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Nintendo Working On Football Controller 123

Siliconera found patent filings from Nintendo for a football controller addon that will work with the Wii. After tucking the Wii Remote into a lateral slot on the football, you slip your hand through a strap so that your fingers touch the Remote's buttons. Then you mimic running and throwing, which is interpreted by the accelerometer. 'The pitch angle and force of the throw determines the trajectory arc of the throw. Side to side motion determines the yaw angle. Pressing buttons on the Wii remote can adjust other options.' The device is described as 'squishy,' so your TV is probably safe, but I'd try it at a friend's house first.
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Nintendo Working On Football Controller

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  • I frankly don't see this working out too well without the MotionPlus' accuracy.

  • As a european... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mikael_j ( 106439 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @05:18AM (#29214173)

    As a european my first thought was "that sounds really dangerous", then I read the whole summary and realized that they were talking about what some people like to refer to as a "handegg" and not an actual football.


    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by PCRanger ( 1166501 )
      Agreed. I was excited when I read the title, but this is just the fake version of football! Pelting a real football or soccer ball as the Americans call it round the lounge would be much more fun.
    • As an American... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by RobotRunAmok ( 595286 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @05:32AM (#29214257)

      I used to read European news sites and blogs, and wonder why they would write the word "football" when they meant "soccer." Then I reminded myself that I was reading a European news site or blog, and I would feel really, really foolish. But that was years ago, and I've become much more cosmopolitan now.

      • They probably wrote football because they were talking about a game where the predominant contact with the ball is with the foot ;)

        I followed the link from the front page to the summary wondering how they'd managed to do a real football controller, started reading the description and wondered how that would work ("insert controller in ball then hold strap while still touching buttons"? that's a long way to stretch and an uncomfortable position). Then they said throwing and I realised they meant they'd made

      • I just find it funny that people around the world still like to argue about 'soccer' vs. 'football'. If the British want to call 'American soccer' football, let them.

        Slightly different, the differences between rugby and American football. I don't know how well rugby players are paid across the world, but I would guess that American football pays better (well according to http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_income_of_a_professional_rugby_player [answers.com] is roughly US$120K, and http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Wh [answers.com]

        • So why not try and get a job in the NFL for such an 'easy job' at 6X the pay for a year or 2?

          Because after you get hit enough times in the head while not wearing a helmet, you get addled to the point where you're lucky to remember your own name, let alone what career path to follow.

          Y'see, American football players wear helmets not because they are "pussies," but BECAUSE THEY CAN!

    • As a Brit who could never stand soccerball or the country's obsession with it, I suspect, following events in London this week, that Nintendo's best bet for putting out a simulation of that on the Wii is basically to start developing it as a Madworld mod. Only it'd need to be more violent.

    • Yeah, thats the game, with guys dressed like Brüno with helmet.
    • Re: (Score:1, Redundant)

      by mwvdlee ( 775178 )

      My first thought was some sort of way to attach controlers to your feet/shoes/ankles. Didn't realize they were talking about american football instead of the type of football the rest of the world plays.

  • by Punto ( 100573 ) <puntob&gmail,com> on Thursday August 27, 2009 @05:21AM (#29214197) Homepage

    someone needs to let them know you're not supposed to touch the football with your hands

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by ristonj ( 1195983 )
      Tell that to Diego Maradona.
    • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *
      In that case, throw the ball to Chris Chambers.
    • by binkzz ( 779594 )
      I think they're talking about Handegg (tm) [wordpress.com]
    • by gumpish ( 682245 )

      someone needs to let them know you're not supposed to touch the football with your hands

      Except in EA Goalkeeper 2010.

  • What's the point (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Swizec ( 978239 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @05:28AM (#29214239) Homepage
    Ok this is getting rather ridiculous. What's the point of having such a controller? If you're doing all that running around and stuff anyway, why not just go out and ... you know, do some actual sports?

    Why are they doing all of this and still leaving behind the single best application of the wiimote - swordfights. That's the only place where I can see a benefit from doing sports electronically since it's a lot friendlier to slash at your friends with an electronic sword rather than a real one.

    What's next? Everyone wears a Wiimote-shirt that can read smashing into other players so it can translate said readings into electronic caricatures of the game?
    • Ok this is getting rather ridiculous. What's the point of having such a controller? If you're doing all that running around and stuff anyway, why not just go out and ... you know, do some actual sports?

      But that's dangerous, you could hurt yourself doing real sports.
      It's much safer to run around inside of your home playing virtual sports.

      • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward

        But wouldn't be even safer to run around inside your virtual home playing virtual sports?

      • I know you are being flippant about it but I want to run with your original point.

        It IS very dangerous to play real football. Full stop. Science is just starting to reveal what the long term effects of concussions are, and frankly I think many people including myself were horrified about how potentially dangerous it really is. Not to mention ligament damage and broken bones that can easily happen as a hazard.

        As a hocker player and boxer I think I can weigh in and say "Yes, some sports unless yo/// EVEN if y

    • A couple of different games have already tried swordfights, and done a pretty miserable job of it. Maybe the motion will help, but I wonder if anyone else is going to bother.

    • by AlpineR ( 32307 ) <wagnerr@umich.edu> on Thursday August 27, 2009 @06:59AM (#29214775) Homepage

      Why are they doing all of this and still leaving behind the single best application of the wiimote - swordfights.

      There's a popular new game called Wii Sports Resort that uses a position-sensitive controller add-on to simulate several sports. One of them is Swordplay. You can jab, slice, and block your friend or computer characters. There's even a Nerf sword you can stick the controller into if you want to feel a little more dorky.

      • Yeah but thats just lame.. how do they come up with 'wii sports resort' but miss 'immortal swordman hacking off zombies head's in a gritty dystopia'?
      • by jmcwork ( 564008 )

        Why are they doing all of this and still leaving behind the single best application of the wiimote - swordfights.

        There's even a Nerf sword you can stick the controller into if you want to feel a little more dorky.

        I think that should be the next big Wii title: "Feel a Little More Dorky"

    • by flynt ( 248848 )

      Are you really that short-sighted? The point is that finding 20 people to play football with in mid-January on a moment's notice is not very easy. Growing up, I used to play pickup games all the time with friends. As we age, I almost never get to do that. All my current sporting activity is organized. This gives me a way to play something exactly when I want, without the extra hours of setting it up and traveling. Oh, and the games are usually a bit more whimsical than the real thing. It's a lot more

    • Ok this is getting rather ridiculous. What's the point of having such a controller? If you're doing all that running around and stuff anyway, why not just go out and ... you know, do some actual sports

      Because it's hard to find a place and friends to play at night after my kid has gone to bed. Also it is hard to see the leather football after dark.

      Why are they doing all of this and still leaving behind the single best application of the wiimote - swordfights

      Because it would suck. What happens when you slash, but your opponent blocks? Now your hands are pointing at the ground because it didn't physically stop YOU... but in the game your sword is at chest level. There are other issues as well.

      • by Swizec ( 978239 )

        Because it would suck. What happens when you slash, but your opponent blocks? Now your hands are pointing at the ground because it didn't physically stop YOU... but in the game your sword is at chest level. There are other issues as well.

        One word: gyros. If they can keep a segway up, they can block a sword.

  • by raving griff ( 1157645 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @05:29AM (#29214241)
    ...I'm not so sure this design will ever hit market. Nintendo's got a bit of a history [reghardware.co.uk] for filing patents on applications of the Wii Remote and never following through with them.
    • im worried that if this does get a patent Nintendo will have a recall like they did for the early Wii remote arm straps because ppl were throwing them into their TVs. (and breaking them)

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 27, 2009 @05:29AM (#29214243)

    Is all the defensive Americans marking as Troll anything that highlights the ridiculousness of calling this particular game "Football". As a European, I had exactly the same reaction as another poster: that putting the Wiim-mote inside a football would be dangerous.

    As it transpires, it's not actually a football, but for some twisted reason, it's still called that.

    • What else would you call the ball they use in American Football? An American Football! Despite Association Football (Soccer) being more popular worldwide than your pansy version of Rugby Football, there's an insitance in international media on calling an American Football a football and an Association Football a Soccerball (despite no-one outside the new-world colonies calling it Soccer)

      *tramps back to 1830 in a huff*

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Swizec ( 978239 )
        Why's it even called American Football? Far as I can see from over the pond it's just a sissified version of rugby. (armour)
        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          by TheRealSync ( 701599 )
          It's obviously called football, because you primarily move the ball around by using your foot... eh...
          • but you don't. you primarily move the ball by running with it, falling down, getting up and running with it and falling down, maybe throwing it occasionally and eventually, if you didn't do very well, there might be a kick in there. rugby isn't much better, but at least the game is called rugby, not football with throwing...
            • Whooooosh!

            • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

              by mwvdlee ( 775178 )

              you primarily move the ball by running with it, falling down, getting up and running with it and falling down, maybe throwing it occasionally and eventually, if you didn't do very well, there might be a kick in there.

              I can see from your comment, you don't quite understand the concept of american football. Let me just expand your comment to make it more accurate.

              you primarily watch halfnaked girls do splits whilst waiving pompons, move the ball by running with it, take a 5 minute break, falling down, take a 5 minute break, getting up, take a 5 minute break, and running with it, take a 5 minute break, and falling down, take a half our break and watch some pornographical half-time show, maybe throwing it and taking 5 minute breaks occasionally and eventually, after a 5 minute break, if you didn't do very well, there might be a kick in there followed by a 5 minute break and half-naked girls again.

            • but you don't. you primarily move the ball by running with it, falling down, getting up and running with it and falling down, maybe throwing it occasionally and eventually, if you didn't do very well, there might be a kick in there. rugby isn't much better, but at least the game is called rugby, not football with throwing...

              Running and falling down a lot is soccer, though. Also, moaning and holding your leg, not to mention getting up as soon as the referee gives you a free kick and continuing to play.

        • by EasyTarget ( 43516 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @06:07AM (#29214453) Journal
          It's a 'marketized' version of rugby.. They have been convinced to wear all the nancy-boy padding for 'safety', but mostly it's so that sports equipment manufacturers can make a mint selling it while giving ad-wankers the maximum amount of logo-space.

          There was once, so I understand, quite an interesting ball sport played in the US. An evolved variant of all the other 'football' type games played round the world. I believe it may even still be played by a small group with just an oval ball and a bunch of shirts/cones/stones to mark out a pitch and a sense of sportsmanship.

          But the commercial/educational variant of it has morphed into a mockery of a sport which exists solely as a vehicle for advertising, sportsware sales and pay-per-view.

          Ah.. In fact it's just like soccer then.. ;-)
        • by 222 ( 551054 )
          You've never played both.
        • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

          Gridiron football is descended from rugby, American football is just the particular gridiron football rules used in the US, as is Canadian football in Canada.

          Rugby union and rugby league are also played in the US separately, the US even has the gold medal from the last time union was played at the olympics.

        • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *
          The other countries just never added pads and helmets to rugby because they couldn't afford them.
        • I have been told that 'Football' was originally the lower classes' game, so rather than playing polo on a horse, they just ran around on their feet. Of course the only real football is Australian Rules, although I could accept that 'International Rules' game we play with Ireland.
        • Yup, football sure is sissified [wikipedia.org].
        • The pads are because people were dying in football. Many, many people. President Theodore Roosevelt mandated the pads. Rugby allows interlocking formations and does not allow the forward pass. This makes it much less likely for rugby players to be involved in high speed collisions of the type in American football.

        • Why's it even called American Football?

          Because Canadian football (also the rules used in the few other places that pigskin football is different from American football.
          Two of the major differences are that Canadian football has one less down, and that the field is measured in meters, not yards (as such our football fields are about 110yd, or 100m)
          Personally I'm not a fan of football (with a pigskin), but as others have stated above, the armor is to protect a player from a bunch of 350lb guys hurling themselves at him. In rugby it's a lot easie

      • by IrquiM ( 471313 )

        What else would you call the ball they use in American Football?

        Handball! Obviously

    • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Yea the image of somebody kicking a football ball in the living room, towards the TV, is weird. Then again the image of somebody having an American Football egg in his hand and doing pretend throws, isn't much better either.

      I wish the Wii came with a freely accessible camera and all that spastic flailing would be broadcast online :D

    • As it transpires, it's not actually a football, but for some twisted reason, it's still called that.

      I was operating on the understanding that it's because the ball is a foot long.

    • by LanMan04 ( 790429 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @07:34AM (#29215119)

      Good thing Slashdot is a European site...oh wait.

    • by T.E.D. ( 34228 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @10:03AM (#29217145)

      all the defensive Americans marking as Troll anything that highlights the ridiculousness of calling this particular game "Football"

      This is a website run in America by a bunch of friends from Wisconsin. It can be expected that it will use American spellings and American terms for things.

      So any post placed here complaining about the American terms used by the Americans running the site will be controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant and/or off-topic, with the inevitable result of provoking other users into an emotional or disciplinary response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. It turns out this is the exact definition of a Troll [wikipedia.org]

      So sue the mods for definition of character.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      I have to say that as an American, I'm amused by the European bias with regard to the name "Football"... While I agree that the "world" plays soccer (American for "football"), the notion that it is the ONLY game that should be called football is ludicrous. The only reason the "world" plays "football" is because you busy Europeans seeded the "world" with colonies, so they call it the same thing you do. OTOH, Americans are not the only ones who have a different game called "football"... Canadians have a ver
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Is all the defensive Americans marking as Troll anything that highlights the ridiculousness of calling this particular game "Football". As a European, I had exactly the same reaction as another poster: that putting the Wiim-mote inside a football would be dangerous.

      As it transpires, it's not actually a football, but for some twisted reason, it's still called that.

      The Brits also invented a football game where the ball is mostly thrown and seldom kicked with the foot. It was called Rugby, which split into Rugby Union and Rugby League, but both games are still called Rugby Football.

      Football games aren't so-called because of the kicking action, of the seven or so flavours of football in this world only one of them predominantly uses the foot to deliver the ball. The 'foot' in 'football' comes from the fact that these games are descended from pastimes that were played

    • Undoing my mod points to reply.

      You know what happens when I ask a European who their favorite football team is(referring to soccer)?

      They say "Oh, I don't really watch American football."

      And if I ask them who their favorite soccer team is, I get "We call it football in Europe."

      The Europeans are always right, and all Americans are dumb.

      Fuck off!
  • Smart (Score:2, Interesting)

    by boliboboli ( 1447659 )
    One of the key rules of business is to know your market opportunities and cater to the larger segment. Clearly football has become the biggest and most popular sport in the US(sorry baseball) and they are going after a huge demographic by catering to them. Being a big football fan myself who doesn't own a wii, but like the idea of my kids playing football someday, I may purchase one so we can play when we can't go outside and use the real thing.
  • WII Motion Plus (Score:1, Insightful)

    I'm assuming this will require the Wii Motion Plus to work accurately. However, one of the biggest complaints I've seen with the Wii Motion Plus is that it makes the Wii remote too unwieldy, especially with the necessity of the "jacket" wrapped around it. It's beyond my understanding why along with the Wii remote add-on Nintendo didn't just release a new Wii remote with the Wii Motion Plus functionality built in (well, i suppose they wanted the money made from the peripheral). Not to mention, a new versi
  • Then you mimic running and throwing...

    For most of the world that's not football.

  • by Megane ( 129182 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @06:46AM (#29214665)

    Please replace all references to "football" in the summary with "throwball". [urbandictionary.com]

    Thank you for your patience.

    Now a proper footy game for the Wii, that would be interesting. Maybe they could strap a Wiimote to each leg or something.

    • by xtracto ( 837672 )

      Please replace all references to "football" in the summary with "throwball". [urbandictionary.com]

      Thank you for your patience.

      Now a proper footy game for the Wii, that would be interesting. Maybe they could strap a Wiimote to each leg or something.

      From your linked page:
      Since the sport barely requires you to use your feet.

      I wonder how do the players move, do they float or something?

      • From your linked page: Since the sport barely requires you to use your feet.

        I wonder how do the players move, do they float or something?

        OK, they use their feet, and the sport involves a ball. This is why sports like tennis and golf should also be called "football".

    • That's actually what I thought when I read the headline. You could probably sell some special Wii-socks, and then slip the remote into them. Then you could use something like a wireless nunchuck to run etc...
  • Amy: (Score:3, Funny)

    by tyler.willard ( 944724 ) on Thursday August 27, 2009 @07:01AM (#29214793)

    "Wow! I could swear I was really playing virtual skeeball!"

  • Useless attachment to plug onto my Wiimote for a single game that will cease to be fun after a couple of months, thus becoming a complete waste.

    Seriously, The Wii was a great idea when you filled in the blanks with your wii-mote. When all you had was the nunchuck to add on and you could turn that into a rifle. Or turning that combo into a fishing rod.

    It started with the Racing wheel, which I could ALMOST understand. It does make it a little easier to drive, though its not like it was difficult. But then Nin

    • Don't get me wrong, I like Nintendo, this all just seems like a Cash Grab, and they've discovered they've got enough fanbase for it to work. The only things I ever want to see with a Wii are a Nun-chuck and the wii-fit board.

      Yeah pretty much. They usually try to make quick bucks selling cheap add-ons, but the sheer volume is surprising and the number that fall in the nearly useless category usually reserved for 3rd parties, though at least not equally crappy. You pretty much named the two accessories that

  • You know what, no. I play video games just like everyone else but this is just retarded.
    I'm not paying twice as much for a fake football that will be obsolete in a few years. Get off your fat ass, go outside, and play with a real football you lazy bastard.

    At least, that's what my parent's would have said if I wanted one of these as a kid.
  • In order to further international understanding and harmony let me explain the differences between 'futbol' and 'football'.

    Futbol is sport in which tiny little guys dressed in their underwear run around a field the size of the state of Connecticut kicking a balloon. Nothing EVER happens on a futbol field so the fans take it upon themselves to entertain each other by beating the crap out of each other in the stands. And in the streets. And airports. And bars. And, I assume, in their neighborhoods.


"I shall expect a chemical cure for psychopathic behavior by 10 A.M. tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for spaghetti." -- a comic panel by Cotham
