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Crysis 2 Confirmed For Multiple Platforms 61

EA and Crytek teamed up for an announcement at E3, confirming that Crysis 2 was under development for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. Details are scarce (and the trailer is no help), but the game will use CryENGINE 3, which will be able to scale performance such that it will look good on consoles while still pushing the limits of PC graphics. Quoting: "When asked if that sounded like a contradiction, [Crytek's Cevat Yerli] responded that you have to think of technology as a tool that can scale. He said the game's content scales to the platform it's on. 'The PC version will look better, because of the fact that the PC can do more. It will be scaling up. But on the consoles, you're competing with console games,' he said. 'The goal is to be the best looking game on PS3 [and] the best looking game on 360 in the entire market.' On the PC front, Crysis 2 will compete with the original Crysis, which still sets the bar for PC graphics."
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Crysis 2 Confirmed For Multiple Platforms

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  • Cool (Score:5, Funny)

    by TheLink ( 130905 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @03:42AM (#28178741) Journal
    The popular PC graphics benchmark is going multi-platform :).
  • Wait (Score:5, Insightful)

    by shellster_dude ( 1261444 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @03:43AM (#28178755)
    Didn't we have post running several months ago, bitching about how Crytek was going under because of all the piracy? Didn't they claim that because of the "evil pirates" there would be no sequel? Maybe I am confused, my memory isn't as good as it used to be.
    • Re:Wait (Score:5, Interesting)

      by ardor ( 673957 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @03:46AM (#28178771)

      Cevat Yerli likes to yell. This was no exception. So, take his complaints with a grain of salt. Crysis sales did not suffer from piracy, they suffered from Crysis' insane price for what basically is a techdemo with a little bit of gameplay. The times where the hype about the graphics was enough to sell a game are definitely over. Crytek didn't learn this lesson yet.

      • Re:Wait (Score:5, Informative)

        by wintermute000 ( 928348 ) <bender AT planetexpress DOT com DOT au> on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @04:24AM (#28178973)

        C'mon crysis's gameplay is nowhere as bad as its detractors say it is. Its not a patch on FarCry (the original) but still its a good game. The second half shooting matrix sentinels bit was a boneheaded move though. I had tonnes of fun in the first half of crysis and most people would be of the same opinion: give us more time to play predator with hapless grunts lol.

        Still, I prefer my FPSes on PC (heck insert 'demand' instead of prefers lol) and from a purely selfish perspective, boohoo, but obviously this will help their bottom line so as long as they keep making good games its all gravy. Yes I have owned many consoles, the right tool forthe right job and all that (I would much rather play action games, racing games, fighting etc.on consoles).

        • by ardor ( 673957 )

          If they didn't include these lame aliens, it would have been a nice game indeed. The way the enemies behave and sound is even hilarious at times. But the second half ruined everything, and proved to me that Crytek mostly cared about the tech.

          • Yes if they gave us a sort of sandbox to play predator in, like FC1, then it would have been a brilliant game. They could have easily rehashed the first half and made it twice as long to boot (another tank level or two comes to mind).

            No idea why they didn't leave it at that, it would have been easier to do as well (i.e. no need to create the alien models, AI, weapons and behaviour etc.).

          • the second half ruined everything, and proved to me that Crytek mostly cared about the tech.

            Then don't play the second half, it's not as if the game was particularly short. Crysis suffered from the same "second half syndrome" that Farcry did (where you fight those mutants), Halo did (where you fight those zombies), Drake's Fortune did (where you fight those mutant zombies) and happens time and again. It is a law that every outstanding game where you fight intelligent enemies needs a terrible second half whe

            • I haven't tried half of those games, but in Resistance you can't even turn off the auto-aim, the enemies are both heavily scripted and incredibly dumb and the maps feel very linear (of course in almost all games progress is linear, but not all games make it feel so contrived).. it reminded me of the Unreal 1 and Halo 1 single player modes (not good at all). I don't see how anyone who has ever played stuff like Deus Ex, Half-Life/Counter-Strike/Day of Defeat/Opposing Force would consider something like R:FoM

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          No FPS shooter is an island. They must compete for customer $ and customer time (time is a critical issue). So Crysis short and a bit boring with some real logic breaks. Pretty but the gameplay isn't as good as say, STALKER, Call of Duty, Half Life 2 or even Far Cry to name just a few games.

          So reality versus the reviews, just check the number of public multi-player servers and the number of people playing.

      • A while back someone did a little "study" on what Crysis's market penetration was, I think he used the hardware reports from steam and then the sales figures and found that crysis had something like an 80% rate of purchase by people who could actually run the game
      • Re:Wait (Score:5, Informative)

        by Sibko ( 1036168 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @09:03AM (#28180815)
        You know, a lot of people out there keep smashing Crysis as being a tech demo. I thought the same thing until I actually PLAYED it.

        The game is fun. Honestly, one of the better PC shooters I've played in a long while, and it has a pretty nice looking mod [Mechwarrior Living Legends] [] in development for it.

        Crysis only falls flat on its face when it comes to:
        - The AI [The biggest issue is their lack of taking cover and inability to find you when you stealth.]
        - The aliens [Boring to fight compared to the north koreans]
        - Wide expansive levels that you really can't go anywhere on.

        At everything else, all I can do is shake my head and wonder just what the hell people are expecting a shooter to be doing.
        • by antdude ( 79039 )

          "Crysis only falls flat on its face when it comes to:
          - The AI [The biggest issue is their lack of taking cover and inability to find you when you stealth.]
          - The aliens [Boring to fight compared to the north koreans]
          - Wide expansive levels that you really can't go anywhere on."

          Will Crysis 2 fix these issues? Far Cry 2 still has problems too.

          Does Crytek sell their game engines to other companies like id Software does?

    • Re:Wait (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Jurily ( 900488 ) <jurily@gmail. c o m> on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @04:35AM (#28179019)

      Didn't we have post running several months ago, bitching about how Crytek was going under because of all the piracy? Didn't they claim that because of the "evil pirates" there would be no sequel? Maybe I am confused, my memory isn't as good as it used to be.

      Turns out they don't actually lose money every time someone copies their game, and they still get money every time someone buys it.

    • by sponga ( 739683 )

      You are confused, as far as I can tell as a long time heavy PC game user with experience.

      That is why they are bringing it to the PS3 and Xbox along with the original PC; expand the market to the heavy hitter DRM systems like consoles where it is a lot harder for your average person to pirate it unless you have your system modded. I know "yeaaa for the dead PC gaming at Slashdot", prepare for the ultra DRM machines consoles now. Say, how is that cracking of the Blu-Ray games going?

      Obviously the pirate market

  • This I gotta see to believe. I hate playing games ported because you always feel that it wasn't a bespoke game and at worst, is completely fubar'd ... Juiced 2, I'm looking at you! The only game I know where you have to disable the sound to be able to play it!
    • Most multi-platform games are actually made with the other platforms in mind, so all the assets and engine are separate from the hardware as much as possible.

      Some studios are better than others at getting the last little bit working well on each though.


  • by bmo ( 77928 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @04:00AM (#28178835)

    "On the PC front, Crysis 2 will compete with the original Crysis, which still sets the bar for PC graphics."

    Waaavy lines back to the days of UT, but substituting C2:

    "Nice slide show, Stef, what is it?"
    "Crysis 2"


    • Now that you say that, here is a crazy idea: instead of making the PC faster, why not make the player slower? isn't there a drug that can slow down perception? a video game running slowly will seem like being fast under those conditions.

      • Now that you say that, here is a crazy idea: instead of making the PC faster, why not make the player slower? isn't there a drug that can slow down perception? a video game running slowly will seem like being fast under those conditions.

        Hmm, there's a way to beat piracy. I'd like to see how you could Bittorrent the "medication" needed to play the game.

  • Maybe this time (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Caboosian ( 1096069 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @05:07AM (#28179171)
    They'll actually put out a game instead of a fucking tech demo. The first game was pretty awful.
    • by tapo ( 855172 )
      What? Have you played through Crysis? The sandbox style of gameplay and the choice between multiple suit powers actually made it an excellent game, if a little graphically intensive.
    • What? No it wasn't. It was thoroughly entertaining. The stealth system was well implemented; the cloak was unique and the ability to use the game's foliage as cover from enemies was something that hasn't been seen in many games. The AI was pretty good too.
  • by BraulioBezerra ( 1321253 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @05:09AM (#28179185)
    Yes, to run Crisis 2 you will need 5 PCs, 3 Macs, 7 PS3s, 4 XBox'es...
  • by DamienNightbane ( 768702 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @05:15AM (#28179217)
    But will it actually run on any of them?
  • Memes (Score:5, Informative)

    by papabob ( 1211684 ) on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @05:44AM (#28179367)

    I wonder how many of the "but this time it will run on ...?" guys actually tried Crysis. The same with the "Vista is awful and slow and terrible" meme. How did they start? Maybe one guru posted it in his blog and everybody repeat it as a mantra? I feel curious...

    BTW yes, I played Crysis with a nvidia 9600GT (I think it's now under $100) at native resolution with 'Ultra-Quality' settings, and it didn't loss any frames. And it was on Vista. And I still have to see a BSOD.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by L4t3r4lu5 ( 1216702 )
      If your native resolution is 1024x768, I'll believe you.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by FreonTrip ( 694097 )
      But Vista was awful and slow and terrible for me. Following the application of the first service pack the OS stopped loading the display drivers and cited a Code 43 error, and no power on heaven or Earth could get them working again. Performance was consistently slower than XP even on a Core 2 that was comfortably better-specced than Microsoft's recommendations, and in the end I found too few reasons to stick with it. As for Crysis, I thought it was pretty but otherwise played out like a Sci-Fi movie of
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        I've never had stability problems with Vista but my big gripe with it is that it's kind of slow. My 5 year old dual 2.7 GHz G5 at work seems to respond and run anything but graphics more rapidly than my brand new PC at home running a dual core 2 duo, 3.24 GHz. I find it incredibly strange, I feel relieved that I only require Vista for games and the rest of the time I'm running a very snappy e17 with the ecomorph composite manager.
      • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *

        Reminds me of an answer I overheard at a local game store a while back.

        Customer: "I have the latest system running the latest processor and the latest videocard. How much memory do you recommend I add for Crysis?"

        Clerk: "How ever much you got."

    • And it was on Vista. And I still have to see a BSOD.

      Well, if you absolutely have to see a BSOD, then I suppose Windows isn't a bad operating system to use.

      (I kid, I kid...)

  • Multiple? (Score:2, Funny)

    by Tinctorius ( 1529849 ) *
    Does that mean there exists more than one PC in the world that is capable of running it?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 02, 2009 @06:50AM (#28179719)

    Achievement unlocked: 10 FPS

  • by V50 ( 248015 ) *

    Little mentioned is that by "multiple platforms" they mean you will NEED multiple platforms to run a single copy of it.

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