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Square Enix Announces Supreme Commander 2 70

arcticstoat writes "Supreme Commander 2 has now been officially announced, but with a surprise publishing partner on board — Square Enix. Gas Powered Games' original RTS game and its expansion pack, Forged Alliance, were published by THQ, who is no stranger to the RTS genre, but Square Enix has previously specialized in Japanese RPGs such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Explaining the move, Square Enix said in a statement that it 'has previously worked exclusively with Japanese development companies, so the decision to form strategic partnerships with developers located outside of Japan serves as a new cornerstone of its strategy to create games targeted primarily at consumers in Europe and North America. Additionally, Square Enix Group's foray into the real-time strategy genre is a significant expansion of its product lineup.'"
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Square Enix Announces Supreme Commander 2

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  • Front Mission (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Enderandrew ( 866215 ) <> on Wednesday November 12, 2008 @06:22PM (#25740467) Homepage Journal

    The Front Mission series is incredible. Not to mention that I'm more interested in the developer than the publisher when it comes to experience and game design.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Let the great grandchild of Total Annihilation [] be as great as the original!

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cbhacking ( 979169 )

      I suppose I'd call SupCom2 the grandchild, not the great-grandchild, but yes. please do let it be so. Also, please let it not require hardware in excess of what, say, StarCraft 2 will need (although TA had its taxing moments as well - I remember thinking that the 256MB needed to play the Four Corners map was completely unreasonable). SupCom will only barely run on one of my computers (though it's fine, if not any where near maxed out, on another).

      • by fuzzyfuzzyfungus ( 1223518 ) on Wednesday November 12, 2008 @07:25PM (#25741151) Journal
        This is vaguely off topic, I suppose; but I think that TA Spring [] the weirdo timeline defying clone of the TA/SupCom family deserves a mention. It brings classic TA mechanics(assuming you use the appropriate mod) into a modern 3D engine, all with fairly modest resource requirements.
        • by vraa ( 1086475 )
          TA Spring is an amazing game Multiplayer has so many tactics you'd never believe TA Spring is what complex RTSes strive to be What else would you expect from an open source game PS: I highly suggest the CA (complete annihilation) mod []
        • I think it's on-topic enough. Spring is _amazing_, and ahead of its time. If I were the guy at GPG looking for new partnerships, I'd tap those guys rather than looking to Square Enix.
  • Supreme Commander (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ShakaUVM ( 157947 ) on Wednesday November 12, 2008 @06:42PM (#25740709) Homepage Journal

    Supreme Commander was interesting, but had a weird economy that sort of just kept growing exponentially. You get to a point in the game where you can survive just by making the uber-unit of the game. The uber-units also produce energy for the economy, and can assist in producing more uber-units, so you end up with this sort of Fibonacci sequence progression of uber-units in the game. At some point, you decide you've made enough of them, walk them along the bottom of the ocean to your opponent's base, and annihilate them.

    It's a very odd game mechanic, and I'm not sure it's one I liked.

    • by moderatorrater ( 1095745 ) on Wednesday November 12, 2008 @06:45PM (#25740745)

      The uber-units also produce energy for the economy, and can assist in producing more uber-units, so you end up with this sort of Fibonacci sequence progression of uber-units in the game.

      Then your enemy's not playing right. A horde of small/medium units should have been able to wipe out your base while you were building up to your uber units. Unless you were only playing against the AI, in which case you probably shouldn't have been expecting a challenge anyway :)

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        But that's how you play it...

        You send in a line of continual rocket kbots and small cheapies to harass and destroy mexxes and solars. While you do that, you set up a perimeter, prepare missile defences against aircraft and later on nukes, and tech up fast and build what you need.

        By the time you cloak and get good radar coverage up, you should have a bertha or 2 for suppression and "OMG BERTHA".

        One of the fun strategies is to play with cloakers and attack from both sides using either MERLs (medium range miss

        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          by kesuki ( 321456 )

          "But that's how you play it..."

          so boring playing just one game and just one way. i've got about 6500 games on and i could not have done that with a single strategy for each race. heck i couldn't even remain sane playing that much and there were many people pulling me away from warcraft.

          but just imagine how much happier say for instance pigs in some giant factory farm would be if they could play warcraft all day. sure with a short life span they're not going to learn how to play games that well,

          • +1: Bat-shit crazy

            That's possibly the oddest thing I've read on /. in a while - thanks for brightening up my day!

          • So we're in the Matrix only instead of being in the Matrix, we're playing Supreme Commander and instead of people, we're actually pigs? It's like the Wachowski brothers directed Animal Farm. I approve!
          • by Psiven ( 302490 )

            lmao that would be awesome.

        • Kbots? Bertha? Let's not confuse SC with TA please, despite the lineage.

          Turtling isn't too bad a strategy in vanilla, but will get you stomped good and quick in SC:FA. There is just too much power on each side for even the most over the top defensive lines to be stopped.

          • So true. Nukes have a huge advantage compared to the anti nukes so worst case scenario you drag the fight out till they build mass nukes and overwhelm your nuke defense.

          • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

            I heard SCFA is what SC should have been with actual fun in the game. I still avoided it since my PC couldn't handle even a moderate number of units in SC and I was annoyed at being expected to buy a second game to get what the first one should have delivered.

      • by RichiH ( 749257 )
        Agreed. At least before the patches, building anything large was just plain stupid. Lots of medium stuff will always win. Which is why this game was so extremely boring.
      • Then your enemy's not playing right. A horde of small/medium units should have been able to wipe out your base while you were building up to your uber units. Unless you were only playing against the AI, in which case you probably shouldn't have been expecting a challenge anyway :)

        Exactly. Try playing against humans and see how quickly your strategy will change - if you reached Tech3 in 30 minutes before, expect to be barely hanging on at Tech2 after 1 hour... THIS WILL HELP. [] [GPG]

        Don't be offended by the title - I always played SupCom by slow, quiet research followed by the same old blitzkrieg and got bored pretty quickly. You'll be surprised how intense and stressful a game can be when you play by going for blood rather than immediate research, not to mention how quickly your g

    • by Xylaan ( 795464 )
      As part of the first expansion (Forged Alliance) the developers reworked the economy (by reducing the energy efficiency of mass fabricators) and reduced the effectiveness of assisting (now it's barely worth doing) to prevent that late game exponential growth without actually taking up more land area.

      Yes, if your enemy can expand his base to cover large swaths of the the map, then their production will be ridiculous, but no longer are they continuously growing their economy without taking up more space.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by WDot ( 1286728 )
      My friends and I would play against the bots and ended up in this same situation. We downloaded the Sorian AI mod, which fixed the problem. Seems odd that a modder is required to fix the catatonic AI, but the guy does a really good job. []

      In this case, simply building uber units won't work, as the enemy bases will almost certainly have enough shields and defense to bring them down before they even reach the defenses. While you may be able to hold your own, you ca
      • by DuncanE ( 35734 ) *

        Not to blow my own trumpet, but I also did a fairly successful AI patch for SC.

        Get it here: []

        The AI script was all in lua so it proved quite easy to mod.

      • There were several 3rd party AI patches for TA as well that would improve the AI. Not by much, but it would at least improve the AI.

      • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

        With vanilla, the built-in AI was so horrible that Sorian was pretty much required to get any challenge out of skirmishes or comp stomps. And I'm absolutely horrible at RTS games, as much as I love them. However, by the time FA came out, the built-in AI had improved to the extent that it didn't really need help to kick my ass.

        Unfortunately, even though the built-in AI was much improved, it was still dumb. One of the advantages of Sorian was that it behaved a lot more like a human, making the game more fun a

    • by pbaer ( 833011 )
      It was like this for a long time, but they changed it near the end. It's now a very different much much deeper game. There's infinite resources, but a more linear growth curve thanks to capped building speed, in addition to making the economy generating structures much more expensive.

      Unfortunatly, the community is basically dead, because they left the game in a fucked up state for too long and a lot of people left. That and having a ranking ladder with extreme smurfing where one person had 10+ top 100 acco

      • It was like this for a long time, but they changed it near the end. It's now a very different much much deeper game. There's infinite resources, but a more linear growth curve thanks to capped building speed, in addition to making the economy generating structures much more expensive.

        Unfortunatly, the community is basically dead, because they left the game in a fucked up state for too long and a lot of people left.

        Hmm, interesting.

        Unfortunately, that was why I left. =)

        • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

          OTOH, the game is mod-friendly enough that somebody could produce a mod that rolls back the game to any previous version, or makes whatever other balance changes they like. There have always been a ton of balance-related SupCom mods.

  • oh noes (Score:3, Funny)

    by hort_wort ( 1401963 ) on Wednesday November 12, 2008 @07:17PM (#25741045)
    Square Enix? an RTS game? HA! Hahaha! I can see it now, all the units with have spiky hair, and all the engineer units will be named Cid.
  • they will finally patch Forged Alliance!

    I loved Total Annihilation (and Absolute!) and Supreme Command. Forged Alliance added some direly need rebalancing to Supreme Commander, however the game was never 'finished'. It had some serious unit bugs that were, indeed, possible to live with, but should be patched (and many have been patched by the community). However, FA slows down. And slows down. And slows down.

    I have a really fast computer, but still, just launch a game with two LAN players and no AI. Do _not

    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      Get Spring [], it has much lower sys reqs than SupCom and both the engine and the games on it are still seeing active development so if an issue arises it can actually get fixed.

      • by GenP ( 686381 )
        Too...many...dependencies. Do they really need Java, Lua, and Python?
        • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

          Python is used for the build system (scons), Lua is the scripting language for custom game logic. I have no idea why it uses Java though.

  • Supreme commander 1 was horribly designed, this fact must be faced. It used a tonne of memory and the art direction was barely passable for roughly %50 of units for all races.

    They also ruined the story of the game in the expansion by cutting off any interesting threats one could generate off the first game. The seraphim just became another evil-alien faction, when in the beginning they were these enlightened beings. It was really sad that the seraphim were all cookie-cutter. They killed the russian girl

  • by Sabriel ( 134364 ) on Wednesday November 12, 2008 @11:21PM (#25742857)

    I no longer care how good it is. Unless they include decent unit and map making tools as part of the game, I'm not going to buy it. I'm sick of hearing "they'll be released later" and then getting crap or nothing.

    You hear me, GPG? Unit and map tools. Good ones. No more excuses.

    • by Psiven ( 302490 )

      You should write them a snail-mail, bro, if you're serious about it.

    • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

      It would probably help if you said what you think is wrong with the existing map and unit making tools. Apparently the community thought they were good enough to pump out a ton of awesome custom maps and units.

      • by Sabriel ( 134364 )

        The community? You mean the tiny subset of the game's playerbase with the free time and coding skills to devote to hacking the game rather than just playing it?

        Total Annihilation: official map editor eventually released, as a beta, and so buggy and unstable that this "community" had to write their own version (which while more stable, had even less features). No official unit editor at all; "community" had to write their own.

        Supreme Commander: official map editor (described as pre-alpha!) eventually re

    • I care how good it is. Unit and map making tools are nice, but I'm more concerned about the game being buggy. The original for the PC had more patches than you can count, and the Xbox 360 version is still unplayable, months after it was released.
  • It wasn't a bad game overall, but it had bugs, balance issues, and became quite repetitive as compared to other RTS titles. And instead of working to correct the issues fans had with the title, it went ahead and rush an expansion pack out the door (which sold far worse than the original title) and moved on to the equally abysmal "Space Siege."

    Oh well, at least it'll have some awesome looking cutscenes!

    • by Psiven ( 302490 )

      OMG Space Siege was horrid, and I was so looking forward to it after the acclaimed Dungeon Siege. As a developer, they really need to take better care of their IP because all of it reflects on them as a brand.

      Maybe the choice to move to S-E as a publisher is a reflection on this? S-E seems more likely to give GPG the space and time they need to release a quality product.

  • I used to be a huge fan of Total Annihilation and I was really looking forward to Supreme Commander. I was pretty disappointed with it though. Allow me to preface this complaint by admitting outright that I am bad at RTS games. The scope of the missions was, for me, very frustrating. On one mission in particular, I could complete the first theatre pretty easily, the second theatre without too many snags, and then got completely trounced every time I got into the third theatre. Presumably I was doing so

    • I too was disappointed. The missions for all three races took place on the same six maps, which was pretty dull. Also you spent most of your time zoomed out in order to see what was going on, so the game reverted to watching dots move around.

      Overall I'd say 'nice idea, terrible execution'. I'd also suspect that the real reason for bringing in this new company is because whether they admit it or not, supcom was an awful game.

      I waited eagerly for it, having also been a huge fan of TA back in the long ago, and

      • by Psiven ( 302490 )

        I agree regarding the zoom affecting overall "fun-ness". It's ironic that the most highly touted feature had this impact. In retrospect I would opt for a mini-map that had a more functional level of abstraction. Make it more useful then just unit type and location.

        I was also impressed they utilized a second monitot for the mini-map. Great feature. Everygame should utilisze multiple monitors if there is a practicle reason for it.

        • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

          It wastes rendering power though. A zoomed out minimap can use just one flat image for the terrain while a screen needs to render the map geometry.

        • There is a minimap, and you don't need a second screen to activate it; Simply press (to my memory) "I" in game, and you'll get a little menu come up.
  • I still play Forged Alliance, and think it's pretty good. There's a _few_ balance issues, that have been community patched, but I still think it's a take for 'top of the class' as RTS games go.

    So I'll be watching developments here with interest.

There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go.
