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Censorship Entertainment Games

The War Against Virtual Beer Pong 368

Michelle Shildkret, 360i on behalf of writes "JV Games was all set to release 'Beer Pong' for the Nintendo Wii when parents and lawmakers got a whiff, forcibly renaming the game to Pong Toss and filling its pixelated cups with water instead. But the game is still rated 'T' for teen, and anybody who encounters it will be able to draw clear conclusions as to its intended purpose (drink and get drunk)." Lesson: Don't play games that simulate drinking before you play games that simulate driving, or larceny.
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The War Against Virtual Beer Pong

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  • by jlarocco ( 851450 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:06PM (#24426003) Homepage

    WTF? Just play real beer pong.

    • by nawcom ( 941663 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:09PM (#24426029) Homepage

      I can't wait until they come out with the wii game where you play a drinking game where you drink if your character in the game your character is playing for drinks....erm.

    • If you want to drink, just drink.
      Then you can play CoD4 and barf
      instead of wasting time on something pointless.

    • by NoobixCube ( 1133473 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:39PM (#24426323) Journal

      My friends and I, when I was living on campus, usually found the only real ping pong table already in use. Then, one of us got a Wii, and we played Wii Sports' Tennis as beer pong :P. Sure, there wasn't a glass to knock the ball into, but that didn't stop us getting more than a little tipsy :P

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by PachmanP ( 881352 )
        Wii sports golf made the best Wii drinking game in my opinion. Drink for every point over par and every point you opponents were under par. Good times...
        • Wii sports golf made the best Wii drinking game in my opinion. Drink for every point over par and every point you opponents were under par. Good times...

          Sounds like a game you play to lose:

          Ford stared at Arthur, and Arthur was astonished to find that his will was beginning to weaken. He didn't realize that this was because of an old drinking game that Ford learned to play in the hyperspace ports that served the madranite mining belts in the star system of Orion Beta.

          The game was not unlike the Earth game called Indian Wrestling, and was played like this:

          Two contestants would sit either side of a table, with a glass in front of each of them.

          Between them woul

    • by philspear ( 1142299 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:45PM (#24426383)

      Sure, but what if I have no friends or it's like 10 AM and no one wants to start drinking?

      If I'm ACTUALLY playing one player beer pong, it's harder to lie to myself and say it's not just alchoholism.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Todd Fisher ( 680265 )
      It's more environmentally friendly to play Beer Pong on the Wii - you only need one plastic cup.
    • Or real golf, or real bowling, or real tennis...

      I'm just sayin'...

  • Drunken Aim (Score:5, Funny)

    by camperdave ( 969942 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:07PM (#24426013) Journal
    Lesson: Don't play games that simulate drinking before you play games that simulate driving, or larceny.

    ... or shooting at politicians. After all, you might miss.
  • Why? (Score:2, Interesting)

    Really, this isn't such a big deal. Now if it was, say GTA or another game, but not this shovelware that has cropped up on Wii Ware. (Review here: []). Seriously, it is a really crappy overpriced ($8) game.
  • by wild_quinine ( 998562 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:12PM (#24426069)

    concerned parents began sending angry letters to JV Games and Nintendo... until JV Games agreed to change the title of the game to Pong Toss and fill its pixelated cups with water.

    Well then let's just hope that nobody finds excessive urination offensive.

    Or stimulating for that matter.

    Honestly, when water isn't safe, where do you turn?

    • by multisync ( 218450 ) * on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:36PM (#24426299) Journal

      Honestly, when water isn't safe, where do you turn?

      Actually, drinking too much water can be just as dangerous as drinking too much beer. People have died [] from drinking too much water [].

      I think it's extremely irresponsible of the "parents and lawmakers" to encourage behavior that may lead to water intoxication

  • Hypocricy (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Aardpig ( 622459 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:13PM (#24426081)

    The US has some of the most stringent laws amongst western nations for limiting alcohol access to young adults. You can be taxed, vote, fuck and die for your country, but you can't drink beer until you're 21. Yet, amongst its peers, it ranks close to the top in terms of alcohol abuse and related activities like drink driving.

    Similar hypocricy abounds in other spheres of life. The 'most free' nation in the developed world, yet a higher fraction of its population imprisoned than anywhere else. Abstinence only, but the highest rates of teenage pregnancy.

    All of these are symptomatic of the US's prohibitionist approach to life -- a trait that can be traced all the way back to the pilgrims, who fled England not to be free from religious persecution, but so that they could themselves persecute without interference.

    • Re:Hypocricy (Score:4, Insightful)

      by nawcom ( 941663 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:15PM (#24426115) Homepage

      In God We Trust

    • Re:Hypocricy (Score:5, Insightful)

      by timmarhy ( 659436 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:19PM (#24426143)
      it's definately a crime to think some kid could die in iraq without ever having had a beer.
      • it's definately a crime to think some kid could die in iraq without ever having had a beer.

        It is? Then, I suggest you practice civil disobedience and think about it, think about it a lot.

        • I suggest you practice civil disobedience and think about it, think about it a lot.

          Aren't you supposed to add a

          ...and get off my lawn!

          after saying something that?

      • by spook brat ( 300775 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @08:05PM (#24426631)

        According to Federal law the armed forces can allow drinking [] by service members as young as 18 on bases in or near locations where the legal age limit is lower than 21 - the military enforces the local drinking age laws. The degree to which such leniency is actually applied differs from service to service (if you're in the Air Force, you're out of luck), but the Army and marines have been pretty good about such things.

        • by dbcad7 ( 771464 )
          Yeah, back when I was a 18 year old youngster in the Army (a very long time ago) we had a beer machine in the barracks.. but we didn't use it much, cause being in Germany at the time, there were better beers than that canned American crap.. I was also in Kentucky before the laws you posted passed.. I imagine that covers the EM club, and PX, but I am willing to bet they still have beer machines in the barracks.. which don't ID anybody.
      • Re:Hypocricy (Score:5, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 31, 2008 @08:07PM (#24426645)

        IAASMUT - I Am A Service Member Under Twenty-one - and I'm tired of hearing this argument. You can, in fact, drink if you're risking your life for your country. When in non-forward-deployed, non-CONUS locations, the legal drinking age is 18. Yes, you heard it right, when under-21 service members are deployed, risking their lives for their country, they are allowed to drink in their downtime.

        There ARE restrictions - usually a ration card that allows you three alcoholic beverages a day, and obviously no drinking when you're forward deployed (read: taking fire!)

        So all of you 18 year old pricks who whine about not being able to drink but being able to die for your country, well, join up and drink up.

        • Sounds like a great deal! Perhaps ill wait till I'm 21.
        • Re:Hypocricy (Score:5, Interesting)

          by Aardpig ( 622459 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @10:16PM (#24427815)

          So, although you are legally considered an adult upon turning 18, you cannot drink unless you sign up with the military and go off shooting people. I don't see how that's a healthy societal attitude.

          Oh, and I'm too old to join up. Not that it matters, since I'm old enough to drink. Also, I'm more use to my country in a lab than elsewhere.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by meringuoid ( 568297 )
        it's definately a crime to think some kid could die in iraq without ever having had a beer.

        I think quite a lot of the kids dying in Iraq have never had a beer. They're mostly Muslims, remember?

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Jimmy King ( 828214 )

      Your post reminds me of an experience at work some time back. I work with content for mobile phones. As part of my job at one point I would provide ringtones to AT&T that our company had licensed. These had to go through a somewhat stringent approval process. There was one batch I was submitting which contained the song "Drink in my cup". That song was denied due to references to alcohol. In the same batch was "Gat in my lap". That song was passed. Ridiculous.

    • by Red Flayer ( 890720 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:23PM (#24426191) Journal
      I get your point, and it's a good one (though it's been said a million times before, and you're preaching to the choir). What I want to know is:

      You can be taxed, vote, fuck and die for your country, but you can't drink beer until you're 21

      I can fuck for my country?! Sign me up for three tours!

    • You can be taxed, vote, fuck and die for your country, but you can't drink beer until you're 21.

      I usually fuck for myself, not my country. Just ask my girlfriend.

    • By just about any measure, USA is far from 'most free'. For example, look at: [] where USA ranks 31 below , most of Europe and many others. Sure, it might beat China or Zimbabwe, but you'd hope that USA would try to compare itself with people nearer the top of the list.
    • You don't have numbers of people behind bars despite strict laws but because. You don't have high teen pregnancies despite but because a lack of sensible sex ed.

      That's basically what it comes down to. You know who profits most from strict porn laws? Porn makers. Actually, not only them, but generally the whole movie industry. You can show drivel like Baywatch and you'll have horny teens glued to the screen for the chance of seeing some boobs, at least through the bathing suit. You know what? The show bombed

      • by Aardpig ( 622459 )

        Erm... this was my point, dude. The US's prohibitionist approach to many social problems usually exacerbates, or even causes, these problems.

        BTW, where is 'here'?

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        While not arguing with your major point, the regional craft breweries in the US have reversed the trend of shitty American beer. We are now awash in quite decent beers. I say this as someone who drank my way through Germany. It would be arrogant (and inaccurate) to assert that our beers and wines are better than the rest of the world's, but we have many that are quite good, and that often win top prizes in world wide tastings.

        If you ever make it to the Pacific Northwest, I encourage you to sample the Wid

      • Who profits most from strict alc laws? Breweries. Because you can sell whatever crap piss and call it beer and people will still buy it (trust me, I come from a country with less strict laws concerning alc and your beer simply IS NONE). No need to go for quality or taste, people will buy the crap anyway because, ya know, it's alcohol... the big man stuff that you only get when you're 21.

        That is the worst leap of logic I have ever seen. We have crappy beer here because Americans are willing to settle for crap. It has absolutely nothing to do with our alcohol laws. Pay attention sometime: Americans buy crappy clothes, cars, computers, whatever, as long as it's cheap. We even settle for getting bent over by the cell phone companies (unlike the Europeans), and that isn't even cheap! Saying our crappy beer is due to alcohol laws is absolutely false. The logical conclusion would be that we have

    • Re:Hypocricy (Score:5, Insightful)

      by leereyno ( 32197 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @08:54PM (#24427125) Homepage Journal

      This is precisely why I've never had any respect whatsoever for the law. Now I'm no criminal, I try harder than many to avoid doing things that are wrong. However, if the only argument against something is that it is illegal then I don't consider that to be an argument at all. The tyranny of the majority not a moral principle. It is simply one of the inherent flaws of democratic rule.

      What gets me the most is how people my age (35) and a little older will almost have a conniption about their kids doing the very same things that they (and I) did when we were that age. I drank, sometimes to excess but not often. I had sex, as did most of my peers. I didn't mess with drugs but I knew many who did. This is what is known as High School.

      Very few of the things I did at that age were wrong, though many were forbidden because of my age. But I'll be damned if I'm going to apologize for any of it. I responded with puzzlement to the bizarre histrionics that older people would emote over the things I and others my age did. If it was ok for them to do it, then as far as I was concerned it was ok for me too. I stand by that to this very day. For the longest time I believed that the antics of the older generations were a put on, an act, a contrivance of melodrama and theatrics intended to fool me and others of that age into believing absurdities through which we could be controlled. In other words, a scam, a con. I didn't believe that the adults in my life actually believed the things they were saying, because grown people couldn't possibly be that stupid...or so I though. As I've grown older I've come to realize that yes, people can be that stupid, a life-long ailment for which there is no cure.

      I honestly think that most people simply don't remember their teenage years in sufficient detail to understand what it means to be a teenager. They claim to understand, but their actions and attitudes speak otherwise.

      Today the things I endured in high school are now being perpetrated upon college students, who by any sane definition are supposed to be adults. Colleges and Universities are there to provide an education to their students, not to act in loco parentis. If someone isn't grown by the time they reach college, then it means their parents didn't do their job. It doesn't mean that the university should be stuck picking up the slack.

      It is sad and sick that grown men and women would be so fearful that their adult (or nearly adult) children might drink beer that they would launch a grass-roots movement against a video game for merely featuring the beverage.

      These people have too much time on their hands if this is what they consider to be a pressing concern.

      • You'll find that not everyone had that kind of teenage childhood - and those that didn't push for these sorts of things sometimes if only to justify to themselves that their life was the correct way to live, and why they didn't have fun when they could have.

        After all the most vocal supporters of female circumcision are older women whom themselves have been circumscribed - and I will never forget seeing that anti women's rights rally in the middle east which was led by women.
      • Re:Hypocricy (Score:5, Interesting)

        by cluke ( 30394 ) on Friday August 01, 2008 @03:41AM (#24429731)

        When I was 18, I used to work with a guy in his 30s, born again. With a solemn face he would tell me about his "sins" and how he had lived a live of debauchery for years but now he had seen the light and was a Christian now, and how I shouldn't make the same mistake he did and repent now. I'm thinking "Nuts to you pal, so you get your 10 years of hedonism 'til your good and done with it and then turn round and try to deny me the same?"

        Nothing like saving other people from YOUR temptations.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Karellen ( 104380 )

        "if the only argument against something is that it is illegal then I don't consider that to be an argument at all."

        You don't have to just not consider it an argument, it isn't an argument.

        You either have to base your laws off of your ethics, or your ethics off of your laws. You can't do both, as that's just circular reasoning [], which is a logical fallacy, and therefore not a valid (i.e. rational, logical) argument.

        If you base your ethics off of your laws, where do these laws come from? Well, I suppose if you

    • I don't think it's accurate to call it hypocrisy to have a 21 year drinking age, though hypocrisy certainly exists around the subject. We have high rates of alcoholism, so it's not apriori stupid for us to try to address the problem with laws. After the fact, however, it's apparent that the laws don't work, and that maybe we should be looking at other causes. One of those causes is that young people don't get taught good, safe drinking habits, and I would have to say that beer pong and other drinking gam

    • It's not persecution if you willingly submit yourself to stringent rules. The Pilgrims did not seek to oppress anyone; in fact, they even wrote up a bare-bones "constitution" (the Mayflower Compact) before landing. No one was forced to join their colony, and they did not conquer other colonies. Complaining about the Pilgrims is like complaining how the nutjobs who cut off their testicles and killed themselves waiting for the mothership infringed on your rights. It also wasn't the first colony in North A
  • Question: What's the life expectancy of a WII and TV in a dingy basement and a bunch of drunk college kids around?

    Answer: You mean if by some chance it's not stolen first? Not Long.
  • Tapper (Score:5, Informative)

    by Fishbulb ( 32296 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:15PM (#24426113)

    This is exactly what happened to the old video game 'Tapper', where you played a bartender serving thirsty customers. Originally licensed by Budweiser. They had to give it a face lift after parents complained (originally targeted for bars, it got into places it probably shouldn't have been in) to Root Beer Tapper. []

    • Unfortunately, in the end this measure did not end up protecting the children. Root Beer Tapper's promotion of the consumption of massive quantities of high fructose corn syrup was one of the primary causes behind the current epidemic of childhood obesity.

      Parents should have insisted on converting the game to "Celery Juice Tapper".

  • Nanny State (Score:4, Insightful)

    by nurb432 ( 527695 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:17PM (#24426123) Homepage Journal

    We really need to kill off this nanny state we live in before the next generation is too afraid to go outside at all.

  • by seanonymous ( 964897 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:18PM (#24426131)
    Can't we all just get a pong?
  • by Vellmont ( 569020 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:24PM (#24426197) Homepage

    Because your adult "child" might play this game away from home! Gotta protect the "kids", right? Why is it video games are the new evil that's replaced song lyrics?

    Here's a message to the helicopter parents: Let Go.

    • Because your adult "child" might play this game away from home! Gotta protect the "kids", right? Why is it video games are the new evil that's replaced song lyrics?

      The original problem is that the game was rated T for Teen, yet featured alcohol consumption.

      It is still rated T for Teen, but now features water consumption.
      Problem solved.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Blackhalo ( 572408 )
      "Why is it video games are the new evil that's replaced song lyrics?"

      What a wonderful question! I often ponder what the sociological/psychological motivation it is that drives a portion of the population to vilify imaginary evils. Whether it be witches or video games, comic books or Dungeons & Dragons, Alcohol or Rock & Roll, fluoridation or immunization; there seems to be a segment of the population that needs some imaginary social ill to oppose. Why these do gooders can not focus on somethin
  • by nebaz ( 453974 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:29PM (#24426243)

    change the pong paddles to flowers, because you could hit someone over the head and hurt them with paddles.

  • Priorities (Score:5, Insightful)

    by thedullroar ( 944296 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:40PM (#24426337)
    All the time these parents spend writing angry letters could be put to use parenting . Talk to your kids about things they shouldn't do (like drink alcohol) and why they shouldn't do them. If you don't want your kid playing that game in the house, don't buy it. If you don't want them playing it at a friend's house, know your kids' friends and their parents. If they are reasonable people, they will honor a request that certain things not be on the activity list when Jimmy comes over to play. And if you've done a good job parenting so far, playing virtual pong isn't going to turn your kid into a hooligan.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Opportunist ( 166417 )

      But little Jimmy will eventually turn from the sweet angel he is now to some sort of brat. It's called puberty. But since Jimmy's parents can't accept that their baby ain't no baby anymore (which only makes that puberty problem worse, btw), something else has to take the blame. THEY of course didn't do anything wrong. Even if Jimmy decides that H is a great because it lets him take a break from this perpetual pain called reality, it can't be that his parents didn't give a rat's ass about his wellbeing, only

    • If they are reasonable people, they will honor a request that certain things not be on the activity list when Jimmy comes over to play.

      I'd say reasonable people don't really want to try to parent by some other parents rules. We're not talking about hardcore pornography here, it's a silly beer pong game. Do I get to enforce equally silly rules on other parents, such as "don't let Johnny watch any Fox News when he's over there.. we don't want to poison his mind with that garbage". Yah think the "Fox News"

  • Censorship (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rtechie ( 244489 ) * on Thursday July 31, 2008 @07:46PM (#24426401)

    This issue perfectly illustrates why we need strong laws protecting freedom of speech. Just having the 1st Ammendment isn't enough. If there was a federal law saying you can't sue over video game content, NO MATTER WHAT, this game would have been released as intended. The fact that you can sue somebody because you're "offended" is nonsense.

    • If there was a federal law saying you can't sue over video game content, NO MATTER WHAT, this game would have been released as intended.

      Nintendo sells a console for family oriented social gaming.

      Nintendo doesn't need or want a well-publicized association with the frat party beer blast - which it would get from the day the game was first announced.

  • by bluefoxlucid ( 723572 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @08:02PM (#24426605) Homepage Journal

    Write angry letters (not e-mail, honest to God hand-written letters) to your politician about how this is ridiculous and absurd. use the following hard facts:

    1. Drinking is a part of our culture. Hiding a part of culture from someone until they're well over maturity creates a dangerous situation, because people haven't yet learned how to handle these things. Aliens, there's xenophobia (kill the evil dangerous things!); covering up all violence, people lose self-esteem and confidence and crumble under stress (ohgod he's threatening to break my arm give him whatever he wants *cry cry* don't even THINK about helping someone else in trouble either way too dangerous wtf); alcohol, they'll seek out the contraband as kids and get into car accidents, or become alcoholics as adults.

    2. Companies can market what they want. Parents need to control their kids; without actually raising kids, you can't control them. Imagine if parents simply didn't bother with keeping their kids off drugs; now imagine schools censored all things about drugs. Oh, what's this magic dust? It'll make me happy? Hmm... :) Even with school lectures, kids only really pay much attention to their parents when making decisions like that.

    3. I find it offensive that you can breed without a license. I have to learn all the important points of driving (traffic signs, danger and hazard conditions) to drive; you should need to learn all the important points of parenting to have a kid. You need a license to get married already, but no training; put dick A in pussy B.

    Really, what the fuck is so hard about this? "Angry parents whine to congress/nintendo about how they don't want to have to keep something away from their kids or try to teach their kids what that something might deviate them into doing" okay so "Angry parents bitch at congress/nintendo about this gross distortion of responsibility and accountability."

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by PReDiToR ( 687141 )
      You're so nearly there, you just didn't connect the dots.

      "They" want us to breed (3) so that we can do more consuming (2) and won't know any better if we stay indoors and don't fraternise with each other (1).

      Take this framework and apply every new law you hear to it and sooner or later you will have a tinfoil hat like the rest of us.
  • by Pincus ( 744497 )
    Thank god I can still play all sorts of games where I steal and kill all sorts of things. It's probably a good thing I can't play those games after playing beer pong, too, since getting tipsy might through off my aim. Better still, if I make a game where kids vote in an election, will I need to change it from a presidential election to a student council election? I wouldn't want to teach any kids to break the law by voting underage.
  • What's the rationale behind them caving in ? So there are a bunch of extremist parents who complained, but they always do! You could give them a video game where you plant trees, and they'd manage to find suggestive phallic themes in the seed/plant/bug things...

    Why couldn't this company just say a nice big "Fuck You" and release their game as originally designed and titled ? No one's forcing these church nuts to buy the damned thing, and it's not like the average underage kid can afford their own games.

  • by ToadMan8 ( 521480 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @08:48PM (#24427057) what the brew-ha-ha is all about.
  • You missed one! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by GoombaTroopa ( 1022351 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @08:59PM (#24427171)
    Okami is rated T, and that teaches your children that drinking sake makes you strong!

    Ban this game now before it breeds a generation of sake-drinking hooligans who spend their days drawing circles around plants!
  • by Layth ( 1090489 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @09:34PM (#24427457)

    I compete in a lot of beer pong tournaments.
    In fact I fly out to vegas every year for the world series (mentioned in article) and even placed top 10 for 2008.

    Bizarre to see something like pong make its way onto slash dot.
    There is another wii variant called Ping Cup in some type of party games package as well.

    Personally I don't see the point to either simulations, since beer pong is ridiculously simple to set up an ACTUAL game in person.
    All it takes is cups and ping pong balls! Why are you in front of a television - the game is supposed to be social.

    Anyway, I can chime in on one aspect that most slashdotters are probably unaware of.
    Beer Pong is extremely competitive. When you go to tournaments, it has nothing to do with getting drunk.

    Make that shot and win that money. World series is 50k. Smaller local tournaments are 500-6,000 in prize money for 1st.
    These politicians need to leave my game alone, damnit.

    Beer Pong is not a crime.
    The assholes are making me irked at my own country and envy other places' freedoms.

  • by Ukab the Great ( 87152 ) on Thursday July 31, 2008 @10:07PM (#24427731)

    Faithfully recreating the beer pong experience would involve your Wii giving you a nasty week-long cold that you get from the other players who drink from your virtual cup of beer.

  • WTF.....?! (Score:3, Informative)

    by IHC Navistar ( 967161 ) on Friday August 01, 2008 @12:35AM (#24428839)

    Next up on the "To Ban/Outlaw" list:

    1) Rock N' Roll (it's the Devil's music, and can lead to the downfall of society)
    2) Skirts that show women's ankles (wearing anything shorter encourages pornography)
    2) Unbuttoned Shirt Collars (shows too much skin on men)
    3) Harsh Language (degrades society)
    4) Marshmallow "Peeps" (people can choke while playing games with them)
    5) Four-letter words in Scrabble (can lead to offensive language and degraes society)
    6) Contact sports (can lead to severe injury and/or death)
    7) Cheese (can cause cholesterol problems)
    8) Personal Opinions (can lead to violent conflicts and social disruptions)
    9) Anything Sharp (can cause severe injury and/or death)
    10) Self-Defense (can lead to severe injury and/or death of the attacker/criminal)
    11) Dirt/soil (since it contains dagerous germs and microbes, such as anthrax and E. Coli)
    12) Trees (falling out of them can lead to severe injury and/or death)
    13) Bicycles (sice they can cause injury to the user and can be a hazard to other traffic)
    Better yet, why don't we just lock up everyone under the age of 40 in padded rooms and straight jackets because they might hurt themselves and/or someone else??!

    As prestigeous elitist as Georgetown is, they should have realized the lawsuits that they could face from this, since they, and anyone else, cannot prohibit lawful activities taking place within a private dwelling, since dorms, apartments, and student housing are technically private dwellings/residences. It would be the same as banning having sex or playing the Marshmallow Peeps Game in someones apartment/room/housing/etc.

    This would be a "losing" legal battle for a campus that tries to prohibit this, but "winning" in the sense that no student can afford to defend themselves.

    My school prohibits kegs, since they are considered "Mass Delivery" devices, but that only means you cant have a 'keg' (not counting those 'mini-kegs' you see at 7-11), and you can have as much alcohol as you and your buddies can afford. You can have a truckload of any kind of alcohol, but no kegs. Sorta makes sense, but they are not restricting alcohol or access to it by legal drinkers. If you live in the regular dorms, and have a roomie that is under 21, there must be at least 1 door, not including refrigerator doors (I already tried that) between the alcohol and the person under 21 (the door doesn't have to be locked at all times though). If you live in the student apartments or student housing, you can have any kind of alcohol anywhere. Parties/gatherings of over 15 people require you to fill out a very simple slip stating that you understand and you agree to be responsible for keeping the party under control. Our Police Department even has a shuttle that will take you to and from (until 2am) the downtown bars for free so you don't have to drive drunk.

    The only real restrictions we have on alcohol is that you can't make your own, can't have a keg, and can't drink if you are a minor. Smoking is still O.K. as long as you are 25 feet from windows (State law).

    Out rules regarding alcohol are simple common sense. As long as someone can care for themselves or is not posing a real danger to others, they are allowed to have fun. The rules (with the exception of kegs) are just the same as any other city or town in California: No open containers in public (except for scheduled events), you must be able to care for yourself, you cannot drive drunk, no underage drinking, and you can't give or buy alcohol for minors.

  • by philipgar ( 595691 ) <> on Friday August 01, 2008 @03:15AM (#24429611) Homepage
    Beer pong is a game played with paddles, throwing ping pong balls into triangles of cups is beirut.

  • Thank God! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by crhylove ( 205956 ) <> on Friday August 01, 2008 @06:56AM (#24430777) Homepage Journal

    I'm very glad that parents and lawmakers are spending so much time on kids getting virtually drunk, virtually running over old ladies, and virtually killing hookers.

    Clearly, with global warming, increasing corporate consolidation in every industry, multiple wars and genocides planet-wide that we are either funding indirectly, directly, or directly a part of, a decline in the middle class that is readily apparent, a national debt that spiraled out of control under Reagan, and is now MUCH worse, species going extinct across almost every ecosystem, increasing levels of obesity, heart-disease, cancer, and genetic disorders, bread inflating in price over seven fold while the dollar deflates into toilet paper, irregular voting results, procedures, and a subsequent media black-out, questions about building seven, huge set-backs in education, a completely broken health care system, bogged down freeways and corporate toll roads, the sub-prime start of a NEW great depression, cameras on every street corner, and astronauts claiming there is higher intelligence in our region, it is refreshing to see that parents and lawmakers care about the important stuff, like virtual beer-pong. Clearly, their priorities are very much in order.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to having a conversation that is being listened to about how my friend was practically raped at the airport by the DHS on my over-priced corporate cell phone that is giving me cancer. Have a nice fucking day.

Brain off-line, please wait.
