacatto rhythm mixed with flowing melodies :) Should probably get one of their albums!
            • Oh wait.. the band is Bush and the song is Machinehead.. duh xD
              • Wrong band! Heh!

                Machine Head is a pretty heavy thrash metal band. Saw them recently at Nokia Theater / Times Square, pretty good. Arch Enemy is better, though.
                • I eventually got them on Youtube and I must say I do like them. So I like crazy metal, but I don't like opera-like metal perhaps. The singer on Dragonforce sings a bit like that, but at least the music is equally mental as well :)
                • by makohund ( 10086 )
                  Oh yeah... that is definitely the wrong band!

                  Bush? Heh, heh, heh. Good one. :)

                  Machine Head is damn good thrash metal nowadays. As is Arch Enemy... but I lean more toward Machine Head in the vocal department. (Arch Enemy was actually the first band I saw that day, at the Ozzfest I saw Maiden at). Their most recent album (The Blackening) is probably my favorite metal album of the last few years. I have Doomsday Machine, but haven't heard Arch Enemy's latest yet.

                  If he likes metal, but with heavier singing
    • That should be hatred of their 'fans' (music pirates; as Ulrich sees them) and because of the shitty music.
      Saint Anger lost more fans than the whole Napster affair.

      My faith was restored, so to speak, by Some Kind of Monster, and I am still a fan, but not as much as I used to be.

      I, for one, will not be running out to buy the game just because it features Metallica.
      • Re:Who cares (Score:4, Interesting)

        by jgarra23 ( 1109651 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @04:46PM (#23673931)
        My faith was restored, so to speak, by Some Kind of Monster, and I am still a fan, but not as much as I used to be.
        I'm actually surprised by this comment. While I thoroughly enjoyed SKoM, I had a completely different experience from it.

        I saw a band that was really a clique (Hammet, Hetfield & Ulrich) in disguise, ganging up on Dave Mustaine and throwing him out, ultimately alienating and doing the same to Jason Newsted and ultimately turning on itself when they ran out of punching bags. They also non-verbally admitted their bad-rep amongst the metal world by having to bribe Robert Trujillo under the guise of giving him a million bucks to join when really it's that the only people who were willing to audition just didn't have the talent to play live riffs (Danny Lohner? Gimme a break, he's WAAAY overrated).

        There are other issues but then I'll just be going on & on... it's really sad because I really enjoy their pre-Black music. I'll never forget that I was actually excited before Load came out. I was so excited... man... I don't even know what to say about all that. I wrote them off when they sued their fans. I don't really care- it's like an abusive relationship with them always. They will use you up until they can't squeeze any more out and then they will sue you for the rest. You want to have a side project? Fuck you.

        None of that anger is reflect towards parent post :) I wish I was as forgiving as you in that respect.
        • No anger was interpreted!

          I actually agree with what you're getting at; especially the part about the clique. Mustaine being kicked out was a good thing IMO. He had problems and needed to take control of his life and take responsibility for his actions. Not to mention we wouldn't have Megadeth!

          And I totally agree about pre Black Album songs, they were great. Kill 'Em All sounds very .... rough (?), unperfected, very from the heart instead of manufactured maybe but has classic songs. That's why I liked SKoM;
        • I'll never forget that I was actually excited before Load came out. I was so excited... man... I don't even know what to say about all that. I wrote them off when they sued their fans.

          Couldn't agree more. Defended them till the last...The last being suing their fans, a move only the biggest of whiny douches could pull.

          Why do you think Danny Lohner's overrated? I didn't know his name so I looked him up on wiki and found he's done work in NIN and APC...Seems like pretty good names to drop as far as I'm concerned, but I'd have to pay attention to his particular tracks to understand better.

          • Why do you think Danny Lohner's overrated? I didn't know his name so I looked him up on wiki and found he's done work in NIN and APC...Seems like pretty good names to drop as far as I'm concerned, but I'd have to pay attention to his particular tracks to understand better.

            He appears to be a pretty good hand in the studio but I've seen him live a multitude of times... Maybe I was seeing off nights or something but I didn't think he was on par with anyone else on stage any of those times. Some people are bett
        • ...having to bribe Robert Trujillo under the guise of giving him a million bucks to join...
          It was a million dollar advance presumably paid back from his share of future band earnings. Hope he decided to put that million somewhere stable and live off the interest income.
    • If their guitar hero performance will be anything like the last show of theirs that I saw, then James Hettfield will forget some lyrics and be pelted in the face with plastic bottles before begging for sympathy(citing "self-esteem"). Then, when they stop their real show and pull out the gimmicky little acoustic set, their little ditties would be drowned out from crowd-booing.

      That was in San Diego, at Coors Ampitheater, in '98 or '99 on the Re-Load tour BEFORE the abomination known as St. Anger was releas
    • by qcubed ( 655212 )
      Are you talking about Metallica? Or Activision?
  • will they sue me if I record a video of myself rocking out to Metallica on Rock Band and post it on youtube?
  • by phorm ( 591458 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @03:59PM (#23673109) Journal
    As seen here []

    Metallica is pretty good at following the money. Much better than actually caring about their fans.
    • The only reason why I logged in was to see if I had any mod points to give you. However, it is obvious I do not so I am limited to a sophomoric "MOD PARENT UP!!!"
  • Hate those sell outs. Bet they sue anyone who tries to play the game without paying them a royalty every time they play a song.
    • No,

      You paid for the rights to play the song when you purchased the game. So play as much as you'd like.

      Now, they might have a problem if you started allowing people to download a copy of the game for free over the internet, or started giving away free bootleg copies out of your garage.
      • by Dan667 ( 564390 )
        You missed the sarcasm. Metallica would sell out their grandmothers for $100. Maybe less.
  • A lot of people are going to point out that they hate Metallica because of the anti-Napster stuff they did in the late 90's. I would like to point out that there are also a lot of disaffected fans from the 80's who hate them for selling out with the black album in the early 90's. Metallica has made so many enemies over the years that they have people hating them NUMEROUS reasons.
    • Yeah. Some of my friends started hating them when Justice came out. Some started hating when the Black Album came out. Some for the Napster deal.

      I think I have one friend that has stayed with them through it all... and I'm not sure why.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by effigiate ( 1057610 )
      I'll call this one beforehand - Score: 5 Flamebait

      Metallica hate is so pervasive that, at this point, it seems "popular" to hate Metallica for any number of dumb reasons. My two biggest complains are:

      1. Metallica killed Napster - Did you really expect to be able to freely download any song you like, as easily as you like, forever and ever? Metallica may have been the first major band to bring a lawsuit against Napster, but I woudln't of given Napster another three months before someone else stepped

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Nightspirit ( 846159 )
        I think my hatred is more of a generational type thing. As a teen in the 90s, metal was actually pretty mainstream for quite some time with the release of the Black album. Then rap and alternative started to explode and (mainstream) metal started to die. Us metal-heads were looking for one good Metallica album to come out to save the genre and then they cut their hair and released Load; essentially the death kneel for the metal era. Now, I know lots of good metal was being released at the time, but at the t
      • by Cheile ( 724052 )
        1. The reason that Metallica got called out for this was that you can't be the "Friends don't let friends listen to corporate rock!" types and at the same time go around suing people because you're don't have enough gold-plated sports cars. Up until that point they were running the "we're artists in this for the art and our fans" line and that had been their line from the beginning. In other words they got called out for their blatant hypocrisy.

        2. You can change your sound as much as you want without
      • The point with the Napster thing is that it's extreme hypocrisy, since Metallica became famous in the first place by encouraging fans to pirate cassete tapes. I'll do an one-person act to illustrate:

        Old Metallica: We're the metal millitia!! Fuck the system!! Pirate our music!! Stick it to the man!! We'll never make an MTV videoclip!! Whiplash motherfucker!!

        New Metallica: Hai guys, did you see our newest videoclip on MTV? Oh and pirating is stealing, play nice and pay for things like a good citizen.

      • I would disagree about adapting their music to the time. Everything they pull out sounds like a rehash of Ride The Lightning. This band is done a long time ago already. Plus, they let their celebrity eating their brain cells. That's never good.
      • by bsDaemon ( 87307 )
        I hate Metallica because they bitched on Dave Mustaine, and he was their best musician. Megadeth rocks and they just can't stand it. If it weren't for them selling out then they wouldn't be more popular than Megadeth because they suck. a lot.

        It wasn't "growing," they didn't do it for the music. It was a commercial plot to make money and get girls with fewer tattoos.
      • by snuf23 ( 182335 )
        They're wankers. The thing was in the 80s they were so proud of their fans for promoting them and made sure to say how they weren't selling out and not an MTV band. Oh they only made a video of "One" because of the message of the song and the existing film footage from Johnny Got His Gun.
        And then the next album was full of MTV friendly 3 minutes songs with corresponding pointless videos. Metal lite for their new MTV fans.
        I don't really care, I'm sure that the lure of the money would have made me change just
      • by cowbutt ( 21077 )
        1. Metallica killed Napster - Did you really expect to be able to freely download any song you like, as easily as you like, forever and ever? Metallica may have been the first major band to bring a lawsuit against Napster, but I woudln't of given Napster another three months before someone else stepped in. And what did we get out of Napster crashing? P2P programs that let you share WAY more than music. You could get games, movies, porno, AND music on the software that popped up after Napster got shut down.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by coren2000 ( 788204 )
      The Black Album was absolutely terrific, anyone who argues this point is silly.

      So what that a bunch of metal-heads didn't get another Thrashing and hate "nothing else matters"... the rest of the world got one of the top "rock and roll" albums of all time, and arguably the best ever rock ballad.
  • by Alzheimers ( 467217 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @04:06PM (#23673221)
    All this talk about Guitar Heroes -- where's the G3 edition?


    These are the REAL Guitar Heroes.

    As good as some of the early Metallica tracks were , their reputation with fans is completely shot and TBH their last few albums make them sound washed up and done.

    Now, if they made a game where fans could shoot Lars Ulrich in the face with a bazooka, that would probably sell.
    • Don't forget Devin Townsend. Not to take away from anyone you listed but he's just that good.
    • I'm just an average guy, but I've never heard of any of those names.

      "Guitar Hero: Metallica" means something to me.

      "Guitar Hero: Malmsteen" means nothing to me, and I'd dare say nothing to lots of other people, too.

      • by OSXCPA ( 805476 )
        They never had the mainstream success of some of the other bands, but have put out classic albums. Steve Vai 'Passion and Warfare' is pretty much standard issue to guitar geeks, even if they are of the 'I hate the LA sound of the 80's' school, because it just doesn't get better, or even as good as Steve Vai very often. I highly recommend it. Metallica, and I am a fan, dream of growing up to play like Steve Vai, and I say that with much respect, but absolutely seriously.
    • -Satriani
      Guitar Hero can be tough as is. If you start adding these names, it will be nigh impossible!
    • GH3 does have "Cliffs of Dover" on it, but nothing from those other guys. As much as I like Satch, Vai, Yngwie F'ing Malmsteen, etc., they're guitarists' guitarists. They don't have broad appeal, and their music is mostly solo. GH is more riff oriented, which is why you get songs like "Hit me with your Best Shot" or "Talk Dirty to Me." Personally, what I find most peculiar is the absence of any Led Zeppelin...
    • by mamono ( 706685 )
      You forgot David Gilmour and Tom Morello
    • -Satriani

      These are the REAL Guitar Heroes.

      They also aren't well-known to your average "button guitar" player. Also, in case you didn't know, a REAL Guitar Hero is featured as an unlockable bonus track on Guitar Hero II [].

      "Yeah, but can he play Buckethead on 'Expert'?" --Stan Marsh, "Guitar Queer-o" episode

      Also, for "real" guitar players who have a Comcast box, an early live Buckethead performance is available for free on-demand.

    • While I grew up listening (and playing) to the above guitar heroes, if you want to genuinely hear some new guitar players that will blow your mind, please check out the following:

      - Guthrie Govan ("Erotic Cakes" album)

      - Greg Howe ("Parallax" album)

      - Ron Jarzombek (Spastic Ink)

      - Alan Holdsworth (anything, and prepare thyself)

      - Brett Garsed (anything)

      - Ritchie Kotzen (earlier stuff)

      Guitar players of the 21st century.

      You've probably already heard Buckethead if you're a guitar hero fan.
  • I don't like anything Metallica has done since the black album (and yes of course this includes their assault on Napster and Metallica fans). Rockband currently has the following Metallica tracks available:
    * Enter Sandman
    * Ride the Lightning
    * Blackened
    * And Justice...

    All of their new music has become radio friendly and lost it's edge, so I would be less likely to buy a game that features their newer content...
    • Oddly enough, I like (parts of) Load, Reload and St. Anger. Something is clearly wrong with me (time to check myself into an asylum), but hey. In any case, I would still prefer more older tracks in the lineup, and my guess is they will be throwing older stuff in there too. Or, at least, I hope... won't be buying it if I can't play Call of the Ktulu and The Thing That Should Not Be.
      • I dunno, Load and Reload had some decent/good songs. Unforgiven II had a beautiful guitar riff which was the sole reason I learned to play guitar. For my money, it's the early Metallica that I can't stand... never did see why anyone gets so worked up about it. The band didn't really get good until the black album, imnsho.
        • by steeljaw ( 65872 )
          I'm a drummer, beginning with the black album Lars seemed to go with the "Less is More" approach to drumming, you know, the kind of sh*t you expect from AC/DC.. I don't really care how commercialized a band becomes as long as they continue to play to their fans' expectations, and the *new* over-produced and more radio friendly Metallica was like a 180.. And again, Napster [] dude!!!
        • by OSXCPA ( 805476 )
          C'mon, Master of Puppets was excellent - but the production sucked. Listen to their 'S&M Live' album (OK, I could do without the orchestra, but otherwise...) and liten to MofP and some of the other older tracks - they are great, and while there is no 'Enter Sandman' until TBA, there's a lot of quality there.
          • Actually, I have S&M, and love the hell out of it... but as a rule, I can't stand any of the older tracks on there. I just plain don't think Metallica was very good before TBA, sorry. Exceptions: Fade to Black and One.
  • Didn't we just read that 47,000 people downloaded a Motley Crue song [] around the first day it was available for GH? That being said, and knowing that even my non gaming friends have a copy of GH, I'd say the markets ripe for more tracks to 'play'.
  • "Beer Good!"
    "Napster Bad!" []
  • I'm going to Rock Im Park tomorrow and the thing that pisses me off more than anything is that some of my money is going to Metallica. Most overrated band in history.
  • This is a feature that MUST be part of this game since it is featuring Metallica:

    As you know, (right now) as you play through the Guitar Hero games, your character earns money for playing songs successfully.

    There are also purchasable items (songs) in the "in-game" store, but for the Guitar Hero: Metallica, all the songs should just be in there for looks, you never "earn" enough money to buy them......

    This is where Neversoft needs to partner with Rockstar Games.
    Put some of the Grand Theft Auto gameplay in th
  • Why release more band-centric Guitar Hero games when World Tour is coming at the end of the year? Why would we want to buy a game based around one band's music when Activision should be focused on actually supporting DLC for World Tour. Guitar Hero is the kind of game that doesn't need multiple installments. It's not a genre where much innovation can be seen from title to title. New songs do not warrant a new game, which is where DLC becomes attractive. World Tour will be introducing many new gameplay eleme
    • by mmkkbb ( 816035 )
      Besides, does anyone really enjoy swapping discs in and out in order to play varying tunes?

      People like the Singstar series just fine.
    • Band specific games are great.

      Obviosuly, I would not expect them to sell nearly as many copies as the main versions. They seem more focused towards fans of that band. So, people that liek the band will buy them, hooray for them, and people that don't like that band will pass whiel they wait for a band they do like to release a game.

      As for: Besides, does anyone really enjoy swapping discs in and out in order to play varying tunes?

      Do people really like swapping out CD's to listen to different song
  • The info was found on an official Activision filing, it's going to happen.
  • Gamer plays Guitar Hero at party, more than 40 in attendance, arrested for 'performing a derivative work' via Playstation
  • *yawn* (Score:3, Funny)

    by katterjohn ( 726348 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @05:00PM (#23674131)
    Talk about Enter Sandman
  • by slapout ( 93640 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @05:09PM (#23674295)
    ...won't have downloadable songs :-)
  • Napster.. baaaaad...
    beer.. goooood..
    guitar hero.. goooood..
    (Anyone else seen that shit? =) )
  • DARKNESS Imprisoning me all that I see, absolute horror I cannot live, I cannot die trapped in myself, body my holding ceeeeellll.. Dudilladuddilada duddilda duddiladada... Dudilladuddilada duddilda duddiladada... Dudilladuddilada duddilda duddiladada... waaaannnwwannnnnn wawannanawawanwnawanallallwanallwnallwnalllawannnalla wannala dududududud dududu du dududud du du duh
  • by Phoenix666 ( 184391 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @07:00PM (#23675849)
    I was a Metallica fan back in the day. Hearing Master of Puppets was blissful release from the Top-40 land I grew up in. When Napster came on the scene I downloaded all the bootlegs I could find; Napster was a fan's cornucopia, such as there has not been since. One fellow Metallica fan I downloaded from also had tracks from Plastic People of the Universe, which was one of the weirdest and most interesting bands I'd ever heard.

    Then Lars testified that his fans were pirates, and joined the RIAA's jihad against music lovers everywhere. I took out all my Metallica albums and memorabilia and burned them.

    There is nothing Metallica can do to get back in my good graces. I'm sure I'm not alone.
    • I'm right there with you. When I was young, I was camping out in order to get the best tickets. Now I won't spend $1.99 for the guitar hero tracks. I'll never give those fuckers a dime again.
  • Ha! []
  • ... till everyone figures out Activision has no actual new ideas, and has to continually rip off the much more innovative Rock Band, by Harmonix (who created Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2, and Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s), as well as these band-specific games, which I have no doubt will turn out to be crap.

    I loved the Harmonix GH games, buy GH3 was abysmally bad. I wont buy another. I'll stick with Rock Band from here on out.
  • And I thought the GTA series was bad enough.
  • I remember seeing an interview with Metallica's drummer back in the napster days
    "this people are, like, turning our music into a PRODUCT, maaan"
    their super packaged box set 'live shit' had just come out...
  • I don't like these themed Guitar Hero releases. If you happen to like the band then I'm sure you're "all over it", but it alienates a lot of other potential customers. It cuts the potential list of consumers down, which in business is not really the goal. A nice random, wide-ranging list of songs would be more generally appealing.

    Unless they release "Guitar Hero: Muse"... that my personal "I'd be all over that" GH release.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
