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Wii Entertainment Games

Metroid Prime Trilogy Being Updated For the Wii, Due In August 50

On Friday, Nintendo revealed that the three Metroid Prime games will be re-released on a single disc this August for the Wii. The first two, originally developed for the Gamecube, will be updated so players can "use their Wii Remote to aim with precision." 1Up had this to say of their hands-on preview: "... The heads-up display and on-screen interface elements have been completely overhauled to work more effectively with the standard Wii control setup of remote and nunchuck; swapping visors is a quick point-and-click command, and toggling weapons is similarly easy. Although the control interface isn't perfect — pressing down on the D-pad to fire missiles still grates — it makes the GameCube titles feel much faster and more fluid overall."
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Metroid Prime Trilogy Being Updated For the Wii, Due In August

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  • by dr_wheel ( 671305 ) on Saturday May 23, 2009 @01:16AM (#28063707)

    ... of making me buy the same shit over and over again. How do they do it? Damn you, Nintendo!

    • by EvilNTUser ( 573674 ) on Saturday May 23, 2009 @06:26AM (#28065221)

      Unlike the RIAA and MPAA, they actually update the products when they do it.

      3. Profit

    • I expected Nintendo/Retro to release the revamped versions as separate titles.
      • Then release two versions of each title, a red and blue version. The red version has half of the enemies, and the blue one has the rest.

    • by basotl ( 808388 )
      I still have a bunch of working NES Cartridges and other games but have also bought the same games on the virtual console and other formats they have released. They are just good at squeezing money out of us and we continue smiling.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by V50 ( 248015 ) *

      The worst bit of it, is they make me think I ENJOY buying the same games over and over! How many times have I bought Super Mario Bros? NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, Wii (actually, twice on the Wii, since I have two).

      I'm still not sure how they've managed to get me to buy the same game around five times, and enjoy it and look forward to more (SMB DS!). This feels like an abusive relationship. :(

  • Wii Hardware (Score:5, Interesting)

    by phissur ( 1285832 ) on Saturday May 23, 2009 @01:21AM (#28063751)
    With MP3, the Wii felt laggy and sluggish. Although it was still playable, it didn't have the precision that I developed with the GameCube controller. I don't see any way around this - the Wii doesn't have the hardware for high-precision. I'd much rather use the GameCube controller than the Wii controller.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 23, 2009 @01:30AM (#28063821)

      Just switch to ogg, I've found its playback to be much much smoother.

      • Just switch to ogg, I've found its playback to be much much smoother.

        Informative? Can we say "WOOOSH!" to a moderator?

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by twocows ( 1216842 )
      I'm not sure, but I think the motion plus allows for greater precision. At the very least, you could get a wider range of motion (something I felt the game needed).
      • Games have to be written specifically for Motion Plus. Older games won't be able to access the new hardware, unless they're rewritten.
        • Re:Wii Hardware (Score:4, Informative)

          by 7Prime ( 871679 ) on Saturday May 23, 2009 @05:30AM (#28064997) Homepage Journal

          True (I think), however, it wouldn't even matter for MP, because the Motion Plus is an augmentation to the accelerometer, and MP really only makes use of the light gun. Motion plus will be great for finally getting that light saber duel game (if it were to ever happen), but it won't have any effect on things like Metroid Prime.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by EvilNTUser ( 573674 )

      In my opinion, the Wii remote loses only to the mouse and keyboard in FPS games. However, I agree that it's sluggish. For example, I started having problems towards the end of Mario Galaxy, because I had until then almost completely avoided using the spin attack due to timing issues. I really didn't know how to use it well by the time I needed it, like in the Luigi platform level.

      The remote needs more buttons, really badly. The motion controls should NEVER be used when a button could do the same job.


      • by hkmwbz ( 531650 )

        I started having problems towards the end of Mario Galaxy, because I had until then almost completely avoided using the spin attack due to timing issues.

        Really? I never had any problems what so ever. What kind if timing issues were you having?

        • I kept running into enemies because the spin would either activate too early or too late. Mario games usually have such tight controls that I went into situations where timing was too critical for shaking the remote.

          I admit that it's probably 50% my fault for not having a consistent shake that would trigger the effect the same moment every time. However, I also don't think that any such lag is acceptable, and would rather press a button.

          • by hkmwbz ( 531650 )
            It's interesting, though, because I didn't notice this lag... Or maybe there was a lag and I adapted to it. It's been a while since I played, but I never really had problems with the spin thing as I can recall.
            • Maybe lag isn't the correct word. More like I had trouble timing the shake of my hand correctly vs. timing the press of a button. Even if it's my own fault, I still think a button would be better :)

    • by rgo ( 986711 )
      Metroid Prime 3 default control settings make the game feel laggy and sluggish. Those settings are made for newcomers in first person games.
      The game also has a high sensitivity mode, which according to general consensus in gaming forums, that beats the crap out of joystick controls in terms of response.
      Have you tried the advanced control settings?
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by grumbel ( 592662 )

        that beats the crap out of joystick controls in terms of response.

        Not really. Have you ever tried to hit anything on that setting without lock-on? Its near impossible because you constantly oversteer. Its not a problem for MP3 since you lock on all the time, but as a general FPS mechanics it doesn't really work. There is also the problem that you will get into a crazy spin each and every time you have a dialog with an NPC, as pointing to the center of the screen is not easy when you don't have any feedback from the interface.

        So as a general dual-analogstick replacement I

        • by rgo ( 986711 )
          I know that oversteering could suck on a general FPS, specially if you are playing as a sniper. Some games have some workarounds where you push a button to enter a zoom mode where the pointer moves more slowly (MOHH2 controls are very well implemented).

          Me, having played PC FPS I find the Wii remote easier to use and master than dual analogs. I find that dual analogs suffer of understeering, 180 turns are pain to do. But I don't hate dual analogs, they have some great things like higher precision, which is r

  • by 7Prime ( 871679 ) on Saturday May 23, 2009 @04:07AM (#28064639) Homepage Journal

    There are two different companies involved here: Nintendo and Retro Studios. I've only heard mention of Nintendo, so it doesn't sound like Retro is involved in any part of this. From what I've heard, Retro will likely be unveiling their own large title at E3, possibly a new Metroid (come on Metroid 5). They've been saying that they were going to do this, now, for about a year, and its already been released in Japan (which is weird since Metroid is their one big franchise that's more popular in the states), so it's not like they're taking precious development time away from other things.

    Honestly, Metroid Prime 1 is one of my very favorite games, and it will be wonderful to see it in 16:9 with bloom lighting.

    • Metroid Prime on the Gamecube already supported progressive scan if you have the component cables (either for the GCN or Wii). Simply wonderful. I hope they improve the graphics just incrementally on what was one of the best looking games of the generation, too. Too bad hardly anyone ever used the graphics processor to its full potential.

      Of course, the fact it is one of the best adventures of all time helps.

      • by rgo ( 986711 )
        yes, on the gamecube it supports progressive scan, but it doesn't have a 16:9 ratio option.
    • They've been saying that they were going to do this, now, for about a year, and its already been released in Japan

      I'm not seeing any Metroid game [wikipedia.org] that's been released in Japan but not North America.

    • Poor Retro Studios. Making the same game over and over. They got MP1 right, but the mistake was to bring little new to the table. Further, If Nintendo had marketed MP1 right, I'm pretty certain it would have actually sold (more than the abysmal 200,000 units).

  • "Bugs" fixed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Mr EdgEy ( 983285 ) on Saturday May 23, 2009 @05:53AM (#28065075)
    The games will most probably have all of the great tricks fixed that made Prime such an amazing game. Dash jumping, triple bomb jump, rapid fire missiles, and so on. It was great to take the game engine to its limits without technically cheating. Not only that, Prime1/2 had an amazing control scheme, 3 just used the wii remote as a gimmick IMO. For info check. http://www.metroid2002.com/home.php [metroid2002.com]
    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by solcott ( 1002711 )

      The games will most probably have all of the great tricks fixed that made Prime such an amazing game. Dash jumping, triple bomb jump, rapid fire missiles, and so on. It was great to take the game engine to its limits without technically cheating. Not only that, Prime1/2 had an amazing control scheme, 3 just used the wii remote as a gimmick IMO. For info check. http://www.metroid2002.com/home.php [metroid2002.com]

      Assuming that the US release of the "New Play Control" Metroid Prime is going to be mostly the same as the Japanese release that has been out for a while (and is easily playable in English by people with homebrew enabled Wii's [thepiratebay.org]) all of those things are still there.

      I agree that the controls on the GC versions of Metroid were great, but they were the only first person perspective games on a console I could stand to play, and that was probably only *because* they were Metroid games.

      The infrared aiming done

  • I really REALLY want to see squaresoft (now enix) classics like FF7 and xenogears redone to for the ps3.
    nintendo keeps doing this and makes a profit. squareenix doesn't. I don't like the bs excuse that they wouldn't like making money over a successful game twice whether. :(
    It pisses me off, its also why im not getting a ps3
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Yeah, because they aren't currently working through their NES/SNES catalog with the DS remakes, right? FF7 will be remade within a few years, I bet. And then remade again in a few years after that.

    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      The difference is that Metroid Prime only needs some small changes to the input code for this update, FF7 would need a redo from the ground up to be presentable on the PS3. They're already running way over budget on FF13 and I don't think a complete FF7 remake would be any cheaper to do.

  • bought SO hard. I haven't bought a Wii game since Mario Galaxy, I haven't turned my Wii ON since December. I wonder if it still works...
  • "Although the control interface isn't perfect, pressing down on the D-pad to fire missiles still grates, it makes the GameCube titles feel much faster and more fluid overall." What does the author mean by "still grates"?
  • Would I be breaking some law if I covered up the sensor with some paper towel or anything else?

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
