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Real Time Strategy (Games) XBox (Games) Entertainment Games

Hands-On With Halo Wars 52

The Opposable Thumbs blog got some hands-on time with Halo Wars, the upcoming RTS from Ensemble Studios. The early look is promising; concerns about the controls and the game's adherence to Halo's style have effectively been laid to rest. Now that work on the game is complete, Ensemble is shutting down, its employees splitting amongst at least two new game studios. "Thanks in large part to the game's control and Ensemble's clear consideration for the limitations of a controller when playing an RTS, Halo Wars manages to achieve a level of playability and accessibility that truly is fitting of the Halo dynasty. As Halo brought console FPS games to the masses in a way that Goldeneye couldn't, so too will Halo Wars introduce RTS games to a whole new league of gamers. ... Ensemble has done a great job at emulating what made Bungie's titles so great; from the orchestral themes to the massive battles and the ongoing drama of the Covenant war, Halo Wars is a Halo title through and through."
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Hands-On With Halo Wars

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  • Goldeneye couldn't? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Other than the people who aren't old enough, who played Halo that didn't play Goldeneye first? I don't get that statement.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by xch13fx ( 1463819 )

      Other than the people who aren't old enough, who played Halo that didn't play Goldeneye first? I don't get that statement.

      Goldeneye was the first console FPS that was a lot of fun, until your friends left of course or you had to go home. It was on the N64 so there was no online play. Halo 2 brought online competitiveness to console fps though unreal did try on the dreamcast but 56k didnt cut it =P. And for the people that think they are ruining an rts by making it controller friendly i dont know about you but WOW has destroyed my wrists and I hate to sit at my pc anylonger then I need to. Yes the mouse is faster and there ar

      • by Spatial ( 1235392 ) on Saturday January 31, 2009 @12:20PM (#26678109)

        Yes the mouse is faster and there are more buttons on a keyboard to bind to, but my bed and tv with the controler is where i want to be. Not having my hand and ass go numb in my chair.

        This isn't a problem inherent to the mouse and keyboard, but with your desktop arrangement and posture.

        I sit at a PC nearly 12 hours a day and never have my hands become sore or numb. You should definitely look into fixing up your desk or how you sit if your hands are getting numb.

      • by 0100010001010011 ( 652467 ) on Saturday January 31, 2009 @12:30PM (#26678191)

        Not having my hand and ass go numb in my chair.

        Not a fan of the stranger?

      • by MogNuts ( 97512 )

        $5 USB hub (Newegg.com)
        $2 20 ft. mini-USB cable (Newegg)
        $2 DVI>HDMI cable (Newegg)

        Price for sitting on my *couch* playing on your dreadful idea the PC, that delivers TRUE 1920x1080 output, almost all AAA titles, thousands upon thousands of "casual" free/piss-cheap games, thousands of older games, access to all ITunes content, hundreds of video streaming sites, a cheap internal Blu-Ray player, a 1TB storage device, ability to plug in a controller, surf the net, AND listen to mp3s...


  • by Anonymous Coward

    From the article:

    One of the new companies being started by ES employees will be picking up support for ESO (and Halo Wars)

    To alleviate the concerns raised by the summary ;-)

  • Bring back Myth! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Cathoderoytube ( 1088737 ) on Saturday January 31, 2009 @10:38AM (#26677333)
    I think Bungie, or Microsoft or whoever thinks that Halo is so bloody popular because it's Halo. Which is probably true, but only in the realms of first person shooters. Once you take all that generic space marine action and bring it into the realm of giants like Starcraft, and Dawn of War, and even Command and Conquer (though not really a space marine RTS). Halo starts to look a lot more stale, and it becomes obvious that the developers are more interested in making money than innovative games. If they were interested in good games they'd bring back Myth.
    • Re:Bring back Myth! (Score:4, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 31, 2009 @10:46AM (#26677375)

      it becomes obvious that the developers are more interested in making money than innovative games.

      Ever played the Marathon games by Bungie? A huge proportion of Halo was a rehash of the Marathon games. A pretty good rehash mind, but a rehash all the same. They just altered the story a bit and dressed it up in modern graphics.

      Sometimes, things are successful because people *like* more of the same.

      • Re:Bring back Myth! (Score:4, Informative)

        by Spatial ( 1235392 ) on Saturday January 31, 2009 @12:18PM (#26678093)
        This isn't flamebait you idiot mod.

        I've played Marathon. It's an FPS where your home gets invaded by a consortium of alien races; you play as a green cyborg who can dual-weild and you take guidance from a female AI. Sound familiar?

        It's a pretty good game too, you should get it. [bungie.org]
        • >>It's a pretty good game too, you should get it.

          Awesome, thanks for that link. I spent most of my freshman year of college playing Marathon / Marathon 2 in UCSD's Mac labs. =)

        • I'm still waiting for the vanilla xbox port so i can play it like halo too. Ah, perchance to dream...
      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

        I think that something that changed between Marathon and Halo is what made Halo successful. Maybe it became more appealing to people outside the "hardcore" FPS crowd, i.e. it's a "casual" FPS and there are always more people who are "casual" than "hardcore"?

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Xest ( 935314 )

      Wouldn't it be better to wait until it's actually released and we've all had chance to play it before deciding it's not as good as Dawn of War and Starcraft? I love DoW (really looking forward to DoW2 in a few weeks in fact) and Starcraft as much as the next RTS player, but I'm not sure why you're suggesting there's a problem with it in comparison when it's not even out.

      It may rock, it may suck. Personally, I'll wait until I've actually, you know, played it, before deciding either way.

    • Let me get this straight, you berate them for not being innovative (despite not having played the game and not knowing much about the gameplay), then say they should bring back a 12 year old game?

      I loved the Myth series (well, mainly Myth II, never played Myth III and heard it was rubbish), but rereleasing it would hardly be innovative. The way they've adapted the RTS to a console sounds interesting though.

    • Yes, clearly the Xbox 360 exclusive Halo Wars is going to have tons of competition from the upcoming Xbox 360 versions of Starcraft II and Dawn of War II. You know, the ones that haven't been announced and probably never will be.

      In all seriousness, I never thought I'd see the day when the upcoming game that intrigued me the most was a console RTS game. I've clearly moved to some sort of alternate universe.

  • Er (Score:3, Informative)

    by Xest ( 935314 ) on Saturday January 31, 2009 @01:38PM (#26678745)

    I'm actually quite a big XBox fan, I think the 360 is the best console out there quite honestly because it simply has so many fun games.

    But even I have to wonder what they mean by Halo brought console FPS to the masses in a way Goldeneye couldn't? Halo 2 only just sold as many units as Goldeneye and they're roughly the join top selling console FPS of all time. Whilst I think the Halo series rocks, suggesting they were over and above Goldeneye in terms of their success is outright false unless you're considering the entire series of Halo vs. the single release of Goldeneye which is like comparing apples and oranges.

    I'm really looking forward to Halo Wars, but I'm a little puzzled by that particular comment. I just find it odd of all the console FPS games on the market, the only one they could think to compare against was the only one that has actually sold as many units as the highest selling Halo game!

    • by Sibko ( 1036168 )
      Yeah, as we all know. Halo sucks. Never did anything decent. Didn't accomplish anything innovative in any way, etc. etc.

      I'm honestly wondering if/when people are going to stop going on about this. It's this extremely common assumption that nothing Halo did was special in any way, and its huge success is simply some kind of anomaly in the game market. [I mean, how could a game that SUCKS so MUCH get so many sales???] yada yada, it's tiring to hear this so constantly.

      Halo brought a level of finesse and
      • ...Halo brought a level of finesse and polish to FPS games that at the time hadn't been seen... ever. A good story was combined with good gameplay combined with massive outdoor levels combined with great AI combined with vehicles combined with awesome graphics, etc. etc...

        I was under the impression that the Half-Life series did most if not all of this before Halo. I really want to say that more people go back and replay Half-Life than the amount that goes back and replays Halo... I'm not saying that the Halo series sucks, but I'm just saying that is WAS done before. It's just to experience it, you had to have a computer that cost much more than a single XBOX.

  • Who wrote this? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 31, 2009 @02:56PM (#26679273)
    Did someone from Ars Technica write this or really...did someone from Ensemble Studios write this piece? This piece glorifies, nearly deifies, the Halo brand. This reads more like a three page commercial than an objective preview.

    Thanks in large part to the game's control and Ensemble's clear consideration for the limitations of a controller when playing an RTS, Halo Wars manages to achieve a level of playability and accessibility that truly is fitting of the Halo dynasty.

    So controller limitations are truly fitting of the Halo dynasty? I hope this game has a demo as I can't possibly believe the controls will be half as responsive and effective as a mouse and keyboard setup. And what level of playability and accessibility are they talking about? How is Halo as a FPS easier to pick up than a fighting game or puzzle game? How does that possibly relate to its RTA counterpart?

    As Halo brought console FPS games to the masses in a way that Goldeneye couldn't, so too will Halo Wars introduce RTS games to a whole new league of gamers.

    Wow such objective language here. You might as well put that in the Halo Wars advertising campaign. Where is the objectivity in video game previewing and reviewing. I want to read about a game in an objective way, not be subjected to blind praise, and worship. I'm not a 360 or PS3 or Wii fan, I'm an objectivity fan. I own all three consoles, and a (moderately adequate) gaming PC. But my god am I getting really sick of 'independent' video game writers.

    In the long run, the ability for the game's campaign to differentiate itself from the pack as something other than just a ho-hum, run-of-the-mill RTS in MJOLNIR armor, as well as the game's multiplayer experience, will determine whether or not Halo Wars has the success and longevity of its FPS predecessors

    What ho-hum, run-of-the-mill RTS games are they referring to? Starcraft? Warcraft III? C&C? Warhammer? Just because those games don't use 360 Pad controllers?

    • I think they are trying to say they came up with a better way to run the game from the controller other then using it as a gimp mouse. As in the past playing the console version of an RTS felt very clumsy and slow. I don't see why it would be hard to believe someone getting excited over an RTS that actually put a lot of thought into the control scheme and made it fun to play on the console. A game outside the standard "box" the genre is in, will in my opinion, be a fun thing to see.
    • What ho-hum, run-of-the-mill RTS games are they referring to? Starcraft? Warcraft III? C&C? Warhammer? Just because those games don't use 360 Pad controllers?

      While I agree that this is pretty much a worthless fluff piece, you're failing to actually read what they wrote. Those RTS games you names are NOT "the pack", they're the influential A list (whether you like them is another story, two of the games you mentioned I don't think are particularly impressive). Empire at War, the non-movie-licensed Lord

    • I hope this game has a demo as I can't possibly believe the controls will be half as responsive and effective as a mouse and keyboard setup.

      I've tried a number of demos for other RTS type games on the 360 and I've never quite liked them. The controls just seemed too clunky and it was difficult to manage units; it's a bad sign when the game is set on "easy" and you *still* can't complete the demo mission without retrying a few times. Out of the few that I did try the "Red Alert 3" demo was about the only one that I thought was *okay*; I was actually able to beat both missions on the "normal" difficulty. I wouldn't pay full price for it, but i

  • by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Saturday January 31, 2009 @05:58PM (#26680467)

    Am I the only one who is wary of purchasing this game because Ensemble is being shut down? There are two reasons for this:

    1) It feels like I'm rewarding Microsoft for shutting down one of my favorite studios.
    2) It pretty much guarantees no substantial post-game support.

    I'm normally not counted among the "I hate M$" crowd, but I simply don't want to reward this behavior. I suppose management would look at poor sales as an indication that they did the right thing anyhow, but at least they wouldn't have my money...


    • Indeed, that's just crazy in these times of "release the beta as retail, fix it later". Most games benefit hugely from several patches, sometimes going from unplayable to good.

  • Looks like this game is leaving quite the trail of destruction behind it.
  • I'm really looking forward to Halo Wars, liked the previous games very much

You're using a keyboard! How quaint!
