Battlefield Heroes Goes Into Open Beta 43
EA Digital Illusions CE has quietly opened up the beta of Battlefield Heroes, their long-delayed, free-to-play shooter. After gradually scaling up the number of players in the closed beta, they've now made the game available to everyone and lifted the NDA. EA has not yet mentioned this in an official announcement, probably hoping to keep their servers from being overwhelmed. The game's website is now accepting signups. IGN ran a hands-on preview of Battlefield Heroes back in April.
Team Fortress 2? (Score:2)
This looks astonishingly like TF2 [teamfortress.com].
Can someone who's played both give some feedback on differences/similarities?
Pretty different (Score:5, Insightful)
I didn't play Battlefield Heroes for more than 30 minutes, so someone can come in here and correct me, but aside from the "first impression" looks the games are completely different.
BH plays in third-person, on large battlefield-style maps (capture points, tickets, etc) with a few slightly different classes that branch out more with additional unlocks - the unlock system being a very large component of the game in general. There are also vehicles on some maps.
TF2 plays in first-person on maps with various objectives (some staged objective, some escort, some CTF, etc) with many classes that are very different and have some very specific interplay between them. There is an unlock system but it is fairly minimal.
One could go into a lot more specifics, but that is the short version.
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Beta Keys (Score:1)
Overload (Score:3, Funny)
EA has not yet mentioned this in an official announcement, probably hoping to keep their servers from being overwhelmed.
We can take care of that for you...
Been Playing for a while (Score:5, Informative)
First, this is a FREE to play "web based" game. Web based is a bit misleading as while it is launched from a browser (ad supported), it is fully installed and runs fullscreen.
Second, the game is a "cartoon shooter" based around 3 classes. The heavy Gunner, the light knife/sniper rifle toting Commando and the middle ground SMG using Soldier.
You're able to level up much like in an MMO and every 2 levels you get another point to spend on new abilities. Burning Bullets, Stealth, Blasting Strike (an ability that knocks everyone back, including vehicles), etc. Currently the highest attainable level is 30 and it takes quite a while to get there.
The game takes a lot from past Battlefield games. Controllable territory via flags placed around the maps. Airplanes, Tanks and Jeeps are all fully controllable.
The only thing you can pay money for is "Battlefunds" (Roughly $5 for 700 Battlefunds). These can be used to buy outfits for your charater and give NO advantage to you. So someone that spends $100 on battlefunds will have zero tactical advantage over someone who never spends a penny. (For reference, a permanent Battlefund purchased item generally costs 560 Battlefunds but you can "rent" them for a month for 140 Battlefunds). There are also free points that you earn slowly during play called Valor Points. These can also be spent on "free" clothing in the in game store. There are also healing "widgets"/spells that you can pick up to heal you (and another type to heal your vehicle).
Right now there are only 4 maps (2 infantry only and 2 with a moderate to heavy emphasis on vehicles). All of them feel very polished and fun to play over and over again. DICE has mentioned that they have new maps on the horizon.
Now, my personal opinion. The game is about FUN. This isn't a hardcore shooter such as Counter-Strike and doesn't claim to be. This game is one of those that you can easily pick up and just have some fun! If you're looking for realism and a serious tournament game, look elsewhere. But if you just want some fun comedic gameplay (not all that much unlike Team Fortress 2) this game might be for you.
Overall, coming from an old school Duke Nukem/Quake1/2/3/Counter-Strike/Battlefield player, this is a fun game. Give it a try if you want to see what it is about, again, it is FREE!
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Does the game have vehicle support?
Tanks, jeeps, and planes.
It seems stupid to charge for customizations that give no tactical advantage. However, and maybe they thought of this, what if they charged for certificates or licences to use vehicles? In other Battlefield games I have never been one for flying around, but some people loved it... if you charge just to have access to an entirely different dimension to the game, it would keep people from just paying for the best characters, while still generating some money for the company
So, technically, there's a single "pay" item that sort of gives you an advantage; the XP booster. When you level up, you get a point to spend on "abilities" which will let you deal out more damage. But ... it's all relative. You are generally playing against people who are near your level.
The whole concept of free games with micro-payments is an oversees concept that EA is trying out to see how it flies here in the US. I actually really enjoy the game, and could see spending $5 or $
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I suppose there are a few schools of thought on it...but IMO, if some guy could spend $500 and then run me over with with his adamantium plated hover tank with auto targeting laser systems while I flunk pebbles at him from a free slingshot...I wouldn't even download the client for free. Playing a game of "Who's got the most money?" isn't exactly something I would consider an enjoyable hobby activity, even if many hobbies somewhat boil down to that already.
Its one of the reasons (I had others) that I wanted
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Sad to say, but a lot of American society boils down to this.
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I've also been playing in the beta, for about a month now. The game is fun and has taken me away from TF2 for a while but I dont think it has the staying power. I've played as Soldier and Commando, lvl 10 soldier, lvl 3 commando now.
After playing in such a relatively well balanced game like TF2, there are some significant weapon balance issues. (i.e. knife versus SMG, tank vs dynomite). Team-based play mechanics isn't very strong--it is too easy to play as a lone ranger. There are some interface glitches an
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What's the difference between the soldier and gunner class? I can't detect any. They seem to have a slightly different health system.
Also, the powerup reward system seems confusing. I've earned some sort of `mission` for killing people, and I can drag it around. I don't get that at all.
Playing for 6 weeks so far... (Score:1)
When is 1943 out? (Score:2)
Just release it already!
I literally LOL'd watching the intro movie (Score:3, Interesting)
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Works just fine with firefox
I played in the first beta (Score:3, Interesting)
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Just keep in mind the following (Score:1, Flamebait)
It's highly likely that that non-paying players will have vastly inferior equipment than anybody that paid for "add-ons". To put things in perspective: non-paying players will be there as free cannon fodder for the entertainment of the paying ones.
EA has done this to paying costumers on previous versions of the Battlefield series: even before fixing all the worst bugs in the previous version of the game, they would put out game expansions which not only had new maps (perfectly fair) but also new and superio
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The only things you can buy with real money are:
XP Boost Widget
VP Point Boost Widget
That's it. Clothes don't help you tactically in any way, VP points you get anyways and XP, while it will unlock abilities for you faster, doesn't give you anything playing will already give you over time.
So again, FALSE. There is nothing you can spend real money on to make you more formidable. Well, maybe a faster computer, but I digress.
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Battlefield Hero? (Score:3, Funny)
Like Battlefield 1942 without all that fun stuff. (Score:3, Informative)
A couple months back I was accepted into the Battlefield Heroes closed beta, so I downloaded, installed it, then after about 20 minutes of play I promptly deleted it.
It's like Battlefield 1942 except with all the fun stuff taken out. Seriously, it's a beautiful looking game, but that's it. The controls are dodgey, the weapons are weak, and the unlockables expire. Since this is an EA game you can pay real world money to get unlockables, which after a week will expire and be deleted from your inventory. I suppose that's the next step for DLC, and they've gotta test the water somewhere.
If you want to play a fun cheap battlefield game, then pick up Battlefield 1942, or Battlefield 2, they're bargain bin games now and are still great fun to play. Battlefield Heroes is just a dumbed down piece of crap designed to make you watch ads, and surreptitiously take your money.
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I share the same sentiment entirely. Battlefield Heroes attempts to take "the fun elements" of BF1942 and put them into a highly accessible format, but fails in that it fundamentally misunderstood why the previous Battlefield games were so popular. BF1942 was fun because the vehicles were easy to operate, but had the right balance of real world and cartoon physics to make the entire interaction fun to play and watch. The bugs and idiosyncrasies of BF1942 also made the game so memorable; the planes could
They are not trying to compete with BF2 or TF2 (Score:2)
All that being said, while the game was technicaly fun, after you get fairly proficent at it you realize that eveyone in the game is a "lone wolf" and
This is an awesome game (Score:1)
Its so easy to get into. Download, install, then create a character. Once all thats done, hit the play game button and get "could not find a suitable server". So you try again, and the same happens. And again. So you create a different character, but that doesnt help either.
Ive been playing for about an hour, and ive not had a bad moment - no dying to crits, no random grenade killing me, no teammates being assholes, nothing! All games should just replace the actual game with "could not connect you", then th
Less emphasis on "skill" and "strategy" (Score:2)
According to the wikipedia article about this game, it has less emphasis on "skill and strategy." I got my beta key a couple months ago and found that to be true.
Most battles in the game turned into little more than a painfully slow circle strafe duel. Even if you hid and got a first surprise attack in, the default weapons are so weak that the surprise attack helps very little -- your opponent will turn around, find you, start shooting you back, and you'll stand there for awhile shooting each other hoping
Re:Less emphasis on "skill" and "strategy" (Score:4, Informative)
I've found BH emphasizes strategy more than many other games. You just have to use very different strategies than in most other FPS. Once I stopped relying strategies I learned from other FPS and instead analyzed BH's strategic dynamics to develop BH specific strategies, my scores shot up to where I am regularly the high scorer on any server.
I'll grant that BH is not strategic like maybe Rainbow 6 or AA. BH requires a much more dynamic strategy than that. Nevertheless, you can't bunny-hop or twitch shoot your way out of trouble so you have to be very situationally aware and strategically maneuver yourself into positions where you are more likely to kill than be killed.
Maybe BH isn't right for you, but if you want to give it another go, here are some tips. If you want to win at BH, you need to:
4Gb firefox plugin? (Score:2, Interesting)
Are you kidding me?
Download the game as a _4Gb_ Firefox plugin? One of the stupidest idea, IMHO.....
No possibility of changing install location, I wonder when was the last time I had 4Gb free space in c:\... must been some time before i installed openoffice.org.
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I saw the same thing -- Firefox reported the plugin (before & during download) as an expected 4gb -- but the actual download completed after about 1mb. Looks like the plugin itself is a little under 2mb as installed.
Dunno about the game itself -- the updater/installer is running now and appears to have grabbed about 200mb, roughly 1/3rd of the way across the progress bar. I hope it's not a 4gb download -- I might have enough space to download that, OR install it, to my C: drive, but certainly not both
Not open beta (Score:1)
True story (Score:2)
When I first scanned the news headlines, I thought someone had released a game called "Battlefield Herpes".
Meh. (Score:2)
I've been beta testing it for months. I was having a pretty good time with it. A couple weeks ago, they re-leveled all the classes, and it stopped being any fun for me.
Up until that point, I was getting annoyed at how unavoidable getting killed by snipers was. Now, they have a policy that there should be no one-shot-one-kills in the game, but it seemed like half the time you got sniped, you couldn't get to cover fast enough to avoid the second shot and death. Now that they changed the classes, you WON'T get